[01:02:41] what's the diference between enwiki and metawiki? [01:04:44] atbe: enwiki = English Wikipedia (I think) [01:06:03] MTres19[m]: and metawiki? all the enwiki files are larger than enwiki files [01:06:32] atbe: Metawiki is meta.wikimedia.org [01:06:50] !meta [01:06:50] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !, !bulkpagecreator, !cloak, !dump, !links, !migrate, !research, !rollback, !shellrequest, !subst, !sul, !syntax, !table, !technews, !technext, !undo, !useragent, !wikidata, !wm-bot, !wysiwyg, !xy, [01:07:20] !research [01:07:20] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research [01:07:25] Oops. [01:08:16] atbe: Please Google things first; meta.wikimedia.org is the first result for "metawiki" [01:14:17] Someone has created a link to an uploaded image that looks like [[http://example.com/wiki/images/p/p1/picture.jpg]] and I am trying to shorten it to just [[:File:picture.jpg]] but this is throwing a redlink. Why? [01:14:33] Or more to point, how do I get the link squared away with a relative path? [01:16:11] Actually, this should be working. I'm getting thumbnail param error which is eminently google-able. [01:18:06] MTres19[m]: will do, sorry about the silly questions [01:19:00] gloin: Try [[Media:picture.jpg]] [01:19:33] Is that what you're looking for? [01:20:04] MTres19[m]: Definitely. Thanks! [01:20:25] Now if only I could get users to quit giving absolute path links to stuff that's within the wiki... [01:30:15] gloin: I may be able to write a simple hook to add to LocalSettings.php if I have time. I'll see. [01:36:02] !wg ScriptPath [01:36:02] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:%24wgScriptPath [02:02:00] VisualEditor keeps jump out a box with "http" and the page stuck . what's wrong? [02:02:17] Newbee screenshot? [02:02:51] can I upload a pic here? [02:03:33] You can send a link to imgur or something [02:03:46] Zppix: how to send a pic? [02:04:05] Upload it to imgur and send a link [02:04:24] https://imgur.com/ (no login required) [02:06:52] Zppix:progress bar just stuck .plz help me ! http://imgur.com/a/OpjMj [02:08:40] quiddity: thx pal [02:10:54] Zppix: any idea? [02:15:51] do you have parsoid? [02:16:14] looks like parsoid isn't set up to me (from back when I broke my vagrant setup) [02:31:53] OH-: I have parsoid [02:32:12] eddiegp, kool! Thanks [02:33:30] is it accessible by visualeditor? [02:34:34] OH-: how to check this? [02:35:45] OH-: the config file is good . I set the right api path to the config file. [02:36:00] can you access parsoid in the browser using the correct port? [02:36:47] and have you set the proper parsoid url and port in LocalSettings.php? [02:38:40] OH-:LocalSettings.php is good too. [02:39:03] OH-: I have check that many times. [02:40:12] OH-: any problem with the prevs? [02:40:18] privs [02:44:19] is your firewall allowing you to connect to parsoid? [02:44:33] did you try accessing parsoid via web browser? [02:49:15] OH-: I have uploaded some pics here .http://imgur.com/a/OpjMj [02:50:28] in that case I'm not sure, sorry [02:51:31] OH-: it's ok . thx a lot [02:51:45] OH-: you're so kind. [03:20:20] Hello, all, my MediaWiki installation is no longer auto-updating categories. Anyone have ideas I can work through? [03:20:46] i.e. https://aninix.net/wiki/Category:Recipes doesn't contain https://aninix.net/wiki/Special-K [03:23:00] !jobqueue [03:23:00] The Job Queue is a way for mediawiki to run large update jobs in the background. See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Job_queue [03:24:00] bawolff: doesn't running runJobs.php clear out that queue? I have a cronjob to run that PHP file every 5 minutes. It's a very small Wiki [03:24:23] Check to make sure its working properly (See if there are any errors or anything) [03:24:29] The only way they show up is if I run refreshall and rebuildLinks (sorry if those aren't the exact names) [03:24:43] usually categories not working is a job queue issue [03:24:56] Cronjob: 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/bin/php /usr/share/webapps/mediawiki/maintenance/runJobs.php >> /var/log/mediawiki-runjobs.log 2>&1 [03:26:50] Is there anything error like in the log file? [03:28:07] Lots of stuff from "expected to be a reference" -- pastebin here: https://ptpb.pw/KLww [03:28:23] Hopefully not too much information disclosure there... [03:30:14] Just re-ran runJobs manually with no output, and the category didn't update. [03:30:47] yeah, nothing looks out of place there [03:30:53] :S [03:31:08] I'd rather not have to manually rebuild links nightly for MediaWiki.... [03:34:12] Any "performance" tweaks in LocalSettings.php that could be causing it? [03:36:18] DarkFeather: So, if you remove the category from https://aninix.net/wiki/Special-K then run runJobs.php, then re-add