[01:17:58] Hi. Does anyone know what's wrong with the vector skin on my wiki, 1.23.1?: https://freestatechronicles.com/ [01:59:57] orion: do other skins work? [02:10:01] orion: do you really only have Cite installed? Your Special:Version page looks very empty [02:10:19] orion: anyway, turn on error reporting in LocalSettings and see what happens [02:11:53] wmat: Other skins work [02:14:15] wmat: No PHP errors. [02:15:55] orion: is this on Linux? [02:16:13] orion: can you tail -f /var/log/messages to see if there's anything in there? [02:17:24] FreeBSD [02:18:40] so tail -f /var/log/syslog maybe? [02:19:06] actually, i think it's still /var/log/messages [02:19:09] Also, I checked in Firebug and the requests seem to be succeeding. [02:19:18] All of them [02:19:35] /var/log/messages isn't reporting errors, neither is nginx's error logs. [02:21:20] http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=https%3A%2F%2Ffreestatechronicles.com%2Fload.php%3Fdebug%3Dfalse%26lang%3Den%26modules%3Dmediawiki.legacy.commonPrint%252Cshared%257Cmediawiki.skinning.interface%257Cmediawiki.ui.button%257Cskins.vector.styles%26only%3Dstyles%26skin%3Dvector%26*&profile=css3&usermedium=all&warning=1&vextwarning=&lang=en [02:21:24] Lot of errors here! [02:26:17] orion: you ran the update.php script after upgrading? [02:30:36] yes [02:33:34] orion: is /skins/common/images/metalporc_transparent.png still there? [02:35:09] ah, hmm [02:37:39] Ok [02:37:42] It's there now. [02:38:06] Still no luck [02:40:05] Are you sure that these CSS errors reported by jigsaw are innocuous? [02:44:19] orion: I'm not sure, but probably. I have a site that reports 323 errors using the validator [02:44:25] and it still comes up fine [02:44:55] I see. [02:45:20] I am at a loss. [02:45:37] I have no idea what is going wrong. [02:46:54] i'm afraid my knowledge is exhausted. And your setup is rather unique. [02:47:21] Postgres + FreeBSD is not a setup I've ever experienced before [02:47:49] was your upgrade from 1.23 to 1.23.1? [02:48:04] 1.22.8 [02:48:23] how'd you do it? tarball or git? [02:48:49] tarball, overwrote everything except images/ and LocalSettings.php [02:48:59] and ran php maintenance/update.php [02:49:16] and you had no other customizations? [02:49:30] Correct. [02:49:43] what about that image in the skins directory you had to restore? [02:50:11] I put that image back in place. [02:50:24] The vector theme is installed by default IIRC. [02:50:33] So it seems to me like it should work magically. [02:50:43] yes, but would there be anything else that needs to be put back in place? [02:50:57] Not that I can think of, no. [02:51:27] do you have the old files still? [02:51:59] Nope :/ [02:53:50] did you validate the tarball MD5 sums? [02:55:31] GPG, yes [02:59:14] you could try emailing mediawiki-l mailing list [03:02:16] can you add the debug console to LocalSettings? [03:02:54] add these 4 lines to the top of LocalSettings: [03:02:55] #error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); [03:02:55] #ini_set("display_errors", 1); [03:02:55] #$wgShowExceptionDetails = true; [03:02:55] #$wgDebugToolbar = true; [03:03:02] uncommented [03:04:31] wmat: Enabled. [03:07:59] orion: nothing jumps out at me [03:08:18] is Cite the only extension? [03:10:48] It's not the only one in the extensions directory. [03:11:21] orion: can you disable the extensions in LocalSettings that you have enabled? [03:12:13] require_once( "$IP/extensions/Cite/Cite.php" ); <-- that's the only one, and it has been disabled. [03:12:14] your css is loading [03:12:20] it just isn't being applied for some reason [03:12:56] Skizzerz: Strange! [03:13:12] if css wasn't loading, that debug bar at the bottom wouldn't be at the bottom or styled [03:13:48] it looks like your vector skin is messed up [03:14:53] orion: you could try extracting your tarball somewhere else and recopying just the Vector skin bits into your /skins directory [03:15:12] I'd re-copy everything tbh [03:15:17] if that got messed up, who knows what else did [03:15:24] good point [03:15:46] I wanna grab that tarball myself to make sure there isn't an issue with it though (I doubt there is, but still) [03:20:24] Downgrading to 1.22.8 fixed it [03:20:58] can you re-upload the 1.23.1 files? [03:21:06] I seriously think that's all it needs [03:21:25] ok [03:23:57] i see an issue on the Recent Changes page where variables are on the page: "Show new changes starting from $2, $3" [03:32:05] wmat: Is this something I should be concerned about? [03:39:01] Could it be related to nginx somehow? Content-type tags? [03:40:10] 1.22.8 works fine though. [03:41:12] orion: not necessarily concerned, but it should display time and date [03:41:43] orion: you just upgrade again? [03:41:54] orion: the theme is gone now [03:42:21] orion: however that variable issue I just mentioned is fixed [03:48:59] orion: sorry, i have to sleep now. Good luck. [04:02:58] well, found your issue [04:02:59] https://freestatechronicles.com/load.php?debug=true&lang=en&modules=skins.vector&only=styles&skin=vector&* [04:03:01] is blank [04:03:11] that should've been all the vector skin styles [04:11:49] orion: https://freestatechronicles.com/resources/ -- that