[12:11:13] @susppress-off [12:11:26] @suspress-on [12:11:39] I know: add, changepass, channel-info, channellist, commands, configure, drop, github-, github+, github-off, github-on, grant, grantrole, help, info, instance, join, language, notify, optools-off, optools-on, optools-permanent-off, optools-permanent-on, part, rc-ping, rc-restart, reauth, recentchanges-off, recentchanges-on, reload, restart, revoke, revokerole, seen, seen-host, seen-off, seen-on, seenrx, suppress-off, suppress-on, systeminfo, system-rm, time, traffic-off, traffic-on, translate, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, uptime, verbosity--, verbosity++, wd, whoami [12:11:39] @commands [12:11:53] 存取被拒 [12:11:53] @reauth [12:12:30] 我不会在这里说话,直到你停用这个 [12:12:30] @suppress-on [12:12:47] @help [12:12:55] ~help [12:12:56] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.3] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features