[21:19:15] Voidwalker: have you had a chance to look the .ip issue further? [21:20:44] no, but I've also not noticed significant delays yet [21:21:38] Voidwalker: probably cause .ip hasnt been used since we were fiddling with it XD [21:21:58] well, I've done a bit of fiddling in pms [21:22:03] Voidwalker: oh [21:22:11] Voidwalker: whats the avg delay in reply? [21:22:36] negligible for google.com and miraheze.org [21:22:47] had a two second delay when I tried wmf for the first time though [21:23:10] but now it's nearly instantaneous [21:23:20] Voidwalker: I'd expect that as ive said i bet google is probably one of the network's set DNS, and miraheze is probably cached due to the url module sending get requests because of links in #miraheze [21:23:54] .ip wikimedia.org [21:23:54] [IP/Host Lookup] Hostname: text-lb.eqiad.wikimedia.org | Location: United States | ISP: AS14907 Wikimedia Foundation Inc. [21:23:58] .ip [21:23:59] [IP/Host Lookup] Hostname: | Location: China | ISP: AS4134 No.31,Jin-rong Street [21:24:19] Voidwalker: the only thing i can think of that could of fixed the issue is something on Wikimedia's side [21:24:50] or the library we added did help (somehow) :P [21:25:05] Voidwalker: oh did you manage to get it to use the library? [21:25:06] that would make us some pretty good monkeys with typewriters [21:25:19] no, I haven't touched it [21:25:29] Voidwalker: i doubt python is smart enough to use it without intervention [21:25:53] probably, but one can always hope [21:25:54] If python cant handle one pixel of extra whitespace i doubt it can figure out how to use a library on its own Voidwalker [21:26:11] .uptime [21:26:11] I've been sitting here for 3 days, 0:32:02 and I keep going! [21:26:48] .help [21:26:49] I've posted a list of my commands at https://clbin.com/4wYK3 - You can see more info about any of these commands by doing .help (e.g. .help time) [21:27:28] Voidwalker: i'm tempted to rewrite the default adminchannel module as IIRC it requires you to be +o'd (and iirc an bot admin) [21:28:10] s/you to be +o'd/the bot to be +o'd [21:28:11] Zppix meant to say: Voidwalker: i'm tempted to rewrite the default adminchannel module as IIRC it requires the bot to be +o'd (and iirc an bot admin) [21:28:51] so would you make it so that the bot automatically seeks op first? [21:29:11] Voidwalker: probably or tries to use chanserv to op itself [21:29:16] (for things needing op) [21:29:31] yeah that's what I mean by seeking op [21:29:46] can be a fun challenge to do [21:29:47] Voidwalker: and i think that since zppixbot seems to be pretty set in stone what channels its in i may just statically assign the users able to use the admin cmds [22:14:22] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±0] 13https://git.io/JeGq6 [22:14:24] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 0342aa733 - Rewrite adminchannel.py [22:14:36] Voidwalker: can you look at ^ and tell if you think it will work [22:16:28] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/42aa733 - zppix1 The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589185602 [22:23:47] Voidwalker: i also added you to the private paste for ZppixBot on wm phab ill pm you the link [22:24:50] oh, dunno how useful that is, but I'll keep it in mind :) [22:29:16] Zppix, you've got some wonky indentations in there, do you want me to try and fix? [22:31:06] yes [22:31:49] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGqF [22:31:50] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 038ed083a - update travis [22:33:08] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/8ed083a - zppix1 The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589190323 [22:33:42] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGqp [22:33:43] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 03b6f3727 - fix [22:34:53] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/b6f3727 - zppix1 The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589190787 [22:35:00] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07The-Voidwalker pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGqh [22:35:02] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07The-Voidwalker 036bef6be - rm duplicated code seems accidental [22:36:18] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGmf [22:36:20] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 03d2853e3 - fix [22:36:28] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/6bef6be - The-Voidwalker The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589191429 [22:37:10] Voidwalker: can you re push your commit i think our commits got sent together and yours got overwritten [22:37:33] brb gonna go eat [22:37:40] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/d2853e3 - zppix1 The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589191963 [22:37:43] I'll check [22:39:42] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07The-Voidwalker pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGmq [22:39:44] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07The-Voidwalker 030d950ec - rm duped code (again) [22:40:55] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/0d950ec - The-Voidwalker The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589193021 [23:13:08] Voidwalker: so you think just by looking it will work fine? [23:13:34] probably, as long as it takes chanserv less than 1 second to op the bot [23:17:40] Voidwalker: I think its usually less then that if anything I can easily just increase that [23:18:29] yeah, from a quick glance, that's all I can see going wrong immediately [23:18:46] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13https://git.io/JeGmP [23:18:48] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 03aa5fba4 - Fix travis again [23:18:49] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 031ec5468 - Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source [23:18:51] [ GitHub - Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source: IRC bot that is customization, must use with an existing sopel install for the files to do anything ] - github.com [23:20:43] ok [23:20:53] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/1ec5468 - zppix1 The build failed. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589204654 [23:22:11] restarting it [23:22:56] [coretasks.py] Received an apparently useless MODE message: :ZppixBot MODE ZppixBot :+i [23:23:12] Error loading channelmgnt: invalid syntax (channelmgnt.py, line 58) (../../../../../../../:222) [23:23:12] Voidwalker [23:24:42] Found it [23:24:51] should be obvious :P [23:25:05] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGmy [23:25:06] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 030c2ed8c - typo [23:25:16] ZppixBot: reload [23:25:20] [irc.py] Exception from #ZppixBot: KeyError: 'channelmgnt' (file "/data/project/zppixbot/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sopel/modules/reload.py", line 60, in reload_module_tree) (:Zppix!uid182351@miraheze/Zppix PRIVMSG #ZppixBot :ZppixBot: reload) [23:25:29] [irc.py] Exception from Zppix: KeyError: 'channelmgnt' (file "/data/project/zppixbot/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sopel/modules/reload.py", line 60, in reload_module_tree) (:Zppix!uid182351@miraheze/Zppix PRIVMSG ZppixBot :.reload) [23:25:39] ill just kill it [23:27:08] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/0c2ed8c - zppix1 The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589206393 [23:27:17] [coretasks.py] Received an apparently useless MODE message: :ZppixBot MODE ZppixBot :+i [23:28:14] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGm9 [23:28:15] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 037bef29c - typo again [23:28:24] [irc.py] Exception from Zppix: KeyError: 'channelmgnt' (file "/data/project/zppixbot/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sopel/modules/reload.py", line 60, in reload_module_tree) (:Zppix!uid182351@miraheze/Zppix PRIVMSG ZppixBot :.reload) [23:28:50] hey, that's the bullshit error I didn't know how to fix [23:29:10] Voidwalker: i think it does that become a module is broken so it break .reload [23:29:12] somehow [23:29:59] [coretasks.py] Received an apparently useless MODE message: :ZppixBot MODE ZppixBot :+i [23:30:26] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/7bef29c - zppix1 The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589207351 [23:30:47] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JeGmH [23:30:48] [02ZppixBot-Source] 07Pix1234 03ea21fbc - typo again pt 3 [23:31:02] ZppixBot: reload [23:31:02] [irc.py] Exception from #ZppixBot: KeyError: 'channelmgnt' (file "/data/project/zppixbot/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sopel/modules/reload.py", line 60, in reload_module_tree) (:Zppix!uid182351@miraheze/Zppix PRIVMSG #ZppixBot :ZppixBot: reload) [23:31:06] damn it [23:32:02] [coretasks.py] Received an apparently useless MODE message: :ZppixBot MODE ZppixBot :+i [23:32:05] .op [23:32:14] Aye [23:32:16] it works Voidwalker [23:32:29] .deop [23:32:48] Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/master/ea21fbc - zppix1 The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.org/Pix1234/ZppixBot-Source/builds/589208219 [23:32:54] .op [23:33:30] .op [23:33:38] .op Zppix [23:33:44] hmmm [23:34:28] .op [23:34:35] .voice [23:34:41] .devoice [23:34:48] Voidwalker: any ideas? [23:35:09] any errors? [23:35:15] .op [23:35:22] Voidwalker: nothing in logs [23:35:53] not sure then [23:36:17] meh [23:36:23] it partly works and i cant be arsed to fix it rn [23:44:05] good enough for me :P