[02:05:04] is there a reliable way to go from a public facing wiki page that a human would link to the equiv api.php page? [02:05:20] for example given https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/3, getting to https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&exintro=&explaintext=&format=json&titles=HTTP/3 [03:44:05] 你们好啊 [16:02:34] Hi guys.  I have attempted to LDAP my 1.35 instance, but the documentation that I've found has either been for older version (1.26) or has contained instructions which don't seem to conform to the setup that I can see in my instance.  Does anyone have any good (even if unofficial) documentation which provides steps to configure a 1.35 instance to [16:02:35] MS AD 2016?  Thanks in advance...