[08:54:45] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:DPL_bot modified bot edit [[User talk:Matty.007]] (dablink notification message (see the [[User:DPL bot/Dablink notification FAQ|FAQ]])) ▶ https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=609784863 [18:03:43] Evening Jianhui67 [18:05:57] hi [18:06:18] How's it going? [18:07:14] it's fine [18:09:12] looking to start a RFA in Wikidata soon [18:10:06] Are the requirements easier, harder, or the same? [18:24:36] easier [18:24:46] I just need to be more active [18:25:12] there are also people who asked me to start a RFA in Commons, but I don't want [18:27:00] How many edits do you have in Commons and WD? [18:31:25] 7429, 7600+ respectively [18:32:46] Wow! I had a look, WD looks really confusing [18:35:19] it is the RFD backlog