[00:10:26] what do you open the software with? [00:14:23] what software? [00:15:12] MediaWiki software [00:15:48] to run a wiki...maybe I misunderstood the pages [00:16:16] you need a webserver [00:16:20] apache [00:16:42] ok...one sec [00:55:27] how do you use ? [00:55:35] specifically, to make a fraction [01:19:35] 03(mod) User list includes MediaWiki: Viewprevnext without rendering markup. - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11454 (10wiki) [01:40:34] is there any way to ban all open proxies in mediawiki? [01:51:20] sort of [01:51:28] though not worth it really [01:53:21] you can never ban 'all' open proxies because it's infeasible to detect them all [02:15:15] ping VoiceOfAll [02:31:05] after including this statement in my localsettings: require( "$IP/extensions/OggHandler/OggHandler.php" ); my website does not load anymore [02:31:12] does anyone know what could be the cause? [02:31:29] this extension works fine on my other wiki (same server/setup) [02:31:55] only difference is the one it doesn't work on has more extensions running and runs from the root directory [03:11:06] hello -- an extension i wrote is adding a newline at the top of the html source of every page [03:11:10] any idea what's causing this and how to stop it? [03:15:35] ordinarily this wouldn't be that big an issue but it breaks the XML spec in the output of the Google sitemap script I'm using. [03:16:39] 03(mod) Remove deprecated extAddSpecialPage - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11461 (10vasilvv) [03:29:56] what is the replacement for wfQuery? [03:43:36] how do i make a "less than or equal" sql query using $dbr->select( ... )? [03:43:45] i can do "equals" using: [03:44:26] $dbr->select( ..., array( 'rev_id' => $revisionId ) ); [03:44:51] but i'm not sure about "less than or equal" ... [03:46:14] ..., array ( "rev_id <= '5'" ) [03:46:33] Should do it, I believe [03:51:27] amidaniel: awesome, thanks much [03:51:32] np [03:54:35] anyone have an idea why my extension might be adding a newline at the top of HTML source? [03:55:34] neurophyre: There are many reasons why it might :) .. are you using include_once or require_once to load it? [03:55:59] 03(mod) Remove deprecated extAddSpecialPage - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11461 +comment (10JSchulz_4587) [03:56:03] amidaniel: just a simple include() from LocalSettings.php [03:56:19] neurophyre: Replace it with a require_once to see if that fixes it [03:56:27] thank you, trying now [03:56:52] amidaniel: nope [03:57:39] neurophyre: Can you pastebin the ext? [03:57:58] sure, or it's available on my site, whichever you prefer [03:58:09] either way works :) [03:58:11] http://www.smartcatmedia.com/bb2ext_svn/ [03:58:51] does mediawiki do variable substitution / SQL escaping like other frameworks? [03:59:05] amidaniel: and yes, i removed the extra newline at the end of bb2ext.php [03:59:49] $dbr->select( ..., array( 'rev_id <= %' ), ... $revisionId )? [03:59:55] to prevent SQL injection [03:59:59] neurophyre: You might want to remove the closing ?> altogether .. I've had hidden whitespace at the end of files give me quite some headaches [04:00:24] amidaniel: doesn't that break php conventions? [04:01:34] neurophyre: If it does, it's a dumb convention that should be broken [04:01:57] amidaniel: i tried it regardless, and it didn't solve the problem. [04:02:04] same issue either way. [04:04:29] hmm dunno [04:04:51] puzzling. ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem but it breaks my sitemap script. [04:06:38] hmm, it doesn't appear to be adding it anywhere but the sitemap.php.xml output now.. odd [04:07:17] guess i'll look at that script more closely. [04:11:16] amidaniel: hey [04:11:31] hello [04:11:36] amidaniel: I've built texvc, but it's still coming back with the postgresql error [04:11:39] :( [04:11:56] regarding my formula problem , to refresh your memory [04:12:20] Ah, yes [04:12:38] Have you rerun update.php / install.php? [04:14:07] amidaniel: I guess not :p [04:14:44] no worries :) [04:17:32] I don't know that would require a DB update [04:59:52] 06(LATER) Enable importing from all wikis to Meta - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10754 +comment (10jeluf) [05:22:09] 03(NEW) Please import Upper Sorbian Test project into http://hsb. wiktionary.org - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11469 15enhancement; normal; Wikimedia: Site requests; (jorohr) [05:26:25] 03(mod) Please import Upper Sorbian Test project into http://hsb. wiktionary.org - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11469 +shell (10raimond.spekking) [05:47:44] 03(mod) Interwiki code for mzn wikipedia is wrong - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11457 (10N/A) [05:51:27] roar [05:55:58] 03amidaniel * r26173 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesEn.php: Simplify the enableautoblock message. [06:39:16] 03(FIXED) Please import Upper Sorbian Test project into http://hsb. wiktionary.org - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11469 +comment (10jeluf) [06:54:47] 03(mod) Please import Upper Sorbian Test project into http://hsb. wiktionary.org - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11469 (10jorohr) [06:59:35] 03(NEW) A database query syntax error has occurred while viewing imbedded pics. - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11470 04CRIT; highest; MediaWiki: Database; (Raziel_pawns) [07:00:17] hi all [07:02:04] hi [07:02:12] question re: image uploading, I've read the wiki, instructing me how to edit the php.ini, I cannot find this file. As my wiki is hosted by a company, should I contact the company who owns that computer (seeing as php.ini is usually in /etc/somewhere) or is it someplace in the mediawiki install that I can't find? [07:03:46] 14(INVALID) A database query syntax error has occurred while viewing imbedded pics. - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11470 +comment (10Andrew) [07:03:46] briareus: I'm sorry, but I can't answer that question. I'm still learning wiki myself. I think your right, php.ini is not in your wiki dirs [07:04:03] yeah, so until then I think my wiki is ungraphical :) [07:04:17] briareus: correct. you need to edit /etc/php/apache2/php.ini [07:04:23] is it something you can add in the LocalSettings [07:04:24] <_wooz> lo [07:04:27] thanks Werdna [07:04:34] so I must contact the webhoster [07:04:42] indeed. what does it tell you to edit [07:05:03] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Configuring_file_uploads#Make_sure_uploads_are_enabled_in_PHP [07:05:39] I'll contact the webhoster [07:05:46] hold on [07:05:58] my impression is that that's usually set by default [07:06:12] try it, if it doesn't work, be aware that that might be the issue. [07:11:47] I tried it, mediawiki platform informs me that image uploads are disabled [07:11:54] points me to the page I gave you [07:11:55] :) [07:12:03] I just wrote the webhoster, we'll see [07:31:11] ok I got another Q for ya [07:31:35] 03(mod) A database query syntax error has occurred while viewing imbedded pics. - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11470 (10Raziel_pawns) [07:32:28] I've taken to putting a [[#wherever|wherever]] at the top of a page FOO to jump down, but... how do I do the same from page POO that jumps to FOO's #wherever ? [07:33:45] something like a [[#FOO#wherever|wherever]] ? [07:34:37] get