[00:00:31] heh [00:00:33] hmm, probably everything is closing now anyway [00:00:36] TimStarling: http://t3micro.com/store [00:00:41] probabyl can find one at a local walgreens [00:01:34] O_o [00:01:35] mmm, there's one of them on 4th st [00:02:06] 4th & townsend, or up on market near 3rd look like your closest ones [00:02:36] I might go have a look [00:07:38] im trying to get a rewrite rule to work... [00:09:17] i fixed it -_- [00:09:34] brion, can you unquiet RingtailedFox? He got angry a few days ago but is sorry now. [00:10:16] OT: awesome commodore 64 demo from x2008 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4387496359091532951 [00:10:17] :) [00:10:50] thank you [00:10:59] play nice, kids :) [00:11:05] sorry about getting upset [00:15:12] *werdnus waves. [00:15:18] heh, speak of the devil... [00:16:08] oh yeah, I forgot Tim was overseas. [00:16:19] hey brion [00:16:23] oy [00:16:35] two exams left... whee [00:16:39] rock on [00:16:52] physics and chem [00:17:14] although they include non-science like "Evaluate the impact on society and the environment of the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel." [00:18:00] werdnus: Causing starving mexicans due to lack of corn, a basic staple. [00:18:34] Yes, but does it save the seals? [00:18:39] Seals are much cuter than Mexicans. [00:19:04] 10:53 < AaronSchulz> Title.php used to use it array_merge() [00:19:07] oops :( [00:19:26] MattJohnston: sadly enough, that's included in my response. [00:19:54] evening tomaszf [00:19:55] had enough? [00:20:07] hehe .. if only [00:20:28] werdnus: Wow :) Did we see the same Discovery Channel documentary (which that is nearly word for word from) [00:20:33] no [00:20:41] it's just a common objection. [00:20:50] Ethanol from biomass obviously requires biomass. [00:20:58] Biomass has to be grown, and so does food. [00:21:04] Ahh :) [00:21:15] So if you start growing lots of biomass for ethanol, you don't have much food left to feed the starvin' children. [00:21:39] Biomass is way more general than food. [00:22:18] yeah, and one of the things I have to include is that you can use stuff like switchgrass, which grows ridiculously fast almost anywhere, so it's improving. [00:23:05] today, OTOH, is physics.. which is better. [00:24:51] A bit more 'Draw a labelled diagram to show the production of an electric field across a solar cell by the movement of electrons and holes' [00:25:46] most common moaning about ethanol is, it takes more fossil fuel to produce than it replaces, currently [00:26:12] (if the US switched to nuclear/solar/wind/hydro/geothermal it might make sense, as would hydrogen production, but as we burn coal, it does not) [00:26:18] tomaszf: i tweaked the styles a little on the notice templates. color is right now, but the font size is still off. monobook does funny things to the default font size, so i'm not really sure how best to scale it if we want to make em bigger :D [00:26:27] Also it's an excellent solvent, and so it dissolves bits of engines, which kinda sucks. [00:26:58] that leads to building more engines, which is good for the economy! [00:27:05] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/b4/glacierwolf/LocalSettings.php on line 137 [00:27:06] ... [00:27:09] 03siebrand * r43051 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/MooTools12core/ (MooTools12core.i18n.php MooTools12core.php): [00:27:09] Update for uniwiki/MooTools12core: [00:27:09] * complete extension credits [00:27:09] * update indentation, remove trailing whitespace, stylize.php [00:27:10] hydrogen is actually wors, very hard to store, lighter but the containment is heavier, and it is still way too cheap to make hydrogen from fossil fuels [00:27:24] gewt: that's your problem - in LocalSettings.php [00:27:28] i know [00:27:30] check line 137 of LocalSettings.php [00:27:37] yeah, hydrogen sux atm. [00:27:38] $wgUserProfileDisplay['friends'] = true; [00:27:39] Splarka: just walk, you lazy ass! ;) [00:27:43] thats line 137 [00:27:45] the french have it right, take nuclear power plants and make oil [00:27:56] nuclear is a good stop-gap while solar catches up. [00:27:56] brion: I do, do you? [00:27:57] gewt: Whats the line before? You've probably missed a semicolon [00:28:07] not in this weather, i'm taking a cab ;) [00:28:09] gewt: What is like 136 [00:28:16] *werdnus hands brion a bus. [00:28:16] ah i missed a semicolon [00:28:19] yeah [00:28:20] the main problem is, once you have an energy source (solar/nuclear), you need a good carrier [00:28:22] gewt: Knew it :) [00:28:32] Splarka: hydrogen is a good carrier :) [00:28:36] and it is pretty hard to find one as good as gasoline/diesel [00:28:37] gewt: The errors are *really* self explanitory, consider reading them before coming here for support :P [00:28:37] if we develop the tech a bit more. [00:28:38] *Splarka stabs werdna [00:28:44] not for combustion [00:28:56] I'm not talking combustion. [00:28:57] maybe for fusion or fuel cells [00:29:10] brion: taking a look now [00:29:56] brion: do you still want me to email Mike, or not bother? [00:30:17] (given the age thing) [00:30:36] but if you're talking about future/sci-fi, then why not helium/deuterium fusion, nuclear isomers, or antimatter X_X [00:30:54] assuming antimatter, maybe iridium and anti-iridium would probably be the best, nice and compact [00:31:32] (osmium is denser but a bit toxic, though with antimatter that doesn't really ..... matter) [00:32:41] werdnus: no need yet [00:33:04] Splarka, you can't use antiatoms. You need a net charge, otherwise you can't contain it easily. [00:33:26] Splarka, just use positrons. Less dense, maybe, but who cares? You're talking what, nanograms to run a car for months on end? [00:34:09] Simetrical: "develop the tech a bit more" [00:34:49] brion: okay. [00:34:49] was trying to goad werd into explaining exactly what hydrogen is a good carrier at [00:35:10] Hm [00:35:20] perhaps helium-3/deuterium fusion, hmm, but then helium-3 is most plentiful on the moon [00:35:24] uplaods aren't showing up in recent changes for some reason. [00:35:42] so we ship helium-3 to earth, or heavy hydrogen to the moon [00:35:44] Hydrogen is usable enough as a chemical energy carrier, I guess. Probably not as convenient as oil, though. [00:35:45] Splarka: You can store energy by electrolysing water, and then retrieve it by reacting the H/O gases in a fuel cell. [00:35:52] gewt: Are they at Special:Log? [00:36:10] werdnus: well, same probs, hydrogen is not the best at that, it leaks for one thing [00:36:11] 03(NEW) Official Korean name for Wikisource - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16217 15enhancement; normal; Wikimedia: Site requests; (e) [00:36:12] but it kinda sux because H/O are gases at STP [00:36:22] yes [00:36:42] and while it is more calorific in mass than a hydrocarbon, it is not when you factor in the mass of the container needed to store it, and the volume at low compression is horrible [00:36:55] it's in Special:Log [00:37:02] but not in RC or the RC feed [00:37:48] so hydrogen is a good energy _storgage_, at a static location, but not a good _carrier_, like in a vehicle [00:38:51] ....also it depletes the ozone layer (no, really) [00:38:55] . . . how? [00:39:09] It should react with atmospheric oxygen to form water vapor, shouldn't it? [00:39:16] Or you're saying it reacts with O_3 more than O_2? [00:40:12] as you get aroudn the ozone layer, the pressure lowers enough that the mass of molecules (h2, helium atoms) become the dominant force, and helium and hydrogen escape the atmosphere [00:40:49] and at about the ozone layer, cosmic rays split h2 into hydrogen ions, which happily dance around with the O3, breaking them up,... not near as bad as CFCs of course [00:41:08] but if all the cars in the world started using hydrogen, there'd be a lot more in the atmosphere [00:41:19] from leaks, crashes, normal use, etc [00:42:12] We should just get tons of power from nuclear and liquify coal. To hell with sea levels. :P [00:42:21] hydrogen is basically the politicians way of saying "look, we're doing something", and the oil companies love it because the're still selling as much oil to make it and use it [00:42:22] *liquefy [00:42:29] (do I sound paranoid? heh) [00:42:30] (what kind of stupid spelling is that?) [00:42:38] the good thing about hydrogen is.. if we all used it before we ran out of oil.. [00:42:54] then when we _did_, we'd still have 150 years of coal left to make more hydrogen, which is easy [00:42:58] and after that, solar/nuclear [00:43:19] but we could do that with any carrier, boron for example [00:44:07] http://www.eagle.ca/~gcowan/boron_blast.html <- weird but interesting [00:51:47] 03siebrand * r43052 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/Authors/Authors.php: Load messages where they are needed. [00:52:38] 03siebrand * r43053 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/AutoCreateCategoryPages/AutoCreateCategoryPages.php: [00:52:38] * load messages where they are needed [00:52:38] * point out a bug with "category" matching in non-English language scenario [00:56:41] Does enabling gzipping only help much on mostly ASCII content (e.g. html) rather than binary conent (e.g. applications, random bytes, etc) [00:57:01] Assuming the only thing being sent to the client is that type of contnet? [00:57:17] (I couldnt find a #gzip ) [00:57:55] MattJohnston: it works BEST on ASCII [00:58:08] but it still does help by a factor between 1-2 on binary [00:58:13] Will it have much of an effect on random binary? [00:58:15] MattJohnston: you an try compressing the files on the server, with gzip, and check the compression factor [00:58:17] Ahh, great. Thanks [00:58:23] MattJohnston: what do you mean "random" [00:58:30] 03siebrand * r43054 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/CatBoxAtTop/ (CatBoxAtTop.i18n.php CatBoxAtTop.php): [00:58:30] * load messages where they are needed [00:58:30] * i18n for Categories messages [00:58:30] * point out a bug with FIXME as the categories are not shown, rather "Array" [00:58:34] brion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_porn [00:58:35] if you mean dd if=/dev/random of=/my/file [00:58:41] then no, it will suck [00:58:43] by definition, *random* data cannot be compressed :) [00:58:53] compression works because there's redundancy in the data [00:58:55] MattJohnston, it won't help much if at all on things that are already compressed, like sane image formats. [00:58:58] Well it'll be bytes in no particular order really, not like some organised sequence like you would get in applications or images etc [00:59:03] as brion says, good random data has no redundancy. [00:59:05] HOWEVER [00:59:19] With that said, I don't think you meant 'random' data, rather 'arbitrary' data. [00:59:27] In which case it depends on what you're talking about specifically. [00:59:29] What is the difference between log_type and log_action? [00:59:29] bwahaha [00:59:32] AaronSchulz: Wow, they have that. Yet they dont have anything on XKCD. That's a really weird standard :p [00:59:33] hi brion. [00:59:47] images (particularly png, etc) won't compress well, because they're already compressed. [00:59:55] davidmccabe: action is a subtype of the 'type' [01:00:12] Ahh, great. This isnt compressed at all, so should work great :) [01:00:25] mmm...compressed ascii porn [01:00:32] What should I do if I want to add new log types? [01:00:33] MattJohnston, what's the