[00:04:33] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression pre-wmf6] While changing the Image Type to Frame/Basic, it automatically selects the alignment as Left when it is positioned at the right of the page, but it doesn't change position in CE surface until save - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65564 (10J...
[00:05:03] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression wmf18] Making an image Right, Basic and Border does not include the Right and Border in the wikitext - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/62852#c5 (10James Forrester) Skipping right (and just using default) is OK for thumb and frame (but not frameless o...
[00:09:49] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: Firefox throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE when clicking save button - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65401 (10James Forrester)
[00:10:18] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression pre-wmf6] While changing the Image Type to Frame/Basic, it automatically selects the alignment as Left when it is positioned at the right of the page, but it doesn't change position in CE surface until save - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65564 (10J...
[00:10:19] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression wmf18] Making an image Right, Basic and Border does not include the Right and Border in the wikitext - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/62852 (10James Forrester)
[00:10:50] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression wmf4] There is an extra space appearing in media search result dialog (scroll bar displacing last column of results) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64911 (10James Forrester) a:5Trevor Parscal>3None
[00:29:22] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: Cannot close Media Settings dialog with empty caption field and the TypeError: TypeError: node.getCaptionNode is not a function appears - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568 (10ryasmeen) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None Created attachment 15449 --> h...
[00:30:06] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: Cannot close Media Settings dialog, empty caption field and the TypeError: TypeError: node.getCaptionNode is not a function appears - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568 (10ryasmeen) a:3Moriel Schottlender
[00:30:16] * James_F sighs. :-(
[00:34:19] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: Cannot close Media Settings dialog, empty caption field and the TypeError: TypeError: node.getCaptionNode is not a function appears - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568#c1 (10ryasmeen) Example page 1: The first image on: http://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w...
[00:44:19] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression pre-wmf6] Cannot close Media Settings dialog, empty caption field and the TypeError: TypeError: node.getCaptionNode is not a function appears - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568 (10James Forrester) 5NEW>3ASS p:5Unprio>3High
[02:07:48] 3VisualEditor / 3MediaWiki integration: VisualEditor: [Regression] Switching to edit source mode throws TypeError: Cannot read property 'css' of null and TypeError: Cannot read property 'each' of null for a specific case - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65557#c2 (10Roan Kattouw) (In reply to Roan Kattouw f...
[02:13:47] (03PS1) 10Catrope: Unbind confirm dialog handlers after either of the events fires once [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134546 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65557)
[02:15:22] 3VisualEditor / 3Technical Debt: VisualEditor: Clean up unbinding of ConfirmDialog events - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65571 (10Roan Kattouw) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None Clean up the mess I made in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134546
[02:15:27] (03CR) 10Catrope: "Tech debt bug to remind ourselves that this needs to be done more nicely: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65571" [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134546 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65557) (owner: 10Catrope)
[02:33:04] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression pre-wmf6] Cannot close Media Settings dialog, empty caption field and the TypeError: TypeError: node.getCaptionNode is not a function appears - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568#c2 (10Roan Kattouw) This happens because imgModel.getImageNodeType()...
[03:31:49] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression pre-wmf6] Cannot close Media Settings dialog, empty caption field and the TypeError: TypeError: node.getCaptionNode is not a function appears - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568#c3 (10Moriel Schottlender) Most times, we can't trust the node.getTy...
[03:38:34] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression pre-wmf6] Cannot close Media Settings dialog, empty caption field and the TypeError: TypeError: node.getCaptionNode is not a function appears - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568#c4 (10Roan Kattouw) (In reply to Moriel Schottlender from comment #3...
[03:54:13] * mooeypoo shoots default alignment
[04:02:29] (03PS1) 10Mooeypoo: Fix MWImageModel's getImageNodeType() [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134554 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568)
[04:07:00] (03CR) 10Catrope: [C: 032] Fix MWImageModel's getImageNodeType() [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134554 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568) (owner: 10Mooeypoo)
[04:07:27] aaand I just found a secondary bug.
