[00:00:11] OK [00:00:19] There are 203 dangling refs in mediawiki-config [00:00:25] I suppose they must all be like this [00:00:38] Yep. I've been reattaching anything that git reports as dangling, but if it's working in gerrit and git's not complaining I leave it alone. [00:00:39] There must be a way we can automate getting that data out of Gerrit and restoring them [00:00:53] Possibly. This is one of the worst repos. [00:00:59] 03(mod) User randomly unblocked - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40066 +comment (10Krenair) [00:01:02] I'll work on that later, I'm gonna be social for a while [00:01:14] It's Friday afternoon and there's a bunch of out-of-towners here [00:01:19] Ok. And I've been working on this since 8am and worked on it til 10:30 last night. [00:01:23] I'm going to call it a night. [00:01:33] If you think of anything or need a hand, shoot me an e-mail [00:02:02] I'll work on it a bit more later tonight [00:02:04] Have a good weeked [00:03:10] 03(mod) PostgreSQL: "syntax error in tsquery" when search term contains apostrophes - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/35043 +comment (10Karun) [00:05:12] New patchset: Adamw; "Initial commit of [[Extension:Nonlinear]]" [mediawiki/extensions/Nonlinear] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23159 [00:06:16] 03(FIXED) Cannot delete page due to foreign key constraint on recentchanges - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/24780 +comment (10Karun) [00:08:28] 03(mod) Support of PostgreSQL in SocialProfile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/27732 (10Karun) [00:08:30] 03(mod) PostgreSQL/pgsql support (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/384 (10Karun) [00:09:41] 03(mod) PostgreSQL/pgsql support (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/384 +comment (10Karun) [00:11:36] Why is Template:Documentation/core exported in an XML file when I only want to extract Template:Color and Template:Pre2 from Special:Export? [00:11:48] Template:FmBox is exported, too. [00:12:07] Change merged: Bsitu; [mediawiki/extensions/ArticleFeedbackv5] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23008 [00:12:36] New patchset: Adamw; "Initial commit of [[Extension:Nonlinear]]" [mediawiki/extensions/Nonlinear] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23159 [00:12:48] I want to export only Template:Pre2 and Template:Color from mediawiki.org [00:12:50] 03(mod) Unserialize - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30987 +comment (10Karun) [00:12:52] 03(mod) PostgreSQL/pgsql support (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/384 (10Karun) [00:13:34] 14(INVALID) Unserialize - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30987 (10Karun) [00:15:34] BUONASERAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [00:16:11] Does anyone know why Template:Fmbox is exported with Template:Pre2 and Template:Color? [00:16:45] C'E' QUALKE BELLA FIGA KE VUOL VEDERE IL MIO CAZZO??? [00:17:14] Template:Color comes out with Template:Fmbox and Temaplte:Documentation [00:17:35] TEMPLATE------MERDA SHIT [00:17:39] HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA [00:17:41] AHAHAHAHAHAHA [00:17:43] AHAHAHHHHHA [00:17:45] HAHAHAHAHHAH [00:17:47] AHAHAHAHHAHAA [00:17:48] AHAHAHA [00:17:50] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:17:52] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:17:54] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:17:56] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:17:57] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:17:59] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:00] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:02] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:03] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:05] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:06] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:08] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:09] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:11] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:13] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:32] 04(REOPENED) Unserialize - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30987 +comment (10OverlordQ) [00:18:38] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [00:18:40] !ops [00:19:18] OPS OPS OPS OPS OPS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [00:19:22] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA [00:19:26] AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHA [00:19:31] HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA [00:19:33] MMMMMMM [00:19:34] M [00:19:34] M [00:19:35] M [00:19:35] M [00:19:35] M [00:19:36] M [00:19:36] M [00:19:36] M [00:19:36] M [00:19:36] M [00:19:37] M [00:19:37] M [00:19:38] M [00:19:49] M [00:19:49] M [00:19:50] MM [00:19:50] M [00:19:51] M [00:19:51] M [00:19:52] M [00:19:52] MGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [00:19:53] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:19:53] RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [00:19:54] HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [00:19:54] UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [00:19:54] 03(mod) Unserialize - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30987 +comment (10OverlordQ) [00:19:55] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:19:55] 7777777777777777777777 [00:19:55] 03(mod) PostgreSQL/pgsql support (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/384 (10OverlordQ) [00:19:57] DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [00:19:59] ------------------------- [00:20:01] ÀÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ [00:20:05] .................................................... [00:20:07] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:20:10] RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [00:20:12] DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [00:20:14] RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [00:20:16] TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT [00:20:19] 5555555555555555555555555555555 [00:20:21] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:20:21] !chanop [00:20:23] FFFFFFFFFF [00:20:24] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:20:28] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:20:29] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:20:30] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:20:33] silence [00:20:33] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:20:35] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [00:20:35] F [00:20:36] F [00:20:36] F [00:20:36] F [00:20:36] F [00:20:36] F [00:20:37] F [00:20:37] F [00:20:37] F [00:20:38] F [00:20:38] F [00:20:39] F [00:20:39] F [00:21:42] 03(mod) Unserialize - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30987 +comment (10Karun) [00:21:46] 03(mod) PostgreSQL/pgsql support (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/384 (10Karun) [00:23:38] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [00:23:40] aaaaaaaaaaaaa [00:23:41] aaaaaaaaaaaa [00:23:41] a [00:23:41] a [00:23:42] a [00:23:42] a [00:23:42] a [00:23:43] a [00:23:43] a [00:23:43] a [00:23:44] a [00:23:44] a [00:23:44] a [00:23:44] a [00:23:45] a [00:23:52] 03(mod) Issues saving binary data to the database - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30987 summary (10OverlordQ) [00:23:56] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [00:23:58] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [00:23:58] a [00:23:59] a [00:24:00] a [00:24:00] aa [00:24:00] a [00:24:01] a [00:24:01] a [00:24:01] aa [00:24:03] aaaaaa [00:24:06] shit [00:24:09] shit [00:24:11] shit [00:24:14] hahahahahahahhahhaa [00:24:17] hahahahahaaahhhhahahaha [00:24:19] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:20] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:22] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:23] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:25] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:27] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:29] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:30] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:31] mmmmmm [00:24:33] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:34] mmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:36] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:37] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:38] mmmmmmmmmmmm [00:24:39] m [00:24:39] m [00:24:40] m [00:24:40] m [00:24:41] m [00:24:41] m [00:24:41] m [00:24:42] m [00:24:42] m [00:24:42] m [00:24:42] m [00:24:42] m [00:24:43] m [00:24:43] m [00:24:44] !ops [00:24:52] Betacommand: yeah that's not gonna work [00:25:01] asm pinged ops about 10 times already [00:25:14] need moar ops [00:25:49] hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [00:25:50] hhhhhhhhh [00:25:51] hhhhhhhhhh [00:25:52] hhhhhhhhhhh [00:25:54] hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [00:25:55] h [00:25:55] h [00:25:55] h [00:25:55] h [00:25:56] h [00:25:56] h [00:25:56] h [00:25:56] h [00:25:56] h [00:25:57] h [00:25:57] h [00:25:58] h [00:25:58] h [00:26:13] {{pre2}} just displays "{{#switch:{{{2}}}|nowiki|nw={{{3}}}|{{{2}}}}}|white-space:-moz-pre-wrap; white-space:-pre-wrap; white-space:-o-pre-wrap; white-space:pre-wrap; word-w......" [00:26:16] crap...I can't op here [00:26:21] Have I installed it