the category and then run runJobs.php, does that make the category show up [03:36:40] I'll try. Just added that page today, and it's been plaguing Category:Martial_Arts too [03:38:57] Output from the first runJobs is much like the first pastebin. Second instance of runjobs gave this: https://ptpb.pw/tpTY And, no, it's not there. [03:40:43] hello [03:43:39] DarkFeather: hmm, that's an odd one. I'm really not sure what could cause that. Maybe try enabling full debug logging, and capture a request during which you add a category [03:44:27] I have the debug file specified -- how do I turn on full debugging, again? [03:45:56] umm. huh, good question. I used to know that [03:46:28] !debug [03:46:28] For information on debugging (including viewing errors), see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug . A list of related configuration variables is at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings#Debug.2Flogging [03:49:23] mmkay -- will try to get a capture tomorrow when I add a couple more pages. [03:49:27] Thanks [03:51:49] DarkFeather: Mostly the thing to look for, is see if the job is actually being inserted, and if it is, try and figure out why runJobs.php is not running it [03:53:40] DarkFeather: Just to grasp at straws, maybe also check to make sure various caching settings are set correctly [08:38:27] Morning [08:39:00] Is there a way to check for an existing but null paramater to a template? [08:39:14] I think someone previously mentioned something about nested ifeq ? [08:44:33] Hi guys, I'm following a getting tutorial to install mediawiki using vagrant to the home directory but when I run vagrant provision it throws some error about skins and vector is not installed and failed due to dependencies. I found a page to install skins manually. But I'm really confused where should I clone the skins/Vector folder? is it inside Vagrant directory or somewhere else? I'm willing to give step by step details of what I have done.Any [08:44:34] help would be appreciated I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS [08:53:53] VisualEditor keeps jumping out a messagebox wiht "http"? And failed to work? Anyone knows how to solve it ? [10:33:47] I'm administering a mediawiki that has some pretty strong syle guidelines regarding what sections pages should have and what order they appear in. Are there any tools to help manage sections, like "delete section FOO on the following pages" or "move section FOO before section BAR on all pages"? [10:33:51] If this is the wrong forum for this question, please let me know... [12:45:05] eddiegp: Yes, I had pinged you. I saw an issue in (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T159678). But in the wikidata page some of the mentioned are not showing thumbnails. Can you please give some pointers how to proceed with this? [12:50:49] vivek___: Uhmm, actually I don't see how I'm involved with this issue? Could you give me a hint? [12:55:17] Don't get me wrong, I would be glad to help, but I just started developing mediawiki a few weeks ago and iirc I have never seen that piece of code before. Is there a reason why you pinged specifically me about this? [12:59:01] purnima__: Hi. Could you link to that tutorial that you are following? can you post the exact error message that you get, and clarify after which command you get that error? [13:05:44] eddiegp: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Nearby. In this 'create a new item' and 'project chat' is not showing any thumbnails. But in this task it says only about 'Nearby'. [13:06:42] vivek___: You may also want to reply to eddiegp's question "Is there a reason why you pinged specifically me about this?" :) [13:10:57] andre__: not like that. I thought he would be able to answer this. [13:11:43] You might be better off to just ask the question in public, instead of pinging one specific person :) [13:13:07] andre__: Oh sorry for that. I would take care of this next time :) [13:13:19] yw :) [13:14:29] vivek___: I've looked into this and can reproduce it, but I don't have any clue how to change this, sorry. [13:17:16] eddiegp: okay,can you guide me how to reproduce this ? [13:22:57] vivek___, errrm, by going to the link in that bug report? :) [13:23:09] vivek___: Actually I've only opened the page [[d:Special:Nearby]]. With every entry there's a grey symbol of a letter, I guess that's the place where a thumbnail should appear. [13:23:12] (...and allowing your browser to access your location) [13:34:03] eddiegp,andre__ : okay,cool. I will try to find it. [13:38:16] andre_: I removed everything as I was stuck. I'm doing it again everything from scratch again. This is the tutorial I'm following:https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki-Vagrant [13:38:37] purnima__, if you run into