[22:10:55] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.3] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [22:10:55] @help [22:15:58] You are admin identified by name .*@unaffiliated/hiroto [22:15:58] @whoami [22:16:11] ; [22:18:49] .-. [22:21:36] JoseACS o/ [22:24:00] :D [22:25:18] JoseACS Pana volviste hubo un problema con el bnc [22:25:20] verdad [22:28:10] si [22:28:13] :P [22:28:28] me lo quitaron [22:28:56] You are admin identified by name .*@unaffiliated/hiroto [22:28:56] @whoami [22:32:26] JoseACS como que te lo quitaron :( [22:33:07] joseluis nose [22:51:22] JoseACS como estas [22:51:43] :# [22:51:47] muy bien y tu? [22:52:13] JoseACS Excelente [23:26:26] You are admin identified by name .*@unaffiliated/hiroto [23:26:26] @whoami [23:51:36] Diablos necesito alguien de confianza [23:52:34] x-x.