rid of the first # [07:37:26] 03(mod) Eliminate spurious errors - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11466 summary (10lgerbarg) [07:40:03] thanks [07:40:22] 03(mod) Please import Upper Sorbian Test project into http://hsb. wiktionary.org - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11469 (10jeluf) [07:40:41] Werdna: how can i turn the little contents box off? [07:40:47] just for the main page [07:42:10] uh, one sec [07:42:51] in MediaWiki:Common.css, .page-Main_Page #toc {display: none; } [07:43:46] so the common.css seems it would kill it wiki-wide, huh [07:43:49] :( [07:43:57] oh, maybe not [07:44:37] no [07:45:35] wait, is that file accessible from the wiki or from the hosting server? hosting server I think [07:48:51] I just ran a search on the entire wiki/ folder on the server and can't find common.css anywhere [07:52:27] Werdna: :) found this: [07:52:30] To remove a table of contents from a page, add __NOTOC__ to anywhere on the page. The __ character before the commands is two _ characters together See Help:Section for more information. [07:53:09] works perfectly [07:56:03] briareus: actually, that is accessible from the wiki, MediaWiki:Common.css [07:56:08] but yeah, that works too :P [07:58:04] I can get to Mediawiki:common.css from the wiki itself? [07:58:36] mhm [08:02:11] 03(mod) Broken UTF-8 cutoff breaks display in some browsers - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=332 (10N/A) [08:36:39] Hello. I am about to create a web app that shall allow users to edit some data in wiki style, including history, file uploads and discussion. My idea was to integrate mediawiki into my app. Is this possible, or can mediawiki only be run standalone? [08:42:36] cweiske: you can just include it in a iframe. but to directly access the data in the wiki you have to pass the iframe the variables of the mainframe, what maybe will be a little bit tricku [08:42:43] /u/y/ [08:43:09] am i right? [08:44:09] I thought about not having any of the menus on the left but just the "page" view with page content and top edit/history/discusion tabs [08:44:35] this would IMO require that mediawiki provides a php method that returns just this part of the HTML [08:45:16] i think you would like to just hack the skin and throw the menus out [08:45:45] that'd be an idea, yes [08:46:01] you can also just use the wiki api to render wiki text and ... [08:46:24] rendering text could be done with PEAR's text_wiki package [08:46:31] erm. i would think the way with the skin is faster. [08:46:39] but I hoped not to need to program all the other features beside rendering :) [08:47:14] cweiske: you want history and discussion also. you can write all you own, but why? [08:47:40] yes, that's what I asked myself [08:47:49] and I would prefer to get it all "for free" [08:47:50] naaah. i don't think you have to. i am not sure if the iframe solution is the best. [08:48:11] nothing is for free. it will even cost time :) [08:48:48] reminds me of one of my frequently used sentences: free as freedom not as free beer :) [08:48:55] yep [08:50:37] ok I have another question. If I am writing a story that updates often ( a news story with links) and I want to duplicate it on a second page in the wiki, how can I make it 'mirror' or update on that second page? or must I continually cut and paste the whole page [08:51:03] (I ask because the initial page with other content might grow too long) and I could then axe that one leaving a link [08:54:08] hello all, in wikimedia programing what are the three curly brackets or braces: {{{ [08:55:55] 03(mod) Remove deprecated extAddSpecialPage - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11461 (10robchur) [08:58:09] 03(mod) A database query syntax error has occurred while viewing imbedded pics. - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11470 (10robchur) [09:02:21] 03robchurch * r26174 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesEn.php: Revert r26173; unjustified removal of useful explanation and insertion of jargon [09:10:39] briareus: you can include the page by using similar syntax as you'd use for templates: {{:page}} [09:23:52] How do I change which page is the "Main Page"? [09:23:53] Visit the "MediaWiki:Mainpage" page, enter the name of the new default page, and save changes. MediaWiki should recognize the setting and use the new default page. [09:24:20] ...but how do I visit "MediaWiki:Mainpage" ...when I go to my Main Page, it's name is set, I can't edit it [09:26:14] so many of the directions on the HOWTOs start somewhere over my head [09:27:02] when I type in /myurl.net/wiki/Mainpage or /MediaWiki:Mainpage it goes right back upstream to /myurl.net/ right out of the wiki itself [09:27:07] what am I missing [09:28:03] does anyone 'get' that instruction above at 2:23 ? [09:29:38] same with this instruction: [09:29:41] If you want to change the title in your browser, you need to edit MediaWiki:pagetitle. Go there and edit it just like you would any other page in your Wiki. [09:29:52] impossible, in my mediawiki [09:31:30] I have no such page as MediaWiki:anything [09:33:29] [00:58] < briareus> I can get to Mediawiki:common.css from the wiki itself? [09:33:30] [00:58] < Werdna> mhm [09:33:35] ...how? [09:35:52] I suppose my install may be broken, if I can't even search for those terms [09:40:14] going to reinstall it all [09:40:41] Hi guys [09:41:16] anybody know how to change the look and feel og mediawiki [09:42:37] Maj: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skins [09:43:03] ok thanks let me check [09:47:47] 03raymond * r26175 10/trunk/phase3/ (11 files in 8 dirs): [09:47:47] * Show relevant deletion log lines when uploading a previously deleted file [09:47:47] (when the desired filename is part of the URL: &wpDestFile=filename.jpg) [09:56:16] Greetings! [09:56:49] can anyone tell me how I can list all of my Categories? [09:57:12] nicecategoerylisting extension ;) [09:57:55] thanks Maj [09:58:05] can I rename a Category name? [10:00:28] am not sure about this.. may be someone will help you :) [10:02:12] carrera: no you can't. you can create a new category and move all pages to the new namespace. [10:02:23] ok [10:02:23] erm [10:02:32] not namespace but category [10:02:35] can I remove a Category then? [10:07:58] 03(mod) Enable Special:Import on Norwegian Wikibooks - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10485 +comment (10herman) [10:21:54] hi [10:22:04] anybody knows how to set path for css [10:22:11] if I change the skin [10:22:13] ? [10:32:13] any idea [10:32:13] ? [10:53:31] 03huji * r26176 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesFa.php: Updating persian translations [11:25:17] 03(NEW) Comments namespace - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11471 15enhancement; normal; Wikimedia: Site requests; (newsmarkie) [11:35:39] HELlo [11:35:56] Hi [11:35:58] hello :) ? [11:36:09] hi [11:37:57] hui [11:37:59] hi-flood [11:38:40] Hi Nikerabbit! [11:38:44] hehe [11:38:54] lol [11:39:00] We all live you Rab! [11:39:05] live? [11:39:10] *love you* [11:40:03] *Nikerabbit_lover feels broken hearted, as her darling Rab hasn't replied to her! [11:40:18] lol [11:40:26] ^2 [11:41:06] Thank you honey! [11:41:12] hahahha [11:41:41] ugh [11:42:05] Will you marry me?! [11:42:14] ha ha ha [11:42:16] :) [11:42:42] I can't have multiple lovers :E [11:43:04] Yes you can't! Only