[00:18:55] why is mediawiki telling me You have not specified a valid username [00:19:02] when i am trying to login / create a new account? [00:19:51] ohNo: What username are you specifying [00:19:59] Perhaps its not "valid" ;) [00:21:50] cannot be [00:21:54] because it exists in my database [00:22:05] even when i tried to create account with the username of Admin [00:22:12] it is telling me that error~? [01:26:29] where does that error come from? http://tearswiki.de/index.php/Hauptseite [02:43:50] hey guys [02:44:25] is there an extension that the admin could vet an article created by a general user? [02:44:34] before that article will be shown on the main page? [02:45:16] what do you think "main page" is [02:47:46] what do u mean? [02:52:08] @four check ApprovedRevs [02:54:27] ya i am checking that now [02:54:35] but i am not sure if it does what i want. [02:54:52] so it will not publish the article until the admin check "approved" ? [06:56:43] is there a method to allow admin to view a certain category article [06:56:50] and that category is note viewable by general users [09:02:46] hi i am looking for help. i have some problems with the extension LDAP Authentication: My goal is to sync Media Wiki with our Active Directory and IIS 8, synchronize the groups from Active Directory with Media Wiki and users get single sign on. [09:02:46] It works perfectly, when i don't use the AutoAuthentication: require_once( "$IP/extensions/LdapAuthentication/LdapAutoAuthentication.php" ); [09:02:47] When i also use the AutoAuthentication, it also works, but the groups don't sync anymore. [09:10:45] somebody can help with the extension LDAP Authentication [09:10:46] ? [09:11:23] !ldap [09:11:23] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LDAP_Authentication To get support, open a new thread on the support page http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_talk:LDAP_Authentication [09:28:21] Anyone know what the actual problem http://devhub.wmflabs.org/wiki/API:Data_and_developer_hub is trying to solve [09:28:24] because I'm confused [09:30:11] Like I don't think the demo page would really make any of the users at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Dev.wikimedia.org#Requirements happy [09:30:52] I'm not really sure why a "mass upload activist" would even use our apis [09:32:26] Hello everyone! [09:32:35] probably related: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Current_issues#Adding_a_dev_namespace_for_.22Data_and_developer_hub.22_articles_58129 [09:32:53] Vulpix: yeah, I was reading that just now [09:33:54] I have one question. Can anyone give me an examle of pagecontent changing using wiki API? [09:34:19] rwadim: Like you mean editing a page? [09:34:29] I have one question. Can anyone give me an example of pagecontent changing using wiki API? [09:35:14] rwadim: Does the bottom of https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=edit (Except it has to be a POST request not a GET request) [09:35:28] rwadim: see also https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=edit [09:37:04] I have a page, which content I can export to xml. No I can change it to my needs. But how can I send my changes back? [09:37:56] If you're exporting to xml, then you need the Special:Import page on wiki, or presumably their is an equivalent module in the api [09:59:36] ugh I hate LQT. Why does project:Current_issues have to use it... [10:05:19] it's better than normal talk page. It will be converted to flow soonish [10:06:03] I also hate flow :P [10:06:12] I'd much rather have a normal talk page [10:06:22] particularly for long M:N discussions [10:07:00] clearly I'm in a cranky walk-up-hill-both-ways-through-snowstorm kind of mood today :P [10:19:49] Special:EmailUser [10:19:55] how to activate this global? [10:24:11] thegamer93: it should be enabled as long as https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgEnableEmail hasn't been set to false [10:24:20] oh yeah [10:24:23] I just did it [10:24:26] thank you :) [10:24:31] and also $wgEnableUserEmail [10:24:45] I would like to say big thank you to you Vulpix and the others who helped me [10:25:07] MediaWiki is a bit complex even with a few php and cms knowledge [10:26:14] yw :) [14:11:32] hey! I am trying to write a page on my own wiki, but around a piece of text "#- */#- */" always appears and when I remove it, it comes back [14:11:42] is this some kind of feature? how do I disable it? [14:13:42] I am using