[01:01:35] Attempting to join ##sdrewth using wm-bot [01:01:35] @add ##sdrewth [01:37:48] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh using wm-bot [01:37:48] @add #wikipedia-zh [01:38:08] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-afc-reviewer using wm-bot [01:38:08] @add #wikipedia-zh-afc-reviewer [01:38:14] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-help using wm-bot [01:38:14] @add #wikipedia-zh-help [01:38:33] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-meta using wm-bot [01:38:33] @add #wikipedia-zh-meta [01:38:45] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-autoconfirmed using wm-bot [01:38:45] @add #wikipedia-zh-autoconfirmed [01:39:04] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-politics using wm-bot [01:39:04] @add #wikipedia-zh-politics [02:08:20] Attempting to join #wikidata using wm-bot [02:08:20] <[1997kB]> @add #wikidata [02:09:58] Attempting to join #wikipedia-hi using wm-bot [02:09:58] <[1997kB]> @add #wikipedia-hi [02:16:17] Attempting to join #wikimedia-commons-zh using wm-bot [02:16:17] @add #wikimedia-commons-zh [02:21:10] Attempting to join #wikimedia-rename using wm-bot [02:21:10] <[1997kB]> @add #wikimedia-rename [02:21:18] Attempting to join #wikimedia-gs using wm-bot [02:21:18] <[1997kB]> @add #wikimedia-gs [02:24:35] Attempting to join #swviewer using wm-bot [02:24:35] <[1997kB]> @add #swviewer [02:44:38] Sunny00217[ic]: could you drop #wikipedia-zh, as you haven't verify your wiki account yet. Assuming you are User:Sunny00217, you are not an admin either on freenode nor on wiki. [02:50:07] Attempting to join #wikimedia-meta using wm-bot [02:50:07] <[1997kB]> @add #wikimedia-meta [02:50:24] WhitePhosphorus: how to drop it? [02:50:59] Permission denied [02:50:59] @drop #wikipedia-zh [02:51:20] @drop #wikipedia-zh [02:51:55] lol.. [02:51:59] <[1997kB]> or Add WhitePhosphorus as admin. [02:52:00] @drop #wikipedia-zh-help [02:52:08] btw you can verify ur acc following https://w.wiki/3MdJ [02:52:29] ty [02:52:35] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh using wm-bot [02:52:35] @add #wikipedia-zh [02:52:40] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-help using wm-bot [02:52:40] @add #wikipedia-zh-help [02:53:21] I thought wm-bot migration is in progressing so was hesitated [02:54:01] <[1997kB]> per phab it looks like logging works fine now. [03:12:08] ...then keep then... [03:12:15] @drop #wikipedia-zh-politics [03:12:25] @drop #wikipedia-zh-meta [03:13:05] @drop #wikimedia-commons-zh [03:15:24] Attempting to join #wikimedia-commons-admin using wm-bot [03:15:24] @add #wikimedia-commons-admin [03:30:00] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-meta using wm-bot [03:30:00] @add #wikipedia-zh-meta [03:30:27] -zh has a bunch of channels, hope not a big deal for wm-bot [03:31:33] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-politics using wm-bot [03:31:33] @join #wikipedia-zh-politics [03:32:04] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-acg using wm-bot [03:32:04] @join #wikipedia-zh-acg [03:39:11] Attempting to join #wikimedia-commons using wm-bot [03:39:11] @join #wikimedia-commons [03:40:44] Attempting to join #wikipedia-gu using wm-bot [03:40:44] @join #wikipedia-gu [03:48:37] Attempting to join ##CptViraj using wm-bot [03:48:37] @join ##CptViraj [03:48:37] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot ##CptViraj reason: InviteOnly [03:51:36] This channel is already in the database [03:51:36] @join ##CptViraj [03:51:53] @rejoin ##CptViraj [03:52:22] Successfully parted channel: ##CptViraj [03:52:22] @part ##CptViraj [03:52:30] Attempting to join ##CptViraj using wm-bot [03:52:30] @join ##CptViraj [04:22:48] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-arts using wm-bot [04:22:48] @join #wikipedia-zh-arts [05:10:49] Attempting to join #wikimedia using wm-bot [05:10:49] <[1997kB]> @add #wikimedia [05:38:23] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-biomed using wm-bot [05:38:23] @join #wikipedia-zh-biomed [05:38:27] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-chemistry using wm-bot [05:38:27] @join #wikipedia-zh-chemistry [05:38:30] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-cs using wm-bot [05:38:30] @join #wikipedia-zh-cs [10:56:22] I am in 40 channels at this moment [10:56:22] @channellist [11:18:25] DEBUG Exception: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length st: at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0003a] in :0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Info (libirc.Network+IncomingDataEventArgs info) [0x0015f] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Result () [0x00a9c] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.ProfiledResult () [0x00028] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at wmib.WmIrcProtocol.ThreadExec () [0x0012f] in <2d1fab26c12142d99e8d646d814095be>:0 [11:18:55] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10Petrb) [11:22:54] I trust: .