[03:20:26] drdee: made a sandbox for webstatscollector as described in jeremyb 's link ; same thing for wikistats [03:20:39] drdee: will proceed into merging my changes into the wikistats repo [03:24:24] drdee: I'm trying to figure out how to transfer my stuff so I don't break anything. I think I should keep my personal paths(on my disk) away from the git repo, so I don't break Erik's paths [05:01:41] I forgot what this is called "%B9%C4%BD%C3%EF%BF%BD%C5%A5%C4%EF%" [05:01:46] ther was a name for this encoding [05:01:49] damnit can't rememer [05:01:56] anyone know ? I need to search for something about this [05:03:19] HTML URL encoding ? http://www.tutorialspoint.com/html/html_url_encoding.htm [05:03:33] I know they're basically just characters in hex [05:03:36] but uh yea [14:29:25] average_drifter: probably encoded utf characters for non-latin languages, what is the complete URL? [15:28:24] average_drifter: drdee: I'm trying to figure out how to transfer my stuff so I don't break anything. I think I should keep my personal paths(on my disk) away from the git repo, so I don't break Erik's paths [15:29:04] we need to make the much easier to run wikistats on different machines, that's why i wanted to have the possibility to supply the config as a command line parameter