a specific error at a specific step, please tell us so we can help :) [13:40:07] purnima__: Please run through it again if you need help with a certain step please say something and we will help! [13:41:35] Yes, just wanted to let you know that I'm doing the installation again from the begining. Will send you specific errors if I run into any. Thanks for responding. :) [13:57:10] Hi guys! Anyone got this running on Synology? I installed it completly, but I can't seem to login without getting this error; Exception encountered, of type "BadMethodCallException" [13:58:39] !debug | Minnebo [13:58:39] Minnebo: For information on debugging (including viewing errors), see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug . A list of related configuration variables is at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings#Debug.2Flogging [13:58:58] thx [14:02:05] Minnebo: It could be one of many things.. Let us know when you get a more specific error message [14:02:14] on it [14:03:12] Encryption is not available. You really should install the PHP OpenSSL extension, or failing that the mcrypt extension. But if you really can't and you're willing to accept insecure storage of sensitive session data, set $wgSessionInsecureSecrets = true in LocalSettings.php to make this exception go away. [14:03:28] not sure if I can have the PHP OpenSSL extension on Synology [14:04:25] I'll disable the sessioninsecsecrets for now, it is just to test its funtionality [14:04:43] and it it only accessible from LAN [14:04:43] Minnebo: is this going to be used by mutiple people or just a local test? [14:04:58] local as test for now by 2-3 men :) [14:04:59] Minnebo: just set wgsessioninsecuresecrets = true [14:05:17] Minnebo: encryption isnt important if its running on lan [14:05:26] thx! [14:05:30] no problem [14:58:41] Zppix_ :I ran vagrant up twice, it is always stuck at this point at this line ==> default: Preparing to edit /etc/exports. Administrator privileges will be required... [14:58:42] ● nfs-server.service - NFS server and services [14:58:42] Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) [14:58:42] Active: active (exited) since Tue 2017-03-07 10:34:38 IST; 9h ago [14:58:43] Main PID: 1082 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) [14:58:43] Tasks: 0 [14:58:45] Memory: 0B [14:58:47] CPU: 0 [14:58:49] CGroup: /system.slice/nfs-server.service [14:58:51] Mar 07 10:34:38 purnima-Vostro-3446 systemd[1]: Starting NFS server and services... [14:58:53] Mar 07 10:34:38 purnima-Vostro-3446 exportfs[1079]: exportfs: duplicated export entries: [14:58:55] Mar 07 10:34:38 purnima-Vostro-3446 exportfs[1079]: exportfs: [14:58:59] Mar 07 10:34:38 purnima-Vostro-3446 exportfs[1079]: exportfs: [14:59:01] Mar 07 10:34:38 purnima-Vostro-3446 systemd[1]: Started NFS server and services. [14:59:03] ==> default: Mounting NFS shared folders... [14:59:16] is it normal? It's been more than 40 minutes and it's not moving forward from there [15:00:49] "It may take an hour or more before the first vagrant up completes." from https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki-Vagrant#Quick_start [15:00:54] purnima__: [15:01:31] !pastebin | purnima__ [15:01:31] purnima__: To avoid overflowing the channel with inane amounts of text, use https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/paste/create/ or other awesome pastebin sites to share code, errors, and other large texts. [15:01:42] But it shouldn't be taking 40 minutes at that stage... [15:02:04] Try turning on NFS maybe? [15:03:42] @marktraceur, pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/U8yeQs6r [15:04:08] purnima__: Thanks. We try not to flood this channel. [15:04:44] @mvolz, nfs-server.service is active [15:06:05] Yeah but you don't actually need nfs to get vagrant to work. If it's hanging there, it might be worth doing 'vagrant config nfs_shares off' and seeing if you can get it to run without it [15:06:36] @mvolz, doing it right away. [15:08:23] @mvolz, what is right way to stop the vagrant up? [15:09:10] ha, I said "on" instead of "off" before, whoops. [15:09:55] mvolz, Okay. I'm enabling it now [15:10:06] no [15:10:10] that's not what I meant [15:10:18] the first time I said on, when I meant off [15:10:21] the second off was correct [15:10:26] well, it's not very nice, but you can ctrl+c out of the process ... might be wise to do vagrant destroy after though. [15:10:38] ctrl+d [15:10:52] * mvolz is making lots of typos today. [15:20:43] mvolz, I have run all these commands on my system to debug the issue after I stopped vagrant up with CTL+C [15:20:54] mvolz, here is the link: http://pastebin.com/sWBf6upd [15:21:59] mvolz, After that, I ran vagrant up command again. It is still in process. Waiting for it to complete it. [15:23:40] stupid question [15:23:53] how can I bookmark a page on the startpage of the wiki? [15:42:27] Minnebo, what would "bookmark" allow you to do? [15:42:49] I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that term. Bookmark in your browser? Adding to the watchlist of your MediaWiki account? [15:42:59] Well, when I open my frontpage I don't see an index with all the pages that have been made :p [15:43:17] you could edit the main page to show such a list, but that list would show for everyone [15:43:36] ye that is ok, everyone are 3 users for now :) [15:43:46] if you care about particular pages, you can use the bookmark feature in your browser (to quickly access that page), or the watchlist feature in mediawiki (to get notified on any changes to that page) [15:44:22] edit the page and put in {{Special:AllPages}} [15:44:24] then save [15:44:26] I don't really care about certain pages, I just want to know which high level pages exist? [15:44:32] that will put a list of all pages on the wiki onto your main page [15:44:52] if you want more fine-grained than literally everything, you will need an extension [15:45:04] thx will google a bit [15:45:15] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DynamicPageList_(Wikimedia) is likely the one you want [15:45:16] with {{Special:AllPages}} I know a whole lot more :) [15:45:27] oh thanks a lot [15:45:50] that will display all pages in a certain category, so if you want a page to appear in the list, add that page to the relevant category [15:46:03] (by editing the page itself and putting [[Category:Some category name]] at the bottom of it) [15:46:22] (replace "Some category name" with something more descriptive) [15:46:57] I'm administering a mediawiki that has some pretty strong syle guidelines regarding what sections pages should have and what order they appear in. Are there any tools to help manage sections, like "delete section FOO on the following pages" or "move section FOO before section BAR on all pages"? [15:47:00] If this is the wrong forum for this question, please let me know... [15:47:26] Nice [15:47:27] pywikibot may have something like that [15:47:33] thanks for the info [15:47:37] Riventree: ^ [15:47:41] i'll put in in my wiki [15:47:42] hah [16:33:12] Can you give me some pointers about 'page-image-free' property? [16:34:56] vivek___, what "pointers" are you looking for? [16:35:28] andre__: I mean what it actually mean, and why we use it [16:35:52] andre__: Sorry for such questions, I am a novice here [16:36:37] vivek___, questions are very very welcome, no worries, it's just best to ask specific questions :) Also see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_become_a_MediaWiki_hacker#Feedback.2C_questions_and_support [16:37:00] vivek___: "tell me more" makes me ask "what have you found out already? where did you look already?" [16:38:19] vivek___, or some context. :) Where did you read about "page-image-free" that made you ask? [17:20:37] mvolz, I'm getting a long list of errors and warnings. I've pasted this here: http://pastebin.com/HuUu4gU3 [17:27:38] purnima, "RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received." [17:27:53] git was trying to clone mediawiki but the connection was interrupted, causing all of the other tasks to fail [17:28:07] you can try "vagrant destroy" and "vagrant up" again [17:28:34] mvolz, is there any way I can send you screen shots of the errors that I'm getting after running `vagrant up`? I think that would make us easy to identify the errors easily than seeing it as a plain text [17:29:10] @OH-, you mean internet connection dropped? [17:29:45] something went wrong with the connection such that git wasn't able to clone mediawiki [17:30:01] trying again should work unless something is inherently wrong with your internet connection [17:30:42] @OH-, But I've cloned it multiples times since yesterday and this error persists [17:30:53] have you tried a different internet connection? [17:32:25] you may also try to create a shallow clone of MediaWiki core repository instead, by using this parameter when cloning: --depth 1 [17:34:30] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls26/+bug/1111882 possibly related? [17:35:03] OH-, let me check [17:36:26] git clone --recursive https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/vagrant --depth 1 [17:38:07] OH-, that is another issue I guess. Not related to mine. [17:39:03] andre__, should I do git clone --recursive https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/vagrant --depth 1 ? [17:41:09] purnima: ah, vagrant itself clones the MediaWiki core repo... so I would not know where exactly to tell the vagrant to use that parameter, sorry :-/ [17:45:09] andre__, can I show you the contents of vagrant after cloning it? may be you'll a better idea as I don't