*\@user/macfan4000 (2admin), .*@user/.* (2operator), .*@miraheze/.* (2operator), [11:22:54] @trusted [11:26:36] System is shutting down, requested by petan from #wm-bot [11:26:47] !ping [11:26:47] Pong. [11:27:01] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "configuration/#wm-bot.db.xml~" or "configuration/#wm-bot.db.xml" is denied. st: at System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x001c4] in :0 at wmib.Core.RecoverFile (System.String name, System.String ch) [0x00039] in <2d1fab26c12142d99e8d646d814095be>:0 [11:27:01] DEBUG Exception in module InfobotModule: Access to the path "/opt/wm-bot-lib/configuration/#wm-bot.db.xml" is denied. st: at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x001ef] in :0 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share) [0x00000] in :0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare) at System.Xml.XmlTextWriter..ctor (System.String filename, System.Text.Encoding encoding) [0x00000] in <1de9284cbde641149ec69c3bc257115c>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDOMTextWriter..ctor (System.String filename, System.Text.Encoding encoding) [0x00000] in <1de9284cbde641149ec69c3bc257115c>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save (System.String filename) [0x00027] in <1de9284cbde641149ec69c3bc257115c>:0 at wmib.Extensions.Infobot.Save () [0x00376] in <39d25b072c37410ebe12b1faf5bcf0dc>:0 [11:27:09] Attempting to join #mediawiki using wm-bot [11:27:09] @add #mediawiki [11:27:21] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "configuration/#mediawiki.db.xml~" or "configuration/#mediawiki.db.xml" is denied. st: at System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x001c4] in :0 at wmib.Core.RecoverFile (System.String name, System.String ch) [0x00039] in <2d1fab26c12142d99e8d646d814095be>:0 [11:27:21] DEBUG Exception in module InfobotModule: Access to the path "/opt/wm-bot-lib/configuration/#mediawiki.db.xml" is denied. st: at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x001ef] in :0 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share) [0x00000] in :0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare) at System.Xml.XmlTextWriter..ctor (System.String filename, System.Text.Encoding encoding) [0x00000] in <1de9284cbde641149ec69c3bc257115c>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDOMTextWriter..ctor (System.String filename, System.Text.Encoding encoding) [0x00000] in <1de9284cbde641149ec69c3bc257115c>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save (System.String filename) [0x00027] in <1de9284cbde641149ec69c3bc257115c>:0 at wmib.Extensions.Infobot.Save () [0x00376] in <39d25b072c37410ebe12b1faf5bcf0dc>:0 [11:27:31] iz b0rkd [11:27:39] oh fuck [11:27:41] I forgot permissions :D [11:27:56] chmod is your friend :) [11:28:03] chown in this case [11:28:05] System is shutting down, requested by petan from #wm-bot [11:28:45] !ping [11:28:45] Pong. [11:33:07] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10Petrb) I copied the old infobot DB's for all channels, including channels that bot is not in right now, that means when you @join the bot to these channels, their DB will prefill with freenode values.... [11:34:20] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10Petrb) [12:11:52] !ping [12:11:53] Pong. [13:00:59] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [13:00:59] @part #wikipedia-zh-afc-reviewer [13:01:11] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-afc-reviewer using wm-bot [13:01:11] @add #wikipedia-zh-afc-reviewer [13:03:30] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-entmt using wm-bot [13:03:30] @join #wikipedia-zh-entmt [13:03:34] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-foods using wm-bot [13:03:34] @join #wikipedia-zh-foods [13:03:43] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-language using wm-bot [13:03:43] @join #wikipedia-zh-language [13:24:22] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-physics using wm-bot [13:24:22] @join #wikipedia-zh-physics [14:15:20] This channel is already in the database [14:15:20] @join #wikipedia-zh-politics [14:15:24] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-sports using wm-bot [14:15:24] @join #wikipedia-zh-sports [14:15:28] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-technology using wm-bot [14:15:28] @join #wikipedia-zh-technology [14:15:53] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-transpt