[07:55:23] hello [07:55:34] help! [07:57:17] i have sent an e mail but nobody answer [07:59:52] !help [07:59:52] If you need help, write an email to huggle@lists.wikimedia.org or ask a voiced user. Maybe petan, mmovchin, Elsensee or IWorld are online? [08:00:01] hi [08:00:08] asammour with what? [08:00:32] hello [08:00:40] hm? [08:01:23] i have send an email to the address above but nobody answer me [08:01:33] ok can you tell me what you need to help with [08:02:07] ok,why huggle doesnt work in arabic wikipedia [08:02:25] what you mean by "doesn't work" [08:02:43] that mean i cant use it in arabic wikipedia [08:02:54] probably nobody requested it to be enabled there [08:03:03] what should i do to make it active? [08:03:13] request it on bugzilla [08:03:33] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Huggle/Feedback#Enabling_huggle_for_another_project [08:04:25] and after i request what will happen? [08:08:11] ok, i will request to be enable? [08:08:17] it will be enabled :) [08:08:36] thank you for that [08:08:41] yw [08:08:52] I appreciate this