actual source of your data? What is it? [01:00:33] hey davidmccabe [01:00:44] MattJohnston, specifics are needed to give a correct answer. [01:00:54] davidmccabe: look at defaultsettings.php [01:00:54] brion: I think I'll refactor email notification, ok? [01:00:59] $wgLogTypes [01:01:02] copy of it [01:01:06] *off [01:01:08] davidmccabe: i believe there's some arrays of defined types and log names [01:01:15] should find em in DefaultSettings, yeah [01:01:26] davidmccabe: it could use it probably :D [01:01:28] Simetrical: A custom communicatios protocol, just short binary commands. nothing really predictable or regular. [01:01:42] thank you AaronSchulz. [01:01:43] *AaronSchulz wants to email brion some ascii art :) [01:01:58] MattJohnston: unless each message is somewhat long, there's no real benefit to compressions [01:02:29] brion: Should LQT be its own log type, or put log actions within each type such as delete, move, etc.? [01:02:29] MattJohnston, gzip is going to operate per message. If your messages are very short, there's no gain from compression. [01:02:46] *brion hmms [01:02:59] carl-m , Simetrical: The messages could vary from a 4-byte stream to up to a kilobyte or few of status information/ordering [01:03:26] davidmccabe: it might be most convenient to put things like deletion in the general deletion log, so they're consistently findable [01:03:36] THat as well as a secondary stream (seperately sent) of live audio data, although i'm likely to use something like OGG instead of GZip for that. [01:03:46] if there are lqt-specific actions then it makes sense to log them separately, and can add sub-actions under that type [01:03:53] MattJohnston, if it's only going to be a couple of kilobytes occasionally, then it's probably latency-bound anyway. You're most likely not going to get enough benefit for it to be worth it. If you're in doubt, benchmark. [01:03:56] brion: I don't have a very clear idea of how logs are used. [01:04:16] To clarify, you're most likely not going to get enough benefit for *compression* to be worth it. [01:04:25] It may be kilobytes per second, i'm not sure. I may as well put it in their anyway, it shouldnt hurt [01:04:50] davidmccabe: logs of a particular type for a particular target page will get pulled up automatically in certain circumstances [01:05:00] for instance deletion logs are shown when looking at a deleted page [01:05:14] prior block logs are shown when displaying the block form for some ip/user [01:05:32] so it tends to be useful for those to be able to show up in the existing categories if it makes sense [01:05:45] on the other hand if it's a distinct type of action, it may be easier to organize it separately [01:06:08] in Special:Log you can filter by type of log (block, protect, rights, delete, etc), each of which may show multiple actions within it [01:06:13] for instance delete includes both delete and undelete [01:12:22] 03siebrand * r43055 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/Layouts/ (Layouts.i18n.php Layouts.php): [01:12:22] Update for uniwiki/Layouts: [01:12:22] * complete extension credits [01:12:22] * put global $wgLayoutCategoryPage in a message [01:12:22] * fix a few XHTML issues [01:12:23] * grouped all hook registrations [01:12:25] * update indentation, remove trailing whitespace, stylize.php [01:15:35] 03siebrand * r43056 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/Layouts/Layouts.php: Add svn props used in extension credits. [01:15:48] what are your favorite extensions? [01:15:55] Liquid Threads :) [01:23:13] Username Blacklist and CategoryTree. Boardvote and Poem and Cite and TitleKey. ParserFunctions manipulating strings. These are a few of my favorite things. [01:25:42] CharacterInsert and Syntax Hililighting, OggHandler and some OverSighting, AntiBot, AntiSpoof and TorBlockingings, These are a few of my favorite things. [01:26:04] not oversight [01:26:31] Splarka the poet [01:26:47] I've always been a fan of the Special:Loldongs extension :) [01:28:38] 03siebrand * r43057 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/Javascript/ (Javascript.i18n.php Javascript.php): [01:28:38] Update for uniwiki/Javascript: [01:28:38] * complete extension credits [01:28:38] * update indentation, remove trailing whitespace, stylize.php [01:29:38] Splarka: now I have that song stuck in my head :| (the original song, of course :P) [01:30:34] aren't tehre a few forum extensions? [01:32:09] if ya want a forum, forum software abounts [01:32:14] ^abounDs [01:33:28] i knows [01:33:36] there is probably an extension to turn mediawiki into a graphic editor, multiband analyzer, word processor, first person shooter... but why... [01:42:32] how *is* liquidthreads coming along anyway? [01:44:11] is that going to be finished at any stage? [01:44:17] I remember it being talked about in 2006... [01:46:05] 03siebrand * r43058 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/Javascript/Javascript.php: Actually register the i18n file [01:48:59] Splarka: FPS? Why not a side scroller? [01:49:39] ^_^ Jumping along the skin, and hunting down enemies within articles [01:51:58] 03siebrand * r43059 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/GenericEditPage/ (GenericEditPage.i18n.php GenericEditPage.php): [01:51:58] Update for uniwiki/GenericEditPage: [01:51:58] * standard i18n [01:51:59] * put global $wgCategoryPage in a message [01:51:59] * grouped all hook registrations [01:52:00] * complete extension credits [01:52:02] * update indentation, remove trailing whitespace, stylize.php [01:53:36] 03siebrand * r43060 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/CssHooks/CssHooks.php: Fix syntax error [02:01:16] 03siebrand * r43061 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/FormatSearch/ (FormatSearch.i18n.php FormatSearch.php): [02:01:16] Update for uniwiki/FormatSearch: [02:01:16] * complete extension credits [02:01:16] * update indentation, remove trailing whitespace, stylize.php [02:01:54] so, i have completed my first mediawiki patch, which is at https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15125 [02:04:46] Dantman: well, Wikipedia is certainly an MMORPG... [02:05:03] or so dramatica says [02:06:07] NathanLarson: NathanLarson it looks okay at first glance, but I don't know anything about that fule. [02:06:10] file [02:10:58] werdnus: hmm, so i guess i'll just wait awhile and see if anyone comments or adds it to the trunk? well in the meantime i'll look for some other relatively easy bug to work on over at bugzilla [02:12:33] Brion and Tim are the two who I've seen make many commits to config.php. [02:12:48] Er, config/index.php. [02:13:05] 03siebrand * r43062 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/FormatChanges/ (FormatChanges.i18n.php FormatChanges.php): [02:13:05] Update for uniwiki/FormatChanges: [02:13:05] * standard i18n [02:13:05] * complete extension credits [02:13:05] * update indentation, remove trailing whitespace, stylize.php [02:13:06] Rob broke it for a point release once, IIRC [02:13:07] * add a FIXME to note that the RC override should be put in its own class file [02:13:17] http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/config/index.php?view=log [02:13:30] ^demon would be worth trying too. [02:14:39] cool, thx [02:15:57] 03siebrand * r43063 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/CssHooks/CssHooks.php: Register i18n file [02:17:12] hm [02:17:22] is this a bug with socialprofile or soemthign easy to fix: [02:17:28] RenameUser renamed a user [02:17:43] and socialprofile friend lists and stuff still show the suer as their old username [02:17:50] is this a bug with one ro the other? [02:17:54] and is there a fix? [02:21:51] social profile might be using the username where it should be using the userid (which never changes) [02:23:12] i even deleted the user as a friend [02:23:18] and they still show up no my user page [02:23:21] on* [02:23:53] that was huyman error [02:28:37] oh no [02:28:46] mysql 4 is about to go EOF [02:28:58] EOL [02:29:49] End of Life? [02:29:55] Probably bout time [02:30:06] hiya. i noticed something odd regarding the latest version of mediawiki... if i change my website's name from MyWiki, to say... My Wiki - The Best Wiki On Earth, all the wiki project pages change from My Wiki:Pagename to My Wiki - The Best Wiki On Earth:Pagename... how can i just have the title change, but the prefix stay the same? [02:30:23] PHP 4 is already EOLed [02:30:34] techman224, I thought MySQL 4 was already EOL. [02:30:39] $wgExtraNamespaces[NS_PROJECT] = "The Name Of YourProject Namespace"; in LocalSettings.php [02:30:42] techman224, Wikipedia uses a forked version! \o/ [02:30:49] alrighty [02:30:50] thank you [02:31:59] do i need to change anything in there, aside from "The name of your project"? and should that go before, or after the name? [02:32:10] what forked version? [02:32:16] four oh forever :P [02:32:39] RingtailedFox: It doesn't matter. You can put whatever you want in that string, and that will be what goes before the colon. [02:33:40] techman224, http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mysql/ [02:34:01] Agh.. beat me to it [02:34:25] Wasn't brion debating on upgrading? [02:34:44] Didn't 5 have some sort of improvement with InoDB [02:35:00] oh, you run your own version [02:35:04] well, presumably it has lots of improvements. [02:35:18] mysql 5 works perfectly on my wiki [02:35:26] if you want to talk to somebody about it, my recommendation would be domas. [02:35:32] He's our DBA. [02:35:39] $wgSitename = "WikiMobius";
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_PROJECT] = "WikiMobius - The Mobian Encyclopedia"; only "WikiMobius" shows up.. how do i get the second line to show through? [02:35:43] i did whatcha said [02:35:57] RingtailedFox: if you just want it to change in the change MediaWiki:Pagetitle instead, maybe [02:36:12] <Dantman> ^_^ WM is the reason subqueries get reverted when put into core... [02:36:25] <RingtailedFox> ok [02:36:30] <Splarka> werdnus: btw, can't one just change $wgMetaNamespace from !false instead? [02:36:36] <gewt> hm [02:36:36] <Splarka> ^to [02:36:45] <gewt> giving gifts doesn';t work :( [02:36:50] <RingtailedFox> Splarka: where would i find that? [02:36:55] <Dantman> As I remember SocialProfile was actually making a fair bit of use of subqueries. [02:36:59] <gewt> it says page nto found [02:37:05] <Splarka> RingtailedFox: a page on your wiki named [[MediaWiki:Pagetitle]] [02:37:10] <RingtailedFox> ok [02:37:19] <Dantman> Someone should note that it needs a more recent version of mySQL than what MW supports [02:37:53] <RingtailedFox> hmm. replace {{SiteName}} with text that i want? [02:38:16] <Splarka> yes, or augment it [02:38:35] <Splarka> {{SiteName}}, The Best Wiki On Earth - $1 [02:38:45] <Splarka> $1 is the page title the user is on, so should be in there somewhere [02:38:49] <RingtailedFox> ooh, that works :) [02:38:55] <Dantman> {{SITENAME}}! [02:39:02] <RingtailedFox> i left $1 in the beginning, where it was [02:39:11] *Dantman dislikes it when magicWords are used without full uppercase :/ [02:39:19] <RingtailedFox> sorry, dantman [02:39:24] <Dantman> heh [02:39:28] <mohbana> hi, is mediawiki context sensitive? [02:39:32] <techman224> mysql 4.1 is in extended support phase [02:39:35] <Dantman> no [02:39:37] <mohbana> the grammar that is [02:39:43] <RingtailedFox> now,i just have to install wikitables [02:39:49] <Dantman> oh