is giving me a 404 when it shouldn't [04:12:00] the resources dir is where a lot of the css and js is held [04:12:04] make sure it exists on your install [04:12:38] and that there aren't any config rules blocking access [04:24:07] Question - Any reason why I can't get JQuery to run, speciffically this script? > https://dpaste.de/Y2pt [04:24:26] It's a part of an extension I'd like to release - And I fear it may not work for others either. [04:24:35] It works off mediawiki. [04:28:26] TennaFox: is that the entire script? you probably want to wrap it in a $( function() { ... } ); [04:29:05] TennaFox: see for example, the first two closures in https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-MassMessage/blob/master/modules/ext.MassMessage.badhtml.js [04:33:25] legoktm: It was already in a function - Though it was conjoined with another "script". It's wrapped in it's own function - Though it still doesn't execute. [04:33:48] can you post the entire script? [04:34:12] Do I need to "src" to my copy of JQuery? [04:34:48] That's pretty much the whole script - The other part was normal JS for minor error checking. [04:35:03] They've now been split. [04:36:19] I'd like to re-write the normal JS portion in Jquery as well, but there's still the glaring issue of Jquery not working at all. [04:36:24] why are you using your own copy of jQuery? [04:37:00] jQuery automatically comes with any ResourceLoader module. [04:37:10] I mean the one packaged with Mediawiki. [04:37:44] how are you loading the javascript? [04:38:23] what does the $wgResourceLoaderModules entry look like, the hook point where you do ->addModules? [04:39:08] Ah, no, it seems to be absent entirely. [04:40:02] I'll note that I've never developed anything for Mediawiki prior to this, what exactly should I do? [04:40:41] I'm used to writing stand-alone apps, linking to JQuery & such as your normally would. [04:41:11] ah, ok [04:41:24] let me find the docs [04:43:06] so, tl;dr: All CSS / JS in MediaWiki is loaded through a system called "ResourceLoader". Scripts/styles are divided into "modules". [04:43:11] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader/Developing_with_ResourceLoader is the main doc page [04:43:31] specifically, you want to read the "Registering" section, and "Loading modules" [04:44:05] Got'cha, I'll look into it. [04:44:58] let me know if you have any questions [04:45:58] I assume what's shown in the "Registering" section belongs in the main Extension file - The one loaded through LocalSettings.php? [04:48:04] "You don't need to manually list 'mediawiki' or 'jquery', which are always loaded." - JQuery's already loaded? [04:49:39] legoktm (Pinging) [04:50:01] 1) yes 2) yes [04:50:39] I guess it's also bad that I'm loading the scripts in the file itself? [04:51:57] er, define loading [04:53:22] As in, the script itself is in the PHP file that does the magic (As a large variable) [04:53:42] oh, yeah that's not a good idea :/ [04:53:53] you should just move it into its own file [05:05:41] Alright, I'm not seeing the script actually load anywhere. Can I post a paste of my configuration? [05:06:14] https://dpaste.de/Xy7H [05:06:40] I'm still not entirely clear on the subject. [05:07:08] ok so [05:07:15] 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery' ), <-- you don't need that, it's implict [05:07:33] use a full path, so __DIR__ . '/tagCheck-jQuery.js' [05:07:45] that will register the module [05:07:59] but you still need to load it [05:08:11] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader/Developing_with_ResourceLoader#Loading_modules [05:08:18] TennaFox: is this for a special page extension? [05:08:37] Yes, I probabley should have said that beforehand. [05:08:45] ok so in your special page [05:08:57] in the execute() funciton [05:09:10] add a line like $this->getOutput()->addModules( 'SpecialBlogStuff' ); [05:09:24] note that we normally name our modules like "ext.ExtensionName.special" or something [05:12:33] I re-did the naming on the module to be up to par. It's inside the execute function, though it's still not loading. [05:14:27] Not finding any evidence of it in the source. [05:14:52] clear cache/hard refresh? [05:15:05] you should just see the module name in the source [05:15:31] something like [05:15:45] mw.loader.load(["mediawiki.page.startup","mediawiki.legacy.wikibits","mediawiki.legacy.ajax", "YOUR MODULE NAME HERE", a bunch more... ]); [05:20:26] Nope, I'm simply seeing nothing. I will note that the it's not execute(), it's execute($par) as per the "template" special page provided in the documnetations. [05:20:46] *documentations [05:22:56] TennaFox: yeah, that should be fine though. Do you see anything in your JS error console? [05:23:29] unless I can see your source or if the wiki is public, I can't really help much more than that [05:31:29] legoktm: Sorry for late reply, Javascript console shows nothing but one error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null [05:32:09] I'd look into that, it could be blocking the execution of your js [05:33:27] I'm not sure what it means exactly. [05:34:33] Thanks for yor help, I guess I'll have to can this feature. [05:34:35] some script somewhere is