[14:39:58] hey guys [14:40:30] milimetric: wanna ask you something about create_cohort [14:45:36] milimetric: so in create_cohort we get the valid users and we're inserting them in the db. there's no check if they're already in the wiki_user table already or not [14:46:09] I suppose sqlalchemy just takes care of that cornercase [14:50:40] I'm making a test on my machine [15:00:02] ok, so I can add multiple WikiUsers with the same project, mediawiki_userid, mediawiki_username [15:00:16] I think this means we should add some unique constraint to the model [15:00:23] not sure thought [15:00:56] *though [15:01:43] morning average! I can't help you, just saying hi! [15:02:31] morning [15:02:42] hi qchris [15:02:46] morning drdee :) [15:02:52] Hi! [15:10:02] hey average, sorry missed your ping too [15:11:06] well, so Evan thought that we should just have duplicate WikiUser records with the same mediawiki_userid [15:11:11] we talked about it for a while [15:11:43] create_test_cohort kind of assumes you have a blank database though [15:11:53] because it's usually run after setUp which deletes everything [15:13:27] does that answer your question average ^? [15:14:51] ok, so no duplicate WikiUsers with the same mediawiki_userid [15:15:05] I just looked at wikiuser.py , didn't see any constraint for that [15:16:59] oh, I misread [15:17:14] so we should have duplicate WikiUsers for the same mediawiki_userid [15:18:47] isn't mediawiki_userid supposed to be unique ? because in the mediawiki schema user.user_id is a primary key http://bit.ly/1cBVMry [15:20:38] right, user_id is unique [15:20:51] but mediawiki_userid does not *need* to be unique [15:21:08] currently it makes no sense for it to not be unique [15:56:27] average: 51k wiki_user records [15:56:36] not a big deal at all. I'll be worried when it's over 10 million [16:58:47] I am only added with to the "process discussion event" for an email address that I cannot log in with at google. [16:59:03] Could someone please add my wm address, or my gmail address? [17:00:45] milimetric: ^ [17:00:52] adding [17:00:55] Thanks! [17:01:36] ok, added you christian [17:02:06] Thanks. [17:02:21] Not seeing it though ... Give google another minute. [17:05:05] here's the hangout https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/dG5lZ3JpbkB3aWtpbWVkaWEub3Jn.luu5l04480ff6um2hv59c2hklk [17:05:20] I get "You're not allowed to join this video call." [17:05:32] :-( [17:06:10] we can do bat cave if that works [17:06:10] we're in the batcave [17:06:16] Ok. [17:11:17] hi, do you know where can I find the number of categories on the wikipedia en? [18:57:32] diegolo: you could get the count from the category table [18:57:33] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/MediaWiki_1.20_%2844edaa2%29_database_schema.svg/2193px-MediaWiki_1.20_%2844edaa2%29_database_schema.svg.png [18:57:40] select count(*) from category; [18:58:03] one easy place to access that is in labsdb [18:58:20] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools/Help [19:20:52] ergghghhh, milimetric, still wanna brain bounce with me? [19:21:02] yea [19:21:03] let [19:21:05] 's do it [20:35:59] YESSS [20:35:59] http://ganglia.wikimedia.org/latest/?c=Analytics%20cluster%20eqiad&h=analytics1003.wikimedia.org&m=cpu_report&r=hour&s=descending&hc=4&mc=2 [20:36:03] thank you milimetric!