n/m [02:40:10] <Dantman> but for me {{FULLCAPS}} is a signal that something is a magic word rather than a template [02:40:17] <techman224> wikimedia wikis uses 4.0 [02:41:30] <wikibugs> 03(mod) "You've got new message" is displayed even after a revert - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2939 +comment (10nathanlarson3141) [02:41:41] <mohbana> is the grammar context sensitive [02:42:32] <RingtailedFox> how did wikipedia get all that nice stuff on its footer? [02:42:33] <Splarka> dan: inconsistent use in parserfunctions for the win, too X_X [02:42:34] <RingtailedFox> which part do i edit? [02:42:56] <Splarka> {{#language:}} vs {{urlencode:}} vs {{PAGESINCATEGORY:}} [02:45:04] <Dantman> I'm fine with #foo because of the # [02:45:16] <Dantman> But ya, I suppose urlencode, lc, and such could be an issue [02:45:17] <Splarka> and then the magic words that can also be parser functions.. {{NUMBEROFEDITS}} vs {{NUMBEROFEDITS:R}} [02:45:23] <NathanLarson> RTF: which stuff in particular are you referring to? most of the footer is controlled with skins/MonoBook.php [02:45:29] <Dantman> heh [02:45:37] <mohbana> does anyone happen to know [02:45:43] <Pathoschild> RingtailedFox: Look at [[Special:Allmessages]] on en-Wikipedia (large page), and search for the text you want. Don't include statistics, since those will be magic words (ie, look for "this category has", not "this category has 32 pages"). [02:46:08] <werdnus> They won't be magic words. [02:46:11] <werdnus> They'll be variables ;) [02:46:20] <Dantman> heh [02:46:28] <Dantman> ^_^ Sometimes they could be either [02:46:45] <Pathoschild> They'll be magic words, parserfunctions, or variables. :p [02:46:48] <RingtailedFox> i see [02:47:01] *Dantman despises the numeric arguments [02:47:16] <werdnus> Dantman: what do you mean 'numeric arguments' [02:47:26] <Dantman> $1, $2, $3 [02:47:27] <werdnus> You mean "0.9999... ==1", "No it doesn't!"? [02:47:33] <werdnus> why don't you like those? [02:47:36] *Splarka 'd really like it if all magic words (or 'variables' for you sticklers) and parser functions were prefixed with #, and lowercase, or even better, case insensitive [02:47:49] *RingtailedFox likes case-insensitive [02:47:54] <RingtailedFox> probably the only thing i like about windows :P [02:47:59] <Dantman> Readability, I'd prefer it if I didn't need to track down a wfMsg usage to find out what each parameter meant [02:48:07] <Splarka> then there'd be no template/pf/mw/v ambiguation [02:48:42] <Pathoschild> Dantman: There's < http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:System_message >, though it's incomplete and not updated often. The idea was to link it on the talk pages of all messages. [02:48:54] <werdnus> mmm, true -- named parameters for wfMsg would be nice. [02:48:59] <werdnus> I like the facebook translation system. [02:49:03] <werdnus> It's quite the nifty. [02:49:59] <Dantman> ^_^ That manual page is pretty useless... cept for the extremely common stuff [02:50:07] <Dantman> ohwait [02:50:20] <Pathoschild> Yes, scroll down. :) [02:50:37] <Pathoschild> For example: < http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/Blockedtext >. [02:51:16] <Pathoschild> A list of variables shown when editing MediaWiki pages would be wonderful... [02:51:30] <Dantman> Yes [02:51:42] *Pathoschild looks at werdnus. [02:52:12] <mohbana> is the grammar context sensitive [02:52:16] *werdnus hydes. [02:53:29] <Dantman> Can't go into the specifics... but in the system that I'm currently contracted to make, the code stored as a atoms in the database is paired with comments and usage... so it's actually possible to create a nice list of usage, comments and such [02:54:18] <Dantman> Nice to have that kind of pairing for interface messages [02:56:46] *Dantman drools at the thought of storing i18n messages in a semantic database, and taking advantage of a SPARQL endpoint and the LOAD command to allow people to update their copies of messages [02:57:16] <Dantman> Hey waitasecond... that idea aint that bad... [02:58:09] <Dantman> Simetrical, how much about semantics have you been exposed to (RDF, SPARQL, semantic databases, etc...) [02:58:18] <Simetrical> Dantman, approximately nothing. [02:58:25] <Dantman> Heh... damn [02:58:51] <Dantman> Easier to explain the theories when someone knows a bit about the background [02:59:11] <Dantman> You know the absolute generics? [02:59:14] <werdnus> HE SAID SEMANTIC! [02:59:16] <werdnus> GET HIM! [02:59:21] *werdnus gets Dantman [02:59:37] <Dantman> Basically storing data in the general format of "subject, predicate, value" [02:59:59] <werdnus> lol wut [03:00:07] <werdnus> you mean subject, relationship, object [03:00:16] <werdnus> the predicate is the relationship + the object [03:00:18] <Dantman> ^_^ heh, different variants [03:00:36] <werdnus> no, that's what 'predicate' means. [03:00:40] <werdnus> in grammar, anyway. [03:00:43] <Dantman> Sorry, at work we refer to an "atom" having subject, predicate, and value [03:01:03] <Dantman> The big docs and implementations use a little different terminologoy [03:01:47] <Dantman> But the general idea, is having a row with 3 items in it, the subject, some key that identifies a relationship between it, and some value [03:02:04] <Dantman> That value being either another subject, or a static value [03:02:24] <Dantman> <user> email <theemail> [03:02:36] <Dantman> <user> nickname <theirnickname> [03:03:28] <Dantman> Simetrical: did you disappear? [03:03:36] <Simetrical> Dantman, sort of? [03:03:41] <Dantman> heh [03:04:00] <Simetrical> Dantman, seems like you could do this in simple SQL. [03:04:07] <Dantman> We do that at work [03:04:15] <Simetrical> As far as i18n goes. [03:04:30] <Simetrical> I don't see the use of semantics unless you have many different types of relationships that interact interestingly. [03:05:31] <Splarka> you said the words the knights of nee cannot hear [03:06:10] <Dantman> <uid> msg "..."; name "sidebar" ; version "1.13" [03:07:49] <Dantman> SELECT ?name ?text WHERE { ?uid msg ?text; name "sidebar"; version ?version . FILTER( ?version <= "1.13 ) } ORDER BY ?version DESC LIMIT 1 [03:08:17] <Dantman> Think, a database of messages, tagged with what MW version they are relevant to. [03:08:55] <Dantman> A SPARQL endpoint could allow queries to be made for a list of messages relevant for an individual version of MediaWiki [03:09:14] <Dantman> And using LOAD one could load a new set into the local db [03:09:52] <Dantman> True, for a limited part, a rdbms could be used. [03:10:09] <Dantman> but I do like the idea of expanding what can be queried for [03:10:53] <Dantman> mw version, extension, extension version, msg name, text... [03:11:05] <Dantman> Perhaps even forks [03:11:42] <Dantman> Multiple-language versions is already part of the spec even [03:19:43] <RingtailedFox> hmm. this is odd. [03:19:56] <RingtailedFox> i installed the TableEdit extension, but when i edit pages, i do not see the table button at the top. why is this? [03:20:19] <RingtailedFox> as well, the unicode symbols at the bottom are text... i have to copy and paste..can't click on them [03:25:27] <Dantman> ^_^ The nicest thing about semantic databases, is that you never need to update a schema... heh [03:28:38] <RingtailedFox> how do i fix my wikitable issue? [03:34:22] <Shaiaqua> when passing the contents of http://www.wikihow.com/Sandbox to the API of either wikipedia or the site it's on, using ?action=parse&text=(urlencoded contents), it does not recognize the # or *, it leaves them as is. Is there something I should do differently [03:37:38] <CIA-59> 03mrzman * r43064 10/trunk/phase3/includes/RecentChange.php: Put the rcid in the URL if $wgUseNPPatrol or $wgUseRCPatrol is used. [03:47:06] <NathanLarson> quit [03:51:15] <mohbana> is the grammar context sensitive [03:51:38] <Simetrical> mohbana, what grammar? [03:51:47] <mohbana> Simetrical: mediawiki [03:51:50] <mohbana> syntax [03:51:54] <Simetrical> You mean wikitext? [03:52:09] <Simetrical> I believe it's formally context-sensitive, yes, although my knowledge of formal languages is pretty poor. [03:52:13] <Simetrical> I could be wrong. [03:52:21] <Simetrical> If it is context-free, it requires unlimited lookahead, certainly. [03:53:56] <RingtailedFox> does anyone know why i don't get the "make tables" button on my wiki? TableEdit is installed... my wiki is at http://wiki.mobianlegends.com/ [03:54:29] <Simetrical> RingtailedFox, you usually can't get good help for third-party extensions here, unless they're quite popular. You'd be best served by asking the author of the extension. [03:54:41] <RingtailedFox> i see [03:54:42] <RingtailedFox> thank you [04:13:24] <solarquest> is the current trunk of mediawiki phase3? [04:17:09] <carl-m> solarquest: yes [04:18:24] <RingtailedFox> how do i create a sandbox area for my wiki? is it automatically installed, or is it something i need to set up? [04:19:46] <carl-m> you just make a page and tell people to use it [04:20:42] <RingtailedFox> ok [04:34:58] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Include a radio button on the installation screen allowing the wiki' s contents to be licensed from the get-go as public domain - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15125 +comment (10innocentkiller) [04:49:46] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Include a radio button on the installation screen allowing the wiki' s contents to be licensed from the get-go as public domain - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15125 (10nathanlarson3141) [04:53:46] <RingtailedFox> my operating system is Mandriva Linux One 2008.1 Spring [04:53:50] <RingtailedFox> kernel version [05:03:40] <Dantman> rotfl... now this is amusing [05:03:54] <Dantman> http://code.google.com/p/jslibs/wiki/JavascriptTips#Brainfuck_interpreter [05:04:15] <Dantman> Server side stuff, JavaScript, and Brainfuck all in one place [05:33:10] <CIA-59> 03soxred93 * r43065 10/trunk/phase3/ (4 files in 3 dirs): (bug 15125) Add Public Domain to default options when installing. Patch by Nathan Larson. [05:33:47] <wikibugs> 03(FIXED) Include a radio button on the installation screen allowing the wiki' s contents to be licensed from the get-go as public domain - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15125 +comment (10soxred93) [05:53:46] <domas> morning [05:58:35] <Charitwo> hi domas [06:20:18] <CIA-59> 03raymond * r43066 10/trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.i18n.php: Add right descriptions [06:31:42] <chuck> Grr, why is this <p><br/></p> just showing up out of nowhere [06:32:48] <Dantman> Uhm... where? [06:32:57] <Dantman> Depends [06:33:25] <chuck> nevermind, it was a weird mediawiki parser thing, I just had to compact some stuff onto one line to avoid some line breaks [06:33:31] <Dantman> mhmm [06:33:33] <chuck> It's looking really good now [06:34:47] *Dantman is of the opinion that MediaWiki should normalize \n\n+ to \n\n instead of finding \n(\n+) and creating a new <p /> with a <br /> inside of it for every extra \n [06:35:06] <chuck> Yeah [06:35:27] <Dantman> T_T unfortunately people make use of that godforsaken /feature/ and so it would be a parser regression if we did that [06:35:51] *chuck likes markup languages where two newlines == line break, and then also have the ability to force//a new line between sentences like that [06:36:40] <Dantman> It's not \n\n == line break, it's \n\n == new paragraph [06:37:04] <Dantman> Line