mediawiki 1.19.11 [14:17:47] Peetz0r: is your wiki public so we can see that? [14:18:01] yes, it is [14:18:22] the page is http://wiki.sk1llz.nl/P1_uitlezen_met_Tweak_router [14:18:44] search the page for 'wget' and see [14:19:14] the line should read "/data # wget" [14:19:30] and the line between 'wget' and 'Connecting to' shoudln't exist at all [14:20:24] Vulpix: ^^ [14:21:04] that's indeed strange [14:22:02] so, when you remove it, save the page, then the text is there again? [14:22:06] yep [14:22:16] when I don't remove it when editing, it may even appear twice [14:22:48] http://wiki.sk1llz.nl/wiki/index.php?title=P1_uitlezen_met_Tweak_router&action=historysubmit&diff=19824&oldid=19823 [14:23:34] Peetz0r: do you have any "security" features on your web server, or on your web browser, which might be doing that in a misguided attempt to prevent XSS or similar? [14:23:55] maybe my browser, lemme check that [14:23:57] yeah, that's what I was thinking also [14:24:13] it *could* very wel be the server because we have had similiar issues before [14:24:36] very weird scary error message when someone added 'hacked by somename' on a page [14:24:54] but... we are a hackerspace, so that is the stupidest false positive possible [14:25:03] heh [14:31:02] it also happens on the api :S that's really weird http://wiki.sk1llz.nl/wiki/api.php?format=jsonfm&action=parse&prop=text|wikitext&text=%23wget+.ko%0A [14:32:08] apparently, the text "wget" is causing this... [14:32:56] :o [14:34:01] Peetz0r: in case you can't workaround that on the server, you can put in the middle of "wget". That would break the word but will be displayed fine on the page, apparently [14:34:25] ah, good trick :) [14:35:01] but woah, ugly and stupid things happening [14:36:08] wait, I locked myself out of the wiki because of another oart of that same triggerhappy falsepositive-throwing beast [14:36:24] lemme use another connection (I always carry extra) [14:44:50] Vulpix: the nowiki trick does not work because I am inside a
[14:45:15] 	 damn, you're right
[15:24:56] 	 hi
[15:29:17] 	 So, I upload SVG image into a wiki page... which promply converts it to bitmap and displays it as a bitmap (browerser is SVG capable, of course). Why?
[15:31:57] 	 Mandevil: apparently, because not all browsers support it, and other security implications. See also https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T5593
[15:33:42] 	 Vulpix: That's discussion from 2005?
[15:34:34] 	 I don't get it. What's the purpose of using SVG when you view it as badly rasterized bitmap?
[15:34:46] 	 I can rasterize much better picture out of my source :-I
[15:35:19] 	 configure a better rasterizer
[15:35:28] 	 https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:NativeSvgHandler
[15:36:07] 	 RobotsOnDrugs: Thanks.
[15:36:12] 	 not sure why it says mediawiki 1.18 to 1.21 though
[15:36:19] 	 it works well for me on 1.25
[15:37:50] 	 Still, it's mid-2015... is SVG still exotica or something?
[15:39:33] 	 since mediawiki devs work mainly for WMF wikis, that's a low priority
[15:39:46] 	 *most mediawiki devs
[15:40:14] 	 that's the only explanation I could find for that...
[15:40:36] 	 i'm guessing it isn't an issue anymore, but it's also not much of a priority
[15:40:40] 	 It's not that bad if you have normal monitor, but with 4K it doesn't look very good.
[15:41:14] 	 (especially when a working extension to provide the feature exists)
[15:43:01] 	 Hi All. Has anybody had any issues with the OutputPage::addModules() method not loading css and javascript when $wgResourceLoaderDebug is set to false? It's driving me mad.
[15:43:41] 	 RobotsOnDrugs: Yeah, works like a charm.
[15:45:05] 	 jamesrobinson: check your browser's error console for any JavaScript error, or HTTP errors when loading some resource
[15:45:33] 	 RobotsOnDrugs: Now if it was possible to make it fallback to bitmap, it would be cute. But then.. f*** IE8.
[15:46:24] 	 Vulpix: No errors in the console and no 404s in the network tab. No errors reported in the resourceloader either. It just seems to be silently ignoring my resource modules.
[15:47:05] 	 Mandevil: i don't envy you having to deal with old versions of IE
[15:47:38] 	 jamesrobinson: does any load.php URL contain the name of the module you're trying to load? if yes, they should be loaded there
[15:48:13] 	 RobotsOnDrugs: We still have IE8 as standard browser.
[15:48:50] 	 RobotsOnDrugs: Also have 8 GB RAM company-issue notebook with Win7 32-bit...