expecting a dom element, and trying to do foo.innerHTML = 'somehtml', except foo is null. [05:34:57] if you use chromium it should give you a full traceback of the exception [05:34:58] *your - Could that even be in the layout? [05:35:18] possibly? [05:45:17] I honestly had no idea that Google Chrome wasn't entirely Google native. [06:24:26] Hello Everybody [06:59:52] Hello Somebody [09:52:15] Hello, does anyone have any experience setting up both AD authentication and group restriction? [09:52:48] I have AD auth working fine, but as soon as I enable the $wgLDAPRequiredGroups I can't login [10:02:24] mattp909: are you in the required group? [10:12:38] I am yes [10:13:08] it doesn't seem to care whether I am in the group or not, it just refused login [10:16:27] hmm I think I found the setting causing the issue [10:16:32] I had $wgLDAPGroupsPrevail enabled [10:16:42] commenting that out seems to allow me to log in again [11:07:00] Skizzerz: Hey, I have the directory there now. [11:07:18] It was *always* there, but I had configured nginx to block direct access. [11:07:31] location ^~ /resources/ { internal; } [11:07:37] I have removed the line. [11:15:27] Also [11:15:47] You're right that /load.php?debug=true&lang=en&modules=skins.vector&only=styles&skin=vector&* is blank [11:16:03] But if you do, /load.php?debug=true&lang=en&modules=skins.vector.styles&only=styles&skin=vector&* it returns some CSS. [11:29:41] Skizzerz: I did a complete reinstall with a fresh database and the problem still occurs. [11:32:07] Note that monobook works. [11:35:20] Does anyone else know what could be going wrong with my site, freestatechronicles.com? [11:57:09] I even tried the lated git snapshot, and the vector theme still appears to be broken. [12:03:40] orion [12:03:47] did you run the setup? [12:04:03] it says you don't have a localsettings.php [12:05:21] oh, it seems like you just fixed that [12:08:11] CosmicLogick: Yes, I am redoing everything. [12:08:22] I am just going to wait on 1.23 for now and use 1.22.8 instead. [13:18:58] orion: you could try 1.24 too [13:20:33] wmat: you mean the latest git snapshot? [13:20:42] orion: yes, git master [13:21:17] I did try that, same issue. [13:21:20] 1.22.8 works though [13:22:01] that's bizarre [14:18:11] hi all [14:18:18] someone coul'd help? [14:19:08] !ask [14:19:08] Please feel free to ask your question: if anybody who knows the answer is around, they will surely reply. Don't ask for help or for attention before actually asking your question, that's just a waste of time – both yours and everybody else's. :) [14:19:36] I've problem linking external files on mediawiki [14:20:25] I've installed correctly ParserFunctions [14:20:35] and created the Template:UNC [14:20:45] I see on my browser the correct link [14:20:57] if I click on it, nothing happen [14:21:53] If I "copy shortcut" and paste it on a new browser windows it works [14:22:20] simply on the mediawiki page it won't works [14:22:28] any idea? [14:23:55] weird. can you link to the wiki? [14:24:40] do you mean the url? [14:24:51] yes [14:24:54] http://centauro.crosio.com/wiki/index.php/Test [14:25:29] you can see a test linking a local file that you probably do not have [14:25:40] but if you click you can see that nothing happen [14:29:26] Cosmico72: hm, weird. i'd suspect it's the browser that's blocking these links, maybe? (neither link works for me) [14:30:17] I checked with chrom and IE [14:31:09] The browser have no special security level [14:31:23] for you the link works? [14:33:17] no, the links don't work [14:35:19] any idea? [15:23:09] Does anyone know where the "description" CSS style is located on commons? [15:23:31] I checked MediaWiki:Vector.css and MediaWiki:Filepage.css [15:29:45] orion: it might be here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [15:32:23] thank you [15:43:39] I've properly set $wgUploadDirectory, and the files are uploaded properly, however the direct link on File pages still points to /images/ [15:43:41] Is there a way to fix this>/ [15:48:37] Ah, UploadDirectory != UploadPath [16:02:54] hmm [16:03:00] https://git.wikimedia.org/tree/mediawiki%2Fextensions%2FUploadWizard/24c68390ac2c0d56258058b72b400b0942e9e751/includes%2Fspecials [16:03:17] Shouldn't there also be SpecialUploadCampaign.php there? [16:03:40] That's what would allow admins to create new campaigns, IIRC. [16:49:24] I cannot access Medawiki:Sidebar. I get an Error 500. In the error log I see this: "Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary." [16:49:28] how can I fix this? [16:49:53] Tectu_: Usually that's a problem with either $wgArticlePath or rewrite rule config [16:50:07] Can you access other pages starting with MediaWiki: ? [16:50:21] bawolff, what would such a page be for example? [16:50:26] bawolff, just for the info: I don't use URL rewriting yet [16:50:29] MediaWiki:diff [16:50:48] that gives 500 too [16:50:52] Special:Allmessages lists all the possible MediaWiki pages [16:51:09] Special:Allmessages gives 500 too [16:51:10] Does anyone know how to access the UploadWizard's Flickr interface? [16:51:17] Hmm, maybe it has to do with having a colon in the name. Can you access some other page with a colon in it (or create one with a colon in it) [16:51:23] bawolff, the special pages that I can reach through the 'tools' toolbar in the navigation on the left work [16:51:47] orion: You need to be an admin at commons to access it on Wikimedia sites [16:52:29] Tectu_: Well that's odd. Do the links in the toolbar, and the url you are otherwise going to look different? [16:52:30] bawolff, I created a page using [[Test:Test]] and I cannot access it through http://url/Test:Test that gives 500 too [16:52:41] bawolff, yes, they look way different [16:53:00] bawolff, I can access the newly created page through http://wiki.ugfx.org/index.php?title=Test:Test [16:53:17] bawolff, http://wiki.ugfx.