breaks are handled with the plain old html <br /> [06:37:05] <chuck> actually yeah, i think that's what i meant as it makes more sense ;-) [06:37:11] <Dantman> Which IMHO should be depreciated [06:37:39] <Dantman> <br /> is to layout, as <font /> is to css [06:46:17] <CIA-59> 03raymond * r43067 10/trunk/phase3/includes/RecentChange.php: Fix for r43064. [07:06:24] <CIA-59> 03mrzman * r43068 10/trunk/extensions/GlobalBlocking/GlobalBlocking.php: Fix fatal error. [07:19:48] <CIA-59> 03mrzman * r43069 10/trunk/extensions/GlobalBlocking/ApiGlobalBlocks.php: Use the correct database, fix broken example [07:21:29] <werdnus> http://google.com/robots.txt -- It's good to see that google is safe from the zombies [07:22:13] <domas> yeah, saw that already :) [07:22:21] <MrZ-man|not_here> heh [07:22:33] <domas> wow has fun helloween events [07:22:38] <domas> like zombie virus [07:22:47] <domas> people turn into zombies and can infect others [07:23:10] <werdnus> domas: what a bizarre mail :P [07:23:18] <domas> haha [07:24:43] <domas> anything wrong about it?!!? [07:26:03] <Nikerabbit> mau [07:51:51] <Dantman> SpiderMonkey's JSAPI looks nice [07:52:59] <Dantman> ^_^ Actually, the C code looks more readable than PHP's structure for a module [08:25:00] <chalcedony> :) [08:28:18] <_wooz> lo [08:33:33] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Official Korean name for Wikisource - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16217 +shell (10raimond.spekking) [08:53:29] *Dantman likes the way E4X is used in server side js in comparison to HEREDOCS [09:02:24] <Juandev> hi [09:02:49] <Juandev> is it possible to lock a user namespace for admins only? [09:08:16] <Juandev> ummm [09:08:26] <Juandev> Sundance_Raphael: hi, how are you toda? [09:09:08] <Sundance_Raphael> fine thanks Juandev [09:09:13] <Juandev> [10:01:58] <Juandev> is it possible to lock a user namespace for admins only? --> gotcha, developer can do that [09:16:01] <CIA-59> 03rotem * r43070 10/trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/CentralNotice.i18n.php: Localization update for he, and removing a double message. [09:28:32] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Improve the new Statistics special page - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15664 (10bugzilla.wikimedia) [09:30:44] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Improve the new Statistics special page - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15664 (10raimond.spekking) [09:35:18] <wikibugs> 03(NEW) Whatlinkshere selection "redirects" is misleading - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16218 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki: Special pages; (bugzilla.wikimedia) [09:43:21] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Increase Commons file size upload limit to 40MB - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12595 (10mattwj2002) [10:21:27] <Agony> Anyone knows why my PHP-page return false when trying to reach http://fi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:FMPortal/announcements&action=render but changing to http://fi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:FMPortal/announcements&action=raw everything works as supposed? Is there some sort of referrer check when calling &action=render? [10:23:13] <MattJohnston> Agony: There may be a User-Agent check [10:24:02] <MattJohnston> Agony: Try giving it a User-Agent of something creative [10:24:23] <Agony> MattJohnston: I try, just a minute [10:28:13] <Agony> Uh, changing user agent will need total whack for code (and I thought going easy with file_get_contents would be just fine)... [10:28:29] <_mary_kate_> there's an ini setting for user agent [10:32:39] <Agony> _mary_kate_: too late, alredy whacked data out with curl... yep, user agent string change worked [10:32:47] <Agony> :) [10:33:09] <_mary_kate_> curl is generally better anyway [10:33:49] <Dantman> robots.txt? [10:34:07] <Agony> True, I'm just so darn lazy and avoid four-liners if I can do it with one line (bad habbit, I know) [10:34:11] <_mary_kate_> it's not specific enough to restrict particular actions.. and i doubt file_get_contents checks robots.txt [10:49:40] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Install hanp extension parser function on Korean Wikipedia - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13712 (10camway) [11:14:30] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Install hanp extension parser function on Korean Wikipedia - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13712 (10kjoonlee) [11:19:53] <CIA-59> 03dantman * r43071 10/trunk/extensions/regexBlock/regexBlockCore.php: [11:19:53] <CIA-59> This short circut should return true to avoid causing a stack trace when [11:19:53] <CIA-59> it bypasses regexBlock. [11:38:21] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Install hanp extension parser function on Korean Wikipedia - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13712 (10siebrand) [12:10:33] <mohbana> can someone please confirm if the syntax of the grammar is context sensitive [12:16:51] <werdnus> mohbana: are you talking about Wikitext? [12:17:18] <mohbana> werdan7: yes i.e., * bullet item1 etc [12:17:21] <mohbana> werdnus: [12:19:11] <werdnus> mohbana: It depends on what you mean by context-sensitive. [12:25:20] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43072 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/Layouts/Layouts.php: Resolve four notices when creating a page with "No layout" [12:26:59] <Dantman> ^_^ The worst part about that question... is that there is no grammar... attempts at making one are still ongoing [12:27:27] <Dantman> Whohoo... this messed up anime is almost over [12:27:27] <werdnus> Dantman: you there -- what laptop should I get? [12:27:44] <werdnus> Dantman: I'm moving to SF and working for WMF for the rest of next year, remotely. [12:27:48] <werdnus> so I need a good laptop :) [12:27:53] <Dantman> werdnus: ^_^ One that best suits your needs [12:28:06] <werdnus> Dantman: haha, thanks for the advice :p [12:28:12] <werdnus> I knew you just got a new one for coding... [12:28:25] <Dantman> I looked through NCIX and tracked down one with the lowest price that had the specs I was looking for [12:28:29] <Dantman> However [12:28:50] <Dantman> If you are going for Linux on your laptop, make sure you get one with a NVIDIA card instead of ATI [12:30:47] <werdnus> Dantman: good advice :P [12:31:35] <Dantman> Mine has 1GB ram (probably going to upgrade at some point), a dual core 1.9 (or was it 1.8) GHz processor, DVD burner, built in WiFi webcam, mic, and bluetooth (though I haven't bothered to mess with drivers for it), it's 17" since I prefer large screens over the portability of small things, and I got it for only a little over $600 [12:32:02] <Dantman> Good range for a laptop as my co-worker says is around $700 or so [12:32:16] <Dantman> 120gb hd [12:32:19] <werdnus> that's a good price. [12:32:33] <werdnus> I like big screens, but I'm going to be lugging this thing around the world. [12:32:37] <Dantman> IMHO don't bother with anything that bumps up the side of the HD [12:32:38] <werdnus> quite literally [12:32:51] *Dantman lugs it between home, his dad's, and work [12:33:33] <Dantman> This is half laptop, half desktop in a way, so as I use it as my primary computer I prefer the large screen... ^_^ it's also nicer for watching anime [12:33:48] <Dantman> size* [12:34:06] <Dantman> IMHO 120gb is all you should ever get in a Laptop HD [12:34:17] <Dantman> Laptop HDs are in a way disposable [12:34:30] <Dantman> when the laptop goes, you normally discard it with the laptop [12:34:43] <Dantman> Unlike a desktop where you may carry it over, or at least slave it to keep your files [12:35:02] <Dantman> So IMHO if you need more space, external storage is the way to go [12:35:24] <Dantman> ^_^ That being said, I really need to get some myself cause I'm already down to 19gb from all my anime... rotfl [12:36:23] <Dantman> Ahhh... the old days... can't believe we ran on a computer with a 7gb hd for so long... [12:36:47] <Dantman> back then the P4 and XP was the big invention that we took forever to switch to [12:37:52] <Dantman> werdnus: For linux, it's also better to avoid real new models [12:38:17] <werdnus> Dantman: so that's where you get the ^_^ [12:38:36] <Dantman> hmmm... [12:38:51] <Dantman> Probably back in the days I actually went to GaiaOnline [12:39:06] <werdnus> haha [12:39:11] <werdnus> my friend's a mod on that site. [12:39:15] <werdnus> Know WindowOpener? [12:39:18] <Dantman> Other than better price ratios, the models in between old and new have better information in linux forums [12:39:20] <Dantman> Hmmm... [12:39:26] <Dantman> Might have heard the name [12:39:37] <werdnus> mmm, a close friend of mine. [12:40:36] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43073 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/GenericEditPage/GenericEditPage.php: Resolve four notices when creating a page with "No layout". 4 remaining, marked with FIXME. [12:41:06] <Dantman> ^_^ Back in the days when I also did FireFox extensions and dealt with PHP 4 in all it's evil [12:41:31] <werdnus> haha [12:41:36] <werdnus> I've thought of dabbling in Firefox [12:41:41] <werdnus> but it looks like black magick to me. [12:41:54] <Dantman> Agh shit... [12:42:10] <Dantman> I hit a keycombo and got rid of my channel tree [12:42:46] <Dantman> Ohwait no... I split this into a new window [12:43:11] <Dantman> bleh [12:43:54] <Dantman> ^_^ my current insane experiment is back to the Wiki engine [12:44:09] <werdnus> I've been experimenting with some fun stuff. [12:44:24] <werdnus> not wiki-related. [12:44:40] <werdnus> I've made an extensible cross-process plugin kinda system. [12:44:46] <Dantman> This time, instead of Lisp and using lisp to handle data on it's own... it's ServerSide JavaScript and a Semantic Database [12:44:47] <werdnus> So, I have a dumb bot that sits on IRC [12:45:24] <werdnus> and then you can connect to it using a custom protocol on port 7070 + a password, and subscribe to events, and tell it to send messages and so on. [12:45:50] <werdnus> So my bot can sit in fremont, and then I can have some service sitting here, starting and stopping as it pleases, acting as part of the bot [12:45:55] <werdnus> and multiple services can use it. [12:47:15] <Dantman> ^_^ Build a method for people to startup a server instance that permanently connects to a IRC server, and allows an IRC client to connect to it and have traceback... and people will love you [12:47:44] <Dantman> Especially those with poor internet connections [12:49:10] <Dantman> Mmmm... JS, JS, and JS [12:49:16] <werdnus> Uh [12:49:22] <werdnus> You haven't heard of Bouncers, have you? [12:49:39] <Dantman> ^_^ Client side JS, a Wiki Engine in JS, and embedded JS inside for template scripting [12:49:43] <werdnus> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouncer_(IRC) [12:49:45] <Dantman> Hmmm... nope [13:00:27] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43074 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/FormatChanges/FormatChanges.php: Fix notices when not using patrolling [13:08:30] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43075 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/AutoCreateCategoryPages/ (AutoCreateCategoryPages.i18n.php AutoCreateCategoryPages.php): Make username for creating category