[22:51:37] Hi, I am looking for wikipedia edit history archive dataset. I would really appreciate some help as to where to look for it [22:54:55] https://dumps.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html [22:56:37] I think I missed the message. Sorry I am new here [22:57:08] https://dumps.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html [22:58:38] Thanks Reedy. I did land up on this page earlier in my research but I was unsure if it is just an edit log or the entire thing (with page content and everything). Thanks a lot for responding. [22:59:19] nope, if you get the right specific download, you can get every page on a wiki and aalllll of the history :) [23:00:22] Is it possible to get just the edit log arranged chronically for entire wikipedia instead of page by page edit log? [23:02:39] unfortunately not [23:05:23] Well, not as a dump [23:05:30] But you could get those via the API [23:05:44] just many many requests [23:06:18] oh. I was looking for historical data like 2019. Will it be possible to get that from the API? [23:07:11] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query%2Ballrevisions [23:07:19] You can search by timestamp [23:07:52] Okay. Thanks for all the help Reedy. Appreciate it. :)