using wm-bot [14:15:53] @join #wikipedia-zh-transpt [14:42:29] Attempting to join #wikipedia-cs using wm-bot [14:42:29] @add #wikipedia-cs [14:51:54] Attempting to join #wikimedia-tech using wm-bot [14:51:54] @add #wikimedia-tech [15:31:03] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10Petrb) [15:31:23] Feed is enabled [15:31:23] @recentchanges-on [15:31:32] @RC+ en.wikipedia.org W* [15:31:32] Inserted new item to feed of changes [15:31:35] Change on 12en.wikipedia.org a page Wael Kfoury was modified, changed by link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=1024510307 edit summary: [15:31:37] @RC- en.wikipedia.org W* [15:31:37] Deleted item from feed [15:32:16] oh finally a network that support colors by default xD feels so much less 90s [15:33:52] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10Petrb) [15:34:13] Seen is now enabled in the channel [15:34:13] @seen-on [15:34:17] !seen test [15:34:21] @seen test [15:34:21] petan: I have never seen test [15:34:24] @seen wm-bot [15:34:24] petan: I am right here [15:34:31] @seen addshore [15:34:31] petan: addshore is in #wikimedia-cloud right now [16:28:42] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10CptViraj) [16:35:41] DEBUG Exception: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length st: at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0003a] in :0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Info (libirc.Network+IncomingDataEventArgs info) [0x0015f] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Result () [0x00a9c] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.ProfiledResult () [0x00028] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at wmib.WmIrcProtocol.ThreadExec () [0x0012f] in <2d1fab26c12142d99e8d646d814095be>:0 [16:36:12] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot34 ##Blablubber reason: InviteOnly [16:36:33] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot34 ##CptViraj reason: InviteOnly [16:39:19] Blablubber, CptViraj ^ [16:39:43] majavah: bot's already there, bot error [17:15:18] Attempting to join #wikipedia-bn using wm-bot [17:15:18] @add #wikipedia-bn [17:19:50] !help [17:19:50] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wm-bot#.40 [17:19:54] !whoami [17:20:12] !trusted [17:20:15] I trust: .*\@user/macfan4000 (2admin), .*@user/.* (2operator), .*@miraheze/.* (2operator), [17:20:15] @trusted [17:20:37] You are operator and identified by the name .*@user/.* [17:20:37] @whoami [17:21:02] Attempting to join ##add using wm-bot [17:21:02] @join ##add [17:52:43] DEBUG Exception: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length st: at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0003a] in :0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Info (libirc.Network+IncomingDataEventArgs info) [0x0015f] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Result () [0x00a9c] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.ProfiledResult () [0x00028] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at wmib.WmIrcProtocol.ThreadExec () [0x0012f] in <2d1fab26c12142d99e8d646d814095be>:0 [18:02:10] Attempting to join #wikimedia-operations using wm-bot [18:02:10] @add #wikimedia-operations [18:05:03] This channel is already in the database [18:05:03] @add #wikimedia-operations [18:05:07] Successfully parted channel: #wikimedia-operations [18:05:07] @part #wikimedia-operations [18:05:10] Attempting to join #wikimedia-operations using wm-bot [18:05:10] @add #wikimedia-operations [18:09:28] Successfully parted channel: #wikimedia-operations [18:09:28] @part #wikimedia-operations [18:20:03] DEBUG Exception: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length st: at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0003a] in :0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Info (libirc.Network+IncomingDataEventArgs info) [0x0015f] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Result () [0x00a9c] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.ProfiledResult () [0x00028] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at wmib.WmIrcProtocol.ThreadExec () [0x0012f] in <2d1fab26c12142d99e8d646d814095be>:0 [18:20:29] thanks [18:20:32] Attempting to join #wikimedia-operations using wm-bot [18:20:32] @add #wikimedia-operations [18:24:28] Attempting to join #wikimedia-releng using wm-bot [18:24:28] @add #wikimedia-releng [18:27:54] did someone actually revive it, or are my systemd scripts working? :D [18:51:59] Attempting to join #wikimedia-databases using wm-bot [18:51:59] @add #wikimedia-databases [19:08:07] DEBUG Exception: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length st: at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0003a] in :0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Info (libirc.Network+IncomingDataEventArgs info) [0x0015f] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.Result () [0x00a9c] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at libirc.ProcessorIRC.ProfiledResult () [0x00028] in <9ba4d297e1a34271970c639a70110657>:0 at wmib.WmIrcProtocol.ThreadExec () [0x0012f] in <2d1fab26c12142d99e8d646d814095be>:0 [19:09:21] I'm going to restart the bot, I think [19:10:20] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.3] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [19:10:20] @help [19:10:28] Attempting to join #wikimedia-analytics using wm-bot [19:10:28] @add #wikimedia-analytics [19:12:44] Attempting to join #wikimedia-sre using wm-bot [19:12:44] @add #wikimedia-sre [19:18:47] !ping [19:18:48] Pong. [19:18:59] to be honest whole network works funny [19:19:26] I think bot is doing just fine, but the network is sometimes lagging [19:19:55] petan: oh, I had restarted the core to enable the netcat relay [19:19:59] which works! [19:20:14] freenode was largest IRC network in the world, you can't rebuild IRC network on same scale over night and expect it to work stable ;) [19:20:41] legoktm: really? because the port is definitely going to conflict with other bot instance [19:20:52] no I set the port to the old one + 1 [19:20:57] ah ok [19:21:09] see https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/693579 [19:21:39] waiting for VE to load the monster [[wm-bot]] page so I can update the docs... [19:21:51] I didn't even know that wm-bot was used for that purpose [19:22:45] how did you find about netcat.port config parameter? :) [19:22:50] did you read whole source code for that? :D [19:22:57] hehe yeah I grepped the code [19:23:09] very glad you had the foresight to make it configurable [19:23:16] I didn't even know I had made this an option [19:23:42] yes back in the day I was making everything configurable... but I lost that habbit [19:24:42] :D [19:26:22] https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wm-bot&type=revision&diff=21488014&oldid=21367380 [19:26:48] is wm-bot.wm-bot.wmcloud.org an instance name or a service name? [19:27:08] wm-bot is hostname I ssh to [19:27:13] but no idea how it got that cloak [19:27:15] instance [19:27:23] wm-bot is instance name in project "wm-bot" [19:27:24] wait no, proxy? [19:27:32] https://openstack-browser.toolforge.org/project/wm-bot has it under DNS [19:28:09] I guess there is PTR record in DNS [19:28:14] for that IP [19:28:23] hmm [19:28:38] I'd rather have a record that can be moved between instances, so that rebuilding it doesn't break everything [19:28:38] majavah is getting ready to explain the correct way to do this :) [19:29:04] I don't know what manages that record I didn't create it so it was probably made automatically, but that IP stays [19:29:31] so when you rebuild VM and just reassing the public IP to new VM, then PTR record will still return the same (unless something rewrites the PTR record) [19:29:52] yeah, but does the vm name (and the fqdn) stay the same? [19:30:40] public one, or internal in wmcloud? :) public one can stay same (unless someone or something changes it as public IP is same no matter if you rebuild VM or not) internal hostname and internal IP may change though [19:31:24] I would prefer if primary wm-bot instance just had fixed name "wm-bot", but that's not possible when you need to upgrade the VM, as you first need to build a new VM and then migrate from old one, and you can't have two "wm-bot" instances [19:31:25] I just want a hostname that I can use and it says the same regardless of if the VM is rebuilt or something similar happens [19:31:45] hm that would ideally be some DNS CNAME to current active instance [19:31:47] I think the hostname is stable [19:31:56] because the IP will move whenever the instance moves [19:32:34] I've always used an incrementing number at the end of the instance name, so not sure how OpenStack behaves when you rebuild with a new name [19:32:45] majavah: are you talking about environment of wmcloud (internal Ip addresses) or internet (public IP)? [19:32:47] er, the instance name will change [19:32:56] but wm-bot.wm-bot.wmcloud.org is stable, that's a DNS entry [19:33:02] petan: I don't care about the IP address, I care about the DNS entries [19:33:25] ok but internal or external? there is FQDN inside wmcloud that points to LAN IP of instance [19:33:37] then there is DNS record in public internet DNS that points to public IP [19:33:49] public IP stays same, only internal may change when VM is rebuilt [19:33:53] dologmsg uses the external DNS [19:34:03] that will stay same I guess [19:34:10] I