pages configurable from a message. Functionality by Tim Starling, copied from extension NewUserMessage. [13:16:13] *str4nd pokes devs with http://toolserver.org/~str4nd/modern_skin_text_overflow_ie_issue.png [13:16:44] <Dantman> Speaking of anime... I think this near over anime has already made me insane... [13:16:57] <werdnus> you were insane already :) [13:17:55] <_mary_kate_> str4nd: looks fine in my IE [13:17:58] <werdnus> str4nd: looks like a browser error. [13:18:00] <werdnus> I blame IE [13:19:33] <Dantman> heh [13:19:34] <str4nd> Okay, I'll join the group: let's blame IE :-) [13:19:44] <Dantman> that to [13:20:16] <Dantman> Well anyways... ^_^ time to end the reign of this f*ed up anime... [13:20:57] <_mary_kate_> str4nd: looks like youe IE has a load of weird extensions that probably break shit ;) [13:21:53] <str4nd> _mary_kate_: I'm not using IE since 1998 or was it 1999 [13:22:29] <str4nd> But yeah, sure :P [13:24:10] <werdnus> str4nd: well that screenshot is from IE [13:25:02] <str4nd> werdnus: Not me, not me! (cries) -- http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:KAHVION#Teksti_menee_muokkauskent.C3.A4n_ulkopuolelle [13:25:34] <werdnus> well, he is [13:25:48] <_mary_kate_> something is wrong with the fi.wikipedia. instead of being written in a human language, it's just full of weird letters [13:27:00] *siebrand2 raises an eyebrow. [13:27:32] <_mary_kate_> look: Yritän saada kahta kuvaa vierekkäin artikkelissa "Yellow (kappale)". [13:28:32] <simonrvn> yeh, it's called finnish [13:28:40] <werdnus> weirdos :P [13:28:59] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43076 10/trunk/extensions/uniwiki/Authors/Authors.php: Add FIXME. creditLink() was renamed and changed. [13:33:37] <str4nd> simonrvn: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Didarasq -- yes, you're right [13:43:01] <Dantman> wtf... man this anime was screwed up [13:48:07] <Dantman> rotfl [13:48:10] <Dantman> rm -rf /: Typical Finnish insult. [13:57:59] <Vyznev> _mary_kate_, siebrand2, simonrvn, werdnus: any of you mind if I [[m:Bash]] that? [13:58:33] <_mary_kate_> well, it was in a public channel [13:58:41] <simonrvn> bash.org? [13:58:44] <simonrvn> no [13:58:57] <simonrvn> (i.e. go ahead) [13:59:06] <Vyznev> simonrvn: no, http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Bash [13:59:46] <simonrvn> oh wikimedia equivalent, no don't mind [14:00:16] *simonrvn has a cold, a bit slow in the brain [14:02:40] <Vyznev> ok, there it goes :) [14:06:29] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Group 'emailconfirmed' not set after confirm link visited - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16211 (10huck.finn) [14:09:57] <Vyznev> okay, what's the deal with OutputPage::mParseWarnings? [14:09:59] <Vyznev> as far as I can tell, it seems to be a black hole: it gets set, but nothing ever reads it :/ [14:13:37] <Dantman> Vyznev: Of course not... that's where we hide all the porn... wouldn't want that all over WP... heh [14:14:01] *Dantman thinks it's time to cleanse himself of that wtf anime... [14:14:11] <Dantman> T_T Nooo... I don't have anything sane downloaded [14:14:54] *werdnus toddles off to bed. [14:15:57] <Vyznev> Dantman: oh, so _that's_ why we've been running out of disk space lately [14:16:03] <Dantman> "/dev/mouse, your entryway into the unholy..." [14:16:06] <Dantman> heh [14:16:32] <Dantman> "/dev/null, where you send the cops when they search your computer..." [14:16:58] <Dantman> "/dev/webcam, where the best porn comes from..." [14:17:21] <Dantman> ~Dantman... awake? [14:20:00] <Dantman> Vyznev: ^_^ I could write you a bash script to turn it all into a slideshow... but I'm sure someone in here would pipe up and say it should be written in brainfuck... [14:20:19] <Dantman> Personally I prefer JS [14:21:17] <CIA-59> 03vyznev * r43077 10/trunk/phase3/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [14:21:17] <CIA-59> Emit a warning message if a single page has multiple conflicting {{DEFAULTSORT:}} keys. [14:21:17] <CIA-59> (Also, replace wfMsg() with wfMsgForContent() for the unknown_extension_tag message.) [14:21:53] <Dantman> Oh perfect... someone joins with the absolute perfect! username... [14:23:34] <Dantman> Noo... freenode you censorer... don't netsplit the populus to hide the grimy underbelly of the net from them! [14:25:16] <Vyznev> hmm... okay, what should I fix next? [14:25:37] *Vyznev considers rewriting wikidiff2 [14:26:11] <Vyznev> actually, ripping the guts out of GNU diff and writing a new wrapper for it [14:26:30] <Dantman> mmm... guts... got that in lemon...? [14:28:03] <Vyznev> or I could write something for my thesis, which is what I'm _supposed_ to be doing :/ [14:29:04] <Dantman> ^_^ Get jslibs to compile on my laptop and I might give you candy! [14:29:10] <Dantman> rotfl [14:29:21] <Dantman> +e- [14:31:03] <Dantman> s/l/n/ [14:59:17] <D-Fender1031> in a #switch statement, if i have multiple cases that have the same output, is there a way to write it without re-rwiting the output for each case? [14:59:57] <Splarka> omit the equals [15:00:28] <Splarka> {{#switch:{{{1}}}|0|1|2|3|4|5=Less than 6|6|7|8|9|10=6 to 10}} [15:01:23] <D-Fender1031> huh? [15:01:35] <D-Fender1031> ohhh [15:01:58] <D-Fender1031> but my cases don't use numbers [15:02:19] <Splarka> doesn't matter [15:02:37] <Splarka> {{#switch:{{{1}}}|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday=Weekday|Saturday|Sunday=Weekend}} [15:02:59] <D-Fender1031> wait, then i just put the case names before the last case to use it [15:04:09] <Splarka> well, you just assign an output to the last case [15:04:15] <Splarka> in a given batch [15:04:42] <D-Fender1031> thanks [15:10:35] <Mufka> General functionality question - When you click show preview, the url changes to &action=submit. If you browse to an article with &action=submit you just get an edit window. Is there a way to get it to show up as an edit window with a preview? [15:12:09] <Splarka> the action=submit is actually the general POST form for all edit activities, it just *happens* to be most associated with preview because on a successful edit you get redirected back to the regular view [15:12:55] <Splarka> I don't think you can force a preview via GET... without some hacking [15:13:21] <Mufka> I thought it would be a nice feature. thanks. [15:14:32] <Dantman> wpPreview=1 ? [15:14:55] <Dantman> I can't verify if it'll work or not because I have preview on first edit enabled [15:15:24] <Mufka> I'm looking for something that can be used in the url. [15:15:27] <Splarka> I think it needs to be POSTed [15:15:52] <Vyznev> I suspect the fact that we have separate "edit" and "submit" actions is something of a historical accident; I'm not sure if there's _any_ difference between them [15:16:06] <Splarka> > set in a POST request to request a preview of the page or section as if the value of wpTextbox1 were saved; [15:16:33] <Splarka> yah, action=submit could probably just be action=edit, with intellgient GET/POST discernation [15:17:21] <Splarka> there is probably a historical reason wpPreview (and by extension wpDiff) are POST only... [15:18:06] <Splarka> it does make sense for some esoteric things, like user pages ending in .css and .js [15:18:21] <Splarka> when you preview those, they get shown to you as <style> and <script> in the head [15:18:33] <Dantman> &action=submit will start a session for anon users who aren't already in one [15:18:43] <Dantman> &action=edit does not [15:19:22] <Dantman> However, IMHO that difference should be migrated from Wiki.php into EditPage.php and it should rely on post instead of &action=submit [15:19:39] <Splarka> {{sofixit}} heh [15:20:00] <Dantman> ^_^ EditPage.php was something I did some refactoring of [15:20:37] <Dantman> Actually that tidbit is sorta broken for anything that subclasses it and uses a different action for that reason [15:21:06] <Mufka> Would there be harm in what amounts to a link-to-preview functionality? [15:21:47] <Dantman> <Splarka> it does make sense for some esoteric things, like user pages ending in .css and .js [15:21:48] <Dantman> <Splarka> when you preview those, they get shown to you as <style> and <script> in the head [15:21:57] <Vyznev> probably not for normal pages: it's no worse security-wise than action=view [15:22:19] <Vyznev> should be disabled for user .css/.js pages, though [15:22:52] <Vyznev> or anything else that does funky things in preview mode, if there is any [15:23:25] <Dantman> Though... a bit of a question... Why do you need a linkable preview? [15:24:33] <Mufka> For a script that opens a user talk page for editing. Good to see what's there before adding to it. [15:25:03] <Mufka> in a form that's easily readable. [15:25:21] <Dantman> If you're doing it in a script, then why don't you just send it as a post? [15:26:04] <Mufka> Not my script, I was going to request a feature. Didn't know if it was possible. [15:26:33] <Vyznev> it can be a bit tricky, you basically need to create a (hidden) form and submit it [15:26:38] <Vyznev> but yes, possible [15:27:16] <Vyznev> or, if the script runs on the edit page itself, you could use AJAX and action=render to make a "fake" preview [15:27:29] <Splarka> huh [15:27:41] <Splarka> submiting wpPreview via POST to action=edit gives "Warning: This page was deleted after you started editing!" [15:27:56] <Vyznev> ! [15:28:22] <Splarka> maybe because I sent no text with it, same for action=submit [15:28:40] <Vyznev> maybe missing wpStarttime and/or wpEdittime [15:29:01] <Splarka> ahh, yah, makes more sense [15:29:15] <Splarka> so a simple POST hack wouldn't help [15:29:22] <Splarka> I suggest javascript [15:29:31] <Splarka> &action=edit&showpreview=true [15:29:42] <Splarka> would then call the API to action=parse [15:29:53] <Splarka> (or use the live preview stuff) [15:30:31] <Vyznev> hah! [15:30:41] <Dantman> ^_^ why not just call action=render and shove it into the preview element? [15:30:48] <Vyznev> actually, if I'm reading the code right, "action=edit&preview=yes" should work [15:31:55] <Mufka> It does work. That's what I needed. [15:32:20] <Vyznev> :) [15:33:04] <Vyznev> so we've spent 20 minutes discussing possible fixes or workarounds for a missing feature which, it turns out, isn't actually missing :) [15:33:19] <Dantman> heh [15:34:00] <Dantman> The only thing missing now is &action=porn [15:34:16] <Dantman> Put that wasted disk space to good use! [15:34:37] <Nikerabbit> hmm [15:34:48] <Nikerabbit> &action=cook food [15:35:02] <Dantman> Don't forget to urlencode [15:35:07] <Dantman> heh [15:35:49] <Dantman> (new Food).cook() [15:36:06] <Nikerabbit> mmm [15:36:44] <Dantman> throw "No ingredients specified." [15:36:52] <Splarka> sheesh, yay for undocumented features [15:37:11] <Vyznev> no Food instance found, but I think Noodles implements the same interface [15:37:33] <Dantman> (new Food(<ingredient>Splarka</ingredient>)).cook(); [15:37:43] <Dantman> > Thunder Soup() [15:38:07] <Splarka> hmmmmmm [15:38:14] <Splarka> arbitrary js execution? [15:38:31] <Dantman> whatsthat? [15:38:50] <Splarka> ahh, I guess not, doesn't preview user.js except on POST [15:38:55] <Splarka> but it _says_ it does [15:39:12] <Splarka> > Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JavaScript. It has not yet been saved! [15:40:17] <Dantman> Heh... no-one even comments on the syntax I used [15:40:51] <Splarka> actually, hmm, isn't there an open bug to add preview to pages you don't have permission