[10:18:09] petan? [11:19:33] Elsensee: hui [11:19:34] * hi [11:19:44] oh hi :) [11:20:15] have you yesterday read my question? [11:20:25] yes [11:20:28] and? [11:20:41] I don't think it's necessary to create a new browser we could just use existing one [11:20:43] like gecko [11:21:04] from mozilla, but feel free to create a new class for that [11:21:17] so that it's portable to other os [11:21:25] but how should we implement gecko in c#? [11:21:44] you would create a control [11:21:45] for that [11:21:56] download gecko library and create that :) [11:22:18] it's not so hard there is api for that, we would only need to intergrate it to c# [11:23:01] okay [11:23:36] let me know if you needed a help [11:34:01] [huggle project updates - Google Code] r809 (fixed layout of form [11:34:02] * logo didn't fit to screen [11:34:03] * extra spa...) committed by benapetr@gmail.com - http://code.google.com/p/huggle/source/detail?r=809 [11:46:48] argh... [11:47:22] i must compile the gecko library for windows AND linux - there is now library for both [12:05:54] argh... same for webkit :( [12:05:59] hey mmovchin [12:06:07] hey elensee [12:06:44] petan: and now? [13:50:06] Elsensee: yup [13:50:17] now? [13:51:23] i cant put a library for windows on linux... [14:13:02] we would recompile in on linux [14:13:06] thats ok [14:14:36] but its not optimal [14:20:35] brb [15:07:21] hi mmovchin [15:08:24] hey IWorld [15:08:31] hey Elsensee [16:49:54] bye [23:58:35] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Huggle/Users was modified, changed by Haseo9999 link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=472523261 edit summary: Adding [[Special:Contributions/Haseo9999|Haseo9999]] ([[WP:HG|HG]])