[04:07:47] which makes no sense.
[04:08:09] What bug?
[04:08:31] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Fix MWImageModel's getImageNodeType() [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134554 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568) (owner: 10Mooeypoo)
[04:08:44] newFragment.getSelectedNode() <-- this returns null
[04:08:47] even though it shouldn't
[04:09:02] newFragment = surfaceModel.getFragment( newNodeRange ); <-- this returns a proper fragment.
[04:09:21] What is newNodeRange?
[04:09:24] but then newNode = newFragment.getSelectedNode(); returns null
[04:09:40] it's the recursive call
[04:09:59] after inserting the new node, I go through the insertion to find *just* the image node
[04:10:11] the 'newNodeRange' is the range of that node without whatever's around it
[04:10:23] That was crucial for the caption insertion
[04:10:25] I see the code now
[04:10:30] You're searching for the node twice
[04:10:34] wth, this worked before.
[04:10:38] hm?
[04:10:38] You could just do newNode = coveredNodes[i].node;
[04:10:53] newNodeRange is set to nodeOuterRange so this should work fine
[04:11:12] I want to also set it as the fragment *and* select it, which is why I set it up that way
[04:11:15] Unless coveredNodes does not contain any image nodes and newNodeRange is never set
[04:11:21] for also adding in the surfaceModel
[04:11:29] I understand that
[04:11:31] if that's the case it's worse.. it should
[04:11:40] hm.
[04:11:46] I'm saying you don't need .getSelectedNode() because you already have an opportunity to grab the node earlier
[04:11:48] You even check if its type is image-y
[04:11:50] However
[04:11:58] hmm
[04:12:06] If you're getting null from getSelectedNode() , there's either something wrong with that function or something wrong with your range
[04:12:46] oh I see what you're saying, ha, get that inside the loop. hah.
[04:12:53] Can you dump the range and the data in that range (ve.instances[0].model.documentModel.data.data.slice( start, end ) ) to se what's going on?
[04:13:06] yeah let me see
[04:13:34] The internals of getSelectedNode() are almost identical to your coveredNodes loop
[04:13:46] this hsould work.. it DID work
[04:13:50] I'm pretty sure it's mathematically provable that the return value of getSelectedNode() will equal coveredNodes[i]
[04:14:05] I added it into the loop now, as you suggested
[04:14:11] Which is why I'd really like to know why you got null
[04:14:53] wtf
[04:15:28] coveredNodes.length = 1 which means it should get into the for loop once
[04:15:30] but it doesn't
[04:16:06] Does it run more than once or not at all?
[04:16:35] once, and skips the condition, because its coveredNodes[0] is a paragraph
[04:16:40] mrrr
[04:16:44] A paragraph? :O
[04:16:53] I know!
[04:16:57] Oooooh
[04:16:58] what in the name...
[04:17:02] I get it
[04:17:02] I just ADDED an image.
[04:17:05] oh..?
[04:17:08] You're inserting an inline image
[04:17:12] In a block slug
[04:17:14] Most likely
[04:17:21] actually, no
[04:17:27] I'm transforming an inline image into a block
[04:17:32] basic -> thumb
[04:17:35] Hah really?
[04:17:48] I wanted to test all default-aligned stuff
[04:18:02] inline to block, not block to inline?
[04:18:09] inline to block
[04:18:21] Can you dump contentToInsert to check?
[04:18:25] The point of the last part is to add the caption
[04:18:40] yep
[04:18:57] Also dump fragment.getRange() in between the .insertContent() and .getCoveredNodes() calls
[04:19:07] (This requires splitting that statement up because those calls are chained)
[04:19:51] yup it's adding mwBlockImage
[04:20:17] how do I copy the content of the watch expression in chrome?
[04:20:21] when it's an array...
[04:20:45] Don't worry
[04:20:50] Just tell me what it looks like
[04:21:07] ok so contentToInsert has 4 items
[04:21:19] Open image, open caption, close caption, close image?