wrong? [00:27:37] gggggggggggggggg [00:27:38] gggggggggggggg [00:27:40] ggggggggggg [00:27:40] ldunn: ^ [00:27:40] g [00:27:40] g [00:27:40] g [00:27:41] g [00:27:41] g [00:27:41] g [00:27:41] g [00:27:41] g [00:27:42] Here it comes ldunn. [00:27:42] g [00:27:42] g [00:27:43] g [00:27:43] g [00:27:44] g [00:27:46] 03(mod) Upload image, delete and upload it again causes database error with postgresql - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/32822 +comment (10Karun) [00:27:46] kline maybe? [00:27:56] please [00:28:13] +r should be enough [00:28:15] It's the same IP each time, just ban it from the channel. [00:28:20] Jasper_Deng: it's one person [00:28:25] +b should be enough [00:28:25] so +r is even excess [00:28:34] well...no i'm wrong [00:28:53] DeltaQuad: nope, same IP each time [00:29:00] I know [00:29:13] wouldn't +b stop it...? [00:29:15] but it'll just go to other channels [00:29:23] so kline? :P [00:29:30] yyyyyyuuuhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [00:29:31] And again [00:29:32] l [00:29:32] l [00:29:32] l [00:29:32] l [00:29:32] l [00:29:32] l [00:29:32] l [00:29:33] l [00:29:33] l [00:29:34] l [00:29:34] lll [00:29:35] l [00:29:35] l [00:29:36] l [00:29:36] l [00:29:37] ffs [00:29:47] \o/ [00:29:48] sorry folks [00:30:03] no worries, just need moar ops [00:30:04] No need to apologize for fixing something. (-: [00:30:43] * Betacommand tried /ops but got ChanServ You are not authorized to perform this operation. [00:32:43] mmm bacon [00:33:12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Kelapstick/Bacon_Cabal [00:35:12] Finally rest in piece [00:35:31] 03(FIXED) Upload image, delete and upload it again causes database error with postgresql - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/32822 +comment (10Karun) [00:37:50] Can I overwrite articles with Special:Import? [00:38:34] You can add revisions to existing articles, which will effectively overwrite them if the imported revisions have later dates. [00:38:36] 03(mod) WikiPageTest::testDoDeleteUpdates fails on PostgreSQL - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/37600 (10Karun) [00:38:37] 03(mod) WikiPageTest::testDoDeleteArticle fails on PostgreSQL - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/36759 (10Karun) [00:39:20] In other words: be bloody careful. You can seriously screw up an edit history. [00:39:53] 03(mod) Special:Translate does not support PostgreSQL - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/26422 +comment (10Karun) [00:39:56] 03(mod) PostgreSQL/pgsql support (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/384 (10Karun) [00:41:12] New review: Kaldari; "Making SpecialBannerListLoader inherit from CentralNotice causes banner delivery to break badly (Spe..." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: -1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22887 [00:41:48] How do I remove all Template:* pages? [00:41:49] 03(mod) Installer does not respect initial DBport declaration - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/28162 (10Karun) [00:43:33] 03(mod) Add Postgres support to ArticleFeedback and ClickTracking - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30678 (10Karun) [00:43:35] 03(mod) PostgreSQL/pgsql support (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/384 (10Karun) [00:46:50] New patchset: Kaldari; "More maintenance for CentralNotice extension." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22887 [00:47:43] New patchset: Kaldari; "More maintenance for CentralNotice extension." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22887 [00:53:50] 03(mod) track sitelinks in iwlinks table for consistency - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/38976 +comment (10merl) [00:56:39] New review: Kaldari; "Question: What's the advantage of using..." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22887 [01:23:27] New review: Kaldari; "Understood. I'll go ahead and review this as is, and maybe we can do some more extensive refactoring..." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22944 [01:38:13] Template:Pre2 doesn't work on my mediawiki 1.19.2 [01:44:32] crocket: linky? [01:46:11] How do I introduce tag to mediawiki? [01:47:16] it's already there [01:47:32] unless by you mean syntax higlhighting [01:47:47] Skizzerz, But it's revealed as-is on Template:Pre2 [01:48:08] Skizzerz, like "{{Pre2|scroll|Text to be displayed. And more and more and more... and a paragraph break.

And then more and more...}}" [01:48:11] !e Code | crocket [01:48:11] crocket: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Code [01:48:40] Skizzerz, Betacommand : http://sayaka.dyndns.org/wiki/Template:Pre2 [01:48:42] crocket: can we get a link to your wiki? [01:51:12] Betacommand, Are you reading it? [01:51:20] seems to be working [01:51:25] yeah, but your skin is really messed jup [01:51:31] except you have mismatched tags because your css if f**ed [01:51:49] and/or inaccessible css [01:51:57] ??? [01:52:08] More question marks. [01:52:15] hellow guys [01:52:24] *hello [01:53:20] I use the default skin which is vector. [01:54:20] where do wikimedia devs hang out ? [01:54:24] crocket: something is hosed in your skin, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page is what vector should look like [01:54:34] average_drifter: what do you need? [01:55:17] Betacommand, wikipedia looks similar to my wiki. [01:55:32] crocket: not to me [01:55:42] Betacommand, Can you upload the screenshot? [01:55:51] crocket: one sec [01:56:03] http://i.imgur.com/bKVZd.png [01:56:06] average_drifter: #wikimedia-dev and here. [01:56:52] Betacommand, It can't be happening. [01:57:09] [01:57:12] Betacommand, It looks ok on m ymachine. [01:57:15] Skizzerz, oops [01:57:21] that's because your machine has that host defined :P [01:57:37] I should change $wgServer [01:57:49] Please access again. [01:58:02] Skizzerz, Betacommand http://sayaka.dyndns.org/wiki/Template:Pre2 [01:58:27] better, I see working [01:58:34] but again you have an unclosed tag [01:58:45] Skizzerz, I imported that page from wikipedia. [01:58:51] On wikipedia, it looks fine. [01:58:56] crocket: http://browsershots.org/http://sayaka.dyndns.org/wiki/Template:Pre2 [01:58:58] is $wgUseTidy = true? [01:59:08] that's pretty much a requirement for importing from Wikipedia [01:59:17] Skizzerz, I didn't set it [01:59:20] you should [01:59:52] I set it to true, and now it looks good. [02:00:07] Skizzerz, How did you know that wikipedia templates require $wgUseTidy = true ? [02:00:16] because I've been around for a while [02:00:28] Skizzerz, But there is one glitch left. [02:00:30] 50px [02:00:31] and because people on wikipedia utilize obscure parser bugs as features [02:00:37] Skizzerz: Cheater. [02:00:41] crocket: wikipedia templates are fucked up [02:00:41] http://sayaka.dyndns.org/wiki/Template:Pre2 shouldn't show me "50px" on the top. [02:00:56] you didn't upload the image [02:00:59] Betacommand, Which one do you recommend? [02:01:11] Skizzerz, $wgLogo's not needed yet. [02:01:17] nono [02:01:25] the image that the 50px link is referencing [02:01:35] importing a template does not also upload the images they use [02:01:50] Which wiki provides proper templates? [02:01:52] it's looking for File:Template-info.png [02:02:34] easiest "fix" is to set $wgUseInstantCommons = true; in LS.php [02:03:11] crocket: templates by their nature are screwed up [02:03:29] not always [02:03:31] Betacommand: I'm a Perl programmer [02:03:36] just ones that define an open tag in one template and the close in another [02:03:47] average_drifter: and..... [02:03:49] Betacommand: and I was wondering what if I could write some Perl :) [02:04:03] average_drifter: for what purpose? [02:04:13] How do I upload File:Template-info.png? [02:04:14] Betacommand: for the greater good [02:04:21] Betacommand: of mediawiki [02:04:24] average_drifter: mediawiki is php based [02:04:28] crocket: see above line about UseInstantCommons [02:04:40] Betacommand: I probably confused this with #wikimedia ? [02:04:53] !InstantCommons | crocket [02:04:53] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !instantcommons, [02:05:08] !instantcommons | crocket [02:05:08] crocket: InstantCommons is a feature for MediaWiki 1.16+ that allows any MediaWiki installation to use media on the Wikimedia Commons. This has basically been realized via $wgForeignFileRepos. See . If you're only looking to use images from Wikimedia Commons and no other wikis, you can use the shortcut setting $wgUseInstantCommons to true. [02:05:32] Skizzerz, Does mediawiki use Wikimedia Commons to access File:? [02:05:38] average_drifter: you are in the right place [02:05:44] not by default [02:05:48] that's what that config var is for [02:05:54] so you don't have to upload all the files locally [02:06:04] I don't want to refer to Wikimedia. [02:06:11] with it off (default), you'd have to download the image from wikipedia, then upload it to your wiki [02:06:12] Betacommand: so all the people are here are php people ? [02:06:20] that's all there is to it [02:06:29] average_drifter: No, but all mediawiki dev is done in php [02:06:38] alright [02:06:41] not technically true :P [02:06:44] some if it is CSS/JS [02:06:56] Skizzerz, where? [02:07:07] crocket: Special:Upload on your wiki [02:07:29] if you need help with finding a picture on wikipedia and downloading it, I'd likely suggest something snarky and/or offensive so please don't ask [02:08:07] (it involves going to the page on wikipedia that uses the image and then clicking on it a couple of times) [02:08:43] crocket: http://sayaka.dyndns.