me! [11:43:19] somewhat of a paradox... [11:43:55] ? [11:44:03] *Werdna wtfs [11:44:30] wtFFFFs?! [11:44:52] hmm rabbits multiplying /me needs a gun [11:45:46] *nickpig_hidden hides! [11:53:25] hi all [11:53:29] hi [11:53:32] I have a problem [11:53:38] whatz up ? [11:53:57] I installed mediawiki on my altervista site yesterday [11:54:10] and now I'm configuring it [11:54:47] He asks me to type the database name, the database account and the db password [11:54:58] I entered all the parameters [11:55:37] and? [11:56:00] and returned a message errore [11:56:03] *error [11:56:14] can you paste the error message here please? [11:56:21] Something's not quite right yet; make sure everything below is filled out correctly. [11:56:35] Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/bin/gdiff3) is not within the allowed path(s): (/membri) in /membri/mmorpgames/php5/wiki/config/index.php on line 1793 [11:56:36] Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/bin/diff3) is not within the allowed path(s): (/membri) in /membri/mmorpgames/php5/wiki/config/index.php on line 1793 [11:56:40] and many others [11:57:05] okay it's a problem with php [11:57:12] check your php.ini file [11:57:18] in the server/pc [11:57:23] and near "database user" and "database password" appear: "check username and password" [11:57:24] why? [11:57:26] *Hojjat agrees [11:57:38] past the values of disable_function [11:57:44] paste [11:57:46] here [11:57:51] let me check [11:58:12] what server is it ? [11:58:13] Maj, what? [11:58:16] what build [11:58:17] ? [11:58:32] is it windows/linux [11:58:42] your pc [11:58:43] windows [11:58:44] ? [11:58:46] xp [11:58:47] ok [11:58:57] serach for php.ini file [11:59:10] ok [12:00:04] Maj, I can't find it. Where is it? [12:00:30] you need to find your php folder [12:00:45] inside thath folder you will find a php.ini file [12:00:51] Maj, just a second [12:00:55] ok [12:01:43] on the local pc or on the server? [12:02:10] where you trying to install mediawiki [12:02:11] ? [12:02:20] in server /pc ? [12:02:36] on a server [12:02:51] ok did you login to the server ? [12:02:55] http://mmorpgames.altervista.org/php5/wiki/ [12:03:01] er...no... [12:03:09] I haven't login [12:03:28] 03aaron * r26177 10/trunk/extensions/FlaggedRevs/FlaggedArticle.php: *svn-eol style native [12:03:44] do you have the administrator login to the server [12:03:45] ? [12:03:56] don't paste it here [12:03:57] yes [12:04:08] ok login to the server [12:04:14] via ftp? [12:04:17] using rdesktop [12:04:23] waht? [12:04:27] does ur server support rdesktop [12:04:28] ? [12:04:36] or vncviewer [12:04:36] what is rdesktop? [12:04:37] ? [12:05:09] I don't know what thy are... [12:05:19] hmm how do you login the the server ? [12:05:25] I usually connect to the server via ftp [12:05:30] are you the server owner ? [12:05:50] well, I'm not the owner [12:06:00] not of the whole server [12:06:10] see altervista.org [12:06:17] okay you need to contact the support people of your webhost and tell them this [12:06:29] tell them what? [12:06:32] they need to change some setting serverwide [12:06:47] what kind of settings? [12:07:00] I don't know if they will do that bcause that may cause security problems [12:07:06] in php.ini [12:07:18] they need to remove some functions [12:07:24] wait a few seconds [12:07:31] disable_functions [12:07:42] I can see a folder /php5/ on the server [12:07:50] may the php.ini file be there? [12:08:02] yeah [12:08:17] ok, I'll try there [12:08:56] you will see something like disable_functions = < some functions> [12:09:08] if you paste it here I will help [12:09:10] :) [12:09:41] oh no! There si nothing in that folder! [12:10:11] if php is there then am sure there is one php.ini [12:10:17] you need to find it :) [12:11:23] no. The folder is empty. I think only the server's owner cen see the files that are there [12:11:44] yeah you should be the administrator [12:12:01] for that you need to contact your webhost support [12:12:22] I'll do so [12:12:27] thank you anywhere [12:12:36] show them your sites error [12:12:51] if they are technically good then they will fix it ;) [12:13:43] if you are not able to fix the error contact me via mail majoosh@gmail.com [12:13:44] Maj, I can activate the .htaccess support [12:13:57] i will tell the ways to fix the problem [12:14:04] ok [12:14:15] ok if you have .htaccess [12:14:29] set disable_functions = [12:14:31] 03(NEW) assigning an id to the "rollback" link - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11472 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki: User interface; (huji.huji) [12:14:59] in .htaccess but not sure if thath will override the server settings [12:15:03] give it a try [12:15:07] just give [12:15:10] disable_functions = [12:15:15] in htaccess [12:15:18] nope [12:15:20] sorry [12:15:22] give [12:15:32] php_flag disable_functions = [12:15:42] give it a shot ;) [12:15:56] Maj, I activate it and I will return here :) [12:16:06] ok [12:21:05] hehe [12:21:14] this was a fun read [12:21:17] Maj, I've done it! thank u! [12:21:27] did that worked [12:21:28] ? [12:21:31] Now it wors properly [12:21:36] *works [12:22:10] oh Okay pay me $$$ ;) [12:27:58] anyone know by chance how to get openoffice to read/edit an xps document? [12:28:51] ooimpress [12:29:11] that didn't worked ? [12:29:37] i was trying oowriter - impress never occured to me [12:30:25] nope, doesn't recognize... [12:30:35] hmm [12:49:34] hello [12:50:12] I wish to restrict search engines from indexing selected namespaces [12:50:29] I've been told to hack Monobook.php [12:50:35] and to add something like: [12:50:57] "if (in_array($wgTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_USER, NS_TALK, NS_USER_TALK)) { echo(""); }" [12:52:23] if I use robots.txt to stop indexing of /w/ (the wiki uses wikipedia style URLs and /sites/somesite.tld/w/ is where the MW resides) then.. [12:52:28] Am I covered? [12:52:40] juxo: see $wgNamespaceRobotPolicies in DefaultSettings.php [12:53:00] Raymond_: ploxx a lot.. I knew it had to exist [12:53:23] ploxx? [12:53:34] Raymond_: thank yous [12:53:37] :) [12:55:49] Raymond_: ok so... [12:55:52] $wgNamespaceRobotPolicies = array( NS_TALK => 'noindex' ); [12:56:17] where do I get the name for extra-namespaces (i.e. the equivalent of NS_TALK)? [12:56:21] juxo: put it into your localSettings.php [12:56:32] or can I use the namespace numbers? [12:57:13] dunno [12:57:33] NS_TALK is in CAPITALS so it should be a constant [12:58:22] and MediaWiki excels in good programming practices comliance so it must be so [12:58:31] but if someone could confirm this [12:58:53] juxo: it has no '$', so it's not a variable [12:59:09] ialex: is it the number of the namespace? [12:59:16] err. numeric code [12:59:19] juxo: yes [12:59:26] ialex: big thanks [12:59:53] juxo: see http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/includes/Defines.php?view=markup [13:00:02] will do ialex [13:07:48] 'nofollow' must be redundant if 'noindex' is set. can someone confirm this? [13:08:04] <_username> Hi. If there are any backdoors in MediaWiki, now would be the appropriate time to admit it. [13:08:18] <_username> I accidentally killed sshd on my box. :) [13:08:37] _username: do you have remote console reboot [13:08:46] that should get you out of the gutter [13:08:54] <_username> Yeah, but I'd like to do it without a reboot if possible. [13:10:29] <_username> I don't