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages this works for example [16:53:27] bawolff, http://wiki.ugfx.org/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Sidebar that works too [16:53:48] What's an example of something that doesn't work? [16:54:03] bawolff, http://wiki.ugfx.org/MediaWiki:Sidebar [16:54:10] bawolff, that is probably because I don't use an URL shortener? [16:54:16] yes [16:54:19] !shorturls [16:54:19] To create simple URLs (such as the /wiki/PAGENAME style URLs on Wikimedia sites), follow the instructions at or try the new beta tool at . There are instructions for most different webserver setups. If you have problems getting the rewrite rules to work, see !rewriteproblem [16:54:34] thank you very much [16:54:48] Why you get an error instead of a 404 though, I'm not sure. Probably something wrong with the apache config [16:55:34] indeed. A 404 would have helped [16:56:18] bawolff: I am running my own wiki. [17:00:16] orion: Ok. In that case make sure you have the upload_by_url right (e.g. Set it in $wgGroupPermissions), and make sure $wgCopyUploadsDomains = array( '*.flickr.com', '*.staticflickr.com', ); [17:01:23] In Userlogin.php ( includes/templates/ ) there is $data array. Can anyone tell me where this array comes from ? [17:02:27] Do you mean $this->data? [17:02:47] bawolff: I have those set. Where in the UI am I supposed to look? [17:03:01] Yes [17:03:22] i think its from the $template in specialuserlogin [17:03:24] There's no specific UI [17:03:49] How does an administrator initiate a Flickr pull? [17:03:52] orion: In the second step (after the tutorial), there's a button labeled "Share images on flickr" [17:04:49] Oh, this is for uploading to Flickr, not pulling images off of Flickr? [17:05:50] No, its uploading to your wiki from flickr [17:06:35] hmm [17:06:43] ok, I don't see such a button [17:07:08] "Select media files to share", that's it. [17:09:20] Hmm, that would happen if its disabled for some reason [17:09:35] hi fhocutt [17:09:59] hi sumanah [17:10:24] fhocutt: it is Thursday July 3 so, if you want, in 50 min you can watch our all-hands mtg [17:10:37] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Metrics_and_activities_meetings/2014-07-03 [17:10:44] orion: Oh, I forgot, also you need $wgAllowCopyUploads = true; in LocalSettings.php [17:10:59] ah, neat, thanks [17:11:04] "SUL" is Single User Login - the idea that a person should be able to use the same username to log into all .wikimedia.org sites [17:11:26] right. [17:11:46] bawolff: I have that [17:12:05] sumanah: things I did yesterday include finishing up all 4 of the Python evaluations [17:12:10] eeeeee! [17:12:13] \o/ [17:12:14] \o/ [17:12:29] that must have felt good! [17:12:31] I've emailed 2 of the maintainers, no response yet [17:12:50] orion: Is your wiki public? Can I see? [17:13:02] yes. I'm not quite finished with everything but I will be today [17:13:06] is there some standard way (not hacking the PHP code) for getting rid of the 'Discussion' tab? [17:13:11] orion: It also needs an flickr api key, but it has one built in [17:13:11] bawolff: https://freestatechronicles.com [17:13:19] bawolff: I have a key. [17:13:36] fhocutt: rock. I am - probably like you - content with the maintainers not having responded yet [17:13:48] still need to email the mwclient maintainers and pywikipedia-l, and send a project update to mediawiki-api-l [17:13:59] Tectu_: Add #ca-talk {display: none} to the page MediaWiki:Common.css on your wiki [17:14:00] yeah, it's fine. [17:14:54] I thank you very much, bawolff [17:15:19] fhocutt: cool. I await those with interest! [17:15:32] orion: hmm, that url doesn't work [17:15:34] so yes, finishing those up, linking to Data & Developer Hub, and also pairing with Brad to look at the low-level Perl client library [17:15:37] fhocutt: did you get what you need re Perl pairing? [17:15:43] yesterday I mean [17:15:45] with Brad [17:15:48] for now, yes [17:16:10] bawolff: https://freestatechronicles.com/w/Special:UploadWizard [17:16:21] "The connection was reset" [17:16:57] fhocutt: it's a good thing you have a few different Perl codebases to look at - Dreamwidth for instance - so you know how much it varies! [17:16:57] Sounds like an SSL problem to me. Is your browser up to date? [17:17:16] I'm going to pair with Mithrandir later today to take a first look at the higher-level one [17:17:18] Hi folks, where do I find great skins for mediawiki apparence customization? [17:17:21] yes, for sure [17:17:26] fhocutt: anything