[02:48:19] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Huggle/Feedback was modified, changed by Lowercase sigmabot III link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=600399079 edit summary: Archiving 2 discussion(s) to [[Wikipedia:Huggle/Feedback/Archive 18]]) (bot [02:48:21] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Huggle/Feedback/Archive 18 was modified, changed by Lowercase sigmabot III link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=600399081 edit summary: Archiving 2 discussion(s) from [[Wikipedia:Huggle/Feedback]]) (bot [03:01:47] hello [03:03:34] is it possible to install huggle 3 beta on other linux distros such as arch linux? [03:04:32] !help [03:04:32] If you need help, write an email to huggle@lists.wikimedia.org or ask a voiced user. Maybe petan, mmovchin, Elsensee or IWorld are online? [11:58:15] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Huggle/Huggle3 Beta was modified, changed by Petrb link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=600439163 edit summary: /* Windows */ ++ [15:39:49] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr pushed 0316 commits to 03ubuntu [+0/-0/±47] 13http://git.io/i4UTSg [15:39:50] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 030de6b1b - Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu [15:40:54] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03ubuntu [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/0SXENg [15:40:55] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 03a5781d8 - release [15:45:48] [travis-ci] huggle/huggle3-qt-lx#604 (ubuntu - 0de6b1b : Petr Bena): The build has errored. [15:45:48] [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/compare/2e8c578ecd84...0de6b1b0671b [15:45:48] [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/builds/21184410 [18:16:19] @notify addshore [18:16:19] I'll let you know when I see addshore around here [19:31:00] Unable to parse the feed from https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?chfieldfrom=-2h&chfieldto=Now&list_id=151043&product=Huggle&query_format=advanced&title=Bug%20List&ctype=atom this url is probably not a valid rss, the feed will be disabled, until you re-enable it by typing @rss+ bugzilla [20:30:12] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13http://git.io/5HSgvw [20:30:13] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 03fca7424 - removed ubuntu [20:33:14] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr pushed 032 commits to 03ubuntu [+0/-0/±3] 13http://git.io/NakzVQ [20:33:16] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 03e946570 - Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu Conflicts: huggle/huggle.pro [20:34:30] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/_-CqnA [20:34:31] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 03ed1514a - partially reverted [20:37:55] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr pushed 033 commits to 03ubuntu [+0/-0/±2] 13http://git.io/aUeclg [20:37:56] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 03aff1005 - Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu Conflicts: huggle/huggle.pro [20:37:57] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 03591e934 - readme update [21:29:34] Hey petan addshore you guys around? [21:30:08] I am trying to make Huggle 3 on OSX 10.9. Is that possible? I have the repo cloned and Qt set up. I just need to know how to make the build and start the app. [23:36:48] StevenW: first step should be using a better OS like debian, or fedora : [23:37:01] just messing around, have you tryed this -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Huggle/Huggle3_Beta#Mac_OS [23:38:30] Alchimista: it's the steps for ./configure then make that I don't get [23:39:20] there is no ./configure in the repository, and running that is not a command bash recognizes. Am I missing something stupid? [23:39:32] StevenW: after ./configure, a make configuration file will be generated, and used by the make [23:39:56] "./configure: No such file or directory" [23:41:00] I think that ./configure is a command specific to Linux... [23:41:31] https://github.com/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/blob/master/huggle/configure [23:42:46] ah [23:42:50] I was just in wrong directory [23:42:52] derp [23:42:56] are you on .. [23:43:06] well, already answered :P [23:43:37] that'll make your configuration file for the following make command