[06:52:48] Code points: Here's a reader: Z23041. For the display, which of the following do you think will work best? Z15631 Z23053 or Z23056? (re @vrandecic: Newsletter #191 [06:52:49] * From things to words [06:52:50] * Volunteers’ Corner on March 3 [06:52:52] * Recent Changes in the software [06:52:53] * Function of the Week: ...) [07:15:54] or we could display as UTF-8 or UTF-16 hex, e.g. "U+FFFF" (which we don't have functions for yet) [07:24:01] something like Z23061 [09:16:18] I can’t see that any alternative would be acceptable. I suppose the U+ prefix is negotiable, but anything other than hex values seems extremely difficult to justify. (re @u99of9: or we could display as UTF-8 or UTF-16 hex, e.g. "U+FFFF" (which we don't have functions for yet)) [10:28:36] In that case we had better make sure the reader can accept that format too! (re @Al: I can’t see that any alternative would be acceptable. I suppose the U+ prefix is negotiable, but anything other than hex values ...) [10:31:52] We had better do that in any case 😱 (re @u99of9: In that case we had better make sure the reader can accept that format too!) [11:15:14] I’ve been struggling with testing my new function-search functions because an OR in the search string fails to match in result validation. “ : "Z8K2 Z40" OR "Z8K2 Z1K1 Z7 Z7K1 Z881 Z881K1 Z40" “, for example. I’ll raise a ticket in due course but I haven’t been able to find a workaround. Any ideas? (See, for example, Z23072.) [11:40:28] That test works at the moment. Can you make the one you wanted that fails? I'll take a look tomorrow. [12:29:04] Yes, I kept the test simple enough to pass. But any serious test of this function will fail, without a workaround, as far as I can tell. Z23075 (re @u99of9: That test works at the moment. Can you make the one you wanted that fails? I'll take a look tomorrow.) [17:54:39] Reminder that the volunteer's corner is in 36 minutes [17:55:54] Hello all, the Volunteer's Corner is happening in slightly more than 30 minutes! Please join us at https://meet.google.com/xuy-njxh-rkw [17:56:04] again sorry for missing the message [17:58:44] (re @Sannita: Hello all, the Volunteer's Corner is happening in slightly more than 30 minutes! Please join us at https://meet.google.com/xuy-n...) [22:55:23] I'm not there yet, but I think it's nothing to do with "OR". Instead I think it's either something about the way lists of strings from functions are passed back (compare passing Z23090 to failing Z23091), or something wrong with the python at Z12871. In particular the test at Z23092 is illustrative. (re @Al: I’ve been struggling with testing my new function-search [22:55:23] functions bec [22:55:23] ause an OR in the search string fails to match in result v...) [23:34:54] Yes, this now works: Z23094 (re @Al: We had better do that in any case 😱)