[04:21:29] as expected, mwBlockImage (with attributes), mwImageCaption, /mwImageCaption, /mwBlockImage
[04:21:31] aye
[04:21:41] This *WORKED* like... this morning.
[04:21:59] This sounds good so far
[04:22:21] So, after the insertContent() call but before the getCoveredNodes() call:
[04:22:26] * What is fragment.getRange() ?
[04:22:30] coveredNodes again only has 1 item
[04:22:31] and it's a paragraph
[04:22:34] OK
[04:22:48] oh, hm, hang on
[04:22:58] This can happen after the getCoveredNodes() call too, BTW
[04:23:02] So you can dump it right now
[04:23:24] Also, look at fragment.getSurface().getDocument().completeHistory and find the transaction that inserted this image
[04:23:29] and see if it inserted anything else
[04:26:04] my range is 20,20
[04:26:10] which should be perfect
[04:26:40] Hold on
[04:26:44] It's a zero-length range? :O
[04:27:05] Ooh
[04:27:16] Was your inline image at the very start/end of a paragraph
[04:27:17] ?
[04:28:10] yes it was in its own paragraph
[04:28:15] Aha
[04:28:18] but i'm also calling collapseRangeToEnd()
[04:28:20] or start
[04:28:23] Doesn't matter
[04:28:28] OK so here's what's going on
[04:28:33] In the normal case, you start with:
[04:28:52] Then you remove the inline image:
[04:29:29] * mooeypoo sees slugs coming in your analysis
[04:29:35] Nope, no slugs :)
[04:29:40] And then you insert the block image:
[04:29:41] Right. Then the insertion breaks apart the paragraph
[04:30:03] However
[04:30:12] Now if you start with this:
[04:30:26] not even, no text at all
[04:30:31] Right, OK
[04:30:33] Let's do that one
[04:30:46] You remove the inline image
[04:30:54] And you insert the block image
[04:31:20] But then fixupInsertion goes "hold on, you're trying to do
{block image}, which is stupid, you should do {block image}
[04:31:30] (this is the same code that makes the
appear in the other case)
[04:31:46] So normally it would add
to your insertion
[04:32:00] But in this case, it decides that's stupid because the resulting paragraph would be empty, and so it *moves your insertion point*
[04:32:16] bah.
[04:32:23] And so you get
[04:32:33] oy. That.. would explain it.
[04:32:40] We were counting on the insertion happening inside the fragment's range, so the range would grow and cover the inserted content
[04:33:00] But Ed's smartass code moved the insertion point out of there, and so the range gets pushed to the right rather than being grown
[04:33:05] and I just tested, btw, it works perfectly on Foo|img|Bar
[04:33:23] Shoot.
[04:33:31] So.. should I insert a placeholder?
[04:33:51] instead of removing the image and re-adding it, maybe I should put a placeholder in, remove the image, add the new image, and remove the placeholder
[04:34:05] That sounds dirty
[04:34:14] I'd rather find a way to find the inserted data
[04:34:19] aye, but that would prevent this lovely truck
[04:34:21] err trick
[04:34:28] So maybe we should make it less trick-like
[04:34:41] I have an idea
[04:34:53] what i'm worried about, honestly, is that we already had a difficult time getting the proper range for inserting the caption
[04:35:04] Yeah that's this same thing
[04:35:17] The whole reason for that with the covered nodes stuff was because I was trying to avoid doing it propertly
[04:35:20] *properly
[04:35:25] Because I thought that would be difficult
[04:35:30] But I guess we'll have to
[04:35:35] Oh, that's not the proper way?
[04:35:38] Is there another?
[04:35:39] Well
[04:35:46] There is if I build it :)
[04:35:51] I thought that's the best way to get one node out of many covered ones
[04:35:55] Yes
[04:36:01] But, look at it this way
[04:36:10] Oh, hold on
[04:36:12] Sorry
[04:36:15] But again we're getting into the problem of this not being covered..
