[21:37:53] hello [21:37:59] Is one of the developers here? [21:39:23] mmovchin: hi [21:40:07] can I help :o [21:45:42] Yes. I would like to join the huggle project as a developer. [21:45:56] My mainwiki is the german wikipedia. [21:46:26] I just seen some bugs in huggle and I'm fascinated of this project idea. [21:46:44] So I looked up the member list and noticed that not many people are involved as developers. [21:46:56] cool [21:47:07] mmovchin: can you pm me your google account id? [21:47:27] what is your wikipedia user? [21:47:58] mmovchin in all wikipedias [21:48:02] single login account [21:48:14] My Google ID is michael.movchin [21:48:28] I don't have any problems with making it public ;) [21:50:20] But why you need my google id? [21:50:28] Change on 12en_wikipedia1 a page Wikipedia:Huggle/Members was modified, summary: added dev changed by Petrb link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=469002179 [21:51:45] mmovchin: done [21:51:53] http://code.google.com/p/huggle/ [21:52:15] you can commit anywhere you want, the current huggle 2x is in /trunk/huggle [21:52:25] devel version /branches/csharp [21:52:35] mmovchin: let me know if you needed any help [21:53:42] oh thanks [21:53:48] I will try it now [21:53:59] the development version is written in c# [21:54:20] I know ;) [21:55:05] thank you for joining us :) [21:55:36] also please register here [21:55:45] http://huggle.wmflabs.org/ [21:56:27] thanks, it works [21:56:33] petan: BTW, I got your email, BTW [21:56:41] :) [21:56:42] ok [21:56:59] one sec [21:57:03] registering ;) [21:57:08] Thank you :) I've got to download the latest branch, then you'll start seeing changes from me [21:57:58] matthewrbowker: thanks [21:58:03] np [21:58:31] petan: I don't get any confirmation email :( [21:58:39] yes it doesn't work yet [21:58:45] oh ok [21:59:55] omg wiki is spammed :D [22:00:30] so: [22:00:30] In the German translation of some texts are truncated. [22:00:43] feel free to update it [22:01:12] In other chases textes are overlapping some buttons. [22:01:19] mmovchin: I gave you some flags on wiki [22:01:22] So there is only a "half button" [22:01:27] so that you have free hands for testing [22:01:45] Member of groups:Bureaucrats, Administrators, Users, oversight [22:01:48] OK, thanks [22:01:55] Is there something to do on this wiki? [22:02:00] or is it just for testing?= [22:02:03] yes, it's test2 when you open huggle [22:02:10] most of development is done there [22:02:16] it's a test wiki for devs [22:03:32] thanks [22:03:37] It will be very usefull :) [22:03:55] I just thinking how to solve the problem with the translations [22:04:18] just a bigger distance beetween the buttons? [22:04:29] or making it variable? [22:04:35] but I will have to look at the code [22:04:44] yes I think you can change the layout [22:04:45] and seeing how it's coded [22:05:09] BTW: Do I need any voice permissions in this channel? [22:05:12] I know most of the code, so ask if you needed [22:05:20] you already have voice [22:05:33] just type /cs voice #huggle [22:05:56] but that flag is rather so that others see who is helper and who is person who needs help [22:06:04] it's not necessary to use it [22:07:26] I typed /cs voice #huggle [22:07:37] Pidgin said me: unknown command [22:07:40] but okay [22:07:45] thats not nessecary [22:08:02] Whats the "headline" of Huggle3? [22:08:07] End of January 2012? [22:08:29] actually since we stucked a bit, I don't think it would be released sooner than in half a year [22:08:48] january was for some first beta, but I am pretty busy these days [22:09:21] ok [22:09:35] Do I need anywhere a beta tester flag or status? [22:09:58] Or I'm automatically included as a developer? [22:10:23] you have commit access on svn [22:10:31] that's what you need :) [22:11:10] I don't know what you mean by flag [22:11:19] oh you right [22:11:24] I don't need more^^ [22:11:45] OK, thank you. Then I will look at the code today. Creating a couple of user pages :) and so on [22:11:59] ok :) [22:12:08] you don't need to create user pages [22:12:15] you meant on huggle wiki? [22:12:19] that's just for testing, no need [22:12:36] OK. But on the english wikipedia ;) [22:12:52] I prefer blue links [22:12:54] not red ones :P [22:13:07] You're from Czech, right? [22:16:19] My parents are from ukraine :P [22:17:35] aha [22:17:44] ok [22:17:57] I never been in ukraine [22:18:49] Me too. [22:19:00] I was born in germany and still living here in munich [22:20:02] ah, cool [22:25:31] Question: Who updates the Localization from wiki to svn? [22:25:38] good question [22:25:45] I think it was me few months ago [22:25:55] but it can be anyone else :) [22:26:10] it's a long time I did it last time [22:26:26] feel free to update the one in /trunk [22:26:31] ok [22:26:36] I will it do this night :) [22:26:39] ok [22:26:40] *do it [22:26:46] bad english^^ [22:27:26] mmovchin: don't forget to insert yourself to about dialog [22:27:38] I never insert other devs because they can do it too [22:35:43] ok, I will do it [22:36:18] should I use my german user link or my english user link? [22:36:35] I think it doesn't matter [22:37:16] but keep in mind that most of people will probably not speak your language [22:43:53] sorry [22:43:59] internet connection [22:44:21] ok so [22:44:25] have a nice evening [22:44:35] Are you always you're online in this channel? [22:44:38] yes [22:44:41] ok [22:44:45] cu [22:44:46] it doesn't mean I am not afk [22:44:49] :D [22:44:53] ;) [22:44:54] hehe [22:45:00] cu [22:45:10] you too [22:45:12] ;) [23:23:02] [huggle project updates - Google Code] r785 ([No log message]) committed by michael.movchin - http://code.google.com/p/huggle/source/detail?r=785 [23:28:48] petan: I just added me on About [23:28:58] But I think I made some mistake [23:29:04] Could you please check it out? [23:48:01] [huggle project updates - Google Code] r786 (undo) committed by michael.movchin - http://code.google.com/p/huggle/source/detail?r=786