you'd like me to review today, or are blocked on awaiting me or other mentors' feedback? [17:17:34] !skins | hamcore [17:17:34] hamcore: General skin help: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skins / List of available skins: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:All_skins / Creating a new skin: see !skinning [17:17:50] bawolff, thanks [17:17:53] hi hamcore - there have also been a few skin case studies, lemme dig up [17:18:01] orion: [17:18:36] sumanah: I think that I am ok for today, am planning to actually finish up the Python and start sketching out the Perl evals [17:18:48] hamcore: templates -- If you install https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto then you can write templates in Lua (an actual programming language) rather than freaking wikitext. https://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/03/11/lua-templates-faster-more-flexible-pages/ and https://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/03/14/what-lua-scripting-means-wikimedia-open-source/ say more. [17:18:49] orion: Well anyways, all I was going to check was that Special:ListGroupRights properly listed upload_by_url, and that your user is in the proper group, and failing that what the js variables output by Special:UploadWizard were [17:19:15] hamcore: skins case studies: http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-l/2013-May/041167.html [17:19:16] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-l/2011-August/037870.html [17:19:16] http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/wiki/wikitech/252223 [17:19:29] sumanah, great, thanks [17:19:45] "Upload files from a URL (upload_by_url)" is listed. [17:20:00] fhocutt: cool! I shall leave you to it then [17:20:03] happy hacking [17:20:06] ty! [17:20:52] bawolff: My user is in the group (bureaucrats), and JS variables... hmm [17:22:16] bawolff: Do you mean mw.config.set? [17:22:56] the values of mw.UploadWizard.config.UploadFromUrl and mw.UploadWizard.config.flickrApiKey [17:24:40] bawolff: I am examining it in Firefox's console now [17:24:57] !lists | hamcore [17:24:57] hamcore: mediawiki-l and wikitech-l are the primary mailing lists for MediaWiki-related issues. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mailing_lists for details. [17:25:11] in your opinion, what's the best WYSIWYG extension for mediawiki? [17:25:17] hamcore: mediawiki-l is a good list for you to subscribe to - people are there who do pretty cool things with MediaWiki! [17:25:19] !visualeditor [17:25:19] VisualEditor is a project to create a simple editor for MediaWiki that would make it far simpler for people to contribute to Wikimedia projects. See also https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/VisualEditor and #mediawiki-visualeditor channel. [17:25:24] ok [17:25:30] bawolff: I'm retarded. I found the problem. [17:25:34] hamcore: are you on a host where it's fine for you to install & run Node? [17:25:42] sumanah, yeap [17:25:53] hamcore: Visualeditor is the only remotely half decent one. But its a little hard to set up [17:25:57] (cool. That is a prerequisite for VisualEditor) [17:26:08] great, lemme check it out. [17:26:18] All my config settings were placed *before* the require_once line in LocalSettings.php. All I did was move the require_once line up and everything worked. [17:26:22] hamcore: there is also a #mediawiki-visualeditor room in case you end up needing specific help with installing it and #mediawiki does not suffice [17:26:32] Thank you for helping me though this, bawolff. [17:26:35] orion: Glad to hear you figured it out [17:26:53] sumanah, nice! [17:26:59] also hamcore if you by any chance are gonna be in London next month, you should come to http://wikimania2014.wikimedia.org/ [17:27:42] sumanah, unfortunately not, i'm from Brazil and don't have plans to go london in the few months :/ [17:27:54] hamcore: ah. do you go to FISL? [17:28:08] I've never been but hear it is good [17:28:24] sumanah, never been there, but also heard it. [17:33:41] bawolff: Thanks. My next task is to have each category page produce a JS slideshow for all of the Files located in a particular category. [17:33:54] Do you know any extensions that would be good for this purpose? [17:34:01] Hmm, there's probably some js on commons that can do it [17:34:19] The mediaviewer extension will do all on the current page, but not all in a category [17:36:28] orion: See on https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Featured_pictures_on_Wikimedia_Commons?gallerymode=packed#mw-category-media how on the right of the "Media in category "Featured pictures on Wikimedia Commons"" header there's a green slideshow icon? [17:36:41] there's that js slideshow [17:39:39] :o https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Extension:Mantle&curid=222456&diff=1057473&oldid=1048180 [17:42:57] bawolff: Yes! This is exactly what I want! [17:43:09] What extension are they using?