[05:59:42] @vrandecic I've seen you have added some bitwise funcs at suggest a func. The bitwise XOR OR AND functions exist at https://www.wikifunctions.org/w/index.php?search=bitwise+Z8&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns0=1 right? Are they the same, or am I mixing up similar functions. Thanks! [10:11:08] They do for natural numbers, but not for bytes. It's a different type. [10:11:37] (doesn't mean that I don't regularly miss functions that are already there, our search needs improvement) [10:21:38] (I added https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Special:Search/:_%22Z8K2_Z80%22_OR_%22Z8K2_Z1K1_Z7_Z7K1_Z881_Z881K1_Z80%22_OR_%22Z17K1_Z80%22_OR_%22Z17K1_Z1K1_Z7_Z7K1_Z881_Z881K1_Z80%22 to the Catalogue) (re @vrandecic: (doesn't mean that I don't regularly miss functions that are already there, our search needs improvement)) [10:22:15] I saw that, thank you! [17:57:31] Maybe we need a null Lexemes… 🤔 …Z22700 [17:58:06] *Newsletter #191* [17:58:07] * *From things to words [17:58:08] ** Volunteers’ Corner on March 3 [17:58:10] * Recent Changes in the software [17:58:11] * Function of the Week: Indefinite noun phrase [17:58:13] * Invitation to a hybrid talk by Denny Vrandečić in London [17:58:14] * News in Types: Unicode code point [17:58:16] * Fresh Functions Weekly: 39 new Functions [17:58:17] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2025-02-26