suppose that administrators get to bypass any restrictions? [13:15:31] <_username> If only I could upload a php file. [13:23:34] 03greg * r26178 10/trunk/phase3/includes/Database.php: Use "private", thanks Nick. [13:44:47] *VoiceOfAll sighs [13:45:11] (Deletion log); 13:44 . . Voice of All (Talk | contribs | block) (deleted "MediaWiki:Viewprevnext": WTF?) [13:47:07] hey guys [13:47:15] hi Maj [13:47:22] hi [13:47:50] anybody knows how to set the default skin other thatn monobook.php [13:48:35] in Localsettings.php there is $wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook'; [13:49:01] but when I change it .. the background and pics are not showing properly [13:49:08] any idea [13:49:15] something with css ? [13:49:16] how do I enable rss and atom feeds? [13:50:42] anyone ? [13:51:31] anyone ? [13:52:20] _username: can you ftp to the server? [14:06:51] hey guys! can anyone help me in german please? [14:08:17] Gerrit|cZ: was für eine frage hast du [14:09:07] Hallo Raymond, ich habe die Frage wie ich in Mediawiki oben so einen kleinen Text schreiben kann so wie es in der Wikipedia ist wenn zum Spenden aufgerufen wird [14:09:31] Gerrit|cZ: bearbeite [[MediaWiki:Sitenotice]] [14:09:49] Wird dies dann auf allen Seiten angezeigt? [14:10:30] ja [14:10:57] Okay vielen Dank für deinen schnellen Support :) [14:11:15] Gerrit|cZ: für angemeldete benutzer. [14:11:40] und wie mache ich das wenn es auch unregistrierte lesen sollen? [14:11:42] für nicht angemeldete benutzer gibt es [[MediaWiki:anonnotice]] [14:11:51] ok ich war zu schnell ;) danke [14:25:23] 03(mod) Update for Cantonese language (yue) #57, Update for Old Chinese / Late Time Chinese languages (och/ltc) , Update for Chinese localisation (zho series) - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11284 +comment (10shinjiman) [14:33:52] 03(mod) Update for Cantonese language (yue) #57, Update for Old Chinese / Late Time Chinese languages (och/ltc) , Update for Chinese localisation (zho series) - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11284 (10shinjiman) [14:35:06] 03(mod) Update for Cantonese language (yue) #57, Update for Old Chinese / Late Time Chinese languages (och/ltc) , Update for Chinese localisation (zho series) - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11284 (10shinjiman) [14:54:56] 03(mod) Enable Special:Import on Norwegian Wikibooks - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10485 (10jeluf) [14:57:05] Hi Raymond, habe noch eine Frage ;) [14:57:21] Gerrit_Depner: ok [14:57:22] Wie kriege ich aus der URL das index.php weg? [14:57:51] Gerrit_Depner: suche in der FAQ nach "short URL". aus dem kopf weiß ich das nicht [14:57:59] ok danke :) [15:12:45] on the wikipedia mediawiki
blocks are styled? with a cool dotted blue line around them. how do I make my mediawiki do that? [15:18:51] <_username> NotACow: No, unfortunately I've been using SCP/rsync [15:19:06] _username: oh well. :) [15:19:10] 03(mod) Update for Cantonese language (yue) #57, Update for Old Chinese / Late Time Chinese languages (och/ltc) , Update for Chinese localisation (zho series) - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11284 +comment (10shinjiman) [15:31:03] what should I do to make edits appear in feeds, not just new articles (might be an aggregator problem)? [15:34:14] juxo: the history pages of all articles offer rss/atom feeds [15:35:24] hi guys anybody know how to remove " Edit this page | Watch this page | Discuss this page | Page history | What links here | Related changes Delete this page | Protect this page | Move this page" from mediawiki [15:41:36] 03(FIXED) Update for Cantonese language (yue) #57, Update for Old Chinese / Late Time Chinese languages (och/ltc) , Update for Chinese localisation (zho series) - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11284 +comment (10raimond.spekking) [15:50:45] hi [15:50:49] any brazilian? [15:51:23] anyone here would like to create a webpage using mediawiki and all money with adsense goes to who create the webpage [15:55:42] on the wikipedia mediawiki
blocks are styled? with a cool dotted blue line around them. how do I make my mediawiki do that? [15:57:56] hi everyone. i'm trying to tidy up a wiki. how can i get a list of links to pages which do not have any content yet, where someone has made a [[ link but where the destination page isn't there yet? [16:00:33] Raymond_: I have to subscribe to them one by one? [16:00:43] juxo: yes [16:00:58] crap [16:05:20] lauriej: i believe that's Special:Wantedpages [16:05:42] 03(mod) Comments namespace - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11471 +shell (10raimond.spekking) [16:06:21] NotACow: thanks! that's embarrassingly obvious, now I see it. doh [16:10:22] lauriej: there's a lot of special pages and mpst people have not even looked at all of them [16:10:26] lauriej: i had to check the source to be sure :) [16:11:00] next on my list, changing the content of the sidebar :) [16:11:16] can't help you there [16:11:20] i suck at skinning [16:15:24] 03(mod) Portuguese translation error, file: MessagesPt.php - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11169 (10raimond.spekking) [16:18:20] 03raymond * r26180 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesPt.php: [16:18:20] * (bug 11458) Update Portuguese translation [16:18:20] Patch by Tiago Barabasz [16:18:54] 03(FIXED) Portuguese translation error, file: MessagesPt.php - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11458 +comment (10raimond.spekking) [16:21:47] 03(mod) Extension stylesheets should be loaded before any others - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10184 +comment (10wknight8111) [16:22:26] 03(mod) Render wikilinks in site/user CSS/JS - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10410 (10wknight8111) [16:35:32] on the wikipedia mediawiki
blocks are styled? with a cool dotted blue line around them. how do I make my mediawiki do that? [16:37:28] I want to delete the link to a donation page from my wiki, and i looked in some files, but i can't find where to manage those this, can anyone tell me how? [16:39:24] hi guys [16:39:27] ShinSR71: [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] [16:39:33] ah okay thanks [16:40:51] does that allow me to put a small image there too? [16:41:03] i'm writing an IRC bot in Ruby and i was wondering if anyone has experience with querying wikipedia through Ruby? [16:41:22] something like '?wiki query string' [16:41:33] and return the first few lines of the query (or nil, if no article exists) [16:41:41] anyone have experience with something like that? [16:44:27] a question; would it be possible you think to implement a parser function #insection that will flag if we are in a section or not (not is above the first defined section on a page) [16:47:54] 03rotem * r26181 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesHe.php: Update. [16:49:15] anyone? [16:56:29] talkative bunch, i'd say [16:58:38] Oshuma: hmm [16:58:43] 03(NEW) insection functions - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11473 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki extensions: ParserFunctions; (azatoth) [16:58:47] perhaps they are eating the whole bunch? [16:59:07] Oshuma: see the API [16:59:57] AzaTht: got a link? [17:00:36] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API [17:00:49] 03mkroetzsch * r26182 10/trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/ (23 files in 3 dirs): Improved type management, support for datatype alias names, support for extension datatypes (via hook) [17:01:14] AzaTht: i'll look it over. thanks [17:12:38] 03mkroetzsch * r26183 10/trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/storage/SMW_SQLStore.php: Deleted some forgotten code for sorting (sorting now implemented differently) [17:22:18] 03(NEW) Probably undesired case fallthrough in Math.php - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11474 minor; low; MediaWiki: General/Unknown; (kelly.lynn.martin) [17:24:38] *NotACow continues to find obscure code flaws :) [17:34:11] 03robchurch * r26184 10/trunk/phase3/ (RELEASE-NOTES includes/Math.php): (bug 11474) Fix unintentional fall-through in math error handling [17:34:18] 03(FIXED) Probably undesired case fallthrough in Math.php - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11474 +comment (10robchur) [17:36:11] NotACow: ;) [17:36:17] where have you been? [17:36:33] VoiceOfAll: converting PHP to Java :) [17:38:03] and here i am thinking PHP couldn't get any worse [17:38:04] ;P [17:40:43] VoiceOfAll: go read my blog, silly boy :) [17:41:05] I haven't seen much new there [17:41:34] ok, cool, something just posted [17:41:38] VoiceOfAll: i posted two in the past 24 hours [18:07:35] Interesting, I need to learn a language other than PHP... [18:08:00] I am considering learning C\++ and contemplating doing all future web development projects in it. [18:08:10] Python is a nice choice, so are java/c++ [18:08:29] *Oshuma votes for ruby on rails [18:08:36] thats not a language [18:08:44] ruby is a language [18:08:53] ruby is, thats true... [18:08:53] you can just use ruby and erb [18:09:00] don't really have to use rails [18:09:19] PHP\Perl\Python are all very similar, as are Java\C++ - so I am focusing my next learn on one of the stronger typed languages. [18:09:59] Ok, what is the proper way to have a wiki contain information that is getting referanced in several places... and have a single edit location that updates it everywhere else? [18:10:22] templates? [18:11:20] that will work with data (say i was going to have stats on a device, and they would get referanced all over the place) [18:13:00] sory that was supose to be a question [18:13:14] possibly [18:13:31] as for typed languages, do you plan on doing any development for micro devices, or driver writing? [18:14:17] Does anything exist to prevent more than 1 user signing up with the same email address? [18:14:23] neurotope: heh, no [18:14:26] :D [18:14:44] palaver: Not tht I know of, but check the extensions list. [18:14:50] !extensions | palaver [18:14:50] palaver : MediaWiki has been built so it can easily be customized by adding extensions, this is usually a simple process, to find a list of them visit http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Extensions [18:15:05] I have to run. [18:15:13] minute> look at java and c# [18:15:26] minute: PHP is probably not a good choice for a first language [18:15:29] will do. [18:15:42] NotACow: probably, but I already have learnt it :( [18:15:43] no memory management, handels multilpul inharitance, strong typed [18:15:54] ok [18:15:54] minute: I know it can be added. I just wanted to see if I was rewriting something that already existed or not. :) [18:15:56] i like C# better than java but use java because c# has the evil stink of redmond on it [18:15:58] bbl [18:16:06] Platonides: follow the link [18:16:08] hello [18:16:57] i like java because of its code base... c# breaks a lot of the "safety" of java, but its all based on where your using it [18:17:33] in a windows ce enviroment use c# c++ and some of the .net mess [18:17:35] neurotope: hm, i haven't tgotten into C# enough to know about the safety issues [18:17:56] neurotope: yeah, if you're working in a specific environment, yuou use what's designed for that environment [18:18:04] e.g. java on blackberries :) [18:18:11] the layers that keep java in its "sandbox" away from your system resources, so it is safe to use in applets is all missing in c# [18:18:37] neurotope: oh. well, that's only the case if you're writing applets, which i generally am not [18:18:59] I was told that C has all the power of assembly, with all the conveniance of assembly. C++ has some of that problem as well.... [18:19:01] applets have user interfaces. i hate user interfaces. [18:19:10] neurotope: C++ is an abortion [18:19:14] C# has all the danger of c++ with all the features of java [18:19:51] ive writen applets that have no physical presance... admitably that was for abstraction, they were talking to applets that you could see [18:20:19] 03aaron * r26185 10/trunk/phase3/includes/Article.php: *Don't let blocked users patrol [18:20:29] i see rob fixed my bug :) [18:20:58] NotACow: haha, WOW was patrolling on it.wikipedia [18:21:06] VoiceOfAll: haha [18:21:08] ok, i need to go look at mediawiki templates and see if that works for my problem... be back eventualy... [18:21:10] VoiceOfAll: they have patrol turned on? [18:21:31] A few wikis do, yes [18:23:22] meh [18:23:30] i'll have to reconcile that patch into myrtle [18:23:57] my baseline is 25814 [18:24:01] is myrtle working yet? [18:24:04] VoiceOfAll: not even close [18:24:07] 03mkroetzsch * r26186 10/trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DataValueFactory.php: Extensions now may add aliases for datatypes. [18:24:09] VoiceOfAll: it sometimes comppiles [18:24:17] VoiceOfAll: but not right now [18:28:26] 03(ASSIGNED) Patrolled edits from admin only to autoconfirm. - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10382 +comment (10jeluf) [18:29:41] 04(REOPENED) Template queries not rendering tables, templates, parser functions - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10062 +comment (10ndavies) [18:30:05] 03(mod) Template queries not rendering tables, templates, parser functions - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10062 +comment (10ndavies) [18:34:28] Hi all !! [18:35:21] I have a question : [18:35:25] why i can edit that : [18:35:26] site [18:35:26] * Main page [18:35:26] * Community portal [18:35:26] * Recent changes [18:35:27] ... [18:35:28] ??? [18:35:43] Toolbox [18:35:43] * What links here [18:35:43] * Related changes [18:35:43] * Upload file [18:35:43] * Special pages [18:35:46] * Printable version [18:35:48] * Permanent link [18:35:50] I want to edit that [18:35:52] why i can do that ? [18:35:52] 03aaron * r26187 10/trunk/extensions/ConfirmAccount/ (ConfirmAccount.i18n.php ConfirmAccount_body.php): *Kill redundant checkbox [18:36:40] CIA-6 >> you know why ? [18:36:49] !pastebin DaV34`Oqp [18:37:01] !pastebin [18:37:01] Please do not paste more than 2-3 lines of text into the channel as it disrupts the flow of conversation. Instead please use a pastebin such as and post a link to your paste in the channel. [18:37:02] ?? [18:37:23] ok ... [18:37:28] DaV34`Oqp: you mean you can't edit ? [18:37:33] i think [18:37:40] o [18:37:46] and if i want to add link [18:37:49] VoiceOfAll: even once i get all the code syntactically valid, i'm going to have to go through, eliminate all the uses of the PHParray emulation class, and then deal with the fact that in PHP a "string" is both a sequence of characters and a sequence of bytes [18:37:49] why i can do that ? [18:38:22] isn't there some hook ? (i don't know) [18:42:06] Hi. Quick admin