to edit? [15:42:28] <Vyznev> if so, sounds kind of silly: if you can't edit, why not just use action=view? [15:42:37] <Vyznev> or is there a use case I can't think of? [15:44:11] <Splarka> section maybe? [15:45:58] <Splarka> ahh, Vyznev: my mistake, it was for 'read only' mode [15:46:05] <Splarka> already in effect [15:46:27] <Splarka> http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki?view=rev&revision=42059 [15:47:52] <Simetrical> Splarka, what happens on a locked-down wiki where you can only read the main page, and you add {{someotherpage}} to it and preview? [15:47:53] <Splarka> http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/6092/prevqb2.gif <-- this is what action=edit&preview=yes looks like on en.wp [15:48:10] <Splarka> it claims I am previewing the JS but I is not [15:48:21] <Splarka> Simetrical: that was to be my question, if I found the bug/revision [15:48:31] <Splarka> but it turns out I'd misremembered ^ was just for read-only [15:49:00] <Simetrical> Read-only even translates edits to previews automatically, doesn't it? [15:49:13] <Splarka> right, but there is no preview/diff button afterwards, IIRC [15:49:16] <Splarka> or, wasn't [15:49:52] <Splarka> hmm [15:50:45] <chuck> How do I make a skin load the common.css interface message as CSS? [15:51:46] <ialex> chuck: look at existing skins [15:52:14] <chuck> common.css isn't found in the whole file... [15:52:20] <Splarka> hmm, the relevant stuff is in Skin.php and SkinTemplate.php [15:52:32] <Splarka> $out->addStyle( self::makeNSUrl( 'Common.css', $query, NS_MEDIAWIKI ) ); [15:53:13] <chuck> Splarka: What method is that line in? [15:53:33] <Splarka> function setupUserCss( OutputPage $out ) { [15:53:42] <Splarka> in Skin.php [15:54:11] <chuck> I see setupSkinUserCss here in monobook [15:54:43] <Splarka> no, literally Skin.php, not [yourskin].php [15:54:46] <Splarka> /phase3/includes/Skin.php [15:55:05] <chuck> I know, I see that method, but I don't see how its being called in monobook [15:55:22] <Splarka> it is called in SkinTemplate.php [15:55:31] <Splarka> in function outputPage [15:56:29] <Vyznev> chuck: have fun, the control flow between SkinTemplate.php, Skin.php, OutputPage.php is an awful tangle [15:56:29] <chuck> Wouldn't that be called automatically though.. [15:56:39] <chuck> Vyznev: :P [15:59:00] <Nikerabbit> moi [15:59:15] <ialex> hello Nikerabbit [15:59:46] <chuck> I can't figure this out at all, I'm going to try later [16:10:34] <Vyznev> Splarka: aha, finally figured out _why_ it's not running user JS on action=edit&preview=yes [16:10:39] <Vyznev> Skin::userCanPreview() [16:10:40] <Duesentrieb> http://www.scholarpedia.org/ is an ok idea for a wiki project... but the footer sais "patent pending". what the fuck? [16:11:08] <Nikerabbit> law suit pending [16:11:45] <bizb> in our mediawiki install the search output is kinda ugly (we switched to sphinx search so not sure if that has anything to do with output - I'm guessing no, but nto sure) Anyway, how can I go about making it easier on the eyes? [16:12:08] <ialex> Duesentrieb: MediaWiki: 1.5.4 O_o [16:12:15] <Duesentrieb> hehe [16:12:21] <Vyznev> well, you can file a patent application for anything: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Paul_Pedrick [16:12:36] <Splarka> Vyznev: possible to make it say it isn't when it isn't? [16:13:36] <Duesentrieb> if that thing used a free license, it would actually be cool [16:13:51] <_mary_kate_> how is it different from that other thing larry did? [16:13:57] <Vyznev> shouldn't be too hard, except that the check is in Skin.php and the notice is (I think) generated in EditPage.php [16:14:13] <Duesentrieb> _mary_kate_: i don't know, actually :) [16:14:33] <Vyznev> should try to think of a way to do it that doesn't make the dependencies even more tangled than they are [16:15:03] <Splarka> mmm, tangleed [16:15:13] *Dantman considers anything that compares itself to WP but can't even maintain itself with a good version of MW to be a poor wannabe project... [16:20:55] <Simetrical> Splarka, do you know of any tools to un-minify JavaScript [16:22:46] <Dantman> toSource() [16:23:51] <Dantman> http://code.google.com/p/jslibs/wiki/JavascriptTips#Auto_indent_code_/_unobfuscator [16:24:26] <Dantman> ^_^ Speaking of that page, heh; http://code.google.com/p/jslibs/wiki/JavascriptTips#Brainfuck_interpreter [16:24:56] *Simetrical is trying to figure out if he can move some JS in vBulletin to the end of the page [16:27:47] <Vyznev> grr... I just _love_ trying to figure out skin code [16:29:12] <Vyznev> Skin calls OutputPage to set a value which is passed to Skin which saves it in a member variable which is pulled out by OutputPage and stuck in a HTML fragment which is embedded in the output by Skin [16:29:21] <Splarka> Simetrical: what he said, looks like a good one [16:29:39] <Vyznev> and of course SkinTemplate reuses half of that but does the other half completely differently [16:30:05] <Splarka> there are lots online too, like http://www.brianfolts.com/un/ [16:30:06] <Vyznev> someone ought to take an axe to it [16:30:59] <Simetrical> Vyznev, I've always thought that. [16:31:26] <Simetrical> Splarka, do you know if Firefox 3.1 still serializes script loading? IE8 and newer WebKit now will load scripts in parallel with other files. [16:32:06] <Splarka> no idea, my mozilla is older than dirt [16:35:45] <CIA-59> 03catrope * r43078 10/trunk/extensions/GlobalBlocking/ApiGlobalBlocks.php: GlobalBlocking: Add dropped bgip parameter, re-add previously broken example [16:35:54] <Vyznev> Simetrical: don't know about 3.1, but if I'm reading the Firebug output right, for 3.0.3 the answer seems to be "yes and no" [16:35:54] <Simetrical> Splarka, simple test case: http://www.twcenter.net/~simetrical/script_serialized.html [16:36:24] <Simetrical> Vyznev, try testcase. [16:36:40] <Simetrical> Fails for me. [16:36:40] <Vyznev> the scripts linked from the original HTML get loaded in sequence, but those pulled in by importScript() appear to load in parallel [16:36:47] <Vyznev> ok, trying [16:37:12] <CIA-59> 03catrope * r43079 10/trunk/extensions/GlobalBlocking/ (3 files): GlobalBlocking: Rename ApiGlobalBlocks.php to ApiQueryGlobalBlocks.php so the filename is actually the same as the class name [16:37:15] <Splarka> yep, 5 seconds [16:37:27] <Splarka> best bet is to not assume either case [16:37:46] <Splarka> which is why when we stuck importScript() into core we hacked addOnloadHook a bit [16:37:47] <Vyznev> hmm.. ah, wait, it probably works better if I disable NoScript first :) [16:37:51] <Splarka> heh [16:38:21] <Vyznev> yup, 5 seconds [16:38:22] <Simetrical> It fails with all browsers I just tried. Apparently it works in IE8 and recent WebKit. [16:38:27] <Splarka> if(!doneOnloadHook) {onloadFuncts[onloadFuncts.length] = hookFunct;} else {hookFunct();} [16:38:28] *Simetrical should try out Fx3.1 [16:38:59] <Splarka> otherwise in some situations in IE using nonserialization, the onloadhooks would never get run [16:39:06] <Splarka> for imported scripts [16:39:54] <Simetrical> Can I install Firefox 3.1 so that it won't conflict with existing Fx3? [16:39:55] <Splarka> ideally it should load parallel, but execute serialized [16:40:52] <wikibugs> 03(NEW) CodeReview generates invalid ViewVC link upon rename - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16219 normal; normal; MediaWiki extensions: CodeReview; (roan.kattouw) [16:40:58] <Splarka> ask #firefox ? [16:42:11] <Vyznev> if nothing else, compile from source as a non-root user [16:42:49] <Vyznev> back up your .mozilla directory if you're really worried [16:46:04] <CIA-59> 03tstarling * r43080 10/trunk/phase3/ (3 files in 3 dirs): * Set a special temporary directory for ImageMagick with $wgImageMagickTempDir [16:51:11] <CIA-59> 03catrope * r43081 10/trunk/phase3/includes/ (IP.php api/ApiQueryBlocks.php): API: Move ApiQueryBlocks::convertHexIP() to IP::hexToIP() per Werdna's comment on r43040 [16:52:16] <CIA-59> 03catrope * r43082 10/trunk/extensions/GlobalBlocking/ApiQueryGlobalBlocks.php: Followup on r43081: GlobalBlocking too [16:53:36] <Gdgourou> hello i have an error after my installation [16:53:38] <Gdgourou> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STATIC, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home.44/g/o/u/gourmetp/www/includes/AutoLoader.php on line 10 [16:53:46] <gewt> is there a list fo all pages in the Mediawiki namespace? [16:53:51] <Gdgourou> i didn't found anything to correct this [16:54:34] <Vyznev> gewt: Special:Allmessages and/or Special:Allpages/MediaWiki: [16:54:40] <gewt> Gdgourou, whats line 10 of /home.44/g/o/u/gourmetp/www/includes/AutoLoader.php ? [16:54:46] <gewt> Vyznev, thanks [16:54:57] <Simetrical> Gdgourou, are you sure you're using PHP 5? [16:55:06] <Gdgourou> i open it and its's static $localClasses = array( [16:55:10] <Splarka> gewt: as Vyznev points out, neither one is really a complete list [16:55:35] <Gdgourou> Simetrical: yes... the provider confirm that it's both phph 4 and 5... [16:55:38] <Splarka> the Allpages/Prefixindex will show you all pages in that namespace, which is usually the ones that are different from the defaults, while Allmessages will show you all the defaults [16:55:51] <Simetrical> Gdgourou, it's most likely being run as PHP 4 if you're getting that error. [16:55:53] <Splarka> but you can create new ones, that won't appear in Allmessages [16:55:59] <Gdgourou> perhaps you know an site for test if he's right [16:56:01] <Simetrical> Gdgourou, try using the .php5 file extension. [16:56:25] <Gdgourou> Simetrical: same error with .phph5 [16:56:33] <Splarka> you also can't get a complete list from /languages/messages because extensions can include their own X_X [16:56:42] <Simetrical> Gdgourou, do you have a link? [16:56:51] <Gdgourou> Simetrical: yes... [16:56:52] <Gdgourou> http://www.gourmetpedia.fr/index.php5 [16:56:59] <Gdgourou> but the rreor change [16:57:02] <Gdgourou> error [16:57:21] <Simetrical> Gdgourou, the error with .php5 is different. You seem to have given the wrong database login info. [17:00:25] <Gdgourou> Simetrical: I correct the password butthe problem is the samùe [17:00:35] <Gdgourou> http://www.gourmetpedia.fr/index.php?title=Accueil [17:00:43] <Simetrical> Gdgourou, you need to use .php5. [17:00:46] <Simetrical> .php won't work for you. [17:01:16] <Gdgourou> i could desactivate the php [17:02:12] <wikibugs> 03(NEW) Error with new SMW 1.4 - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16220 major; normal; MediaWiki extensions: SemanticResultFormats; (dasch_87) [17:02:20] <Gdgourou> sorry could i force to use php5 only [17:03:23] <Simetrical> Gdgourou, add this to the end of LocalSettings.php: $wgScriptExtension = ".php5"; [17:07:18] <Gdgourou> ok [17:07:48] <Gdgourou> it's works fine [17:08:13] <Gdgourou> thanks [17:12:33] <wikibugs> 03(NEW) creation of a new wiki: chapters.wikimedia.org - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16221 normal; normal; Wikimedia: General/Unknown; (fdevouard) [17:17:33] <CIA-59> 03simetrical * r43083 10/trunk/phase3/includes/IP.php: [17:17:33] <CIA-59> Use MediaWiki whitespace standards, please. [17:17:33] <CIA-59> This file is really a mess, though. We need a unified system of [17:17:33] <CIA-59> functions that will autodetect any IP address format and convert to any [17:17:33] <CIA-59> desired format, not this hodgepodge of inconsistently-named and [17:17:33] <CIA-59> inconsistently-operating