[07:28:24] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Huggle/Users was modified, changed by link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=572455490 edit summary: [11:55:17] [02huggle] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+15/-0/±0] 13http://git.io/F6LK_w [11:55:18] [02huggle] 07Petr Bena 03e68e570 - yet another huggle [12:45:09] [02huggle] 07benapetr pushed 032 commits to 03master [+74/-0/±10] 13http://git.io/MdcXLA [12:45:09] [02huggle] 07Petr Bena 031683579 - pictures [12:45:10] [02huggle] 07Petr Bena 038680c35 - some new stuff [13:09:12] [02huggle] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+6/-0/±7] 13http://git.io/Gsi-LA [13:09:13] [02huggle] 07Petr Bena 032849a2b - some more classes for queries [13:10:04] addshore: I gave up on c#, it's a nice language but it has poor support on other platforms... I will continue using c++ for now... [13:10:30] I spent almost month looking for cross platform web brower component for gtk# and I failed horribly [13:10:38] huggle with no browser just can't exist [14:47:17] [02huggle] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±14] 13http://git.io/mjizLA [14:47:18] [02huggle] 07Petr Bena 03dd56c1e - some updates [15:41:39] [02huggle] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+3/-0/±0] 13http://git.io/sgpKNw [15:41:40] [02huggle] 07Petr Bena 03227ee00 - missing files [16:06:21] xD [16:21:44] Unable to parse the feed from https://code.google.com/feeds/p/huggle/svnchanges/basic this url is probably not a valid rss, the feed will be disabled, until you re-enable it by typing @rss+ repository