[04:36:18] We'll still need coveredNodes, you're right
[04:36:27] as in, my worry is that in some cases the node's covered and in some it isn't.
[04:36:28] But we need a way of reliably getting the range of the inserted content
[04:36:38] RoanKattouw, no no but that won't help us
[04:36:45] coveredNodes works for nodes inside the range
[04:36:50] the problem here is that the range MOVED
[04:36:52] That's the thing
[04:36:55] We need to get the right range
[04:36:56] it doesn't include the nodes anymore :\
[04:37:05] And I think I know of a way to do that
[04:37:08] oh
[04:37:11] We'd change the definition of insertContent()
[04:37:23] ooh?
[04:37:27] Currently, insertContent() doesn't do anything special to the range, it just lets it be translated according to the transaction
[04:37:41] Which results in the expand-or-move-depending-on-what-fixupInsertion-felt-like behavior
[04:37:57] Instead, we could change it, in one of two ways
[04:38:02] hmm
[04:38:10] Which one is better I'm not sure yet
[04:38:33] One possibility is to have it always set the range to be the stuff that was inserted
[04:38:49] So that would fix the case where the insertion point was moved
[04:38:52] I thought that was the most logical one, I thought that's actually what happens
[04:39:06] But it would still include things like
that were added to make the data balanced
[04:39:17] Yes, this is actually what happens right now, except in the moving-insertion-point case
[04:39:24] yeah but then you can fix them by searching through actual coveredNodes
[04:39:31] Exactly
[04:39:41] when the insertion-point-moved happens, you can't.
[04:39:45] So we'd fix the insertion point problem but still need covered nodes
[04:39:48] Call this approach #1
[04:39:51] * mooeypoo nods
[04:40:03] Approach #2 could be to have it only select the content /you told it/ to insert
[04:40:13] So it would be like #1 but excluding things like
[04:40:19] so, basically, do the 'coverednode' check for me
[04:40:32] Pretty much, yeah
[04:40:34] I personally think that #2 makes more sense
[04:40:38] You could do an offset lookup instead
[04:40:55] intuitively, you would expect the range to change according to what you inserted
[04:41:04] BUT... I am not sure if there might be cases where you want the full surrounding range.
[04:42:05] Generally I don't think there are
[04:42:19] But what I'm worried about is if there are cases where things get stripped from the insertion data
[04:42:56] Like, if you're trying to do
}Baz, what happens?
[04:43:04] Reading the test cases suggests that'll split the paragraph
[04:43:27] But I'd have to analyze the code to prove there is no case where things are removed from the insertion
[04:43:40] I think I'm gonna go with #1 at least for now because it's easier to see how it would be implemented
[04:44:19] We'd add a method in ve.dm.Transaction so SurfaceFragment#insertContent could do tx = newFromInsertion( ... ); newRange = tx.getInsertionRange();
[04:44:35] hmm
[04:44:59] The implementation of getInsertionRange() (or getModifiedRange if we want to be generic) would be easy
[04:45:30] so we can choose
[04:45:37] either use that one or the other. That sounds good.
[04:45:49] For the image model, I could just use the insertionRange always
[04:45:58] oi, my goulash is boiling, brb real quick
[04:46:05] Yeah I guess in theory we could choose
[04:46:18] But I would want insertContent() to just always use the insertion range
[04:46:28] Rather than using an empty range in seemingly random cases
[04:46:57] #2, on the other hand, would be more difficult
[04:48:38] We'd have to have fixupInsertion() return the range corresponding to the original data along with the fixed-up data (it already returns an object with new data, insertion offset, and number of things to remove, so that would be doable)
[04:48:52] We'd then have to propagate that data from there into the Transaction object and then to SurfaceFragment
[04:49:42] It's a bit icky because there's no good reason why the Transaction object would know this, the presence of the information is specific to what code built the tx, whereas with #1 it's information that's inherent in the tx
[04:49:50] back, sorry, all good.