> [17:44:08] Nemo_bis: Seems kind of like if they're going to do that, might as well just put it in core, marked as "experimental" [17:44:50] orion: It's a gadget [17:44:52] !e Gadgets [17:44:52] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Gadgets [17:45:02] and https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Gadgets/export/Slideshow [17:45:23] @notify petan [17:45:23] This user is now online in #huggle. I'll let you know when they show some activity (talk, etc.) [17:45:29] bah [18:00:46] Hey, so I recently upgraded to 1.23 and had some problems with the Job Queue. Stuff is entering the queue (which I can see via showJobs), but not leaving. I "fixed it" by putting runJobs.php into a cron job. [18:00:53] Does anyone know why that might be happening. [18:01:25] I originally had some problems due to an SSL redirect for Special:RunJobs, but [18:01:48] I fixed up my rewrite rules so that special page wasn't being redirected to SSL [18:02:12] ok, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=993lpGrittg monthly report meeting is about to start (in case you wanna see it fhocutt ) [18:02:26] am there, ty sumanah [18:03:49] Rosencrantz: Well the cron job + $wgJobRunRate = 0; is much more efficient than the auto job runner [18:04:29] Oh? How sos? [18:04:33] *so [18:05:07] Its just generally more efficient to run jobs from the command line script than from the web interface [18:05:20] Hmm, ok. [18:05:23] guillom: uh, finally put in my monthly update for the report. sorry I am late [18:05:32] The funny part is that I didn't change my wgJobRunRate settings [18:05:34] As for why the web interface job runner wasn't working, I don't know, I guess you'd have to enable logging [18:06:03] Rosencrantz: Well that means its trying to run them from the web, failing, and later succeding from the command line [18:06:08] sumanah: No problem, Priority activities are more urgent so as not to delay the WMF-wide report :) Thank you for adding yours! [18:06:12] If you switch all to the command line, MW will be faster [18:06:20] :) [18:12:29] bawolff: Do I need the libUtil gadget? [18:12:54] Error: Unknown dependency: ext.gadget.libUtil load.php:150 <-- firefox JS error [18:13:10] orion: Yes you do [18:13:23] * bawolff thought the export feature should take care of that for you. guess not [18:17:06] bawolff: Any other dependencies you can think of? [18:17:38] I don't think so [18:17:56] Ok. The green button appears correctly now, however when I click on it nothing happens. [18:18:47] More specifically, when I hover over the green buttons it expands to reveal "Category slideshow", and when I click on it the text changes to "Show slideshow" and after that nothing happens. [18:20:21] Do you have errors in your js console? [18:20:36] * bawolff not overly familar with that piece of js. Probably I missed something [18:20:59] Warnings only at this point [18:21:18] Use of getAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use getAttribute() instead. [18:21:25] (etc) [18:24:43] orion: oh, I missed a dependency [18:24:53] orion: Copy the page MediaWiki:GallerySlideshow.js from commons to your wiki [18:26:53] Could somebody possible assist me in getting $wgResourceModules to load a small piece of Javascript? I've been trying for hours on end, no luck. The script works fine if placed directly into the PHP file - Toguh, I can't get it to laod the "right" way. [18:26:55] orion: and the SettingsManager gadget [18:27:11] *though [18:28:21] *load ... I'm very tempted to do this "wrongly" and load the javasript as a PHP variable. [18:28:41] bawolff: Wait, that wasn't exported? [18:29:07] Its not. Its loaded outside of the gadgets extension [18:30:35] Oh, weird. [18:32:27] Works now. :) [18:32:30] Thanks! [18:32:50] I'll just put this out there: https://dpaste.de/KHQ4 - Looking for a solution. [18:33:58] TennaFox: Well the "'remoteExtPath' => 'MyExtensionf/CreatePost'" line immediately sticks out (MyExtension vs MyExtensionf) [18:34:36] bawolff: I renamed those fields to hide the working title of my extension, that error isn't real. [18:37:34] My JS console shows no evidence of any Javascript, though the source shows that module does load. [18:38:06] TennaFox: Load the page in debug mode (add ?debug=true to the url) [18:38:25] see if it loads. If it doesn't, see what things the javascript does load and check for things like being off in the directory or something [18:39:18] I see: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) - Though the URL given exists. [18:42:44] Well that will stop js from loading [18:44:22] bawolff: you said if a MediaWiki requires cookies to hit any page, even static pages, an extension is probably causing that? [18:45:38] Seranok: Probably, or even something on the apache layer [18:47:25] how do i figure out what's causing it [18:47:42] let's say i don't have access to MediaWiki server [18:47:58] What's the name of the cookie? [18:49:36] bawolff: (Sorry if you're pre-occupied), the error on my side seems to lie in the fact that it's looking for my javascript in the extension's folder - When I'm not in the extensions folder. I'm using a "community" folder used by several wikis sharing resources. Anyway to get it to not automatically jump to the extensions folder? [18:50:58] bawolff: the cookie name itself is the session [18:51:07] TennaFox: That's what the remoteExtPath and localBasePath control [18:52:17] bawolff: here is the returned page