[15:49:03] 	 i guess you could thankful it isn't IE6
[15:49:07] 	 could be*
[15:49:48] * Mandevil spits
[15:51:35] 	 17:47 < RobotsOnDrugs> Mandevil: i don't envy you having to deal with old
[15:51:41] 	 Err, misclick.
[16:13:50] 	 no security implications with native svg in  beyond what we already allow (eg you can load the svg via direct url already)
[16:14:06] 	 it's just performance, compatibility, and developer time/interest
[16:14:36] 	 performance -> some SVG sources are huge, or complex and thus render very slowly
[16:15:08] 	 compatibility -> need to make sure fonts work, a few crappy old browsers have fallbacks, etc
[16:15:28] 	 developer time -> well, very little in multimedia has official priority right now. :(
[19:16:16] 	 Hi all. Could anyone explain me how to use and translate templates via Translate extension?
[19:16:25] 	 I want different table header for each article language, but I dont want include whole table into the  tag. So I tried something like {{templ1}} with this inside [text1]. Then I used Translate to translate this template to other language. But it doesnt work. It shows language selector in the table's cell, or it shows [text1] there with other templates.
[19:24:44] 	 wicktt: on Commons they have some kind of autotranslate thingy
[19:25:04] 	 if you want to translate just the table header why not use the translate tag on just the headers?
[19:28:07] 	 I thought that templates will be more useable, cuz I have several different tables with similar headers
[19:34:27] 	 wicktt: I'm nto sure how you would translate a template but the documentation links to this example https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Extension-Translate
[19:40:37] 	 I tried this, it shows language selector instead of translated template.
[19:41:59] 	 And it just me or there really no documentation, just links to other articles about Translate extension?
[19:42:01] 	 wicktt: did you put  around  ?
[19:42:18] 	 i don't know, i honestly don't work with i18n very much
[19:42:40] 	 I tried it now, I didnt see any difference
[19:44:32] 	 wicktt: did you read https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Page_translation_administration ?
[19:45:08] 	 hi Nemo_bis :)
[19:45:14] 	 hi GEOFBOT 
[19:54:06] 	 yes, I read this before. After that I tried several ways with tnt, tntn and etc. Sometimes it worked only for default lang and showed language selector instead of translated template
[20:32:51] 	 How do I insert tab?
[20:33:08] 	 trying to align my text...example
[20:33:18] 	 hostname:       mycomputer
[20:33:26] 	 ip:   
[20:34:58] 	 Does anyone here have any experience with Parsoid?
[20:35:11] 	 or the new VisualEditor
[20:35:26] 	 I do
[20:36:03] 	 Awesome, I've been considering using a MediaWiki installation for some friends and I
[20:36:16] 	 I was hoping to use the VisualEditor to make it as easy to use as possible for them
[20:36:32] 	 Unfortunately I've only got a shared hosting plan so I can't really install Parsoid on it
[20:36:47] 	 Is there any way to get the new visual editor without using Parsoid?
[20:36:58] 	 heroku
[20:36:58] 	 No
[20:37:11] 	 can run parsoid
[20:37:20] 	 It seems odd that if you want to use it you have to either wait ~10s for a heroku instance to spin up or switch to a VPS
[20:37:54] 	 I doesnt have this delay
[20:37:54] 	 (assuming you don't want to pay extra)
[20:38:28] 	 If the heroku instance isn't being used it falls asleep and then there is a non-zero wait time while it spins up
[20:38:45] 	 manual: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/VisualEditor_on_a_shared_host
[20:38:58] 	 If you decide to pay for a heroku plan then you can keep the instance on continuously
[20:39:07] 	 what is idle time before it asleep?
[20:39:41] 	 I'm just curious what the rationality is to requiring a completely separate NodeJS server instance just for a WYSIWG editor...
[20:39:53] 	 I think 10-30 min? I can't remember
[20:40:11] 	 It's not just a WYSIWYG editor
[20:40:18] 	 There is a lot more behind it
[20:40:27] 	 @wicktt thanks for the link; that's what I tried out and had limited success, I may try again
[20:40:30] 	 Oh?