problem: I have ConfirmEdit (Simplecaptcha) installed, but it ceased to do anything. I am spammed. Any ideas why this could be? (I tried to update to SVN, no effect) [18:48:22] DaV34`Oqp: mediawiki does not natively support a method by which to modify the links in the Toolbar - you have to write an extension if you want to add links there [18:50:35] i think you have to use the 'SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec' hook [18:54:16] ialex: the hook I'd use for that is 'MonoBookTemplateToolboxEnd' - but that's just my personal preference [18:55:18] jimbojw: and i think it works only with monobook ? [18:55:41] correct [18:55:47] and likeminded skins [18:55:56] nobody uses the other skins anyway ;) [18:56:01] *jimbojw -ducks- [18:56:58] :P [18:57:01] it would be good to have a hook a the end of SkinTemplate::buildNavUrls [18:57:06] *cloakable only uses MonoBook [18:57:17] *ialex too :) [18:58:13] aha [18:58:21] found another "why is this argument here" [18:58:34] Answer to my earlier captcha-question: ConfirmEdit worked, but the spambots started to spam with quite nonsensical words, without using links. Somehow spamming becomes increasingly pointless. Anyway, Confirmedit does not capture non-links this by default, so I now changed the config. [18:59:20] Math.php, line 159, call to Database::replace has superfluous argument that does nothing [19:04:48] 03(NEW) Superfluous parameter in method call in Math.php - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11475 minor; low; MediaWiki: Database; (kelly.lynn.martin) [19:07:03] We have a corporate wiki set up using mediawiki. Is there some way to set up a sort of template that allows people to create a new page using that template? I've read up on the existing template system, but I don't think that's what I'm looking for... Example coming up... [19:09:26] dave Sigafoos wrote and extension that might suit your needs kaje:, give me a sec and I'll see if I can find it. [19:10:18] Let's say we want to maintain a standard format for meeting agendas, but we want to create a page on the wiki to let all the attendees contribute to it... Ideally, a meeting owner will create the agenda using the template and then people fill in different goals and old business and such... [19:10:24] thanks jdpond! [19:12:52] kaje: It was called Boilerplateselection. Go see if he posted it, if not I'll paste it out there for you. [19:12:53] even a page clone feature would work... visit the agenda template and click "Clone Page" [19:13:10] ok, I'll look around for it... thanks! [19:15:40] VoiceOfAll: Did you add the *delete* permission check in the markpatrolled() code on purpose? [19:32:30] HELP, i can't get syntax highlighting to work [19:32:54] you downloaded geshi? [19:33:02] yes [19:33:17] GeSHi Error: GeSHi could not find the language python (using path /fpgs/fpgshttpd/hyperrushpong/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi/) (code 2) [19:33:35] its adding an extra /geshi/ to the path [19:35:11] did you read this: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi [19:35:35] it has a note about changing SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.class.php if the path will be different [19:36:18] what path? [19:36:38] the path to your geshi.php file [19:37:14] its in /geshi/ as stated in the default install [19:38:35] and require_once("extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.php"); is in your LocalSettings.php right before $wgSiteName? [19:39:07] its after [19:39:22] it should be before [19:39:28] No it shouldn't. [19:39:33] It doesn't matter. [19:39:37] the instructions say it should be before [19:39:41] So? [19:39:45] It works after. [19:40:12] give me a sec [19:41:43] yeah, that piece doesn't seem to matter [19:42:07] didn't work [19:42:12] the simplest, quickest solution would be to just create a new folder called "geshi" and put the files in it [19:42:18] i move the require to before sitename [19:44:09] it still would end up being the same [19:45:31] WebBoy: prolly not ;) [19:45:36] i followed the instructions to the letter [19:46:06] which files [19:46:46] 03aaron * r26188 10/trunk/phase3/includes/Article.php: *Tone down the crack ;) [19:47:04] there are only 3 files [19:47:36] Wow [19:47:46] Getting all the crack out of Article.php would be pretty impressive [19:47:55] 26177 [19:48:38] there isn't any 26177 [19:50:21] http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki?view=rev&revision=26188 [19:50:56] ? [19:51:15] what am i supposed to do? download Article.php [19:52:30] MarkusK: Do you know if they answer simplecaptcha correctly or just skip it somehow? [19:52:37] help please... [19:53:25] what am i supposed to do with article.php? [19:54:02] Nothing [19:54:06] It was another conversation [19:54:15] Surprisingly, the entire channel does not revolve around you [19:55:11] evanpro: i don't think article.php wuld survive if you took out ALL the crack.... :) [19:55:12] evanpro: * :) [19:55:22] Har [19:55:33] be nice [19:55:33] well how do i fix my problem? [19:55:44] now i have to look at that diff, though :) [19:56:19] *VoiceOfAll enjoys eating shitty candy corn [19:56:34] what files do i put in the geshi folder? [19:56:43] ah, i see :) [19:56:46] *NotACow giggles [19:57:21] 03(mod) Indicate that the page being viewed is protected - subtitle message? - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10347 (10nospam) [19:57:32] NotACow: lesson of today: don't copy paste and save too fast :) [19:57:57] HelpMe: Sorry, I'm not familiar with the Geshi extension [19:58:26] ok [19:58:49] VoiceOfAll: always good advice [19:58:59] 03(mod) Indicate that the page being viewed is protected - subtitle message? - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10347 (10JSchulz_4587) [19:59:08] And it helps not to do crank either [19:59:40] VoiceOfAll: no, that leads to crack sneaking into Article.php [20:05:19] yeah, Kirchoff's Law [20:05:25] it's gotta go somewhere, eh [20:07:31] 03(mod) Indicate that the page being viewed is protected - subtitle message? - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10347 (10cannon.danielc) [21:42:45] *amidaniel pets mwbot [21:43:09] anyone here knows Parser.php? [21:43:43] AzaTht: no one does. don't look at it to long, it has reduced strong men to driveling vegetables. [21:43:52] haha [21:44:00] You robbed about what my response was going to be :) [21:44:14] hehe [21:44:21] *Duesentrieb runs with amidaniel's response and hides it under the bed [21:44:37] *Hojjat grins [21:44:37] Didn't I read somewhere that there's now another mw parser written in perl or c or something that's available? [21:45:02] amidaniel: there are about 10 alternative parsers. non of them is 100% compatible [21:45:03] there's a number of alternate parsers [21:45:26] Yes, I thought this one was at least claiming to be fully compatible [21:45:27] I'm trying to find out if it's possible when a parser function is evaluated, if current section can be found [21:45:28] *amidaniel looks [21:45:59] you're probably referring to http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/wiki [21:46:21] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.org.wikimedia.mediawiki/23534 [21:46:36] Duesentrieb: TY :) [21:47:20] could be ... [21:48:35] hmm .. dunno [21:50:43] AzaTht: You mean the section in which the {{tag}} finds itself? [21:51:06] amidaniel: yes [21:51:09] I think [21:51:18] 