[04:19:01] I just got a chance to see why... this ZObject return stuff is still very hazy to me. (re @Al: @u99of9 …only took me seven months Z22768) [04:45:20] I was thinking we might write it up for FotW but there’s a piece or two missing still 🤔 (re @u99of9: I just got a chance to see why... this ZObject return stuff is still very hazy to me.) [04:47:21] pieces of what? [04:48:15] …pieces of the jigsaw puzzle (re @u99of9: pieces of what?) [05:16:00] I submitted [[Z22664]] for FOTW [05:57:28] Nice one. (re @Feeglgeef: I submitted Z22664 for FOTW) [12:03:37] Character rendering in the heading title is not as good as character rendering in the label field: : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/ea0cb459/file_68791.jpg [12:03:57] Z22773 [12:14:01] Looks ok on iOS 🤷‍♂️ (re @u99of9: Character rendering in the heading title is not as good as character rendering in the label field:) [12:16:51] This is Chrome on Windows. (re @u99of9: Character rendering in the heading title is not as good as character rendering in the label field:) [12:49:02] It looks like this is going to be difficult. This combo is not equal to itself: Z22775 (re @vrandecic: I have tried to fix up Z86 per the Type proposal. You can try to give it a spin. Two interesting functions so far are Z22717 and...) [12:52:22] If anyone can find a way to paste the correct string for the string equality (instead of reconstituting the entire codepoint list), that would help. Every time I pasted output, it turned out that it had been converted to the NFC version, so the test failed. (re @wikilinksbot: Z22775 – "Amélie" in NFD codepoints) [13:13:12] because MediaWiki normalizes all inputs, retaining an NFD string is currently not possible (re @u99of9: If anyone can find a way to paste the correct string for the string equality (instead of reconstituting the entire codepoint lis...) [14:39:49] I converted Z12572 but I'm not able to convert the test (Z12573) to pass by changing the types for some reason. The new test (Z22781) created just now works tho. Can we just delete the old test and create a new one with the same parameters? (re @u99of9: Now that the appropriate type is available for most of them, it would be useful to carefully convert them.) [15:04:19] /delete@wikilinksbot [20:32:45] Where is the right place to request new objects of Natural Language type? [20:33:24] We're syncing with something else IIRC (re @nyuhn: Where is the right place to request new objects of Natural Language type?) [20:37:47] I think the process starts at translatewiki.net [20:37:57] @amire80 probably knows more [20:48:47] The short answer is that Phabricator is always a good place to request it. (re @nyuhn: Where is the right place to request new objects of Natural Language type?) [20:49:42] The longer answer is that it depends on the language. The Support page on translatewiki.net can be a good first place to ask to add a language, but only if you plan to translate the user interface of MediaWiki into it. [20:50:07] May I ask which language it is? [20:50:45] As I can see languages on Wikifunctions are not synced with translatewiki or en.wiktionary (translatewiki do not list Buryat, wiktionary only recognize 1 variation, WF have all 4 ISO codes). My guess is that is was imported from Wikidata (instances of "language") [20:51:30] Wikifunctions is not perfectly synched with translatewiki, although in recent months it kind of tries to be, at least manually. [20:52:56] I need an item of IETF listed language variant Q2442696. I do not have a plan to translate the interface (while it is a translatewiki eligible), but I want to write functions specific for the variation. [20:53:27] The content of Wiktionary (I'll assume that you are referring to the English Wiktionary, but correct me if I'm wrong) is not necessarily synched with MediaWiki. That community has its own policies about how to name and include (or exclude) languages. (I occasionally contribute to the English Wiktionary, so I am a part of that community, but I don't participate in [20:53:27] discussions about it.) [20:54:07] It very definitely isn't. (re @nyuhn: I need an item of IETF listed language variant Q2442696. I do not have a plan to translate the interface (while it is a translat...) [20:54:55] That should probably be requested on Phabricator. (re @nyuhn: I need an item of IETF listed language variant Q2442696. I do not have a plan to translate the interface (while it is a translat...) [20:59:35] with an "Abstract Wikipedia team" tag? (re @amire80: That should probably be requested on Phabricator.) [21:01:39] Yes, that's probably what they use. [21:01:53] Twitch link in https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2025-02-19 seems to be broken (re @vrandecic: Newsletter 190 [21:01:53] * A proposal for Types per language and part of speech [21:01:55] * Recording of the NLG SIG meeting on February 18 [21:01:56] * Recent...) [23:43:04] 5759 [23:43:14] 0696 [23:43:43] Welcome Xvb