[10:35:29] .slap ChanServ [10:35:30] Dan-_-: Dan-_- ruthlessly hits СhanServ with a tiny P5 microprocessor. (1 damage). [10:35:39] .slap wm-bot5 [10:35:40] Dan-_-: Dan-_- suddenly double slaps wm-bоt5 with a flying toilet paper roll. (10 damage). [10:35:44] .slap Wolverin [10:35:47] Dan-_-: Dan-_- angrily disables Wоlverin with a iron. (158 damage). [10:35:51] .slap AnDreiitA [10:35:52] Dan-_-: Dan-_- sneakily destroys ΑnDreiitA with a giant dongle. (165 damage). [10:35:59] .slap DLPZx_x [10:36:00] Dan-_-: Dan-_- periodically destroys DLΡZx_x with the one and only mashup. (17 damage). [10:36:05] .slap Betania [10:36:05] Dan-_-: Dan-_- massively eliminates Βetania with a rotten XBOX. (27 damage). [10:36:26] .slap Cristian- [10:36:26] Dan-_-: Dan-_- immediately fails a bit at Сristian- with a wild popcorn bucket. (-1 damage). [10:36:32] .slap Freuddy [10:36:33] Dan-_-: Dan-_- angrily tackles Ϝreuddy with the first toy. (98 damage). [10:36:36] .slap Gaara [10:36:37] Dan-_-: Dan-_- funnily blunts Gаara with a giant XBOX. (38 damage). [10:36:42] .slap KienZabe [10:36:42] Dan-_-: Dan-_- sadly disconnects ΚienZabe with an awesome big fucking gun. (146 damage). [10:36:49] .slap LadyChatnoir [10:36:49] Dan-_-: Dan-_- weirdly triple slaps LаdyChatnoir with an enormous savoy. (89 damage). [10:36:55] .slap Lamb3 [10:36:55] Dan-_-: Dan-_- urgently punches Lаmb3 with a gross horse. (45 damage). [10:37:02] .slap linel [10:37:02] Dan-_-: Dan-_- silently dangles lіnel with a skull. (7 damage). [10:37:23] .slap Person- [10:37:24] Dan-_-: Dan-_- sneakily fails a bit at Ρerson- with the frist gremlin. (-2 damage). [10:37:30] .slap Lisbelk [10:37:30] Dan-_-: Dan-_- arbitarily stomps on Lіsbelk with the one and only strawberry. (10 damage). [10:37:41] .slap SantosD [10:37:41] Dan-_-: Dan-_- arbitarily punches ЅantosD with a sharp pneumatic drill. (15 damage). [10:37:46] .slap Scremw [10:37:46] Dan-_-: Dan-_- urgently eliminates Ѕcremw with a sharp P5 microprocessor. (5 damage). [10:37:53] .slap Victor-1 [10:37:53] Dan-_-: Dan-_- grossly cuts Vіctor-1 with a sharp lightsabre. (129 damage). [10:37:57] .slapstats [10:37:59] Dan-_-: Dan-_- has slapped other people 383 times. Total damage caused: 20992(54.81 in avg). The user got slapped 24 times. Total damage taken: 956(39.83 in avg). 8 Remainslaps (-40 points). This sums up to 19996 points. [22:09:19] lxf42{14} offers 35 x IDCard for 52.50¥ each in their bazaar. [22:11:28] lxf42{14} offers 8 x SparklingWine for 131.25¥ each in their bazaar. [22:12:48] lxf42{14} offers 2 x ScrollOfWisdom for 1048.95¥ each in their bazaar. [22:14:01] lxf42{14} offers 1 x SmallBeer for 52.50¥ each in their bazaar. [22:14:45] lxf42{14} offers 3 x Alcopop for 52.50¥ each in their bazaar.