[10:47:18] I'm looking into generating $wgSecretKey programmatically; is it correct that any alphanumeric 64 character string will do (given sufficient randomness)? [14:05:05] On running vagrant provision i get the following error: errorError: /Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Php5/Package[libapache2-mod-php5]/ensure: change from purged to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install libapache2-mod-php5' returned 100: do I need to explicitly install apache or so? [14:11:19] Hmm whats up with css page not refreshing? [14:11:24] even after hard refresh [14:17:22] WaterRatj: What does that mean? What is a "CSS page"? [14:17:55] andre__: Seems that MediaWiki:Vector.css doesn't include the first css statement [14:18:15] I'm using a work wround by adding a blank {} at the beginning of the page then it reads correct [14:27:21] And seems others are not loaded neither. how could this come? [14:45:22] Hi. Is this an ok place to ask for help troubleshooting a MediaWiki installation? [14:56:25] David____: yes [15:15:47] morning [15:33:47] hey, ineed some help with my account [15:34:47] hello? [15:35:56] any1 there [15:38:02] dsb: lots of people here. Be patient and ask specific questions. [16:14:42] cscott: can I get you any more details on the image-parsing issue? as far as I can tell, everything /should/ be according to the reuirements you mentioned... [16:36:48] Does someone know when wgContLang is set? I apparently can't use in LocalSettings.php, while I really like to do so [17:36:20] SPF|Cloud: why would you want to access wgContLang in LocalSettings? It's a settings file. It shouldn't access services (which Language objects effectively are)... [17:36:26] I suppose it's initialized in Setup.php [17:36:32] what are you trying to do? [17:50:09] DanielK_WMDE: getting the localized special namespace name (https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/065492987b1292b796cf83c32989750ffd1d6da8) [17:51:53] $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_SPECIAL ); basically. But I guess I can use a hook that has a RequestContext object too. [17:55:11] SPF|Cloud: using a hook is usually the right thing. But why do you need the localized name anyway? [17:55:21] usually, the namespace ID should be sufficient [17:57:39] Because ^(.*)\:Central(Auto)?Login(.*) seems like a hacky regex for wgWhitelistReadRegexp [17:59:29] Upon checking whether a page is in the read whitelist or not, it uses the localized special namespace name, which is annoying [18:00:34] SPF|Cloud: and you want these settings to automatically adop to the wiki's language? [18:01:05] for a wiki farm? [18:01:12] It's for a wiki farm, yes [18:01:54] currently Special:CentralLogin is not allowed to be seen on private wikis, and I want users to be able to login at private wikis directly instead of using a public wiki [18:07:19] SPF|Cloud: actaully, it's not just the namespace - the name of the special page may be localized. [18:08:10] nope [18:08:42] nope? [18:08:45] There are various special page aliases in CentralAuth.alias.php, but none for these two special pages [18:09:17] And some var_dumps confirmed that too, the only problem is the namespace name [18:09:25] SPF|Cloud: is there a guarantee that they won't get localized for some reason? [18:10:22] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-CentralAuth/blob/master/includes/CentralAuthHooks.php#L1435 [18:11:07] SPF|Cloud: just use the TitleReadWhitelist hook. You can do whatever in there. [18:11:16] Okay, thank you [18:35:50] DanielK_WMDE: TitleReadWhitelist works great, I was already searching for a good hook but apparently I missed this one :) [18:36:22] SPF|Cloud: i found it in the code that checks wgWhitelistReadRegex ;) [18:36:27] I'll see if it's worth to add a small note to the CentralAuth extension page. [18:36:34] hehe :p [18:36:37] I just guessed that someone had put a hook there at some point... [18:36:59] SPF|Cloud: yes, please add a note!