[04:43:54] Unable to parse the feed from https://code.google.com/feeds/p/huggle/svnchanges/basic this url is probably not a valid rss, the feed will be disabled, until you re-enable it by typing @rss+ repository [07:01:48] xx [07:15:50] bla [09:12:02] Unable to parse the feed from https://code.google.com/feeds/p/huggle/svnchanges/basic this url is probably not a valid rss, the feed will be disabled, until you re-enable it by typing @rss+ repository [22:43:38] Anyone available? Not seeing any new edits in HG [22:47:25] !help - can anyone verify that the recent changes feed is up? Showing connected, but no new changes coming in. [22:47:25] If you need help, write an email to huggle@lists.wikimedia.org or ask a voiced user. Maybe petan, mmovchin, Elsensee or IWorld are online? [23:10:40] Are you guys aware of the queue issues huggle is having?