[04:27:51] Hi folks, I'm looking to setup a personal blog using mediawiki; but unsure how to structure the pages and the 'article' listing [04:32:43] mediawiki isn't really designed for blogging [04:33:41] plenty of things out there that are more capable for that [04:39:09] RobotsOnDrugs: Yeah but I like the idea of having an editable blog that can be contributed to, just curious to know how to structure it [04:42:07] if you want to write articles, then mediawiki makes sense, but blogs are more for things like opinions or stories [04:42:50] it seems like you're not really sure what you want, which would make it difficult to figure out how to organize it [04:45:54] or perhaps you're not looking for blogging at all and you just want to know how to organize your articles [04:47:16] in any case, you'll have to be more specific with what you want [05:06:30] RobotsOnDrugs: My idea was that if a reader felt the need to update something I wrote, they could go in and update it. Either way this is a personal blog so this will hardly matter [07:56:38] If I've placed mediawiki on a subdomain: i: blog.example.com, is it possible to have mediawiki not redirect to blog.example.com/Main_Page? I tried a rewrite rule whereas i forward ^/?$ to index.php, but then Index.php seems to forward to Main_Page [08:04:22] abercu: Afaik it'll always forward to the main page [08:04:50] Ie. mw.example.com will always forward to mw.example.com/index.php/Main Page [17:06:59] say is there a plugin that will play redirection adresses of the viewed site?