[04:50:04] OTOH, with cscott_away 's evil plans for transaction intents, it might not be a crazy idea
[04:50:38] intent? like in android?
[04:50:52] I forget if he calls it intents or intentions
[04:51:12] well, in Android it's kinda like transaction
[04:51:37] Intentions, apparently
[04:51:51] Which AIUI are descriptions of what you'd like the transaction to do in principle
[04:51:54] It carries data around, more or less. But yeah.
[04:51:58] Kind of like arguments passed to a tx builder
[04:52:09] I'll have to talk to him about this while he's still in the office
[04:52:20] It could be a nice way to facilitate #2
[04:52:23] But for now let's do #1
[04:52:27] * mooeypoo nods
[04:52:46] not entirely sure how, though, when the transaction splits the paragraph apart
[04:53:23] ?
[04:53:33] I mean with #1 we'd still need the coveredNodes stuff
[04:53:40] But we'd solve the insertion point moving issue
[04:54:19] I mean I'm not sure how to solve the insertion point moving
[04:54:38] if the insertion point DOESN'T move, my code should work as is in the MWImageModel
[04:54:40] We would ask the transaction object "from where to where did you actually change things"
[04:54:57] Then insertContent() would set that as the new range, rather than letting offset translation just happen
[04:59:13] hmm
[04:59:25] that makes sense.
[05:00:19] btw, did you see my response regarding using the model's version of 'get node type' ?
[05:00:28] it'll be tricky, but the only real way to do it is make sure the mode's not wrong
[05:00:48] (and I didn't make stupid typos, but that's a natural assumption from the previous assertion)
[05:03:09] I saw a commit :)
[05:03:26] And a response on BZ before that, which seemed to describe the commit more or less
[05:04:04] If you're talking about https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65568#c3 , I replied
[05:04:55] Whoa wtf
[05:04:57] * This will move the fragment's range to the end of the insertion and make it zero-length.
[05:04:59] In the docs for insertContent()
[05:05:02] Well that's a big fat lie
[05:08:26] RoanKattouw, well, it's not a complete lie, not always
[05:08:34] haha true
[05:12:53] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression pre-wmf6] Cannot close Media Settings dialog, empty caption field and the TypeError: TypeError: node.getCaptionNode is not a function appears - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65568#c7 (10Moriel Schottlender) (In reply to Roan Kattouw from comment #4...
[05:17:11] (03PS1) 10Catrope: [WIP] Always cover inserted content in SurfaceFragment#insertContent [VisualEditor/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134559
[05:17:45] mooeypoo: --^^
[05:17:51] Play around with that
[05:18:07] It should make insertContent set the range correctly
[05:18:21] I didn't test it thogh
[05:18:29] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] [WIP] Always cover inserted content in SurfaceFragment#insertContent [VisualEditor/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134559 (owner: 10Catrope)
[05:19:40] clearly :P
[05:20:13] 05:18:28 >> TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'node.canHaveChildren')
[05:20:14] wtf
[05:21:46] lolol
[05:21:48] offset=NaN
[05:22:18] getModifiedRange returned new ve.Range( 0, NaN )
[05:22:20] That'll go well
[05:24:22] Oh, hahaha
[05:24:29] It helps if you initialize accumulator vars to zero
[05:25:03] (03PS2) 10Catrope: [WIP] Always cover inserted content in SurfaceFragment#insertContent [VisualEditor/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134559
[05:25:07] OK there
[05:25:11] hah
[05:25:17] That actually passes the existing tests on my machine
[05:26:25] i'm testing now on the node that failed
[05:26:35] the mwImageModel should work without any tweaks, right? If I understood what you did correctly
[05:26:48] it gets the full range, and then looks for the right node anyways inside the Image Model
[05:27:09] Yeah exactly
[05:27:15] It should be fully compatible with your existing code
[05:27:21] Applying this should make your code just start working
[05:27:24] (the best kind of patch)
[05:27:44] indeed
[05:27:45] let's see
[05:29:09] ok so inspecting everything, the fragment range is still 20/20 (flat)
[05:29:11] BUT it works
[05:29:49] Ahm, wat
[05:29:56] The fragment range shouldn't be 20,20
[05:30:07] Not right after the insertContent() call anyway
[05:30:07] coveredNodes again have only 1 item too, and it's still paragraph
[05:30:11] and yet... it.. works
[05:30:12] this is weird
[05:30:15] let me clear cache
[05:33:55] RoanKattouw, ok this is really weird
[05:33:58] i'm still getting the same thing
[05:34:04] and newNodeRange is null
[05:34:44] Ahm, wat?