see mediawiki core folder inside it. [17:45:49] you can share what you like here in this channel but I'm not sure if I will be able to help, sorry [17:52:23] purnima@purnima-Vostro-3446:~/vagrant$ ls [17:52:24] AUTHORS.txt features Gemfile.lock lib LocalSettings.php mediawiki-vagrant.gemspec puppet README.md setup.bat spec support [17:52:24] cache Gemfile HACKING.md LICENSE logs profiles Rakefile settings.d setup.sh srv Vagrantfile [17:52:25] purnima@purnima-Vostro-3446:~/vagrant$ [17:53:47] andre__, who do you think I should approach to solve this problem. I desperately need help! [17:54:00] have you tried a different internet connection? [18:01:36] yes [18:02:31] andre__, I even googled for this error. couldn't find anything useful [18:02:54] purnima, which Git version do you use on your machine? [18:03:36] Well, but even if I knew that probably wouldn't help either. Sorry, no idea. [18:04:22] purnima: Could you try cloning it on a different machine? [18:07:00] andre__, git version 2.7.4 [18:09:03] (I found one random comment implying to try 2.9 but no references why that newer version should work better.) [18:11:38] hmm, do you suggest installing new git version and try cloning it again [18:11:39] ? [18:23:51] andre__, are you also working quiz extension project of wikimedia? [18:24:44] purnima_, you won't be able to simply install a new git version because that "git" package installed on your distribution that's packaged and provided by your distribution. [18:25:18] (if you really love compiling stuff on your own, or find some pre-packaged newer git version in some private repository you could try though) [18:25:26] purnima_, I'm not a developer, sorry :) [18:27:03] andre__, But I just upgraded the git version to 2.11.0 [18:28:18] and cloning it again using the newer version of git. Thanks for helping me :) By any chance, do you know who is also working on the same project as me or may be mentor whom I can approach? [18:28:49] purnima_, heh. Which operating system are you on? [18:28:58] I assumed some Linux distribution... [18:29:05] Ubuntu 16.04 LTS [18:29:28] purnima_, then I'm curious how you managed to upgrade git :) [18:30:04] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/289/ lists some folks interested in the Quiz extension... What do you mean by "mentor"? [18:30:04] mvolz, it's always get stuck at the same line that is ==> default: Mounting NFS shared folders... [18:30:13] what do i do? please help! [18:30:55] andre__, should i share you the commands that i used to upgrade git? [18:31:52] purnima_, not really, more like curious where you got that newer version from, as it's not in the default repositories according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/git :) [18:32:31] andre__, I added it using this command--> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa -y [18:32:32] :) [18:32:59] purnima_, hah, nice! So you found some PPA, alright :) [18:35:18] I'm administering a mediawiki that has some pretty strong syle guidelines regarding what sections pages should have and what order they appear in. Are there any tools to help manage sections, like "delete section FOO on the following pages" or "move section FOO before section BAR on all pages"? [18:35:20] If this is the wrong forum for this question, please let me know... [18:36:46] Riventree: I don't know of any such tool, sorry. [18:37:08] James_f thank you for your reply [19:17:44] Is there an extension that prevents creation of external links (page, media, file, etc) when those links should be internal? [19:18:12] I just spent the morning cleaning up all the instances where people had done that. [19:26:17] gloin: I don't think the server can tell which links SHOULD be internal [19:33:34] Riventree: Seems like it wouldn't be that hard to automate - any link that says [http://example.com/wiki/$whatever where the first bit matches the URL of the wiki could be caught and either flagged or automatically replaced with an internal link. [19:36:20] oh! circular references. Sorry I didn't understand. [19:36:26] ah yes [19:36:29] sorry, wasn't clear [19:39:07] gloin: it should be easy to define a rule to prevent that in AbuseFilter [19:39:09] !e AbuseFilter [19:39:09] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AbuseFilter [19:40:36] MatmaRex: Thanks. [19:41:01] actually, i think it would be just "'http://example.com/' in added_links" (and set the filter to prevent the edit) [19:41:49] now that i think of it, you could probably also use SpamBlacklist :D although the error message there might be confusing [19:41:51] !e SpamBlacklist [19:41:51] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SpamBlacklist [19:53:42] It's interesting to see what filters are set private in S:AF [20:09:52] Is there anyway to reduce excessive