[03:41:26] hi [08:34:09] Hi. A strange guy uploaded two files onto my mediawiki. The first file upload.php has the following content: [08:34:12]

[08:34:34] The second file has plain text "Access denied" in it [08:34:44] Does this make any sense? [08:35:00] I blocked him anyway but just curious what was it. [11:31:02] I would like to set up a wiki but the only way to create an account is through google account, and specifically, I want people with a verified google scholar account to be the only eligible users that can create an account. Long story short I want to create a wiki only for academics and no one outside. I saw this extension but it does not specify google scholar login only google login (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GoogleL [11:31:02] ogin) any ideas on how to set this up ? [11:31:17] I'm not sure if I can alternatively somehow set a bot up that allow normal (non-google) registration but only through university email [13:59:44] Hi all. I run a simple OAuth based uploader on Labs (based on Anomie's code) -- but it's stopped working in the last few months, giving ( [error] => mwoauthdatastore-bad-token [message] => No token was found matching your request. ) [14:00:21] It's targetted at Wikimedia wikis -- specifically commons -- and authorised (I think) on meta [17:11:05] Jarry1250: sounds like you do not return the request token in step 2 or 3 of the authorization process [17:11:48] I would like to set up a wiki but the only way to create an account is through google account, and specifically, I want people with a verified google scholar account to be the only eligible users that can create an account. Long story short I want to create a wiki only for academics and no one outside. I saw this extension but it does not specify google scholar login only google login (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GoogleL [17:11:48] ogin) any ideas on how to set this up ? [17:11:50] I'm not sure if I can alternatively somehow set a bot up that allow normal (non-google) registration but only through university email [17:18:18] Combined2857: Doesn't a usual google account let you use Google Scholar too? [17:18:48] Combined2857: What do you mean by "verified google scholar account"? [17:18:57] Niharika: yes its linked, but having a google account does not mean you have verified in google scholar [17:19:39] Niharika: check this https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=QrfxV94AAAAJ&hl=en [17:20:09] this academic has been verified through a university email, which proves they are academics [17:21:44] so I want only people who have a university email to create accounts (either through google scholar or somehow my wiki to check if they have university email) [17:21:57] Combined2857: Ah, interesting. For your purposes, you could try and modify the extension, if you code? [17:22:21] Shouldn't be hard, provided Google gives you access to that information via their API. [17:22:45] Niharika: I see, well I certainly can't code, maybe I can hire a freelancer :) [17:22:48] thank you [17:23:18] Combined2857: You're welcome. I hope it works out. :) [17:24:38] tgr: The error comes into a response that looks like: https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:OAuth/token&format=json&oauth_verifier=[...]&oauth_consumer_key=[...]&oauth_token=[...]&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_nonce=[...]&oauth_timestamp=1497201808&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_signature=[...] [17:25:07] gleki: I'd guess it's an attempt at hacking your wiki. They'd have to do better than that though. :) [17:27:19] Jarry1250: well, chances are something is wrong with the oauth_token parameter [17:36:15] Using DatabaseBase#insert, how should I go about doing a conditional insertion? [18:10:09] elifoster: what do you mean by conditional insertion? isn't it something you should care in PHP code writing a standard "if"? [18:33:15] Vulpix: No. When you insert something into the table conditionally based on the existence of other values in the table you can have a race condition [18:33:44] https://github.com/FTB-Gamepedia/Tilesheets/issues/61 https://github.com/FTB-Gamepedia/Tilesheets/blob/master/special/TileManager.php#L84-L116 [18:34:13] theoretically that shouldn't happen if you use ACID-compliant databases with transactions :) [18:36:22] https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-locking-reads.html [18:36:41] you can pass 'FOR UPDATE' as an option to the select [18:38:09] Vulpix: Wouldn't it make more sense to do something like `INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE (whatever)` though? [20:20:15] Dear pals, I need your help/ [20:20:46] We have own mediawiki site. We want to colour or mark the categories that are included in some other top-category. [20:21:06] I hoped to use an extension -- HighlightLinksInCategory -- for this. [20:21:34] Manual says, this extension (HighlightLinksInCategory) adds some style to the link. True, this works if I link the category page from some other page. [20:21:53] But this does not work in a category page itself. [20:22:40] This extension is based on GetLinkColours hook. Seems possible that GetLinkColours is not used when printing the category page. [20:24:24] What hook has to be used to replace GetLinkColours? [20:24:45] What hook is used in preparing and printing the category page? [20:24:49] Thanks!