[05:34:45] this: fragment.collapseRangeToEnd().insertContent( contentToInsert ).getRange();
[05:34:50] is 'flat'.. 61/61
[05:34:56] wtf
[05:34:58] (using another node further down the page)
[05:35:13] let me try refreshing the cache again, I am having occasional flukes with it.
[05:37:19] WM
[05:37:21] *M
[05:37:23] *WFM
[05:37:25] Come on keyboard
[05:37:38] Page with just [[File:VisualEditor-logo.svg]]
[05:37:41] change type to thumbnail
[05:37:48] Without my fix, there's a JS error
[05:37:51] With my fix, it works
[05:38:27] [[File:Logo mo.jpg|border|frameless]]
[05:38:30] to thumb
[05:38:49] fail for me. I'm adding a double-check in the model in any case as fallback, but this makes no sense
[05:40:00] yeah I cleared cache twice
[05:40:09] :\ TypeError: newNode is undefined
[05:40:34] hmm yeah even in my test case I get a zero-length range, that's weird
[05:41:06] Ooooh
[05:41:09] It's because my code is stupid
[05:41:17] Is your image also the very first thing on the page?
[05:41:33] No, but there's only a heading before it
[05:41:42] Hmm
[05:41:46] == frameless == [image]
[05:42:04] Hmm and getModifiedRange() returns the right result
[05:42:08] And still the range is wrong, wtf
[05:42:14] ok hang on
[05:42:16] now it works
[05:42:25] so, the range is wrong, but it works
[05:42:31] I removed all my "corrections"
[05:43:00] Yeah mysteriously it works for me too
[05:43:00] makes no sense, really.. my 'correction' was to move the newNode = ... to inside the loop with coveredNodes[i].node
[05:43:11] Probably because the range accidentally ends up in a fortuitous place or something
[05:43:13] I removed that (so I'm using the clean code from master) and it works
[05:43:40] I guess it makes sense if the range is still quirky, but then if it's still quirky why does it work NOW and not before
[05:44:03] This:
[05:44:03] newFragment = surfaceModel.getFragment( newNodeRange );
[05:44:04] newFragment.select();
[05:44:04] newNode = newFragment.getSelectedNode();
[05:44:08] seems to select the node properly
[05:44:09] That's the thing, it *shouldn't* work
[05:44:14] even though the newFragment range is wrong
[05:44:16] how weird is that
[05:44:45] Unless getCoveredNode messes with the range or something
[05:44:47] wtf
[05:44:51] Isn't that the best type of bug? "It works, but i have no idea why!"
[05:45:19] oooooooooooh
[05:45:29] Guess what collapseRangeToEnd() does
[05:45:31] It *clones* the range
[05:45:42] oh, I forgot that's there... hah!
[05:45:58] That's why our debugging is showing wrong data
[05:46:08] The actual fragment that's being operated on does have the correct range
[05:46:15] Also, moving the newNode assignment into the for loop should totally work
[05:46:19] wait, it clones the range, but we're checking the range for the fragment
[05:46:31] why is it showing us not the one that it's actually acting on?