http://hastebin.com/ijofozimeq.xml [18:53:24] wait the cookie is static hmm weird [18:53:45] maybe it's an nginx option? [18:54:03] Looks like some sort of proxy front end [18:54:18] so maybe, or something like CloudFlare (although probably not actually cloudflare) [19:00:55] bawolff: I am trying to grab this file off of Flickr as a test: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tgerus/4346213550/ but the spinner just keeps on spinning, and no thumbnail appears. [19:01:03] How can I debug this? [19:02:12] * bawolff doesn't know enough about upload wizard to say. I suppose you could use a js debugger to step through execution [19:02:40] ok [19:09:34] oh now this is interesting [19:09:43] Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://freestatechronicles.com/api.php does not permit framing. [19:09:48] Error: Permission denied to access property 'document' [19:10:17] Oh, right [19:10:27] that is an anti-clickjacking measure [19:10:30] Don't we have a different XFO setting in our config for this purpose? [19:10:34] (to make UploadWizard work) [19:13:38] $wgAPIFrameOptions I think. [19:17:16] $wgApiFrameOptions = 'SAMEORIGIN'; did not work for me unfortunately. [19:18:21] Another oddity: Why would my Javascript work fine in debug mode, but not at all in normal mode? In normal mode I'm given an UncaughtReference error. [19:18:42] you should "use strict" [19:21:12] hi all -- can i run mw on php 5.5 yet? http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Thread:Talk:Compatibility/PHP_5.5_unresolved_issues%3F suggests its okay, but would appreciate confirmation..... i am installing 1.17 on ubuntu 14.04 [19:21:57] Yes [19:21:59] it seems there are isues making/running php 5.3 on ubuntu 14.04 [19:22:14] http://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Special:Version "5.5.9-1ubuntu4.2 (apache2handler)" [19:22:27] MediaWiki 1.17? [19:22:35] oh wait [19:22:40] I don't know about 1.17... [19:22:47] that's years outdated [19:22:47] <^d> 1.17 should be 5.3 ok. [19:22:49] yeah i have that constraint [19:22:58] Interesting [19:23:10] <^d> dunno about 5.5, 5.5 wasn't out yet when we released 1.17.x [19:23:24] there's been a few 5.5 bugs reported and fixed since [19:23:48] i wouldn't try running 1.17 on php 5.5 unless you want to have a bad time tracking down php segfaults [19:23:50] If I set $wgApiFrameOptions to SAMEORIGIN, firefox reports that it receives this: "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN, DENY" [19:24:09] I find this peculiar. [19:24:10] MatmaRex et al, thanks [19:27:37] hi, MatmaRex! [20:21:45] How is the sha1 hash encoded for exported pages? [20:23:44] orion: if we're thinking about the same thing, it's just sha1(contents-of-the-page) [20:25:52] But how is it encoded? [20:27:40] Hey all, I opened https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticResultFormats/issues/51 but its really a showstopper for me trying to upgrade SMW on my wikis (along with upgrading MW from 1.20.8 to 1.23). Any suggestions for working around it? And can I upgrade MW to 1.23 without upgrading SMW and related extensions from [20:28:15] hex [20:28:18] jcl: try asking in #semantic-mediawiki [20:28:27] hm [20:28:30] How dare we return null [20:28:30] I'll leave a comment. [20:28:34] already did, no response [20:28:59] legoktm: It's not hex. [20:29:05] kttrcwapbxhxngzn8j2a8bocsg2nvcp [20:29:07] #semantic-mediawiki seems to be very low traffic [20:29:16] orion: er o.O [20:29:18] I don't know then [20:32:00] What's more annoying, me or my numerous errors? https://dpaste.de/qUPN - That Javascript loads in if the Wiki is in debug mode. I load it through a module formy extension, and it loads fine. However, if I exit debg mode, I get this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: limitText is not defined [20:32:52] StackOverflow suggest that it should be "Global" (Or something along those lines), though with my limited knowledge of Javascript I'm not sure what that means entirely. [20:32:55] Hi [20:33:24] Is there any extension like DynamicPageList that includes not only the headline but also a snippet of the article? [20:34:37] legoktm: So is there any way to work around this since I'm not a PHP/MW developer? Worst case, can I upgrade MW to 1.23 without upgrading SMW from [20:34:53] jcl: let me take a look at the code [20:35:26] appreciate it! let me know if I can help in any way. [20:35:39] jcl: where is the Gallery.php file? [20:36:02] oh, found it [20:36:04] https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticResultFormats/blob/master/formats/gallery/Gallery.php [20:38:25] jcl: try using https://dpaste.de/Ty7D/raw ? look for where I wrote "haaaack" [20:38:56] lol, i'll take a look :) [20:47:20] legoktm: i see what you did and thought about doing the same thing, myself, but i didn't see a wrapper function for getPageLanguage() like the one that exists for isSpecialPage (see my comment at the bottom of https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticResultFormats/issues/35#issuecomment-47295533) [20:47:53] so i wasn't sure if I could break anything, even though i'm on my dev server, it still takes work for me to recreate the database if i break it [21:27:48] why are people using == Heading == inside the articles as the first level instead of = Heading = ? [21:29:03] Tectu_: because