[20:40:53] 	 The parsoid backend it uses converts html -> wikitext and back again
[20:40:56] 	 Among numerous other things
[20:41:30] 	 VisualEditor project aims to create a reliable rich-text editor for MediaWiki
[20:41:41] 	 Removing avoidable technical impediments associated with Wikimedia's editing interface is a necessary pre-condition for increasing the number of Wikimedia contributors
[20:41:49] 	 Quotes from https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/VisualEditor
[20:42:11] 	 Basically it seems like they're trying to create a nice easy to use editor to improve contribution
[20:42:29] 	 easy for the editor
[20:42:33] 	 not easy for the sysadmin
[20:42:34] 	 ;D
[20:42:41] 	 That is true! haha
[20:43:21] 	 Which is unfortunate because I do like the MediaWiki software and up until now I've stay away because of the editor; but now the editor is nice but it's a pain for me to set up! haha
[20:43:26] 	 Hopefully when it's more stable, and not under so much active development, they'll do some work to make it more install friendly
[20:44:25] 	 It looks like it is really tooks 10-20s to spin up free heroku node
[20:44:46] 	 Is it really to much for your wiki?
[20:45:04] 	 There was some talk of making parsoid "redundant": https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2015-June/082213.html
[20:45:21] 	 lol
[20:45:51] 	 It's an annoyance, I'm trying to make the barrier to entry as low as possible. If the users have to wait 10-20s for "something" to happen behind the scenes they may be less likely to contribute
[20:46:25] 	 make the vm do something non cpu hogging, but busy every 10 minutes
[20:46:37] 	 Its not 'something', there is a progress bar
[20:46:43] 	 https://quickleft.com/blog/6-easy-ways-to-prevent-your-heroku-node-app-from-sleeping/
[20:47:42] 	 True but if the user wants to make an edit that would take 3 seconds are they really going to wait 10-20 for the editor to appear? Users are easily frustrated with having to wait
[20:48:06] 	 For example, if the user goes to a page that says "This is a pgae!"
[20:48:19] 	 and they notice the mistake, that fix should be 2s
[20:48:34] 	 they aren't going to want to wait for parsoid to spin up
[20:48:57] 	 they will want to fix it and continue with their day, but now they're waiting for (as far as they can tell) no good reason
[20:53:31] 	 Well, thank you for all the information!
[20:53:33] 	 Thay also have to wait untill Visual Editor loads on their PCs. For me it tooks ~30s for first load afteer clicking Edit button.
[21:51:04] 	 Is there a waiting period after registering on MediaWiki.org before one can post to the Support Desk?
[21:51:28] 	 there shouldn't be
[21:51:34] 	 you shouldn't even need an account
[21:51:44] 	 Trying to get help with an inability to upload attachments, but my post doesn't seem to take. :-\
[21:52:01] 	 Yeah, tried w/out an acct, then figured it might have required one.
[21:52:20] 	 weird
[21:52:26] 	 well, what do you need help with?
[21:53:07] 	 Well I've gotten a new wiki installed for testing (MW 1.25.1, IIS 7.5, PHP 5.6.10, MySQL 5.7.7), and uploads aren't working.
[21:53:26] 	 have you enabled them? they are disabled by default
[21:53:37] 	 I can create/edit pages just fine, have ensured that uploads are enables in LocalSettings.php, php.ini
[21:53:59] 	 and the USR_IUSRS group has Modify permission to the images folder
[21:54:12] 	 what error messages are you getting?
[21:54:24] 	 Upload warning:Could not create directory "mwstore://local-backend/local-public/6/63".
[21:54:46] 	 I've tried disabling the file lock manager and that has no effect either
[21:55:25] 	 that sounds like your web server doesn't have the proper permissions to create the images subdirectory
[21:56:04] 	 well, that directory already exists, and even giving that group full access seemed to have no effect
[21:57:00] 	 But yes, that does seem like the issue, hence my consternation
[23:34:20] 	 So I've added new template 'tnt' with redirect to 'Translatable template' with this code inside https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Translatable_template&action=edit , so now my wiki has almost same tnt template as is in Mediawiki wiki. My demo template Template:Demo contains only this text1 and if I go to wiki/Template/Demo/ru&action=edit it shows only 'text1' and for wiki/Template/Demo/en&action=edit it i
[23:36:56] 	 If I put {{tnt|demo}} into the table header it shows raw code from 'Template:Translatable template' for default lang (ru) instead of 'text1' and language selector instead of 'text2' for second (en) lang.