[12:00:24] Looks like your configuration is out of date. [12:00:27] ToAruShiroiNeko, ^ [12:00:36] Also, are we doing skype today? [12:00:40] I don't see Amir [12:48:39] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/revscoring/ [14:03:52] mmm [14:04:11] halfak let me know when less busy :) [14:04:32] Just switched to writing emails. [14:04:56] Thinking of the last error: Confirm that your localdev.yaml matches the one in master and try again. [14:08:43] so one problem is git reports up to date but also reports ahead somehow [14:08:59] git fetch upstream [14:09:03] git merge upstream/master [14:09:17] Already up-to-date. [14:09:59] Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 79 commits. [14:11:07] Blow it away and start again. [14:11:14] That's what I'd do. [14:11:21] sigh [14:11:44] I dunno how you got in such a bad state, but it's often much more time intensive to recover than start over. [14:20:50] http://pastebin.com/xaZYQnR3 [14:21:03] username is wikilabels [14:21:09] and password is my custom one [14:23:28] Did you include your custom one in the config file? [14:23:42] Are you able to use that custom password on the commandline? [14:24:24] hmm [14:24:39] I cannot imagine why I wouldnt be able to I followed the readme and all [14:24:41] let me see [14:24:52] You made a custom password. [14:24:56] That deviates from the readme [14:25:04] postgres=# CREATE USER wikilabels WITH PASSWORD 'something secure'; [14:25:06] We need to know that your custom password works [14:25:10] the readme doesnt specify [14:25:15] let me do it [14:25:15] and it must be then places in the config [14:25:20] *placed [14:25:33] I don't know how you could ever log into the DB without the password in a config file :P [14:28:40] (3.4)eva@Wikimedia-EVA:~/Github/wikilabels/config$ psql -d wikilabels -U wikilabels [14:28:40] psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "wikilabels" [14:28:48] wonderful [14:29:00] it never bothered asking for a password [14:34:14] reading through https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/serverguide/postgresql.html a billiont time [14:40:01] ToAruShiroiNeko, try becoming "wikilabels" [14:40:07] sudo su wikilabels [14:40:15] sure [14:40:23] you make it sound like you were the xen master :p [14:40:31] Also, if you ping me on your response, I'll respond faster. :) [14:40:40] BECOME ONE WITH THE WIKI LABELER. [14:40:49] hahaha [14:40:53] yes I am in psl [14:41:12] my q key broke down :( [14:41:54] I never knew how much I used that button before :o [14:42:08] anyways so yeah I can get it if I am one with wikilabels [14:42:30] GOod. So that answers the question. [14:42:40] I'd confirm that the password is right in the config and try again. [14:43:01] pg_ident [14:43:14] local eva wikilabels [14:43:25] would that add the system user eva to access wikilabels db? [14:43:35] ? [14:43:48] I don't know what the "that" you are asking about is. [14:44:11] adding the line "local eva wikilabels" to pg_ident.conf [14:46:33] Oh! Yeah. Not sure. You shouldn't need to do that. [14:47:55] I get permission errors on non-wikilabels users :/ [14:48:03] I dont want to operate as wikilabels user all the time [14:48:37] But can you start the dev server [14:48:40] Or load the schema [14:49:42] Actually I cant [14:49:47] since gitub is in my user dir [14:49:59] for eva [14:50:02] including conf files [15:00:05] halfak got it to kind of work [15:00:06] phew [15:02:27] (3.4)eva@Wikimedia-EVA:~/Github/wikilabels$ wikilabels dev_server [15:02:27] * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) [15:02:28] * Restarting with stat [15:02:51] and nothing happens afterwards [15:03:20] the ip of the machine does not seem to yield a test page either [15:04:08] https://IP:8080/ works though [15:04:13] "The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again."