[01:14:37] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, 06SRE: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10612190 (10Papaul) @Jclark-ctr @VRiley-WMF the 2 switches are received in coupa but are missing in netbox. if there are not ready to be racked yet, can... [01:20:33] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, 06SRE: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10612192 (10Jclark-ctr) @VRiley-WMF I have not seen these in the data center yet but you updated ticket Jan 10 2025 almost 2 months ago? Receiving ti... [04:39:09] FIRING: LVSHighRX: Excessive RX traffic on lvs2013:9100 (eno12399np0) - https://bit.ly/wmf-lvsrx - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000377/host-overview?orgId=1&var-server=lvs2013 - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DLVSHighRX [04:44:09] RESOLVED: LVSHighRX: Excessive RX traffic on lvs2013:9100 (eno12399np0) - https://bit.ly/wmf-lvsrx - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000377/host-overview?orgId=1&var-server=lvs2013 - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DLVSHighRX [10:20:08] 06Traffic: Evaluate HAProxy 3.1 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T386796#10612788 (10Vgutierrez) current production config is valid for HAProxy 3.1 (tested against 3.1.5), we could drop `tune.h2.initial-window` to benefit from dynamic window sizing introduced in 3.1 [14:00:55] 10netops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-magru: Jan 2025 - Magru core router connectivity blips - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T384774#10613224 (10cmooney) p:05High→03Medium Everything still seems table. Juniper also provided this link to their KB article on it https://supportportal.juniper.n... [14:59:07] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, 06SRE: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10613477 (10cmooney) Thanks guys. Please ping me when these are in Netbox and I will add the links, IPs, vlans etc. and begin the process of commissioni... [15:36:32] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, 06SRE: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10613663 (10cmooney) Lastly please call these new switches //lsw1-e8-eqiad// and //lsw1-f8-eqiad// in Netbox. We'll need to either have deleted the Dell... [15:40:52] topranks, XioNoX it looks like in drmrs we have two NICs per LVS... I'm guessing that was needed to be able to have L2 adjacency with all realservers? [15:42:59] vgutierrez: we have a single NIC in them I think, but it's a dual-port card and yes both ports are used [15:43:10] yeah.. two "logic" NICs [15:43:17] *logical [15:43:31] the second port is "long lined" to the switch in the other rack, and yes it's used to create the vlan sub-interfaces for L2 adjacency to the vlans in that rack [15:43:41] yep yep, just being pedantic to make sure we're on the same page :) [15:43:43] so that could be dropped right now [15:44:03] BTW for liberica we aren't setting up the vlans anymore [15:44:16] vgutierrez: that is great news :) [15:44:41] I just noticed the interface_tweaks for the two interfaces and it puzzled me [15:44:52] you are reimaging these / repurposing them as Liberica soon? [15:45:05] getting the lvs6003 CR ready to proceed next week [15:45:23] I think to be safe on the netops side I'd prefer to leave the network-side config in place until the interface is no longer configured on the host with IPs [15:45:25] ok [15:45:35] sure, no rush at all [15:45:38] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, 06SRE: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10613705 (10VRiley-WMF) Will be adding these into netbox shortly [15:45:43] yeah so my gut feeling is you proceed with that, ping us when it is done and we can clean up the switch config [15:45:58] and when all have been done we can get DC-Ops to raise a remote-hands request to remove the physical links [15:46:05] thanks for the heads up! [16:33:09] FIRING: LVSHighRX: Excessive RX traffic on lvs2013:9100 (eno12399np0) - https://bit.ly/wmf-lvsrx - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000377/host-overview?orgId=1&var-server=lvs2013 - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DLVSHighRX [16:38:09] RESOLVED: LVSHighRX: Excessive RX traffic on lvs2013:9100 (eno12399np0) - https://bit.ly/wmf-lvsrx - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000377/host-overview?orgId=1&var-server=lvs2013 - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DLVSHighRX [17:16:26] 06Traffic, 10observability: Benthos dependencies should be vendored - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388261 (10Fabfur) 03NEW [17:42:00] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, and 2 others: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10614209 (10cmooney) >>! In T382017#10613705, @VRiley-WMF wrote: > Will be adding these into netbox shortly Cool I can see them there. FWIW I adde... [18:51:43] 10netops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 13Patch-For-Review: Different BFD settings on direct connected links - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387773#10614383 (10Papaul) bfd config removed from cr1/2-codfw on interface ae0 ` set protocols ospf area interface ae0.0 interface-type p2p set protocols... [22:58:09] FIRING: LVSHighRX: Excessive RX traffic on lvs2013:9100 (eno12399np0) - https://bit.ly/wmf-lvsrx - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000377/host-overview?orgId=1&var-server=lvs2013 - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DLVSHighRX [23:03:09] RESOLVED: LVSHighRX: Excessive RX traffic on lvs2013:9100 (eno12399np0) - https://bit.ly/wmf-lvsrx - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000377/host-overview?orgId=1&var-server=lvs2013 - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DLVSHighRX