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Documentation/start_box&action=edit [02:08:59] ok [02:09:01] that is where you can go to remove that link [02:09:18] that works too, I suppose [02:09:23] yay for being tired! [02:09:52] How do I make http://sayaka.dyndns.org/wiki/Template:Pre2 look like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Pre2 ? [02:09:58] wikipedia has pretty green boxes. [02:12:35] New review: Spage; "Some glitches from earlier version still apply." [mediawiki/extensions/SignupAPI] (master) C: -1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23031 [02:14:08] crocket: I would import Mediawiki:Common.css and related pages [02:19:13] I tried to upload an svg file, and I saw "Files of the MIME type "text/html" are not allowed to be uploaded.". [02:21:36] crocket: it isnt an svg then [02:22:29] Betacommand, You're right. [02:24:11] How do I download svg images from wikipedia? [02:24:32] Oh I can just download it [02:26:32] 03(mod) Don't show a rollback link when there's no others' revision to rollback to - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39397 (10magog.the.ogre) [02:27:46] Where do I install http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css ? [02:29:28] ok [02:29:35] I need to read more [02:29:55] 03(mod) Language conversion is not applied in documents delivered by the Collection extension - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/34919 +comment (10Tian-Jian "Barabbas" Jiang) [02:36:24] 03(mod) Parser function to override per-page language metadata - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/10736 +comment (10Tian-Jian "Barabbas" Jiang) [02:54:37] Am I going to cause myself headaches if I use postgres for the db with mediawiki 1.15? (I'm not clear on when the postgres backend became mature.) [02:59:01] My wiki looks like http://imagebin.org/227637 , and wikipedia looks like http://imagebin.org/227638 . [02:59:08] How can I make my wiki looks like wikipedia? [02:59:44] hmm [02:59:50] Mediawiki:Common.css? [02:59:51] crocket: did you import http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css+ [03:00:02] Betacommand, I just figured it out. [03:00:52] Now it looks like wikipedia. [03:00:55] wikipedia for the win [03:01:05] Mediawiki for the lost [03:32:25] Why doesn't mediawiki merge short URL extension? [03:41:33] I mean relative URLs [03:44:42] Will mediawiki people merge http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RelativeURLs ? [03:49:27] crocket: "merge"? [03:49:37] I mean apply & merge [03:49:49] That patch is very useful. [03:50:07] crocket: Not a patch. Extension. [03:50:12] crocket, Multiple reasons [03:50:19] crocket: You install it on your own wiki. [03:50:23] marktraceur, That's actually a patch. [03:50:25] A) That extension is poorly thought out. [03:50:36] It contains a patch. [03:51:06] Relative urls are unstable. A relative url from that extension will behave differently for the article path and script path of a wiki [03:51:12] Oh that's adorable it's in a zip file on sourceforge and has a batch file [03:51:20] B) That extension is a security hole. [03:51:34] crocket: There's three reasons *I* wouldn't merge it, dunno about everyone else [03:51:39] Dantman, How do we implement relative URL? [03:51:45] you don't [03:52:02] It doesn't appear to do any sanitization at all. So it can be abused to inject javascript: urls into the wiki and act as an XSS vector. [03:53:25] crocket: [../../../../../../../../home/ Home directories for everyone!] [03:53:42] (I didn't read the code, that's probably not possible{ [03:53:45] }) [03:54:08] Dantman, javascript:? [03:54:41] The patch is very simple. http://dpaste.com/798054/ [03:55:36] crocket, Basically it can be made so that if a user inadvertently clicks on the link it will run a script on the page... which can be used to steal sessions, attack the wiki, etc... [03:56:05] You could also launch a phishing attack that tricks the user into handing their whole account over to you. [03:56:30] Dantman, Is it impossible with absolute URLs? [03:57:11] crocket, We have a strict whitelist of protocols... anything outside of the protocols like http:// etc... that we explicitly allow is rejected. [03:57:36] I'd need to double check in the parser... but from the looks of it I think that patch ends up bypassing that code. [03:57:54] [relative:javascript:alert('asdf'); click me!] [03:58:11] Dantman, oh [04:03:35] Eh, how does that patch even function? [04:05:14] It should never even get to that part of the code unless you explicitly add relative: to $wgUrlProtocols [04:05:38] Oh we'll... in any case, yes it does bypass the url whitelist [04:14:15] Dantman, I haven't tested. [04:18:02] Does this guy understand the concept that a patch file can apply to multiple files, not just one? [04:19:20] *facepalm* if ($wgShowNonPermittedAs <> '') { [04:22:01] Dantman, Can I prevent mediawiki from setting the hostname to $wgServer? [04:22:16] I want to access my wiki by several hostnames. [04:22:36] crocket, Prevent it? [04:23:24] Dantman, I visited http://tomoka, and it's renamed to http://sayaka.dyndns.org/wiki/Main_Page [04:23:45] I want http://tomoka to be rewritten as http://tomoka/wiki/Main_Page. [04:25:48] ...well technically you could setup your LocalSettings so that if HTTP_HOST is in a list the HTTP_HOST will be used in place of the normal domain. [04:25:51] But its a bad idea. [04:26:11] Dantman, tell me more. [04:27:00] Your caches will be unusable and you'll have various situations where links on one domain may be output with links to the other domain. Since it was cached when someone visited the page on the other domain. [04:27:09] New review: Kaldari; "Patch set 9 looks good to me, let's merge it." [mediawiki/extensions/Poem] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/13539 [04:28:02] Additionally if both domains are publicly accessible you will likely be penalized by search engines' duplicate content algorithms. [04:28:15] And if one of them isn't... [04:28:21] Dantman, one of them is a private domain. [04:28:26] Then that first issue will be fatal. [04:29:26] Since if you visit it with the private domain. And an absolute url ends up cached. Then when someone tries to visit the public site it will link them to a nonexistent internal domain and the link will be dead. [04:40:23] Aaaaaaagh... this is messed up, I can't figure out what's wrong [04:57:36] New patchset: Umherirrender; "Fix Title::getRedirectsHere to respect interwiki prefix" [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23101 [05:04:37] Dantman, We need a network expert. [05:06:59] Dantman, If $wgServer is not a fully qualified domain(which means such a private domain as http://tomoka), does mediawiki skip rewriting the hostname? [05:12:12] crocket: No, it does not [05:12:22] I don't think so at least [05:12:27] Depends on the context I suppose [05:12:45] But it doesn't have special behavior for fully qualified vs not fully qualified $wgServer values [05:13:13] ok [05:15:55] crocket, MW doesn't do any actual DNS queries... Though don't set $wgServer to anything but an absolute or protocol relative base url (no path) [05:16:31] ...we should add some warnings in Setup.php on some of these config variables [05:17:39] I've seen someone foolishly set $wgArticlePath to '?title=$1' when $wgScriptPath, $wgScript, and $wgArticlePath all have to start with a / [05:18:19] And classically some people try setting $wgScript and $wgArticlePath to absolute urls [05:18:39] Even though that will break the situations where they are combined with $wgServer [05:19:28] And we don't support script path and article path being on separate domains because that breaks things that rely on the API like the watch list. [05:39:51] So, anybody here for a question about performance with SemanticMediaWiki? (their channel is empty) [05:40:41] Change merged: IAlex; [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22747 [05:45:10] Dantman, I guess I'll have to use {{SERVER}} to imitate relative URLs. [05:46:51] Change merged: IAlex; [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22821 [05:51:11] Dantman, Is gerrit good? [05:51:30] I once considered gerrit as a git server to deploy in my company. [05:51:39] But this company only has the total of 9 people. [05:54:21] 03(mod) or.wiktionary.org Special:Statistics not updeted - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39978 +comment (10Srikant Kedia) [05:55:15] hi [05:57:03] or.wiktionary.org/wiki/Special:Statistics it has not been updated.. [06:28:28] 03(NEW) install sitelinks extension - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40100 normal; MediaWiki extensions: WikidataRepo; (lydia.pintscher) [06:30:49] Do I need two copies of mediawiki folders to run 2 wikis? [06:42:50] I am running into a problem importing xml: MediaWiki 1.16.0 / PHP 5.3.15 [06:43:04] Warning: xml_parse() [function.xml-parse]: Unable to call handler in_() in /home/xxxx/public_html/xxxxx/xxx/includes/Import.php on line 437 [06:43:18] * mn_l search a tool to posting from bash. [06:46:25] 03(FIXED) Enable Narayam on the Georgian Wikipedia (ka.wiki) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39432 +comment (10Dereckson) [06:59:39] 03(mod) Wrong edit summary generation when adding a new discussion section - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40098 (10Dereckson) [06:59:57] 03(mod) Wrong edit summary generation when adding a new discussion section - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40098 (10Dereckson) [07:00:15] New review: Nikerabbit; "RE $ts: nothing." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22887 [07:01:01] New patchset: Nasirkhan; "test case for Bengali Probhat Layout" [mediawiki/extensions/Narayam] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21700 [07:03:18] 03(UNCONFIRMED) Set $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom to allow https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40095 +shellpolicy; +comment (10Dereckson) [07:10:32] Needing help: http://dpaste.com/hold/798094/ [07:17:27] New patchset: Nasirkhan; "test case for Bengali Probhat Layout" [mediawiki/extensions/Narayam] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21700 [07:31:37] New patchset: Nasirkhan; "test case for Bengali Probhat Layout" [mediawiki/extensions/Narayam] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21700 [07:42:03] New review: Santhosh; "You have 7 patchesets in Narayam now. Can you abandon unwanted ones? I am confused which one for review" [mediawiki/extensions/Narayam] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21757 [08:00:33] New patchset: Liangent; "Check headers for default variant when initializing default user options." [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/7376 [08:01:20] crocket: No. [08:01:30] tale : No? [08:01:43] crocket: Exactly. [08:01:49] tale : How do I run two wikis with one mediawiki folder? [08:02:16] crocket: The manual tells you how. Or maybe it was in the FAQ. [08:03:18] New patchset: Raimond Spekking; "Re-enable ParserFunctions now that the broken convert module was removed" [translatewiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23162 [08:03:34] Change merged: Raimond Spekking; [translatewiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23162 [08:12:10] 03(mod) Special:Translate does not support PostgreSQL - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/26422 (10Siebrand) [08:16:50] 03(NEW) Add tags to MediaWiki:Cite_error_included_ref - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40101 trivial; MediaWiki extensions: Cite; (listenleser) [08:18:45] 03(mod) Add tags to MediaWiki:Cite_error_included_ref - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40101 +i18n (10Raimond Spekking) [08:23:22] New review: Siebrand; "@kaldari: Thanks for the review and fixes. Will upload an updated patch for the superfluous isListed..." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22887 [08:28:51] New patchset: Siebrand; "More maintenance for CentralNotice extension." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22887 [08:30:11] New review: Siebrand; "PS6:" [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22887 [08:45:16] New patchset: Siebrand; "Moved most database interaction to CentralNoticeDB." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22944 [08:47:31] New review: Siebrand; "PS2 rebases to I8ed85e5d PS6 fixing merge conflicts and incorporanting changes from previous patch s..." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22944 [08:49:54] New patchset: Raimond Spekking; "Register Comments extension" [translatewiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23165 [08:50:08] Change merged: Raimond Spekking; [translatewiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23165 [08:51:52] Change merged: Siebrand; [mediawiki/extensions/Poem] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/13539 [08:53:27] 03(mod) Add tags to MediaWiki:Cite_error_included_ref - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40101 (10Raimond Spekking) [08:55:30] 03(mod) Remove Patrol from Fi-wiki - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39942 (10kimmo.virtanen) [08:58:21] New patchset: Raimond Spekking; "Bug 40101 - Add tags to MediaWiki:Cite_error_included_ref" [mediawiki/extensions/Cite] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23166 [08:59:35] 03(mod) Remove Patrol from Fi-wiki - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39942 (10kimmo.virtanen) [09:00:00] New patchset: Raimond Spekking; "Bug 40101 - Add tags to MediaWiki:Cite_error_included_ref" [mediawiki/extensions/Cite] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23166 [09:00:28] New patchset: Liangent; "Check headers for default variant when initializing default user options." [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/7376 [09:00:46] 03(FIXED) Add tags to MediaWiki:Cite_error_included_ref - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40101 +comment (10Raimond Spekking) [09:01:52] New patchset: Siebrand; "Moved most database interaction to CentralNoticeDB." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22944 [09:02:36] New review: Siebrand; "PS3 adds the changes from I64197551 to prevent merge conflicts." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22944 [09:02:54] New review: Siebrand; "Added this in I89b1cf08 PS3." [mediawiki/extensions/CentralNotice] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23097 [09:04:28] Change merged: Siebrand; [mediawiki/extensions/Cite] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23166 [09:19:54] 03(mod) Accounts magically unattached despite being recently created - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39996 +comment (10Marco Aurelio) [09:33:18] New patchset: Liangent; "DO NOT MERGE" [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/7376 [09:46:50] New review: Reedy; "What's actually wrong?" [mediawiki/extensions/cldr] (master); V: 0 C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23105 [09:58:49] New patchset: Raimond Spekking; "Show a proper subtitle if the user has no edit rights" [mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23039 [10:12:06] 03(NEW) Wikidata compatibility: Math extension is not configured on the client - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40102 normal; MediaWiki extensions: WikidataClient; (snaevar-wiki) [10:24:25] 03(mod) install sitelinks extension - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40100 +comment (10merl) [10:28:21] 03(mod) install sitematrix extension - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40100 summary; +comment (10merl) [10:45:01] New review: Siebrand; "Just needed to understand what caused the deletions. I guess we were confused by them. Thanks for ex..." [mediawiki/extensions/cldr] (master); V: 0 C: -1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23105 [10:45:07] Change merged: Siebrand; [mediawiki/extensions/cldr] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23105 [10:46:41] Change merged: Siebrand; [mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23039 [10:46:48] 03(mod) Set $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom to allow https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40095 +comment (10Brian McNeil) [11:13:57] 03(mod) install sitematrix extension - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40100 +comment (10Lydia Pintscher) [11:25:41] 03(mod) deploy MediaWiki + ext automatically on beta labs - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39701 +comment (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) [11:27:27] 03(FIXED) hack Jenkins to test MobileFrontend (PHPUnit + Qunit) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/37276 +comment (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) [11:46:19] 03(mod) Review Wikibase API error handling - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/38675 (10jeblad) [11:47:17] New patchset: Tobias Gritschacher; "fixed qqq message for CreateItem intro text" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23167 [11:52:07] New patchset: Mwjames; "Some clean-up before introducing new printer" [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticResultFormats] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23168 [11:59:06] Change merged: Tobias Gritschacher; [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23066 [12:03:11] New patchset: Mwjames; "Some clean-up before introducing new printer" [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticResultFormats] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23168 [12:07:40] 03(mod) Wikidata compatibility: Math extension is not configured on the client - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40102 (10jeblad) [12:10:23] 03(mod) Sites class needs a way to get all sites of a given group - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40078 (10jeblad) [12:11:55] 03(mod) ApiSetSiteLink needs to verify that the target site is in the correct group - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40077 (10jeblad) [12:13:32] 03(mod) Sites class needs a way to get all sites of a given group - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40078 (10jeblad) [12:13:52] 03(FIXED) Special:GlobalGroupPermissions shows always 'view/edit' - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/19130 +comment (10Umherirrender) [12:26:00] Change merged: John Erling Blad; [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23167 [12:27:17] New patchset: Tobias Gritschacher; "added selenium test for checking permissions on item creation" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23169 [12:28:11] Change merged: John Erling Blad; [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23060 [12:33:31] 03(mod) Suggestion: Rename "Bad image list" to better title - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/14281 +comment (10Chris McKenna) [12:35:37] 03(mod) Suggestion: Rename "Bad image list" to better title - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/14281 +comment (10Chris McKenna) [12:42:07] 03(mod) Add portal namespace at sewiki - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39206 (10jeblad) [12:52:00] 03(mod) Preview broken on thread reply posting/edit (nothing happens) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40083 (10mybugs.mail) [12:52:06] is there a way to find the antibot plugins the wmf uses? [12:52:25] No [12:52:50] grr, /me wanted to deploy it to a wiki that was getting hammered [13:10:23] New patchset: Mwjames; "SRF various messages that belongs to the tableview, dygraphs printer etc." [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticResultFormats] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23170 [13:16:20] New review: Mwjames; "I'll wait a day otherwise I merged it ..." [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticResultFormats] (master); V: 1 C: 1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23170 [13:29:11] 03(NEW) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103 normal; MediaWiki: JavaScript; (rainerrillke) [13:31:37] 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103 +comment (10Rainer@Rillke.eu) [13:32:59] 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103 +comment (10Krenair) [13:35:45] 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103 +comment (10Krenair) [13:41:04] New patchset: Matmarex; "(bug 40083) fix AJAX preview feature after changes to LivePreview" [mediawiki/extensions/LiquidThreads] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23171 [13:41:45] 03(mod) Preview broken on thread reply posting/edit (nothing happens) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40083 +patch-in-gerrit; +comment (10Bartosz Dziewoński) [13:44:24] Am I going to cause myself headaches if I use postgres for the db with mediawiki 1.15? (I'm not clear on when the postgres backend became mature.) [13:44:29] New review: Matmarex; "Please note that I did *not* test this change at all (I don't have a testwiki with LqT handy), but i..." [mediawiki/extensions/LiquidThreads] (master) C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23171 [13:45:12] karlpinc, MediaWiki 1.15? [13:46:00] That was EOL in December 2010 [13:46:09] Change merged: IAlex; [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23101 [13:47:46] karlpinc, why would you not want to use the latest version? [13:49:28] seems like the adding of pages to the watchlist is broken since the recent update, or at least the display part of it ... (on de.wikipedia, it works fine, on wiki.mediawiki.org and a private wiki it does not. (star keeps spinning, no ajax popup ...) [13:49:38] is that an already known bug? [13:50:19] yes [13:50:22] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103 [13:50:36] Change merged: IAlex; [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23025 [13:51:40] Unfortunately I don't know if there's a pre-jQuery 1.8 alternative to parseHTML so I can't fix this myself [13:51:41] ah, jquery ... [13:52:16] Yeah we recently reverted to a pre-1.8 version [13:52:19] well, for the private wiki, it should be possible to just upgeade jquery ... ;) and well, wiki.mediawiki.org will get around to it ;) [13:53:06] there is no wiki.mediawiki.org [13:53:31] sorry [13:53:33] ment https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki [13:54:42] 03(mod) jQuery 1.8.1 regressions (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39972 +comment (10Krenair) [14:00:08] wikimedia.mediawiki.org [14:01:49] So this is currently broken on 1.20wmf11 (non-wikipedia until monday) but not 1.20wmf10 (wikipedia currently), because https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/19199/ (where parseHTML was used) is only in 1.20wmf11 [14:02:45] Dantman, ^ [14:03:03] Krenair: i.e. on monday, it will break on WP too? ;) [14:03:36] According to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.20/Roadmap 1.20wmf11 will be deployed to the English Wikipedia on Monday September 10 [14:03:47] ah, en [14:03:57] Then the other wikipedias two days later [14:04:53] can't we just copy this one method from jQuery 1.8 until it is properly fixed? [14:04:56] niiiiice ;) [14:05:52] from right here: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/core.js#L469-488 [14:10:16] New patchset: Mwjames; "Some clean-up before introducing new printer" [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticResultFormats] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23168 [14:13:30] 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103 +comment (10Krenair) [14:14:29] Reedy: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.yuvi.signpost :) [14:14:47] Hey yuvipanda, did you email Ed yet? [14:14:56] 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103 normal->major (10Krenair) [14:14:56] Jarry1250: I just did [14:14:57] 03(mod) MediaWiki bugs to be fixed for 1.20wmf11 deployment (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39841 (10Krenair) [14:14:59] emailed ed and you [14:15:00] (also, great to see it in Play!) [14:15:23] damn collisions [14:15:29] (also, how difficult (ignoring the financial aspects) would an iOS port be?) ) [14:15:46] Jarry1250: I had to pay $25 out of pocket to get this to Google Play too :) [14:16:04] Jarry1250: I'm reasonably Pissed at Apple, so reversing that would be a start :D [14:16:28] New patchset: Umherirrender; "Some changes to Special:ListUsers and Special:ActiveUsers" [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23172 [14:16:43] Hm a bugzilla bug. Posting only your comment in a change conflict while adding a block bug means the target block bug has this as depends on [14:16:46] Jarry1250: but it's something I'd like to try out [14:17:34] Jarry1250: at least to get myself familiar with Objective-C [14:17:57] yuvipanda: $25 noted. I was hypothesing maybe a Kickstarter for iOS, anyone got experience with that? [14:18:23] yuvipanda: Sure, I know the finances are a bit worse for that, $99 annually or somesuch. [14:18:29] Jarry1250: but the API + push is already done [14:18:29] so all that's needed is to implement the actual display [14:18:46] (And you basically need a Mac!) [14:18:59] Krenair: sounds reasonable? ... the blocking bug depends on the fix, as the fix blocks it ...? [14:19:15] and I'd be glad to help anyone who wants to get to that [14:19:15] Jarry1250: I'm thinking of doing a Commons Uploader app next :) [14:19:21] T3rminat0r, but by only adding your comment you don't keep the block bugs change [14:19:42] So you change bug A to block bug B, but you get a conflict and decide to only add your comment instead [14:19:53] ah, I c [14:19:54] Bug B is marked as depending on A. Bug A is not marked as blocking bug B. [14:20:08] yuvipanda: Do you have a Mac, incidentally? [14:20:11] ... now I c [14:20:26] well, seems like on the conflict, there is no rollback ... [14:20:52] it had already changed B when the conflict on A was detected and B wasn't reverted ... [14:22:27] New review: Mwjames; "Using jquery.async now which allows a test page with 16 different charts to be responsive while the ..." [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticResultFormats] (master); V: 1 C: 1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23168 [14:29:04] ���� ������! [14:30:52] ���� ��� �����? [14:35:00] New patchset: Umherirrender; "Show a "(blocked)" hint on Special:ListUsers/ActiveUsers" [mediawiki/core] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/17945 [14:35:14] Change abandoned: Nasirkhan; "updated patch in previous commit" [mediawiki/extensions/Narayam] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21757 [14:35:50] Change abandoned: Nasirkhan; "updated patch in previous commit." [mediawiki/extensions/Narayam] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21750 [14:36:47] Change abandoned: Nasirkhan; "updated patch in previous commit" [mediawiki/extensions/Narayam] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21704 [14:38:20] New review: Umherirrender; "This change only contains the necessary changes to let the block hint work on the special pages" [mediawiki/core] (master) C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/17945 [14:47:46] Question: we want, in hewiki, to add a link for anons to their talkpage, if and only if it's not empty. i did not find how to figure out if the page is empty. i tried, e.g., to use "Special:Mytalk", but it seems that the API will not tell me if this particular page exists. [14:49:19] kipod: this won't be possible. it breaks cache [14:49:29] unless you insert such a link with javascript [14:54:17] sliangent: sure, the intention was to use JS. however, i could not find how to do it: i could not find how to obtain the IP itself through any API call, JS variable, mw.util, mw.user or the like. [14:55:00] liangent: (previous line meant for you - sorry for mistyping your nic) [14:59:59] 03(NEW) Please upload a > 300 MiB video file onto Commons - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40104 normal; Wikimedia: General/Unknown; (odder.wiki) [15:02:49] 03(mod) Please upload a > 300 MiB video file onto Commons - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40104 +shell; +comment (10Krenair) [15:10:54] kipod: maybe query api.php?action=query&meta=userinfo first? [15:27:40] New patchset: Tobias Gritschacher; "improved sitelinks selenium test" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23173 [15:28:11] 03(mod) Please upload a > 300 MiB video file onto Commons - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40104 +comment (10Tomasz W. Kozłowski) [15:29:12] New patchset: Matmarex; "replace status icons with more intuitive ones" [mediawiki/extensions/OnlineStatusBar] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23174 [15:29:45] 03(mod) Create option to disable interface animations - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30401 +comment (10TMg) [15:30:24] liangent:thanks. this actually works. peace... [15:31:17] New review: Matmarex; "I submitted a new commit with a brand new icon set as I428a3609. It should solve the problems you me..." [mediawiki/extensions/OnlineStatusBar] (master) C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22180 [15:38:55] petan: you there? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/23174/ [16:14:55] 03(mod) [tables] Please implement COL, COLGROUP - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/986 (10Aryeh Gregor) [16:15:00] 03(NEW) ULS is now used from the JS code for the repo - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40105 normal; MediaWiki extensions: WikidataRepo; (jeblad) [16:15:38] 03(NEW) Watching pages causes "Uncaught TypeError: Object ... has no method 'parseHTML'" - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40106 normal; MediaWiki: Watchlist; (mybugs.mail) [16:20:44] 14(DUP) Watching pages causes "Uncaught TypeError: Object ... has no method 'parseHTML'" - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40106 +comment (10Bartosz Dziewoński) [16:20:45] 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103 +comment (10Bartosz Dziewoński) [16:29:50] 03(NEW) ERR want 52e7dd5c76cd4c6e673a9aa6cc7cadee9ad77fb7 not valid - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40107 normal; Wikimedia: Git/Gerrit; (Platonides) [16:51:05] In about 10 minutes, we're going to start office hours with the editor engagement experiments team at the Foundation. Join in #wikimedia-office if you're interested. [16:53:13] oohh [16:53:25] I will lurk there [16:53:35] Thanks apergos :) [16:54:06] the project (and really editor conversion/retention) interests me a lot so... and you guys are doing some very interesting work [16:54:25] :) [16:54:37] 03(NEW) UploadWizard: Copy information to files below - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40108 normal; MediaWiki extensions: UploadWizard; (rainerrillke) [16:54:56] 03(mod) UploadWizard: Copy information to files below does not copy language - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40108 summary (10Rainer@Rillke.eu) [16:58:54] 03(mod) ERR want 52e7dd5c76cd4c6e673a9aa6cc7cadee9ad77fb7 not valid - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40107 +comment (10jeremyb) [17:02:08] 03(mod) ERR want 52e7dd5c76cd4c6e673a9aa6cc7cadee9ad77fb7 not valid - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40107 +comment (10Niklas Laxström) [17:14:54] 03(mod) You have a new message -- error on idwp - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40082 (10duplicatebug) [17:24:32] ah I heard these results already ;-) but it's very ineresting anyways, the difference between thanks nd the other notification [17:30:55] New patchset: Umherirrender; "Cleanup I730624f4: Bug 40039 - Remove ConvertParser from ParserFunctions" [mediawiki/extensions/ParserFunctions] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23176 [17:31:59] New review: Umherirrender; "Not all removed with this change, see I0920f029" [mediawiki/extensions/ParserFunctions] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/22900 [17:33:55] New patchset: jan; "(bug 16860) Add api for getting all global user" [mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23177 [17:35:22] New review: Thehelpfulone; "Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't seem to be able to find anything to do with page protection in..." [mediawiki/core] (master) C: -1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/7986 [17:35:52] 03(mod) Email notification mistakes log action for new page creation - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/14901 +comment (10Thehelpfulone) [17:36:41] 03(mod) CentralAuth/global user rights/groups API; Get global user rights, membership to global groups; and userlist of global groups - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/16860 +comment (10Jan Luca) [17:42:26] 03(mod) ERR want 52e7dd5c76cd4c6e673a9aa6cc7cadee9ad77fb7 not valid - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40107 +comment (10jeremyb) [17:48:48] 03(NEW) UploadWizard: Try to publish files after error again only works once - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40109 normal; MediaWiki extensions: UploadWizard; (rainerrillke) [18:01:35] hi [18:04:02] 03(mod) language link edit link leads to wrong page on repo (5) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39924 (10tobias.gritschacher) [18:07:05] New patchset: Umherirrender; "Use Parser::incrementExpensiveFunctionCount direct for ifexist" [mediawiki/extensions/ParserFunctions] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23178 [18:09:35] New review: Matmarex; "See inline." [mediawiki/extensions/ProofreadPage] (master) C: -1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21735 [18:14:43] New patchset: jan; "(bug 16860) Add api for getting all global user" [mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23177 [18:15:25] New review: jan; "Forgot to change examples, fix this in Patch Set 2" [mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23177 [18:19:31] Change merged: Tobias Gritschacher; [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23173 [18:19:46] Change merged: Tobias Gritschacher; [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23169 [18:24:52] 03(mod) Permanent URL on Special:Cite page should encode URL in unicode - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/37207 (10duplicatebug) [18:28:01] yuvipanda: i've been using the signpost app [18:28:10] 03(mod) {{subst:#if}} doesn't ignore HTML comments - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/23463 (10duplicatebug) [18:28:12] 03(mod) HTML comments inside parserfunctions cause substitution to fail - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/11212 (10duplicatebug) [18:32:00] 03(mod) ERR want 52e7dd5c76cd4c6e673a9aa6cc7cadee9ad77fb7 not valid - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40107 +comment (10Platonides) [18:37:44] 03(mod) ApiSetSiteLink needs to verify that the target site is in the correct group - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40077 +comment (10Daniel Kinzler) [18:41:58] 03(mod) {{CURRENTTIME}} on Special:Cite - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/17584 (10duplicatebug) [18:42:45] 03(mod) Sites class needs a way to get all sites of a given group - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40078 +comment (10Daniel Kinzler) [18:43:32] 03(mod) Cite pages date/time stamp error - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/19132 (10duplicatebug) [18:49:59] 03(mod) Special:Cite: can't use tag "citation" anymore, because it gets escaped when MediaWiki:Cite_text is saved - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/31935 (10duplicatebug) [18:51:22] 14(DUP) Cannot override default site links from client to repo - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40079 +comment (10Nischay Nahata) [18:51:23] 03(mod) language link edit link leads to wrong page on repo (5) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39924 +comment (10Nischay Nahata) [18:55:56] 03(mod) File history not updated upon name changes - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/38727 (10duplicatebug) [18:58:49] 03(mod) Allow Extension:Nuke to delete imported pages - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/30141 (10duplicatebug) [18:58:51] 03(mod) Special:Nuke does not list imported pages - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/9120 (10duplicatebug) [19:03:57] 03(NEW) Add Git/Gerrit to Wikimedia NOC site - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40110 normal; Wikimedia: Site configuration; (liangent) [19:08:31] 03(ASSIGNED) Remove Patrol from Fi-wiki - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39942 -shellpolicy +patch-in-gerrit +shell; +comment (10Dereckson) [19:09:04] 03(mod) Add portal namespace at sewiki - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39206 +comment (10Dereckson) [19:12:52] 03(mod) Add portal namespace at sewiki - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39206 (10jeblad) [19:14:50] New patchset: Tpt; "Small improvements in the UI of the page edition and a few cosmetic changes" [mediawiki/extensions/ProofreadPage] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/21735 [19:19:09] New review: Liangent; "(There're some new messages from action=info usable now...)" [mediawiki/core] (master) C: 0; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/9359 [19:34:37] 03(mod) Add portal namespace at sewiki - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39206 +comment (10Dereckson) [19:51:59] 03(mod) Add Git/Gerrit to Wikimedia NOC site - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40110 +comment (10Krenair) [20:09:29] 03(NEW) Disable minor edit for page/section creation by API - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40111 