hacks. [17:17:54] <RoanKattouw> Simetrical: Sorry about the indent stuff. The function was copied from the API, that's why [17:18:20] <RoanKattouw> And I fully agree about the inconsistent naming, but changing that stuff is real delicate with so many callers both in core and in extensions [17:18:22] <Simetrical> RoanKattouw, I still wonder why the API doesn't use the whitespace convention that's been used by the entirety of phase3/ for years? [17:18:40] <RoanKattouw> I really don't know [17:18:52] <Simetrical> It could be stylize.php'd. [17:19:03] <RoanKattouw> I guess I just started writing stuff in my personal style before I knew about MW's style conventions [17:19:06] <Simetrical> Although admittedly that would totally screw up blames for a long time into the future. [17:19:20] <RoanKattouw> Nobody objected, which is why half the API (my stuff) is in my style and Yuri's half is in MW style [17:19:26] <RoanKattouw> Yes, it certainly would [17:20:21] <Vyznev> from what I've seen, there's plenty of blame-breaking stuff in the history of most files already, though [17:20:41] <RoanKattouw> Like what? [17:21:12] <Vyznev> refactoring, indentation changes, misc. minor tweaks [17:22:13] <Simetrical> You know, svn blame -x -w will ignore whitespace changes. [17:22:30] <Vyznev> hmm, ought to remember that next time [17:23:37] <Splarka> does view=annotate ignore 'em too? [17:23:46] <RoanKattouw> I don't think so [17:23:53] <Simetrical> You mean in ViewVC? [17:23:56] <Splarka> si [17:24:00] <Simetrical> That ignores whitespace when showing diffs by default. [17:24:01] <Splarka> diffs do, oddly (annoyingly) [17:24:36] <Simetrical> http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/includes/IP.php?annotate=43083 [17:24:45] <Simetrical> Evidently it doesn't. [17:24:48] <Simetrical> Only in diffs. [17:24:49] <Splarka> that wasn't a whitespace change [17:25:15] <Simetrical> Some lines were. [17:25:28] <Splarka> well, it wasn't _just_, then [17:25:40] <Simetrical> But the ones that were still show up. [17:25:42] *Splarka nods [17:25:54] <Splarka> anyway to get annotate to ignore them, or would it have to rebuild some index or other? [17:37:58] <CIA-59> 03rotem * r43084 10/trunk/phase3/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Localization update. [17:56:22] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43085 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/ (26 files): Localisation updates for core messages from Betawiki (2008-11-02 18:42 CET) [17:59:29] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43086 10/trunk/extensions/ (56 files in 49 dirs): [18:02:03] <RoanKattouw> siebrand: Commit message? [18:02:31] <siebrand> RoanKattouw: oh well, just like r43085 with s/core/extensions. [18:02:46] <RoanKattouw> Yeah I guessed [18:03:08] <RoanKattouw> You making a rev to /trunk/extensions says enough [18:03:24] <RoanKattouw> But I thought SVN didn't allow empty commit messages... [18:03:40] <siebrand> RoanKattouw: that would be nice. Sometimes I forget... [18:03:59] <Splarka> <pre class="vc_log"></pre> [18:04:01] <Splarka> heh [18:04:21] <RoanKattouw> I've seen it happen before, but the committers involved were always surprised, indicating they probably did type a commit message [18:18:21] <CIA-59> 03aaron * r43087 10/trunk/extensions/CodeReview/CodeRevisionView.php: Fix 'Undefined variable: encPath' [18:20:09] <ialex> Skizzerz: for Techman224, I was going to do the same thing with about the same comment... [18:20:18] <Skizzerz> :P [18:20:38] <Skizzerz> "great minds think alike"? [18:20:49] <ialex> :D [18:23:57] <wikibugs> 03(mod) query-continue incorrect for usercontribs - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16195 (10thecentercannothold) [18:26:53] <CIA-59> 03aaron * r43088 10/trunk/extensions/CodeReview/CodeRevisionView.php: (bug 16219) Fix broken rename paths [18:27:01] <wikibugs> 03(FIXED) CodeReview generates invalid ViewVC link upon rename - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16219 +comment (10JSchulz_4587) [18:29:01] <Danwe> hi [18:30:42] <Danwe> everytime I try to visit my wiki, I get this error message: "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes)" [18:31:14] <Danwe> When I try another PAge in my Wiki a get a message like this, only the size of memory and the php file of the wiki where the error happens in changes [18:31:33] <Danwe> Any ideas? [18:31:36] <ialex> Danwe: raise your memory_limit in php.ini [18:32:13] <Danwe> on my server? [18:32:18] <ialex> yes [18:32:22] <Danwe> but i only have a simple webspace [18:32:45] <Danwe> Dont can imagin why MW need so much... [18:33:09] <ialex> 16 MB isn't that much [18:33:26] <Danwe> but It worked well the day before [18:34:01] <Danwe> and I allready have some pages, around 100. And nobody else worked with the wiki than me because its not public... [18:35:50] <RoanKattouw> !memory [18:35:50] --mwbot-- I don't know anything about "memory". [18:35:53] <RoanKattouw> ... [18:36:11] <CIA-59> 03aaron * r43089 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [18:36:11] <CIA-59> * Fix comment [18:36:11] <CIA-59> * Rename HexToIP -> HexToQuad [18:36:28] <RoanKattouw> Danwe: There's a line in LocalSettings.php that says something like #ini_set('memory_limit', '20M'); , remove the # from that line and see if the error goes away or changes [18:36:47] <Danwe> will try that [18:37:37] <Danwe> but shouldnt I use 16M ? [18:37:49] <RoanKattouw> No, that's loo low [18:38:06] <RoanKattouw> 16777216 bytes = 16M and that's the limit that's being exhausted [18:38:17] <RoanKattouw> 20M is the least you'll need, maybe even more [18:38:28] <RoanKattouw> Just hope your host *allows* you to raise your memory limit [18:38:31] <Danwe> ok, but i think the 16M is a server limit [18:39:01] <RoanKattouw> Yes it is. But some hosting provides allow you to reset that limit, some don't [18:39:21] <Danwe> but the question is, why Wiki brings the error NOW. Maybe there is smotething wrong with an extension I installed? [18:39:39] <RoanKattouw> No. Memory exhaustion is common [18:39:54] <RoanKattouw> Probably because your pages got bigger, you used more extensions than before, or a hundred other reasons [18:40:09] <RoanKattouw> But a limit of 16M is doomed to be hit some day [18:40:10] <Danwe> ok, so there is no bug for shure that the wiki tries to allocate more and more memory without give memory free again? [18:40:19] <RoanKattouw> No. [18:40:48] <wikibugs> 03(mod) creation of a new wiki: chapters.wikimedia.org - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16221 +comment (10fdevouard) [18:46:40] <CIA-59> 03raymond * r43090 10/trunk/phase3/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [18:46:40] <CIA-59> Fix for r43077: [18:46:40] <CIA-59> * Use wfMsg to show error message in user preference language. wfMsgForContent does not make sense [18:46:40] <CIA-59> * Rename new message name to MediaWiki code standards. Use dash and not underscore [18:49:58] <ialex> "Use wfMsg [...]": it should use the language object in $parser->getFunctionLang(), imho [18:51:04] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Users can login with global account and create an account in a wiki even if IP is blocked from account creations - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11148 +patch (10mikelifeguard) [18:55:48] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Rename the "Image" namespace to "File" - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44 (10walter) [19:07:38] <Danwe> ok, ini_set( 'memory_limit', '40M' ); helped! 20 was to low [19:07:41] <Danwe> to less [19:07:53] <Danwe> The Wiki works again :D [19:08:37] <chuck> Danwe: Haha I've had problems with that too before with MediaWiki [19:12:34] <Danwe> but i dont understand it. why cant MW allocate as much as it needs when I dont use "memory_limit" ??? [19:13:46] <Hojjat> Probably because it can't know how much it needs.. or it may assign a very high value because of a bug or something [19:17:49] <Danwe> maybe [19:18:11] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Supporting directionality for references - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13673 (10huji.huji) [19:18:53] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43091 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/ (MessagesEs.php MessagesNl.php): Follow up on r43077 [19:23:03] <wikibugs> 03(WONTFIX) Scaled image is larger than original for palletted PNG ( in terms of size) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1218 +comment (10tstarling) [19:49:26] *Hojjat goes off [19:57:19] <wikibugs> 03(NEW) Merge references stated multiple times (if 100% equal) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16222 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki: General/Unknown; (Wiki.Melancholie) [19:58:13] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Merge references stated multiple times (if 100% equal) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16222 (10Wiki.Melancholie) [20:51:47] <JMenning> Hello [20:57:57] <Misza> anyone with a clue about spam blacklists? [20:58:06] <Misza> I don't understand how this got through: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Islam&diff=prev&oldid=249253857 [20:59:23] <Splarka> it isn't in a link [20:59:30] <CIA-59> 03ashley * r43092 10/trunk/extensions/SocialProfile/UserProfile/UserProfilePage.php: applying r2851 from Wikia codebase: "MW-escape social profile links. (At least one of them.)" [21:01:28] <Splarka> Misza: the spam blacklist extension only applies to contents of links, as that is just a plain piece of unclickable text in the document it isn't subject to it [21:02:05] <Splarka> (the only way to stop that would be using a full content filter, like the $wgSpamRegex varaible) [21:02:14] <ashley> or spamRegex extension ;) [21:02:23] <Misza> Splarka: if there was a http:// before it, would it count as clickable? [21:02:29] <Splarka> ...which I asked Wikia to write, based on $wgSpamRegex [21:02:38] <ashley> ^_^ [21:02:40] <Splarka> Misza: if it counted as clickable... [21:03:12] <MrZ-man> hmm, that one probably should be in the spam regex [21:03:24] <Splarka> _if_ mediawiki would treat it as an external link (but not external image), then the spam blacklist would be hooked to check it' [21:03:57] <Misza> MrZ-man: we do have \bnimp\.org\b [21:04:04] <Misza> it just didn't kick in here [21:04:07] <Splarka> see $wgUrlProtocols [21:04:33] <Splarka> Misza: you have that in the spam blacklist you mean... [21:04:49] <MrZ-man> I mean $wgSpamRegex [21:04:58] <Misza> yeah, both in the local one and the meta one [21:05:20] <Splarka> Mr Z meant... that thing [21:05:43] <Splarka> http://p.defau.lt/?a5qHd8mhVpP_vFdPK3s5pA [21:05:49] <Splarka> hmmmmm [21:06:03] <Splarka> '/avril\.on\.nimp\.org/i' is already in it [21:06:07] <Splarka> probably it could be narrowed [21:06:14] <CIA-59> 03tomasz * r43093 10/branches/ContactPageFundraiser/SpecialContact.php: adding followup checkbox and formatting output cleaner. [21:06:15] <MrZ-man> brion: can you change '/avril\.on\.nimp\.org/i' to '/\.on\.nimp\.org/i' in the spam regex? [21:06:21] <Misza> s/could/should/ [21:06:41] <Splarka> if you're gonna do that [21:06:49] <Splarka> you might just have nimp.org, I believe any 3rd level domain is a crash site [21:06:53] <Splarka> (or used to be) [21:07:48] <CIA-59> 03btongminh * r43094 10/trunk/extensions/CodeBrowse/ (CodeBrowse.i18n.php CodeBrowseItemView.php): Don't