[00:03:24] erosen_: yes [00:04:24] do they live somewhere on stat1/ [00:04:36] i'd like to do a simple test to see if the geocoding makes a big difference [00:04:45] unless you've already done this… [00:07:51] erosen: moment [00:08:05] np [00:22:26] erosen: check your e-mail please [00:24:05] awesome, thanks [00:24:09] erosen: :) np [00:31:08] erosen: does the download work ? [00:31:12] yup [00:31:17] cool [00:32:05] do you know if the city db also can do country level geocoding? [00:32:23] erosen: dunno [00:32:32] k, i can easily find out, just curious if uyou knew [00:33:06] okay, i'm out for the day [00:33:16] yeah, me too, I think. [00:33:19] average_drifter: I'll probably hack on the page views stuff over the weekend [00:33:21] This has been a long week. [00:33:31] average_drifter: let me know if you make any progress [00:33:37] later dschoon [00:33:42] later erosen