[09:23:46] Hi folks, is there a way of getting a daily summary/digest of all changes in a wiki by email? [09:25:39] bootc: not by default, I think the NASA folks have some extension for it [09:26:02] bootc: why not using the rss feed? [09:26:43] DennisRoczek: that might be an option, but not ideal [09:26:48] tgr: thanks, I'll take a look [09:30:58] tgr: do you have any pointers, I can't seem to find anything pertinent, sorry [09:32:45] DennisRoczek: ah, won't work because of authentication requirements, unless I can make it work with long-lived tokens [09:33:38] bootc: I don't, you could try asking on https://riot.im/app/#/room/#mwstake-general:matrix.org where most enterprise MediaWiki people are [09:33:40] huch? use either a better rss reader or use your web browser (or maybe an extension within the browser, which has access to that) [09:34:24] RSS works but isn't particularly user-friendly [09:36:14] DennisRoczek: we use OpenID Connect auth; the api.php endpoint just says "You need read permission to use this module" and OIDC auth is infeasible, so I need a user-friendly way of granting API keys and putting them in the URI [09:43:01] bootc: please read: either get a feed reader which is able to imports your cookies from the browser, or do use a feed reader which works within the browser (and so being able to access your cookies) [09:44:02] additional: there is stuff for the watchlist using tokens [09:44:16] check Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-watchlist [09:44:23] and search for token [10:53:06] DennisRoczek: OIDC tokens are only valid for 10h max here, so no use. The watchlist is helpful, but also not what we want because we want to watch everything. [12:59:21] Anyone with a pointer to how messages are moved in Translatewiki? [12:59:37] I have ab unch of messages with renamed keys [13:01:00] I think raimond does them when he notices [13:01:06] ie it's not magically done, needs some prompting [13:01:39] I can rename then in the repo, but seems to remember that messes up on TW [13:02:29] Or ping Niklas :) [13:03:49] Nikerabbit: Are you here, there, everywhere… [13:04:48] Reimond, is that user Raymond? [13:13:53] jeblad: we just updated docs: https://translatewiki.net/wiki/FAQ#Is_it_possible_to_rename_message_keys? [13:14:20] jeblad: if it is mediawiki, just tag raimond spekking on the gerrit patch [13:15:10] It is a git commit [13:15:31] Extension with a reamed Lua class [13:15:49] But I'll read the page [13:16:30] (Whaaat? Read th f***ing manual? Are you insane?) [13:17:06] jeblad: not in gerrit? [13:17:38] Nope, gitrepo [13:18:22] https://github.com/jeblad/Pickle [13:21:59] Just add @translatewiki on the commit message? [13:22:37] And should I rename only the english keys or the keys in all languages? [13:22:57] Nikerabbit: ping [13:24:53] jeblad: just English is sufficient, and do tag @translatewiki (preferably before it is merged) [16:57:04] Reedy: around today? [17:00:34] hexmode: Kinda [17:01:52] I'm finally answering your q about "how/when/where would a DB providing extension actually be able to call this?" about my proposed Installer::addDBType() [17:02:05] do you want me to put it all on gerrit? [17:02:43] short answer: it gets invoked by composer here: https://github.com/MWStake/PerconaDB/commit/8636509cbd6fa86b47345f975eb64415cb1cac49 [17:03:50] require_once getenv( "MW_INSTALL_PATH" ) . "/includes/AutoLoader.php"; [17:03:51] that lo\oks s [17:03:53] looks scary [17:10:51] Needs to be a better way, no doubt, but that works. [17:11:46] Note that is only needed during installation [17:12:09] I'm trying to figure out how to avoid it if it isn't actually installing [17:20:38] ah, yes, check for MEDIAWIKI_INSTALL [17:20:39] doh [17:22:26] a little improvement: https://github.com/MWStake/PerconaDB/commit/54bd8dc7296e14acce1a44fbfc9a5726bcae2972 [17:24:39] aren't those kinda maintenance scripts? [17:50:01] saper: "those"? [20:00:55] i need help [20:00:55] Hi SamueloWeb, just ask! There is no need to ask if you can ask, if you already asked the question please wait for someone to respond [20:01:20] hello everyone I speak to you because I would like someone to give me the instructions for a shared hosting that also has apache is that I want to remove the indexphp and modify it with wiki in the same way as wikipedia and mediawiki [20:02:19] Wikipedia doesn't remove it, it just kinda hides it [20:02:22] !prettyurl [20:02:22] To create simple URLs (such as the /wiki/PAGENAME style URLs on Wikimedia sites), follow the instructions at or try the new beta tool at . There are instructions for most different webserver setups. If you have problems getting the rewrite rules to work, see !rewriteproblem [20:10:13] Hello, my wiki is sourcewiki.org, I'm in a shared hosting with apache, i've only been setting it up 1 month and I'd like someone to help me I don't know if I would have to pay you to switch from sourcewiki.org/index.php/main_page to sourcewiki/wiki/main_page the truth I carry more than 15 days researching and testing and the truth I'm very bad at s [20:10:13] etting up, I'm desperate and I need help mi mail is samueloweb@gmail.com ,if you can't help me and you know someone please would be of great help