[07:17:24] SuicidalZerg: I have like 200$ computer and it works almost the same :P [07:17:30] 900mhz CPU [07:17:45] 2gb ram (huggle mostly uses less than 200mb) [07:18:19] HDD isn't used very much by huggle, so your disk doesn't change much [07:18:36] unless it swaps there hehe [12:32:27] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±4] 13http://git.io/vwfZag [12:32:28] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 032d35bef - check a version so that we don't remove config made by a newer version of huggle [14:40:02] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr tagged 032d35bef as 033.1.4 13http://git.io/vgNyQA [14:49:25] [travis-ci] huggle/huggle3-qt-lx#1601 (3.1.4 - 2d35bef : Petr Bena): The build passed. [14:49:25] [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/compare/3.1.4 [14:49:26] [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/builds/36435971 [16:13:03] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Huggle/Feedback was modified, changed by DVdm link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=627293638 edit summary: /* Current waning level not shown in H2 queue */ new section [16:13:26] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr pushed 0343 commits to 03ubuntu [+27/-0/±186] 13http://git.io/pMV30Q [16:13:27] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 0398185e5 - Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu [16:13:28] [02huggle3-qt-lx] 07benapetr 033ec34ec - rel [16:46:12] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Huggle/Feedback was modified, changed by Petrb link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=627297082 edit summary: /* cmake on *nix puts huggle in /usr/local, not /usr */ re [16:49:02] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Template:Huggle/Version was modified, changed by Petrb link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=627297359 edit summary: update:o [23:53:23] ayy lmao