is semantically different than

[21:29:19] !hss | legoktm [21:29:19] legoktm: ZOMG!! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/mediawiki/6/69/Hesaidsemanticga2.jpg [21:29:22] legoktm, can you explain that a bit more please? [21:29:38] sure [21:29:57] = Heading = creates a

, == Heading == creates a

and so on to h6 I think. [21:30:00] Tectu_:

is used for page title [21:30:06] if you're looking for a pragmatic explanation :) [21:30:19] oh [21:30:20] :P [21:30:42] so you'll almost always want to use the next heading level [21:31:19] thank you MatmaRex [22:32:27] fhocutt: yay mail! [22:32:28] * sumanah reads [22:32:54] I like it fhocutt - good job [22:34:01] thanks sumanah! [22:34:13] (both http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/pywikipedia-l/2014-July/008924.html and http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-api/2014-July/003292.html ) [22:49:05] fhocutt: got a second? [22:49:17] a second, what's up? [22:49:32] ^sumanah [22:49:35] fhocutt: jorm is one of my colleagues - Brandon Harris - and he is very used to writing perl [22:50:00] fhocutt: and said he would be happy to look over a bit of Perl for you [22:50:19] neat! I will come back here later, depending on internet [22:50:24] jorm: fhocutt is https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Fhocutt and is doing this project https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Evaluating_and_Improving_MediaWiki_web_API_client_libraries and this week + next she's looking at the Perl libraries [22:50:28] I'd like to look over it and the documentation first [22:50:29] you're both west coast [22:50:35] hi. [22:50:38] hi jorm! [22:50:53] but I'll be back if/when I get confused. Thank you for the offer! [22:51:00] i'm bharris@wikimedia.org for emails. that's usually the best way to get in touch. [22:51:10] it's perl. you'll get confused. selah. [22:51:10] noted, thanks. [22:51:15] Thank you jorm, I really appreciate your help :) [22:51:16] yep, pretty much [22:51:22] \o [22:51:57] once you understand why you'd do something like { local $/ = undef; } it stops being confusing. but that takes a while. [23:02:57] Is it possible to hide the 'View Source' and 'Edit' tabs for non-logged in users [23:02:59] ? [23:03:24] this may be a matter of access stuff + skin hacking [23:03:25] !skins [23:03:25] General skin help: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skins / List of available skins: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:All_skins / Creating a new skin: see !skinning [23:03:26] !access [23:03:27] For information on customizing user access, see . For common examples of restricting access using both rights and extensions, see . [23:04:15] sumanah, I have seen that one can restrict the edit access, but the tab will still show up, no? [23:04:39] this is where I am also unsure, Tectu_ - I haven't done this myself. [23:04:40] You should be able to do it with some site JS [23:05:07] The tab shows up as "view source" [23:05:20] and then you can hide it with.... what reedy said. [23:08:11] Tectu_: have you ever edited the site JavaScript? [23:08:49] Tectu_: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/JavaScript [23:09:02] no [23:09:08] I am completely new to MediaWiki [23:09:13] it's cool :) [23:11:22] I'll have a look [23:11:32] It has been some centuries since I touched any JS at all [23:12:25] :) [23:14:06] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=specific&product=Pywikibot&list_id=235557 ? [23:54:18] how can I check whether a user can edit any page or not? [23:54:32] or: how can I prevent a specific user from editing any content? [23:55:00] Tectu_: you can block him/her [23:55:15] sumanah, I don't really want to do that :P [23:55:25] social reasons, I presume? [23:55:34] sumanah, will he/she be notified? [23:55:46] Tectu_: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Combating_vandalism check that out [23:56:05] sumanah, no, it's just a 2 person project and I am the only one writing the documentation. I just want to be sure that he/she never ever changes anything [23:56:14] its more a thing so I can sleep well at night [23:56:36] Tectu_: am I right in assuming that you do not have a healthy and trusting relationship with your collaborator? [23:57:41] sumanah, oh I do, I love him/her. I'm just a very sick person [23:57:54] * sumanah thinks "that's weird, ok, fine" [23:58:21] my advice is: look at Recent Changes every morning and revert whatever you want to revert, instead of getting into an arms race. [23:58:24] !cms | Tectu_ [23:58:24] Tectu_: Wikis are designed for openness, to be readable and editable by all. If you want a forum, a blog, a web authoring toolkit or corporate content management system, perhaps don't use wiki software. There is a nice overview of free tools available at including the possibility to try each system. For ways to restrict access in MediaWiki, see !access. [23:59:35] sumanah, fair enough [23:59:46] sumanah, I probably left a bad impression now. Please let me clearify: [23:59:54] it's ok, this sort of thing is messy