[15:21:51] ottomata: hey hey [15:21:57] ottomata: tried to catch you a few times [15:21:58] moooorning! [15:22:03] yeah sorry, was having compy troubles [15:22:03] !!! [15:22:05] had to restart [15:22:19] what's up? [15:22:22] ottomata: could you please check how that process is runnin ? the collector [15:22:40] sho [15:22:45] :) [15:23:07] you want the output thus far? [15:23:10] it looks good I thikn [15:24:55] ok, I just copied them to my home dir on stat1 [15:25:03] just wanted to know it didn't crash [15:25:04] /home/otto/webstats_test_dumps [15:25:08] how could I check the output [15:25:10] ? [15:25:12] still going [15:25:25] i just copied the output dumps to stat1 at /home/otto/webstats_test_dumps [16:44:18] someone get this for david http://shirt.woot.com/offers/the-extended-bell-curve [16:47:33] RobH that's awesome [16:47:55] statistics + dino = awesome [16:47:55] haha [16:48:30] or someone show it to rachel maybe engineering will buy it for him [16:48:46] folks seem to appreciate random dino scribbles about the office [16:49:42] oh no, we're on it :) [16:50:24] i love that site, they contribute to my tshirt collection far too much. [16:50:43] I would say working from home has lowered my dress code [16:50:47] medium? large? [16:50:49] but the office dress code is also witty tshirts. [16:50:52] I'd say medium [16:51:03] prolly medium yea [16:51:46] yea i was browsing the site, and as soon as i saw it i joined channel, heh [16:52:07] 'the analytics folks will appreciate this.' [17:32:27] changing locations, be back in a few [18:00:10] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2e8127ccf7baae1df74153f25553c443bd351e90 [18:02:01] ahhh stupid adium, linky please! [18:02:36] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2e8127ccf7baae1df74153f25553c443bd351e90 [20:53:19] erosen, I'm going to shut down the proxy for a second, I'm workingon improving it [20:53:27] cool [20:53:31] thanks for the heads up [21:19:51] erosen, can you test some things for me? [21:19:56] yeah [21:19:59] sup [21:20:12] try this url, without the proxy [21:20:22] http://oozie.analytics.wikimedia.org [21:21:03] no dice [21:21:05] ok [21:21:05] now [21:21:09] edit your /etc/hosts file [21:21:12] and add this line: [21:21:16] analytics.wikimedia.org namenode.analytics.wikimedia.org jobs.analytics.wikimedia.org history.analytics.wikimedia.org oozie.analytics.wikimedia.org hue.analytics.wikimedia.org [21:22:07] hmm [21:22:14] still no [21:22:18] what's it do? [21:22:19] anything I need to do to refresh things? [21:22:26] same error as before [21:22:32] chrome says Unable to connect to the proxy server [21:22:36] no proxy [21:22:38] don't use the proxy [21:22:41] disable it [21:22:41] aah [21:23:04] all is well [21:23:09] ooze and google work as expected [21:23:10] ok cool [21:23:18] cool, any of those urls should work [21:23:34] nice [21:23:44] good job [21:23:44] thanks [22:15:23] erosen [22:15:25] yeahhhhh! [22:15:25] http://hue.analytics.wikimedia.org/filebrowser/view/wmf/raw/wikipedia-zero/2012-11-20_21.55.44?file_filter=any [22:22:55] ottomata: awesome! [22:22:57] aw he just left [23:15:57] ENGUGHGHGHG COMCAST [23:17:26] IT'S COOMMMMMMCAAAAASTIC [23:19:29] :)