[19:25:28] Wow, IRC is just as empty. :P [19:26:06] Oh, hi. [19:26:18] Isn't Wikia great? :D [19:26:25] Indeed. [19:26:47] Your username has the final "n" missing. [19:27:41] I see, lol. [19:27:55] This is basically chat for high-level geeks. [19:28:56] Eh, I have nothing better to do at the moment so I thought I'd stop by and see just how many people actually use IRC. [19:31:19] Accidentally refreshed lol [19:32:56] Hey Mad [19:38:49] http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/ab00BVB_460s.jpg# [19:38:52] Whoops. [19:38:52] http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/ab00BVB_460s.jpg [19:39:49] lol [19:40:57] o/ [19:41:02] This feels weird, doesn't it? [19:41:23] Not really. [19:41:44] I've never used this before though. [19:42:21] I've used IRCs in the past so it's kinda normal for me. [19:44:45] Well, how is everyone. Including the bot. :p [19:53:06] Are there any features on this chat not on wiki chat? [20:07:49] hi i'm alemas and i like to eat butts [20:07:59] that's all i do [20:08:00] all day every day [20:08:01] eat butts [20:08:04] 24/7 [20:08:26] that is all [20:08:50] [posts 90 gifs of dolphins, bill cosby, the joker, and the dis gon b gud guy] [20:09:06] (ud) [20:11:56] LOL [20:14:32] * pepe_armenio slaps Alemas2005 around a bit with a large fishbot [20:14:38] wake up stupid [20:22:01] *whistles* [20:23:31] mm [20:23:56] this is 👌👌 [20:27:40] o/ [20:40:49] Oh God. [20:40:51] Nigma is here. [20:41:44] Trouble is, I can't kick anyone, I'm not an OP. :P [20:41:55] Oh well, since nothing is happening anyway... [20:42:20] haven't done aything yet [20:42:29] im busy [20:48:14] RIp [21:53:00] Derpy, identify yourself. :P [21:53:47] !admin [21:53:50] ...eh. [21:57:03] !admin [22:12:51] Test [22:13:07] Its dead, I guess