03(NEW) Rename namespaces on Hungarian Wikipedia - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11476 15enhancement; normal; Wikimedia: Language setup; (gtisza) [21:52:02] Ahhh, i found the problem [21:52:04] amidaniel: posted a wish for it on http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11473 [21:52:12] but though to see if it was easly possible [21:52:21] hmmm ... I'm not sure about that. I believe it expands templates/parser functions before it splits up sections [21:52:32] ok [21:52:43] I could think of a few hackerish approaches, but lemme look through the code quickly [21:52:53] quickly? [21:52:55] good luck [21:53:02] (you'll need it) [21:53:42] Yeah, it does parser fucntions before splitting up sections (from first glance at least) [21:53:50] functions* [21:54:31] So probably not "easy" :) [21:54:35] doable, though [21:55:16] hello [21:55:24] amidaniel: ok [21:55:24] I am getting urless spam [21:55:32] all the spam I am getting are url-less [21:55:35] they have no URL [21:55:46] Hey [21:55:48] erm ... good to know ... [21:55:52] amidaniel: I was hoping it could be as easy to do $parser->mLastFuckingHeader [21:55:58] I want to stop the attack [21:56:07] I would like to insert an additional check when a page is accessed [21:56:08] kiba: wgSpamRegex [21:56:32] Where would be the correct place to insert additional code for this? [21:56:37] kiba: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Spam [21:56:59] mmtux: what kind of check? [21:57:05] Basically, at some point during the page loading process, I want to say "page is readonly" or "page is editable" based on my code [21:57:36] why am I getting such strange spam? [21:57:42] AzaTht: Oh, wait, you just want to know if the tag is in a section or not? [21:57:44] mmtux: you probably want a UserCan hook. http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks [21:57:50] That could probably be done relatively easily [21:57:56] mmtux: Lockdown and other permission extensions use that mechanism [21:58:37] Aha [21:58:47] !access | mmtux [21:58:47] mmtux: For information on preventing access to your wiki, please see . [21:58:50] That sounds like what I was looking for :) [21:59:01] the UserCan hook [21:59:08] amidaniel: for the current request, yes [21:59:10] amidaniel: that's not quite the right place :) [21:59:22] to see if the tag is above and section or not [21:59:24] !extensions [21:59:24] MediaWiki has been built so it can easily be customized by adding extensions, this is usually a simple process, to find a list of them visit http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Extensions [21:59:42] ohoh ... he's writing an extension :) Sorry [21:59:58] hm... that should point to a place where you can lear nabout writing extensions, too [22:00:29] AzaTht: Let me see if I can't tool something up quickly -- I'm afraid it may be a bit too much for a parserfunction though [22:00:36] We usually like to keep those fairly simple [22:00:41] amidaniel: i think i fixed that before... did mwbot forget all i told it? [22:00:56] true [22:01:04] Duesentrieb: Erm ... I dunno. I doubt it. Possible though [22:01:06] Ok, thanks a lot, you've saved me lots of work :) [22:01:12] More likely would be that you was reverted! :O [22:01:41] amidaniel: the context of the problem is for cleanup tags, that should have different contwnt if they are relative to the page as whole, or a specific section [22:01:53] !extensions is MediaWiki has been built so it can easily be customized by adding extensions, this is usually a simple process. See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Extensions for details on writing an extension, and http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_Matrix for an overview of known extensions. [22:01:53] Successfully added keyword: extensions [22:03:09] !extensions [22:03:09] MediaWiki has been built so it can easily be customized by adding extensions, this is usually a simple process, to find a list of them visit http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Extensions [22:03:26] hmm [22:03:32] it didn't take the rest [22:03:40] bad bot [22:03:45] bad bot [22:03:49] *amidaniel mumbles something about garbage in garbage out :) [22:03:54] !extensions del [22:03:54] Successfully removed keyword: extensions [22:03:55] it wasnÄt cut off. it didn't take it at all. [22:04:00] haha [22:04:01] !extensions is MediaWiki has been built so it can easily be customized by adding extensions, this is usually a simple process. See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Extensions for details on writing an extension, and http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_Matrix for an overview of known extensions. [22:04:01] Successfully added keyword: extensions [22:04:16] !extensions [22:04:16] MediaWiki has been built so it can easily be customized by adding extensions, this is usually a simple process. See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Extensions for details on writing an extension, and http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_Matrix for an overview of known extensions. [22:04:22] Should probably either document the crappy commands or make the commands less crappy :) [22:04:42] !help [22:04:42] Hi! I'm mwbot, a bot that was quickly whipped up by Daniel Cannon (AmiDaniel) to help out around #mediawiki. There's not much documentation on me, but you can find all my source code at http://amidaniel.com/viewvc/trunk/MWBot/?root=svn [22:04:46] amidaniel: it should not say it added it if it didn't... [22:05:18] Indeed ... but that requires that I *gasp* write code to make it do that :) [22:05:22] amidaniel: "keyword exists" would be enough [22:05:22] the evolution of spambots saw today: the insertion of gibberish [22:05:26] !reprogramyourselfdammit [22:05:38] well, if you do that, you don't have to write documentation :) [22:06:01] spambots evolve to a new level to the point that they spam random page with gibberish without apperant benefit [22:06:12] kiba: filter poisoning [22:06:32] their filter posioning won't work because it is the human filteringit :P [22:07:20] they still havn't evolve to solve math problems :P [22:11:00] 03(mod) Rename namespaces on Hungarian Wikipedia - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11476 (10benno79) [22:11:53] !access is For information on preventing access to your wiki, please see . [22:13:35] That should do it: http://amidaniel.com/viewvc/trunk/MWBot/src/com/amidaniel/mwbot/MWBotParser.java?root=svn&r1=61&r2=52 [22:13:42] Any other requests while I got it open? [22:14:13] !access is For information on preventing access to your wiki, please see . [22:16:23] @die [22:17:17] !foo is bar [22:17:17] Successfully added keyword: foo [22:17:21] !foo is gah [22:17:21] Keyword "foo" already exists. Use "!foo" del to remove it. [22:17:31] !foo alias bob [22:17:31] Alias "foo" already exists. Use "!foo" del to remove it. [22:17:35] !foo del [22:17:35] Successfully removed keyword: foo [22:17:48] @search .*foo.*|.*bar.