[05:46:41] RoanKattouw, it would if the range is right
[05:46:44] it didn't when the range is flat
[05:46:49] Sorry
[05:46:54] It clones the fragment
[05:46:58] And the range with it
[05:47:10] So when you do fragment.getRange()
[05:47:35] You're getting the range of the old fragment before collapseRangeToEnd() was called, not the new one that .insertContent() actually operated on
[05:47:54] ahha
[05:47:57] And because insertContent()'s new behavior differs from standard range translation in this case, the two fragments are now different
[05:47:59] wait, no, the new fragment
[05:48:06] the new range is collapsed, which is what we got
[05:48:09] the wrong one.
[05:48:32] k, success!
[05:48:36] I also added a fallback
[05:51:19] (03PS1) 10Mooeypoo: Adjust newNode range and fallback in MWImageModel [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134563
[05:51:23] RoanKattouw, followup to yours ^^
[05:52:31] mooeypoo: Not actually a dependency
[05:52:44] well the code breaks without yours
[05:52:46] Your change works in isolation
[05:52:55] It only breaks in the exact same cases as it broke before though
[05:52:57] but it breaks without yours before my fix too
[05:53:01] right
[05:53:08] I guess it's not a dependency, it's a followup
[05:53:36] I thought it would be wise to relate them, though. Should I change to 'followup' ? related-change?
[05:53:43] "Also see #" ? :P
[05:54:49] RoanKattouw, actually, what *is* the proper way to define it in commit messages?
[05:55:01] similar to jsduck?
[05:55:17] We could relate them but they're not really related
[05:55:28] They're only related in that we made the changes while investigating the same issue
[05:55:54] Ah. I guess so.
[05:56:22] They're conceptually related as in they conceptually fix a related bug (with fallbacks and reading the proper range) but that's just quibbling over detail :p i'll remove it
[05:56:40] (03PS2) 10Mooeypoo: Adjust newNode range and fallback in MWImageModel [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134563
[05:57:31] (03CR) 10Catrope: [C: 032] Adjust newNode range and fallback in MWImageModel [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134563 (owner: 10Mooeypoo)
[05:59:01] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Adjust newNode range and fallback in MWImageModel [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134563 (owner: 10Mooeypoo)
[06:00:29] woot woot
[06:00:56] oh, uh, RoanKattouw I don't mind +2ing yours now that we tested it works, but it's WIP
[06:01:48] oh you're creating unit tests. Forgot about those.
[06:01:58] * mooeypoo pretends she didn't just say that
[06:02:24] I'm going to create them tomorrow
[06:02:28] After I get some sleep
[06:02:33] yeah you should get to sleep
[06:02:36] and me too
[06:02:53] going to check on what other bugs were reported, then head off.
[06:02:58] thanks for the help!!
[06:07:33] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: [Regression pre-wmf6] While changing the Image Type to Frame/Basic, it automatically selects the alignment as Left when it is positioned at the right of the page, but it doesn't change position in CE surface until save - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65564#c2 (...
[06:07:58] yay, RoanKattouw the earlier bug fix fixed also this bug (at least it seems to)
[06:08:14] yay
[06:08:25] I'm very encouraged with the fact there seem to be relatively few bugs with the model
[06:08:42] Yeah that's very nice
[06:08:49] *knock on wood* I was worried we'll get a bunch more, since it is such a different paradigm shift from the previous way things worked
[06:09:12] I also think it should have fixed a couple of previous bugs. I'll test those too.
[06:14:51] Alright, in the meantime I'm gonna go get some sleep
[06:14:59] See you tomorrow
[06:19:49] 3VisualEditor / 3Editing Tools: VisualEditor: When an image has a full size which is smaller than the default size, it does not set the default size to the value of full size - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/62293#c12 (10Moriel Schottlender) Just tested this again with the new MWImageModel, and it seems th...
[06:19:51] night!
