[00:26:02] weird [00:26:12] im on php 7.3 [00:26:21] someone upgraded to 5.5 and they say it was fine [00:26:23] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Rp3ch884qkelkkgh [00:28:32] oh nevermind that last thing does not seem to apply to me [00:41:43] [00:41:52] Captured from May 2010‎ [00:42:09] Hard to believe there were still references to MW 1.5 and IE 5.0 in production that time. [09:52:44] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Vjp0gmwrsisu73k9 [Wikidiff2] Thank you, I used the engine outside of MediaWiki [09:56:36] So I'm investigating switching from memcached to Redis. This seems straightforward enough on the surface, but... [09:57:36] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Redis#Job_queue mentions a redisJobRunnerService which I think is https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-services-jobrunner, which looks abandoned [09:58:03] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Ss9ues5n7gtctppm suggests I can just pretend it's running and carry on [09:59:22] but my reading is setting that flag disables behaviour in runJobs.php that I might need, like retries and so on [10:00:33] so what's the rub? do I need the special job runner or don't I? or do I just move the caches/session to Redis from memcached and leave the job queue where it is (in MySQL)? [10:07:28] mind you I specifically want the Redis job queue for https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CirrusSearch#Dependencies ... [12:19:09] bootc: I think that's abandoned because we're now apparently using kafka for the job queue [12:19:21] oh jesus [12:19:27] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Job_queue [12:19:29] no I won't be going there, sorry [12:19:34] >The Job queue in production is backed up by a Redis storage (see Redis for documentation on how to issue Redis commands). The jobs in the queue are run by the Jobrunner service. [12:19:35] lol [12:19:39] I wasn't advising it [12:19:46] More, answering why it was seemingly abandoned ;) [12:20:01] yeah [12:34:53] bootc: I use redis for object cache and jobs. And you don't need that job runner [12:35:27] For running jobs I have this: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Job_queue#Simple_service_to_run_jobs [13:01:31] Vulpix: yep I do the same currently, I'm just concerned about the 'daemon' thing meaning several things like not doing retries (but I can't remember where I saw that) [13:03:52] The current implementation is already doing retries if a job fails to execute, AFAIK [13:04:51] The only failure would be if redis fails to store the job (storage is full or some configuration problem causing it to be readonly) [22:21:59] https://salsa.debian.org/mediawiki-team/mediawiki/-/blob/master/debian/mediawiki.mediawiki-jobrunner.service is my variation on the "simple service to run jobs" [22:22:21] but highly recommend that approach [23:44:19] If I have a question about the OpenID Extension is this the channel or there's one for extensions?