* [22:17:48] Results: [purge, sidebar] [22:17:55] !purge [22:17:55] To purge a cached page, such as when making changes to the navigation bar, add &action=purge to the end of the page url, or ?action=purge if using Simple URLs. E.g: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page?action=purge [22:18:00] O.o [22:18:21] Oh, I see the bar now .. lol [22:18:27] Alright, should be good to go [22:18:44] !access del [22:18:44] You don't have permission to do that. [22:19:04] can you update the !access to bypass the redirect [22:19:27] @trust rrcs-24-106-76-181.central.biz.rr.com [22:19:27] Added rrcs-24-106-76-181.central.biz.rr.com to trusted hostnames list. [22:19:30] have fun :) [22:19:36] gracias [22:19:42] de nade [22:19:44] nada* [22:19:58] !access is For information on preventing access to your wiki, please see . [22:19:58] Keyword "access" already exists. Use "!access" del to remove it. [22:20:03] !access del [22:20:03] Successfully removed keyword: access [22:20:26] !access is For information on preventing access to your wiki, please see . [22:20:26] Successfully added keyword: access [22:20:34] tenth time's a charm [22:20:43] bletch typos [22:21:02] meh it'll do for now [22:40:21] whats the file that mediawiki uses for converting wikitext or wikimarkup to html, and then does it uses a "template" for the "header" or some css? [22:40:23] monobook? [22:50:12] !access [22:50:12] For information on preventing access to your wiki, please see . [22:51:10] bkruse_home: Monobook is the name of the skin which MediaWiki employs by default [22:51:43] "the file" that converts wikitext to html is Parser.php - but it relies on other files such as Sanitizer.php [22:52:05] .oO(hm... let's see if the bot has forgotten) [22:52:08] !backup [22:52:08] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Backing_up_a_wiki [22:52:12] \o/ [22:53:09] |\ [22:53:20] \| [22:54:45] 03siebrand * r26191 10/trunk/phase3/ (12 files in 2 dirs): [22:54:45] Localisation updates from Betawiki. [22:54:45] * am, bcl, cs, dsb, ext, fo, hsb, ja, la, nah, sdc [22:55:27] amidaniel: That is just one cool bot - do you publish the keywords somewhere? [22:55:54] jdpond: No, not presently. You can look them up with @search though [22:57:28] would be a good place to stick one of my summer interns - going through the keywords and creating/updating a 'more mediawiki faqs' [22:57:45] oooh ... you have interns? [22:57:50] *amidaniel puts them to work :) [22:57:53] jimbojw: great, thats what I need [22:58:13] bkruse_home: no worries - good luck! [22:58:14] jimbojw: does that insert the css also? [22:58:25] i don't know what you mean "insert css" [22:58:37] jimbojw: the monobook skin [22:58:43] where is that called from the html page [22:58:52] the piece of code that defines the tags and the clauses is in Monobook.php [23:10:37] what is the best way to tell if a given rev_id corresponds to the creation of a new page? [23:11:05] i'm thinking along the lines of checking if there's a previous rev_id for the same page_id? [23:12:06] what if a page was deleted, then re-created - [23:12:17] it would get a new page_id, right? [23:12:39] yes. but not sure what happens if its restored. [23:12:51] hmm... [23:13:29] jimbojw: so I can find how to insert the css? the parser puts the sections into the right classes? [23:13:32] For restorations I'm pretty sure it gets a new page_id [23:13:45] cool [23:14:00] Don't quote me though -- lemme toy a bit [23:14:10] bkruse_home: if all you want to do is modify the css, go to the article called "MediaWiki:Monobook.css" and start hacking [23:14:46] that will be loaded into the page, after all the default Monobook styles [23:14:55] so anything you put there should take precedence [23:15:26] jimbojw: gah, thanks man, appreciate it so much [23:15:38] yep [23:16:04] Hi, is there a way I can relatively link to a page on the same server, but that is not in the wiki? I've tried [[/path/to/file | name]], but it doesn't seem to work. [23:16:32] I can link to it if I use the full http:// address, but I don't want to do that for portability reasons [23:17:35] Blazeix: you have a few options [23:17:37] jimbojw: oh, in response to "if you want to modify the css" all I want to do is have my new wiki page properly organized [23:17:44] one is to add a new interwiki link for your server [23:17:52] but that's probably overkill [23:18:22] Blazeix: try putting this in a page: [{{SERVER}}/the/rest/of/the/url Link Text] [23:18:29] 03(NEW) mark {{fullurl}} links as plainlinks - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11477 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki: Templates; (waldir) [23:18:32] you may have to tweak the format a bit [23:18:46] bkruse_home: i don't know what that means [23:19:06] jimbojw, thanks! that worked perfectly. [23:19:18] np Blazeix [23:19:28] jablk1: Indeed, it gets a new page_id after a restore [23:20:29] jimbojw: When I go from wikimarkup or wikitext -> static html files, I want it to "look pretty" [23:22:03] mmm kay [23:31:14] whee [23:37:34] Is there actually a page/function to convertion wikitext file -> html besides a class file? [23:37:55] "a class file"? huh? [23:38:05] Well, there are some online tools. [23:38:16] Duesentrieb: (includes/Parser.php) [23:38:46] Pathoschild: I want something I could use serverside, saw a javascript library do it on the fly, that was cool, but not what I was looking for [23:38:50] well, that's the parser, yes. and it doesn't really work standalone [23:39:10] there are several alternative parsers you can use, but nothing that is quite the same in all cases [23:39:24] the parser also needs the database to do his job... [23:39:46] Duesentrieb: oh, did not know that, about the database [23:39:47] ugh.. [23:40:01] Maybe a MediaWiki special page could use the parser to convert, like Special:Expandtemplates (I assume) uses it to expand templates? [23:40:02] the parser scares people [23:40:29] Pathoschild: elaborate please :] [23:40:33] NotACow: I see why.. [23:41:14] bkruse_home: There's a wiki page in MediaWiki that uses the parser to expand templates given wikicode to their base code; see < http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:ExpandTemplates > for an example. [23:41:27] I assume a similar method could be use to output HTML. [23:41:45] But I'm assuming it uses the parser; I have no idea how it actually works. [23:42:06] Pathoschild: perfect, let me see what I can do, thank you for the linkage! [23:42:11] Welcome. [23:42:45] the sixth module on my todo list is the parser [23:42:53] i suspect i'll get stuck there for quite a while [23:43:15] Pathoschild: That worked great!! [23:43:32] NotACow: what do you mean "todo" ? [23:43:34] Welcome. :) [23:43:57] bkruse_home: i'm working my way through the mediawiki source, one module at a time [23:44:25] NotACow: seems a good think to do [23:44:34] Pathoschild: that worked GREAT [23:44:41] ObjectCache is next [23:45:47] which will be a quick one because it's short [23:47:19] Is it possible to change the name of a link, after its been made? [23:47:25] and populated with content? [23:47:28] I am just trying to figure out how to go from wikitext -> html page with css [23:47:31] It has to be in here somewhere.... [23:50:32] Is it possible to delete a wiki page? [23:56:51] how fast are progams allowed to grab text from mediawiki? [23:57:02] Solifugus: There are a few possibilities: [23:57:04] * hide it using the wiki "delete" tool as an administrator (the page will be blank, but the deleted revisions will be accessible from the Special:Undelete interface for administrators); [23:57:05] * use the oversight extension to hide it from everyone (it will only be accessible from the database); [23:57:07] * remove it from the database completely using an SQL query.