[12:05:20] hi guys, i just saw http://blog.wikimedia.org/2012/09/19/what-are-readers-looking-for-wikipedia-search-data-now-available [12:05:38] my name is diego ceccarelli, and i'm phd student at university of pisa [12:05:58] i really like query logs, and i performed a study on europeana query logs [12:06:35] when i saw the article, it seemed strange to me that you published it [12:07:16] is there anyone to discuss the issue that you have with anonymization? [13:12:23] hi jorn [13:12:44] hi [13:13:01] are you in the analytics team? [13:13:27] would love to be, but nope [13:13:50] :) [13:14:15] but i do some research on the wikistats, that's why i'm here [13:14:22] i'm interested in the query logs [13:14:45] i maybe i could have a solution for the anonymization issue [13:15:20] i would like to share my idea, and to work on the query logs if possible [13:17:52] i guess there are a couple of ideas around (i remember a survey quite a while ago which asked what data people were interested in, what privacy concerns they see and possible solutions… never got any feedback though :( ) [13:25:12] ah, found it: https://docs.google.com/a/wikimedia.org/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dGNBSGFUcTdJLUxLcGpoWUNoQXM0SGc6MQ#gid=0 [13:27:25] jorn: really interesting [13:32:38] don't know if that really was a survey by the analytics team or a more general call from the labs... [14:00:09] i did it [23:37:59] http://ozziesport.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/HOPAU-at-London-Paralympics.pdf that was a report I did.