[01:30:19] hi [01:30:42] :) [01:30:45] :) [14:04:27] yesterday evening, when i was already in bed, i had an idea: [14:04:56] what, if we program our own webbroser-control for huggle3? only for diffs, of course [14:05:13] so we hadnt any problem with the platforms ;) [14:25:07] away for a half an hour [15:19:58] petan: what think you about my idea? [17:34:49] petan? [21:33:03] [huggle project updates - Google Code] r807 (Content) committed by fleandro...@yahoo.com.br - http://code.google.com/p/huggle/source/detail?r=807 [21:33:04] [huggle project updates - Google Code] r808 (Fix Devs = False, because admin tools have not been working ...) committed by fleandro...@yahoo.com.br - http://code.google.com/p/huggle/source/detail?r=808 [21:33:04] [huggle project updates - Google Code] issue 220 (Incorrect detection of Rollback Permissions) reported by trappman...@gmail.com - http://code.google.com/p/huggle/issues/detail?id=220#c0 [23:19:23] i ask tomorrow again [23:19:28] good night