normal; MediaWiki: API; (liangent) [20:09:37] 03(mod) Disable minor edit for page/section creation by API - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40111 (10Liangent) [20:13:39] ^^removing the minor edit checkbox from page creation screen was a stupid idea IMO; how can a redirect creation (for example) be a "major edit"? [20:17:43] ashley: Because creating attack redirects is annoying? [20:19:36] true, but removing valid features with a valid use case just like that is annoying; there's the minoredit user right, which registered users have and anon don't (by default, IIRC); why couldn't we have a new user right, like minoredit-pagecreation, and preserve the old behavior and revoke that user right for the few wikis that want it? configurability is the key here... [20:20:41] 03(WONTFIX) File history not updated upon name changes - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/38727 +comment (10Félix M. (elfix)) [20:21:30] ashley: You'd have a better case by focusing on the fact that MediaWiki has no page creation form. [20:21:45] With a proper redirect creation form, you wouldn't have this problem. [20:21:50] You'd know someone was creating a redirect. [20:22:14] Brooke: nitpicker ;) [20:22:31] I regularly create self-redirects. [20:22:42] Well, more regularly than one should. [20:22:51] A sane redirect creation form would also catch that. [20:23:47] That's gotta be the number one question when you're explaining MediaWiki to someone. [20:23:58] "How do I make a page?" "Well, um, ..." [20:23:59] hey guys, I'm getting white pages on my mediawiki after upgrade from 1.16beta3 to 1.19: http://www.uiquipedia.org [20:24:21] fer_vlc: Check your error log. [20:24:31] !blank [20:24:31] A blank page or HTTP 500 error usually indicates a fatal PHP error. For information on debugging (including viewing errors), see . [20:24:34] I've tried to show php errors, but seems like localSettings.php is being ignored [20:24:39] aye, the page creation workflow isn't ideal and core could do with a Special:CreatePage of some kind [20:24:45] Are you editing the appropriate LocalSettings.php file? :-) [20:24:54] "isn't ideal"? [20:25:00] That's, err, generous. [20:25:06] the one who is in public_html [20:25:14] well, it works! I mean, you have the ability to create new pages! [20:25:21] In theory. [20:25:21] ...once you figure out how to, that is... [20:25:24] If you can figure out how. [20:25:25] Heh. [20:26:10] I shoud check php log file? [20:26:24] ashley: Would you call such a task an "easy" bug? [20:26:50] well, what I would call it doesn't really matter [20:26:57] (because no-one listens to me anyway) [20:27:03] /wrists [20:27:16] but also because there are like three Special:CreatePages and one of 'em was merged into core at some point IIRC [20:27:19] and then it got de-merged [20:27:23] just like Special:Interwiki [20:27:37] for some obscure and incomprehensible reason [20:28:50] 03(mod) Add a "create a page" interface to MediaWiki core - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/27311 +design +easy; +comment (10MZMcBride) [20:32:16] > fix syntax terror. [20:32:17] Heh. [20:32:50] scary stuff ;) [20:33:25] I once merged DismissableSiteNotice into core, and whaddya know, it got reverted [20:33:53] I forgive you. [20:33:58] ...yet core has had and still has a lot of silly stuff, like math support, Special:Disambiguations, etc. [20:35:24] Some of that shit should be split out, yeah. [20:35:33] Is the disambiguations code really still in core? [20:35:52] Easy extensions credit, that! [20:36:11] I believe so, unless it recently got split out...for some reason (*cough*git and gerrit*cough*) I haven't really been paying attention to core development anymore [20:36:54] don't go blamin' me [20:37:20] git: But you cause so much trouble sometimes [20:37:39] s/sometimes// [20:37:47] We still have php5 extension files? [20:37:48] D: [20:37:54] * marktraceur is usually pretty happy with git [20:38:31] Frood is not my favorite VCS. [20:38:39] Brooke: you want php6 files rather? ;) [20:39:16] Anyone know how can I insert inline JS (adsense, to be precise) in a skin with ResourceLoader? I only managed to insert external files [20:39:29] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18010 [20:39:30] Hmmm. [20:39:46] melado: you want to...load AdSense JS via ResourceLoader? [20:39:47] can anyone help me?? my problem: htpp://www.uiquipedia.org (LocalSettings.php is being ignored, no error output) [20:40:04] I find it hard to believe that LS would get ignored [20:40:19] try adding error_reporting( E_ALL ); at the beginning of the file, right after the ashley: I'm open to suggestions if what I'm doing is wrong... which is what I infer from your tone :) [20:41:03] ashley, I have done that, but nothing happens, also renaming the file, no change [20:41:20] The thing is I want to put the AdSense code in the part, but that's managed by the skin on its own (at least with vector and monobook), so I can't edit it directly [20:41:25] 03(mod) Adm1 contains incorrect iso codes for Italy - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/39891 +comment (10Cristian Consonni) [20:41:51] 03(mod) Active .php entry points should redirect safely to .php5 variants on PHP 4 - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/18010 +comment (10MZMcBride) [20:42:08] melado: heh, maybe! I'm not sure if RL can be used to load external assets like that; I wrote an extension to do AdSense stuff once (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ShoutWiki_Ads); it's relatively good and requires only a few core patches [20:42:23] ashley, I have done that, but nothing happens, also renaming the file, no change [20:42:54] fer_vlc: have you tried to see what your phpinfo says? create a file with http://www.uiquipedia.org/php.php [20:45:16] 03(mod) Move Special:Disambiguations and relevant messages out of core to an extension - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/35981 +easy; +comment (10MZMcBride) [20:45:43] fer_vlc: Okay, so how did upgrade your wiki? [20:45:54] What steps did you take? [20:46:09] It's probably an extension, but I'm still curious. [20:46:19] Have you tried commenting out the extensions code from LocalSettings.php? [20:46:23] ashley: that looks nice! but it's not compatible with GPT, the code is different [20:46:33] 1.- backup 2.- copy files overwritting all via FTP 3.- run php update.php [20:46:44] hmh? what's GPT? [20:46:45] You overwrote all your files? [20:46:55] Including the images/ and extensions/ directories? [20:47:09] I'm not sure but I think it's adsense premium or for business or some thing like that [20:47:19] you can see I'm only the developer :P [20:47:21] yes, but images, localsettings and extensions where there [20:47:40] Try commenting out extensions in LocalSettings.php. [20:47:43] yes, but only file by fil, no complete folder [20:47:57] yes, I have commented all extensions [20:48:03] And you're still getting an error? [20:48:13] What does the error log say? [20:48:21] that's the problem, I'm not getting errors, I'm getting a white page [20:48:27] That's an error. [20:48:34] PHP/your Web server has an error log. [20:48:36] Look at it. [20:48:41] ashley: I guess I could modify your extension, but I find it weird that I can't do a simple thing like that, is RL the only way to inject crap in the ? [20:48:44] ok... where I can find the error_log file? [20:48:49] Brooke: error_log has no value, see the phpinfo file linked above ;) [20:48:53] It varies, I think. [20:49:03] ashley: The Web server should still be recording output, I think? [20:49:19] Something should be recording when you hit errors like this... [20:49:35] ashley: true, so I have to write a file name isn't it? [20:49:43] melado: please do :D its code is in the public domain, it's always nice to see people improving my code :-) there _should_ be a hook (BeforePageDisplay at least, I think) for adding shit to page head, but RL changed so many things... [20:50:00] Brooke: never expect anything, at least not that computers make sense! [20:50:39] fer_vlc: maybe try something like ini_set( 'error_log', '/path/to/the/logfile.log' ); -- you also may (will?) need to make sure that the file is writable by the webserver (and that it exists?) [20:51:03] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug#Turning_display_startup_errors_on [20:51:08] That should work.. [20:52:32] http://www.uiquipedia.org/index.php [20:52:34] cool [20:56:29] any idea about the error? http://www.uiquipedia.org/index.php [20:57:01] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:Upgrading#.22Cannot_redeclare_wfprofilein.28.29.22 [21:01:20] thank's now is working... I'm gonna try to fixx remaining staff :) [21:17:05] New patchset: Subramanya Sastry; "Eliminate spurious

 wrapping." [mediawiki/extensions/Parsoid] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23223
[21:17:46] 	 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103  (10mybugs.mail)
[21:19:58] 	 03(mod) ERR want 52e7dd5c76cd4c6e673a9aa6cc7cadee9ad77fb7 not valid - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40107  +comment (10Roan Kattouw)
[21:20:02] 	 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103  +comment (10Bartosz Dziewoński)
[21:22:58] 	 remote: Change-Id: I8620a1e2438b10429ad4d804f2514c7400073b1e
[21:22:58] 	  ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master/wfmsg-deprecation (missing Change-Id in commit message)
[21:23:02] 	 How does that... what...
