[17:11:37] jynus: available for help with something? [17:11:55] Glaisher, not today, sorry [17:12:24] hmm, ok [17:12:28] send a ticket, please [17:12:57] don't have a ticket [17:15:52] yes, that is why I say: create one :-) [17:16:21] I am on vacations right now [17:17:33] There's ticket about implementing a feature request.. [17:17:50] I'm wondering why an index is not being used on a query while there are suitable ones from what I can tell. [17:18:04] but it can wait [17:18:11] since it's a low priority feature request [17:18:27] https://www.percona.com/live/europe-amsterdam-2015/sessions/query-optimization-0-10-and-57-0 [17:18:32] Attend that seminar [17:18:57] which I am preparing right now and that is why I cannot attend you :-) [18:59:44] RESOLVED WATCHMYPRESENTATION [19:19:12] Resolved>Pedantic