[01:19:39] hey petan, would it be possible to get a new release of huggle 3 at some point soonish? Even if it's just 3.4.11? There have been a decent amount of commits since the last release. [02:28:57] is anyone familiar with Huggle for macOS? [16:01:42] phuzion: I will try, but I am on vacation just now :/ will be back in few weeks [16:02:02] maybe I will manage to do the release on vacation, probably will have more time than when I am in the office [16:02:12] petan: ah ok, no rush. I just figured it's been a bit and there have been some good improvements that could use a feature release. [16:02:28] really? I was checking recently and had the feeling like there are almost no changes [16:04:48] Yeah you appear to have had a good handful of commits shortly after releasing 3.4.10 [16:06:19] It's all little bugfixes here and there, nothing huge, but I still think it's worth a release. [16:06:48] Also, fwiw, if you're interested in getting someone additional on the team to help do releases every now and again, I'd be happy to help.