[21:24:33] 	 Oh I see, so that's the suggested commit message with it's change ID. But why did it not amend it to have that...
[21:36:20] 	 New patchset: Alex Monk; "wfMsg* are deprecated, use wfMessage or $this->msg instead" [mediawiki/extensions/Phalanx] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23224
[21:36:42] 	 Amended in the change-id manually...
[21:45:06] 	 03(NEW) Add noc.wikimedia.org (Wikimedia NOC) files to Git - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40112 normal; Wikimedia: General/Unknown; (b)
[21:45:50] 	 03(mod) Add Git/Gerrit to Wikimedia NOC site - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40110  +comment (10MZMcBride)
[21:46:27] 	 Krenair: thank you for the patch :) did you test it? the few remaining wfMsgs there were the cases I didn't know how to replace; also, Phalanx::getExpireValues() is uglyyyyyyyy and needs to be killed in the future, in favor of something like Special:Block's expiry dropdown; translatable, editable and more flexible (patches are welcome!)
[21:48:31] 	 03(mod) Preview broken on thread reply posting/edit (nothing happens) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40083  (10Nemo_bis)
[21:55:09] 	 ashley, I've tested it and I don't think it's broken anything.
[21:55:15] 	 It's such a simple change that I doubt it could 
[21:55:30] 	 famous last words :) but fair enough!
[21:56:36] 	 :)
[21:56:52] 	 New review: Jack Phoenix; "Looks good to me; as per our IRC discussion, this shouldn't break anything and has been tested." [mediawiki/extensions/Phalanx] (master); V: 0 C: 2;  - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23224
[21:58:15] 	 ^gerrit didn't like me doing that, it complained something about "needs Verified", but meh
[21:58:32] 	 ashley, as for the expiry reason thing, I'll look into it
[21:58:46] 	 expiry value* oops
[22:00:05] 	 Krenair: awesome, thank you! :D
[22:02:12] 	 Is there an extension to discover what part of the current state of an article is written by who?
[22:02:25] 	 e.g. who last made a change to a sentence, etc.
[22:03:04] 	 And if so, is there then also an extension to remove all content written by a specific user on all pages?
[22:06:25] 	 What is the registration time field meant to show under 'My Preferences'?
[22:09:37] 	 03(mod) clicking the watch list star throws an error and no feedback is shown (star does not stop rotating) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40103  +comment (10Daniel Friesen)
[22:11:25] 	 svip, you mean like git blame for wiki pages? not as far as I know
[22:12:00] 	 I remember there was a wiki that could highlight what was written by who on the current state of the page.
[22:12:09] 	 Krenair: But yeah, essentially that.
[22:13:46] 	 Was it Citizenpedia or whatever they called that?
[22:15:01] 	 ashley, yeah it seems you can just replace the call to Phalanx::getExpireValues with SpecialBlock::getSuggestedDurations
[22:15:12] 	 I'll rm the getExpireValues in my changeset
[22:16:01] 	 New patchset: Alex Monk; "Kill Phalanx::getExpireValues" [mediawiki/extensions/Phalanx] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23225
[22:16:07] 	 Krenair: cool, thanks for taking the time to work on this :)
[22:25:49] 	 ashley, anything else in Phalanx needing a probably-easy cleanup?
[22:27:23] 	 Krenair: can't think of anything else that is easy to fix...feel free to browse the codebase and test things to make sure they work as expected :)
[22:27:56] 	 (for WMF deployment, the ShoutWiki-specific wiki farm code for getting the ID, subdomain (etc.) of a wiki needs to be replaced with something more suitable...but that's probably _not_ an easy task)
[22:28:25] 	 hooks!
[22:30:58] 	 In the JavaScript I don't like the look of Phalanx.ajax
[22:31:12] 	 And dirname(__FILE__) should be __DIR__ imo
[22:31:55] 	 is mediawiki requiring 5.3 now?
[22:31:57] 	 aye, the AJAX interface is a bit old-school (and somewhat slow too, but it works)
[22:31:57] 	 Assuming you don't need to support ancient PHP < 5.3 installs
[22:32:33] 	 Skizzerz: mmm, hooks could be nice, yes :D
[22:33:20] 	 Skizzerz, 5.3 is 3 years old now. If we aren't yet requiring it we obviously should be.
[22:33:55] 	 Also I would put a space after if, foreach, while and friends, but that's just personal preference
[22:37:56] 	 03(mod) Wikimedia static HTML dumps broken - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/15017  15enhancement->normal;  +easy +shell; summary; +comment (10MZMcBride)
[22:43:44] 	 Skizzerz, apparently 1.19 requires PHP >= 5.3, but I can't find a good source
[22:44:36] 	 Krenair: MediaWiki 1.20 requires 5.3.2
[22:45:19] 	 and my extension update that I'm writing requires 5.3.7, yay!
[23:10:11] 	 ashley, can you not merge into the repo then?
[23:11:38] 	 ...how would I do that? I've done direct pushing before, which bypasses gerrit altogether, so I have no idea how to work with gerrit
[23:18:44] 	 03(mod) Set $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom to allow https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40095  +comment (10Rd232)
[23:21:31] 	 New patchset: Alex Monk; "Whitespace and __DIR__" [mediawiki/extensions/Phalanx] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23226
[23:39:26] 	 New patchset: Alex Monk; "Whitespace and __DIR__" [mediawiki/extensions/Phalanx] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23226
[23:40:04] 	 ... the hell I must've forgotten to add properly
[23:40:48] 	 New patchset: Alex Monk; "Whitespace and __DIR__" [mediawiki/extensions/Phalanx] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23226
[23:42:37] 	 Krenair: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=mediawiki/core.git;a=blob;f=RELEASE-NOTES-1.19;h=ce400668a697f5825db8ede7c536ce88f13c6845;hb=HEAD
[23:43:02] 	 03(mod) internal_api_error_MWException : backend-fail-synced while uploading with chunked upload - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40048  +comment (10Erik Moeller)
[23:43:15] 	 Hazard-SJ, yeah I found that earlier. Turns out  it's 1.20 which requires 5.3 :(
[23:43:53] 	 03(mod) Chunked upload fails with internal_api_error_UploadStashFileNotFoundException - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/36587  +comment (10Erik Moeller)
[23:45:28] 	 Krenair: 1.19 is PHP 5.2.3+ I believe
[23:47:31] 	 New patchset: Alex Monk; "Made JS Phalanx.js use mw.Api" [mediawiki/extensions/Phalanx] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23227
[23:48:26] 	 03(mod) Set $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom to allow https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/40095  +comment (10Brian McNeil)
[23:53:11] 	 New patchset: Alex Monk; "Made JS Phalanx.ajax use mw.Api" [mediawiki/extensions/Phalanx] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/23227