show binary files. [21:11:36] <CIA-59> 03tomasz * r43095 10/branches/ContactPageFundraiser/SpecialContact.php: updating post submit landing page. [21:19:08] <wikibugs> 03(NEW) One-Click-Vandalism - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16223 04BLOCKER; normal; MediaWiki: API; (kl) [21:22:13] <Simetrical> siebrand, do you know if it would be possible to remove the "blocker" severity? :) [21:22:44] <siebrand> Simetrical: hmm. Why is it that developers hate that? ;) [21:22:56] <Simetrical> siebrand, because nobody actually uses it correctly. We don't normally have real "blockers". [21:22:57] <wikibugs> 03(mod) One-Click-Vandalism - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16223 (10raimond.spekking) [21:23:22] <siebrand> Simetrical: currently there are 15 open issues with critical or blocker [21:23:29] <Simetrical> WTF does "speichern" mean? [21:23:37] <TheK> save [21:23:52] <Simetrical> API params are localized? [21:23:52] <siebrand> Simetrical: one of those is that there is an issue with Opera. And there are no other browsers... [21:24:00] <TheK> looks like [21:24:05] <siebrand> Simetrical: speichern -> to save [21:24:13] <MrZ-man> Simetrical: I don't think so [21:24:24] <MrZ-man> even the error messages aren't localized [21:25:06] <TheK> it seams not to work with MSIE - interesting [21:25:21] <siebrand> Simetrical: speichern=1 is some custom java script thingie on de.wp? [21:25:36] <Simetrical> siebrand, that sounds plausible? [21:25:40] <wikibugs> 03(mod) One-Click-Vandalism - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16223 04BLOCKER->04CRIT; +comment (10Bryan.TongMinh) [21:26:38] <wikibugs> 03(mod) One-Click-Vandalism - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16223 +comment (10rene.kijewski) [21:26:40] <TheK> I start to understand, what this is.... [21:27:07] <wikibugs> 14(INVALID) One-Click-Vandalism - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16223 04CRIT->normal; +comment (10siebrand) [21:27:08] <siebrand> There. [21:27:31] <TheK> damn [21:27:40] <TheK> the bug seams to sit here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Oberbefehlshaber/monobook.js [21:27:58] <TheK> (a script arround every regular user has...) [21:28:19] <TheK> var autosave = true; << do I need to explain, what this does...? [21:28:21] <_mary_kate_> what sort of moron writes a site JS to allow that? [21:28:26] <Splarka> heh, oddly this was a valid bug... [21:28:30] <TheK> PDD [21:28:33] <Misza> it is/was possible to vandalize with popups like that too [21:28:39] <TheK> [[de:user:PDD]] to be exact [21:29:25] <Splarka> http://test.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Splarka&diff=59528&oldid=59527 <-- I tricked someone into doing that [21:29:28] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Opera 9.01 - opening data areas does not work (javascript error) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7265 04BLOCKER->normal; +comment (10siebrand) [21:29:33] <Splarka> with a simple GET url to the API [21:29:47] <Splarka> (edit didn't check if it was POSTed) [21:30:20] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Image missing all revisions - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12804 04CRIT->normal; highest->normal; +comment (10siebrand) [21:32:03] <Splarka> heh, witch hunt [21:32:42] <wikibugs> 03(mod) One-Click-Vandalism - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16223 (10Bryan.TongMinh) [21:33:54] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Chinese(zh) wikipedia, entrr and search bug - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15813 04CRIT->major; normal->high; +comment (10siebrand) [21:34:07] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Chinese(zh) wikipedia, entrr and search bug - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15813 +shell; +comment (10siebrand) [21:38:12] <wikibugs> 03(mod) One-Click-Vandalism - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16223 +comment (10janhelgewolf) [21:38:20] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Chinese(zh) wikipedia, entrr and search bug - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15813 (10brion) [21:41:29] <wikibugs> 14(INVALID) Chinese(zh) wikipedia, entrr and search bug - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15813 +comment (10siebrand) [21:47:06] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Excessively large offset specified in {{#time:}} causes timeout - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14898 +comment (10siebrand) [21:47:23] <wikibugs> 04(REOPENED) Chinese(zh) wikipedia, entrr and search bug - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15813 +comment (10brion) [21:52:11] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43096 10/trunk/phase3/ (RELEASE-NOTES includes/SpecialPage.php): (bug 16143) Fix redirect loop on special pages starting with lower case letters. Patch by FunPika. [21:52:19] <wikibugs> 03(FIXED) Redirect loop - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16143 +comment (10siebrand) [21:56:32] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Chinese(zh) wikipedia, entrr and search bug - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15813 (10siebrand) [21:57:16] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Class 'UploadForm' not found - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15184 +comment (10siebrand) [22:13:41] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Create XML category dumps - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16176 +need-review; +comment (10siebrand) [22:16:19] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Compare selected versions should be a link, not a button ( JavaScript) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16165 -easy ; +comment (10siebrand) [22:19:43] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Chinese(zh) wikipedia, entrr and search bug - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15813 (10brion) [22:22:39] <wikibugs> 03(mod) Compare selected versions should be a link, not a button ( JavaScript) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16165 (10brion) [22:25:32] <sphenxes> Is it possible to link to a "sentance or word" on another page in mediawiki? [22:28:16] <Splarka> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Link [22:29:15] <sphenxes> Splarka, thanks [22:30:31] <JMenning> OK, I am completely new to this... any "experienced" tops for getting started? [22:30:39] <JMenning> tips, not tops [22:32:57] <brion> no "hot" chat in this channel ;) [22:33:28] <brion> JMenning: started with the faq etc? [22:33:34] <brion> hard to give general advice :) [22:34:08] <JMenning> Yeah, I started with the FAQ's. I'm working my way through there. [22:34:48] <JMenning> I can understand that general advice on is hard for something so complex [22:35:48] <JMenning> I'm a little over my head... our group wants to get a wiki going, and I'm the only one available with any kind of web development experience. HTML and some JavaScript. [22:35:57] <JMenning> I'm just trying to learn. [22:36:41] <Duesentrieb> JMenning: generally, you can link to all section headers [22:37:10] <Duesentrieb> JMenning: aditionally, you can mark arbitrary bits of textas potential link targets by wrapping them in an html tag and giving that tag an id. [22:37:44] <Duesentrieb> JMenning: soo, and page Foo, somewhere put <span id="bar">Bla bla </span>. Then on page Quux, you can use [[Foo#bar]] to link there. [22:38:25] <Duesentrieb> JMenning: this is basically how "fragement" links work in HTML/XML in general, by the way. [22:38:51] <Duesentrieb> appending #x to the url of a dcoument refers to the fragement (section, whatever) with the id "x" in that document [22:38:53] <JMenning> See? I'm learning already [22:39:20] <Duesentrieb> \o/ [22:40:03] <CIA-59> 03brion * r43097 10/branches/ContactPageFundraiser/SpecialContact.php: de-hardcode the returnto address so the templates can send back to the correct lang page [22:40:15] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43098 10/trunk/extensions/SpamBlacklist/ (SpamBlacklist.php SpamBlacklist_body.php): [22:40:15] <CIA-59> (bug 16120) Prevent death on Spam Blacklist trigger using API. Patch by Brad Jorsch. [22:40:15] <CIA-59> An API edit attempt with Spam Blacklist firing will now output something instead of crashing: [22:40:15] <CIA-59> <?xml version="1.0"?><api><edit spamblacklist="http://blacklistme.example.com" [22:40:15] <CIA-59> result="Failure" /></api> [22:41:00] <wikibugs> 03(FIXED) Spam Blacklist blows up API edits - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16120 +comment (10siebrand) [22:41:01] <Duesentrieb> SpecialContact.php? That conflicts with my contact extension :'( [22:41:21] <brion> Duesentrieb: it's a branch thereof with some one-off hacks for the fundraiser [22:41:40] <Duesentrieb> i see - glad you like it :) [22:42:32] *Duesentrieb is going to do fundraiser coding for wmde this week [22:43:13] <Duesentrieb> brion: do you have any idea how that civicrm stuff is coming along? i installed it for wmde, and i must say, i'm not... convinced. [22:46:45] <brion> they seem to like it (with a lot of tweaking) [22:47:01] <brion> i'm not really in the thick of it, ask tomaszf_away :) [22:47:44] <Duesentrieb> ok, thanks [22:47:47] <Duesentrieb> off for now [22:48:11] *Duesentrieb is not looking forward to doing "lots of tweaking" [22:50:05] <brion> heh [22:58:47] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43099 10/trunk/phase3/ (5 files in 4 dirs): (bug 16113) Show/hide for redirects in Special:NewPages. Patch by Paul Copperman [22:59:03] <wikibugs> 03(FIXED) Add option to Special:Newpages to show redirects - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16113 +comment (10siebrand) [23:05:20] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43100 10/trunk/phase3/ (CREDITS RELEASE-NOTES skins/Nostalgia.php): (bug 15903) Add upload link to Nostalgia skin. Patch by Nikolaos S. Karastathis. [23:05:36] <wikibugs> 03(FIXED) [PATCH] Nostalgia skin should have an upload link outside the dropdown menu - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15903 +comment (10siebrand) [23:22:01] <wikibugs> 14(WFM) descending tablesort broken for negative numbers - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15890 +comment (10siebrand) [23:25:02] <CIA-59> 03brion * r43101 10/branches/ContactPageFundraiser/SpecialContact.php: $wgRequest :P [23:25:18] <wikibugs> 03(mod) [PATCH] Nostalgia skin has no user pages links - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15868 +comment (10siebrand) [23:27:42] <CIA-59> 03brion * r43102 10/trunk/extensions/CentralNotice/NoticePage.php: epoch no longer valid [23:44:31] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43103 10/trunk/phase3/ (6 files in 5 dirs): (bug 15761) Add user toggle to omit diff after rollback. Patch by FunPika. [23:44:47] <wikibugs> 03(FIXED) display of diff after a rollback should have the option of being disabled - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15761 +comment (10siebrand) [23:50:40] <wikibugs> 03(WONTFIX) Revision r41352 only updates MySQL - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15756 +comment (10siebrand) [23:57:05] <CIA-59> 03siebrand * r43104 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesEn.php: Remove period from 'tog-norollbackdiff' for consistency [23:57:07] <siebrand> bupdate [23:57:09] <siebrand> oops