[19:34:06] Huggle can't access the whitelist when toollabs is down (like right now = ClueBot is also down)... petan Make a backup whitelist or something... [19:34:07] btw, CLUEBOT IS DOWN: EVERYBODY TO BATTLE STATIONS! [19:34:07] xD [19:34:09] no kidding....all hell is breaking out! [19:34:18] !battle_stations is WAKE UP AND GET TO BATTLE STATIONS! ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOSE! ( Elsensee Josve05a Not-bc6e petan Alchimista FastLizard4 Gilderien halfak HarryS issyl0 L235 Platonides Revi Sellyme stwalkerster Sk1d Tutelary tchor WikiPuppies Zhaofeng_Li ) [19:34:18] wtf [19:34:18] Key was added [19:34:20] (in case it happens another day...but wm-bot doesn't seem to respond to me anymore..:/ [19:34:20] You are trusted identified by name .*@wiki.edia/.* [19:34:20] @whoami [19:34:21] :/ [19:34:21] but I'm not kidding all of toollabs is down and vandals are having a party. in 30 min I have reverted ca 100 edits... [19:34:22] Josve05a: Mass hilights are bad [19:34:22] Also, I would help out if I wasn't at work [19:34:22] Alas, they aren't paying me to revert vandalism :P [19:34:22] well, apply for a grant by rhe WMF :P [19:34:23] Mass hightlight get people's attention! [19:34:23] Mass hilights are also considered very rude and often lead to bans :P [19:34:23] well we have !_ops which mass highlights so.. :P [19:34:23] You can choose whether or not to be hilight by !_ops and other stalkwords, though [19:34:24] well I can't use the !_key anyways no no worries of more mass highlights... [19:34:24] :P [19:34:24] the !_ops (if in a WIki*edia channel will masshighlight att ops in -ops.) [19:34:25] Josve05a: Again, though, we've *opted-in* to that [19:34:25] Either by adding the stalkword to our IRC client, or by telling AntiSpamMeta to hilight us [19:34:25] oooh...welll...to late now so, "No reason to cry over pilled milk" [19:34:25] !battle_stations del [19:34:25] Josve05a: wm-bot lives on labs [19:34:25] Successfully removed battle_stations [19:34:25] Also, wm-bot is Labs itself [19:34:26] So you're not going to be able to provoke a response from it :P [19:34:26] hahaha [19:37:33] yay! It's back! [20:22:21] Josve05a: I got pinged, what do you need? [20:23:05] hahaha, sorry. all hell was breaking loose. Cluebot was dead so I needed vandal fighters. But it's fine now [20:23:18] I reverted over 200 edits in under an hour [21:19:01] 3Huggle / 3Application: revert system is not able to retrieve tokens - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/73096 (10Peter Bena) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3Peter Bena Since mediawiki upgrade tokens are retrieved using separate query. This query seems to randomly produce invalid tokens that can't be used... [21:19:12] 3Huggle / 3Application: Huggle's blockers for next release (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/34892 (10Peter Bena) [21:19:13] 3Huggle / 3Application: revert system is not able to retrieve tokens - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/73096 (10Peter Bena) p:5Unprio>3Highes [21:21:59] petan: Is it possible to have the whitelist somewhere else than on toollabs? It was down for a large part of the evering and it made Huggle not able to retrive it... [21:22:31] if it was somewhere else how can you know this place would never be down? [21:22:47] every server can blow up [21:25:50] well toollabs blows up like...once every week now... [22:38:59] Josve05a: ? [22:39:08] sorry [22:40:13] Josve05a: Ah, I see what happened. No problem, sorry I wasn't around to answer the call of duty. :)