don't see why should that change [19:34:26] legoktm: it resolves to the internal ip inside wmcs, designate does split horizon [19:34:48] anyway historically we upgraded VM twice, first time I made instance wm-bot2, then when we needed to upgrade again, I just made wm-bot again and deleted wm-bot2 [19:35:14] if I could I would just rename the instance after migration but not supported [19:36:48] ok anyway, for relaying within wmcloud as I said - cleanest solution to me would be a CNAME for a service eg. "wm-bot.something.something" that would be pointing to FQDN of current active instance [19:37:08] so that when there was reinstall of VM, this CNAME would be just pointed against new VM once it's ready [19:37:16] and users wouldn't need to touch their configs [19:37:33] but in the past this was not possible, because there was no way to do low level DNS manipulations [19:39:30] not sure if it's possible now [19:40:45] do you see any zones on horizon, dns -> zones on the sidebar [19:41:05] new projects get at least .svc.project.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud, not sure about old ones and others [19:41:18] wmcs staff will likely just give some zone to manage if you ask nicely [19:43:44] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera, 10Patch-For-Review: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10Legoktm) I enabled the NetCat relay plugin and announced the port change: https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wm-bot&type=revision&diff=21488014&oldid=21367380 https://l... [19:50:54] System is shutting down, requested by petan from #wm-bot [19:55:33] !pinb [19:55:35] !pin [19:55:37] !ping [19:55:37] Pong. [22:58:44] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10MacFan4000) Linkie doesn’t seem to be working. [23:00:47] Attempting to join #miraheze-offtopic using wm-bot [23:00:47] @add #miraheze-offtopic [23:29:17] MacFan4000: can you try linkie now? [23:29:23] I think I may have fixed it [23:29:32] @linkie-on [23:29:43] wait, let me restart, one sec [23:29:50] System is shutting down, requested by MacFan4000 from #wm-bot [23:30:30] !ping [23:30:30] Pong. [23:30:39] oh, I restarted it from the server [23:30:42] Links will be automatically translated in this channel now [23:30:42] @linkie-on [23:30:42] anyways, try now? [23:30:52] [[Sandbox]] [23:30:52] http://enwp.org/Sandbox [23:30:59] Great! [23:31:33] :D [23:32:14] 10WM-Bot, 10wikimedia-irc-libera: Migrate wm-bot to libera.chat - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283249 (10Legoktm) >>! In T283249#7105577, @MacFan4000 wrote: > Linkie doesn’t seem to be working. I copied over `configuration/linkie` from the freenode instance and it works now! [23:32:24] Thanks for fixing linkie, legoktm [23:32:32] np [23:34:23] MacFan4000, wouldn't I use `@configure default-link-wiki miraheze`? [23:34:36] based on https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/blob/master/configuration/linkie [23:34:41] Yes [23:34:53] it said this value can't be stored [23:35:43] See -testwiki for syntax [23:35:47] oh [23:35:58] ah needs = [23:36:01] that makes sense [23:36:17] may want to update Wm-bot docs on metawikimedia page [23:36:25] unless it's there and I missed it heh [23:38:05] @rc+ meta.wikimedia.org Wm-bot [23:38:19] Channel had already feed enabled [23:38:19] @recentchanges-on [23:38:41] @RC+ meta.wikimedia.org Wm-bot [23:38:41] Inserted new item to feed of changes [23:39:11] @RC+ meta.wikimedia.org Wm-bot/* [23:39:11] Inserted new item to feed of changes [23:40:12] Change on 12meta.wikimedia.org a page Wm-bot was modified, changed by MacFan4000 link https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=21488432 edit summary: [+4] Check rc [23:41:10] Change on 12meta.wikimedia.org a page Wm-bot was modified, changed by MacFan4000 link https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=21488433 edit summary: [-4] [23:41:41] Change on 12meta.wikimedia.org a page Wm-bot/en was modified, changed by MacFan4000 link https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=21488434 edit summary: Check rc [23:42:00] Change on 12meta.wikimedia.org a page Wm-bot/en was modified, changed by MacFan4000 link https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=21488435 edit summary: [23:44:28] Oh, nice, you can have page-space RCs. MacFan4000, I don't remember the #testadminwiki-feed's RC feed being this nice. Is that because you hadn't customize the syntax highlighting? [23:44:54] dmehus: that used rss [23:44:59] This is actual rc [23:45:23] It uses xmlrcs which for wm-bot is only available on wmf wikis [23:47:32] MacFan4000, ah, okay, that makes sense. Too bad xmlrcs is only available on the WMF wikis :(