block ID #75212 which covers 2601::/20 for 3 months? [20:11:34] You're almost certainly in the wrong place for that [20:12:56] Do you know the right place (especially since I can't do anything on mediawiki.org)? [20:15:57] StrayBolt: if this is for mediawiki.org then this is (probably) the right place, I'm checking it [20:16:08] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Block/2601::/20 [20:17:11] How do you have that block id associated with that IP? [20:18:19] This is the first time I was reporting a bug and it prevents me from creating an account or doing anything. [20:18:44] For an IPv6 address, that's certainly too much of a restrictive block [20:18:48] yeah [20:18:57] I'm trying to check RC to see what the original IP range was [20:19:01] ^ [20:19:10] that's an entire isp (eg, comcast) [20:19:17] At most, maybe a /48 block is appropriate [20:19:24] 48-64 [20:19:34] Skizzerz: My ISP give me a /48 :) [20:19:55] Reedy: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/2601:2C0:4100:81:A545:1ADD:CFD0:D539 [20:19:55] D539: Add some tests to SSEResponse - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/D539 [20:20:09] was apparently the one [20:20:36] Reedy: you want to handle changing it or should I? [20:20:43] That's only a week block [20:20:52] ? [20:20:59] (change visibility) 05:43, 4 March 2017 Shirayuki (talk | contribs | block) blocked 2601:2c0:4100:81:a545:1add:cfd0:d539 (talk) with an expiry time of 1 week (anonymous users only, account creation disabled, email disabled) (Spamming) [20:21:10] yeah, but that's the IP that originally caused the range block I think [20:21:17] or... idk [20:21:37] anyway [20:21:48] StrayBolt: while we're figuring that out, I noticed you said you wanted to report a bug [20:22:27] if it's a bug with mediawiki itself, feel free to mention it here, or drop it on our bug tracker on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/ -- your block on mw.org shouldn't impact you being able to report things there [20:22:27] 2601::/20 was blocked 4 minutes later [20:23:00] 2601:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/20 has been unblocked. [20:23:44] thanks Reedy [20:23:54] Thank you for the unblock. [20:24:45] Left a comment on the admins page [20:24:50] IPv6 is still black magic to most :) [20:25:00] dark wizardry [20:25:25] It was a minor bug with the infobox, noticing when resizing, it sometimes wrapped the text and sometimes didn't, like it needed a +1 somewhere. [20:32:42] Skizzerz: I think phabricator wanted me to login, which wasn't possible due to the block. Then it was frustrating that I couldn't report the block until I found IRC #mediawiki [20:40:50] MatmaRex: The abuse filter was perfect, and insanely easy to set up. Thanks! [20:42:34] yay [20:42:38] actually, no [20:42:58] Rats. It disallows [[Internal_Links]] from being created. [20:43:06] Need a better regex apparently. [20:50:07] MatmaRex: So here is what the problem seems to be: the abuse filter waits for the parser to finish writing out the results of submitted wikitext and then filters against that rather than filtering before the parser. [20:50:57] i think you can make it filter against either [20:51:18] wait, the version with added_links prevents internal links? or some different one? [20:52:00] so I set up the filter as a string literal lcase("http://example.com/wiki/") [20:52:18] and it filters submissions that have [[Some_Page]] [20:52:46] can you copy-paste the rule? [20:53:05] I did. The only change I made was to the url. [20:53:20] lcase("http://example.com/wiki/") [20:53:25] oh [20:53:42] So the only way that's matching [[links]] is if it's reading after the parser. [20:53:51] no, the format is a bit different [20:53:52] hold on [20:54:38] gloin: you'll need something like "lcase(new_wikitext) contains lcase("http://example.com/wiki/")" [20:55:06] not just "lcase("http://example.com/wiki/")" [20:55:19] see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AbuseFilter/Rules_format [20:55:24] is new_wikitext a reserved word? [20:55:47] oh there [20:55:50] yeah, basically. (a predefined variable) [20:56:08] the filters can test on a bunch of other things than just the page contents [20:58:12] hm [20:59:10] Unfortunately that doesn't block circular links. [21:00:23] gloin: are you sure you set the filter to prevent the action? [21:00:47] Yeah. [21:01:07] Apparently the syntax checker doesn't like it. [21:01:15] Unexpected "T_ID" at character 37. [21:01:40] maybe a missing quote? [21:02:36] Maybe. I've removed some of the quotes and the second lcase cast since it's redundant. [21:03:40] That did it. [21:03:54] The rule works thus: [21:04:13] lcase(new_wikitext) contains "http://example.com/wiki/" [21:05:24] phew! Thanks :D [21:08:21] yay! [21:10:35] I greatly appreciate the help.