[03:10:31] Is it possible to create a custom skin (available to all users of my mediawiki instance) that is just an override of some css attributes of the default skin? [03:10:51] for example, let's say I want it to be the same as the default skin but with red headers [03:11:13] do I have to make a full copy, or can I just supply the additional css? [07:00:31] well they should look into https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:CSS [07:20:34] Last time I checked, that was easy to reach from one of the most prominent pages in our manual, but then it's hard to imagine what paths new people follow. [09:24:15] hi, Can you download full texts in Spanish? [09:26:46] ¿Se pueden descargar textos completos en español desde mediawiki? La propiedad 'extracts' no me aparece [10:17:33] Guest25450, texts of what? [10:17:48] Guest25450, how do you mean 'spanish'? [10:47:55] textos de noticias por ejemplo que estén escritas en español [10:48:50] solo puedo recuperar el texto plano de noticias que están escritas en inglés [11:04:17] Guest25450, please provide clear steps what you do, on which website, and why you get only texts in English [11:06:02] import requests result = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php', params={ 'action':'query', 'format':'json', 'uselang':'es', 'titles':'noticias', 'prop':'extracts', 'exintro':True, 'explaintext':True, [11:06:36] page=next(iter(result['query']['pages'].values())) print(page['extract']) [11:07:59] Al realizar esa consulta me da "KeyError: 'extract' " pero si realizo la busqueda con 'news' si devuelve resultados [15:24:12] hey a while back we had a simple private mediawiki install with about 10 users... later on i exported all the articles (inc. history) and imported them into a brand new installed (empty) mediawiki at a later version - but i only had 9 of those 10 users [15:25:04] so whilst my username (if clicked) of 'stevenm' on a pages history brings up a page to let me edit that user's own page [15:26:09] the other user which doesn't exist, lets say "boba" - just bring up their past contributions (or rather contributions associated with that username) whilst saying also... User account "Boba" is not registered. [15:26:24] I'm completely fine with how this is handled - the user doesn't actually exist, but contributions are kept [15:26:28] So my Q is... [15:26:40] how can I delete one of our existing 9 users to produce the same effect? [15:37:40] sod it mysql/mariadb time [15:37:45] i'll make a backup first