[13:53:25] (03CR) 10Alex Monk: [C: 032] Unbind confirm dialog handlers after either of the events fires once [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134546 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65557) (owner: 10Catrope)
[13:55:16] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Unbind confirm dialog handlers after either of the events fires once [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134546 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65557) (owner: 10Catrope)
[14:04:20] 3VisualEditor / 3MediaWiki integration: VisualEditor: [Regression] Switching to edit source mode throws TypeError: Cannot read property 'css' of null and TypeError: Cannot read property 'each' of null for a specific case - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65557 (10Alex Monk) 5PAT>3RES/FIX a:5Alex Monk>...
[15:39:23] (03PS1) 10Alex Monk: Emit a single 'done' event from confirmation dialog instead of 'ok' and 'cancel' [oojs/ui] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134620 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65571)
[15:40:53] (03PS1) 10Alex Monk: Clean up interaction with confirmation dialog [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134621 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65571)
[15:43:24] (03CR) 10Alex Monk: "Should be merged with I19aa6561" [oojs/ui] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134620 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65571) (owner: 10Alex Monk)
[15:46:36] James_F, hey
[15:47:06] Is there a bug somewhere for / in a table moving left/right instead?
[15:47:21] Huh. No.
[15:47:27] Also, interesting behaviour. :-)
[15:47:50] James_F, I guess I'll file that then
[15:47:58] Kk.
[15:51:25] Okay, I've managed to get my list of stuff back down to roughly where it was when I intended to start submitting code yesterday. :/
[15:51:31] :-(
[15:55:56] (03CR) 10Alex Monk: "I managed to come up with another solution (which I since decided is even worse), involving two new hooks. Guess I'll just document this f" [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/130328 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/61073) (owner: 10Alex Monk)
[15:56:47] Krenair: If we find an extension that wants to add a drop-down rather than a checkbox, the answer is "tough"?
[15:57:10] (03PS6) 10Alex Monk: Allow extensions to add extra meta item checkboxes to the page settings dialog [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/130328 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/61073)
[15:57:49] James_F, as far as this change goes, yeah :(
[15:58:14] Krenair: Ah well.
[15:58:37] Hm.
[15:58:42] Hmm.
[15:59:04] I probably should have re-read Krinkle's comment today before submitting the new commit message (instead of remembering only part of it).
[15:59:11] * James_F grins.
[16:02:53] Krenair: BTW, found a fun bug I think with https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/133379/ (the PageTriage hiding/showing stuff)
[16:03:17] Krenair: I /think/ it was opening the PageTriage menu regardless of whether it was previously open on the page after each save for me.
[16:07:03] (03PS7) 10Alex Monk: Allow extensions to add extra meta item checkboxes to the page settings dialog [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/130328 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/61073)
[16:12:02] James_F, I filed https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65589 by the way
[16:12:22] Hmm, but it didn't report in here? Is the bot broken?
[16:12:28] Seems so.
[16:12:35] Boo.
[16:12:37] It hasn't been reporting in #wikimedia-dev either
[16:12:41] * James_F nods.
[16:14:53] Krenair: I /think/ it was opening the PageTriage menu regardless of whether it was previously open on the page after each save for me.
[16:15:13] What might cause it to not be open?
[16:17:31] (03PS1) 10Alex Monk: Switch action=opensearch calls to list=prefixsearch where appropriate [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134632 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63555)
[16:18:18] Krenair: Just because I'm +sysop doesn't mean I have the PageTriage tool open ever. :-)
[16:18:50] (03CR) 10Alex Monk: [C: 04-2] "Wait until 1.23 release before merging this. Would like to know if anyone runs into bugs with it though." [extensions/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134632 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63555) (owner: 10Alex Monk)
[16:20:12] (03PS5) 10Esanders: Phantom optimisations, episode II [VisualEditor/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134069
[16:20:14] (03PS2) 10Esanders: [BREAKING CHANGE] Merge protected node into focusable node [VisualEditor/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134363
[16:21:36] James_F, okay, so I'm completely unfamiliar with PageTriage
[16:22:07] Krenair: Me too.
[16:22:36] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] [BREAKING CHANGE] Merge protected node into focusable node [VisualEditor/VisualEditor] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134363 (owner: 10Esanders)