[08:13:58] hey DBA folks [08:14:26] a follow-up from yesterday: the secondary toolsdb (clouddb1002) seems to be running 10.1.41-1 [08:14:33] shall I downgrade that one as well? [08:33:50] yes [08:34:01] brook was supposed to disable unatended upgrades [08:34:16] did you enable puppet? [08:35:04] mysql is running 10.1.38 [08:35:09] please remove the package [08:35:27] and install 10.1.38 [08:35:52] and remove unatended upgrades, etc [08:37:23] 10.1.38 or 39 would work well [08:49:31] 10DBA, 10Data-Services, 10Operations: Prepare and check storage layer for ge.wikimedia.org - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T236404 (10MarcoAurelio) [08:49:59] 10DBA, 10Data-Services, 10Operations: Prepare and check storage layer for ge.wikimedia.org - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T236404 (10MarcoAurelio) Note: domain name changed from `kawikimedia` to `gewikimedia`. [09:57:18] 10DBA, 10Data-Services, 10Operations: Prepare and check storage layer for ge.wikimedia.org - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T236404 (10jcrespo) Thanks, being public we DBAs are not a blocker, and we just need a heads up when it is finally deployed to the database. [10:01:09] jynus: thank you very much for the quick triage [10:13:06] triage? I did nothing [10:13:15] just pointed the existing issue [10:15:17] hashar: one trick it to look at T30599 for active deadlock cases [10:15:18] T30599: Deadlock tracking bug (tracking) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T30599 [10:30:25] jynus: instead of disabling unattended-upgrades what I did was to apt pin the version we want to run [10:32:58] yeah, that works [10:33:33] although the new package is still installed [10:33:49] yes, in clouddb1002 [10:34:01] where can I find the old package? is no longer in the repo it seems [10:34:13] I store older versions on my home on install1002 [10:34:27] check if you can see them [10:34:33] looking [10:35:14] got it! [10:35:18] cool [10:35:31] wmf-mariadb101_10.1.39-1_amd64.deb [10:35:48] yeah, that is probably the best option [10:36:00] what a mess mariadb with 10.1 and 10.3 [10:36:04] lots of crashes [10:36:15] in the latest minor versions [10:36:16] :-S [10:36:58] may I ask to survey if people would be too annoyed on cloud with an upgrade to mysql 8? [10:37:18] not saying it will happen, but it may be more stable (question mark) [10:37:30] no idea honestly [10:37:40] my knowledge of DB stuff is limited [10:37:43] that is why I said to survey, even informally [10:37:54] doesn't have to be done by you specifically [10:38:07] something to transmit to the team as a potential alternative [10:38:36] "this is happening, what would be the blockers for that, if things get worse?" [10:38:38] yeah sure, feel free to send an email to cloud-admin@l.w.o or phab tasks [10:38:45] ok [10:39:12] downgrading wmf-mariadb101 from 10.1.41-1 to 10.1.39-1 already done in clouddb1002 [10:39:31] cool, it should install properly for the most part [10:39:45] and keep mysql up [10:40:04] yeah, the install went just fine [10:40:06] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/3hYWXt04/ [10:40:09] we may need an upgrade [10:40:16] from 10.1.38 to 39 [10:40:25] can you prepare alerting, I can do it in a second [10:40:44] need to bring down the server for some seconds [10:41:15] I know clouddb1002 is the secondary, but do you think is safe to do this on friday? [10:41:33] yes, it is not safe to leave it with mismatched version [10:41:38] ok [10:41:45] I wouldn't propose it if not [10:42:25] let me downtime a bunch of things [10:42:36] yes, that is why I asked [10:43:42] let see if we manage to avoid paging folks in the US [10:43:51] when you are done, ping me and log for me upgrading mariadb on clouddb1002 from 10.1.38 to 10.1.39 [10:44:02] ack [10:44:16] (waiting for you ping) [10:45:54] I can't find anything else to icinga downtime other than toolschecker, so the downtime is done jynus [10:45:58] please go ahead [10:46:23] ok, doing, make sure you log [10:46:48] done [10:48:56] ok, done, Seconds_Behind_Master: 0 [10:49:22] https://grafana-labs.wikimedia.org/d/000000273/tools-mariadb?orgId=1&from=now-24h&to=now&var-dc=Tools%20Prometheus&var-server=clouddb1002.clouddb-services.eqiad.wmflabs&var-port=9104 [10:50:06] ok! thanks! [10:50:11] you pinned that version, right? [10:51:04] yes [10:51:05] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/aDNS3cvZ/ [10:51:15] apt ignores the new version [10:51:18] ok [10:51:59] see modules/profile/manifests/wmcs/services/toolsdb_apt_pinning.pp [10:52:04] for details [10:52:36] I consider the T236420 incident closed, we can discuss next steps on T236399 [10:52:37] T236420: ToolsDB unstable following unplanned software upgrade - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T236420 [10:52:38] T236399: Upgrade mariadb on toolsdb servers to 10.1.42 as soon as it is available - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T236399 [10:53:02] fair enough [17:14:59] 10DBA, 10CPT Initiatives (Core REST API in PHP), 10Core Platform Team Workboards (Green): Compose query for minor edit count - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T235572 (10WDoranWMF) @jcrespo @Marostegui Would it be possible to get input DBA review on the above query and whether it's acceptable? [20:01:12] 10DBA, 10Community-Tech, 10Expiring-Watchlist-Items, 10MediaWiki-Watchlist, and 4 others: Allow setting the watchlist table to read-only on a per-wiki basis - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160062 (10ifried) [20:01:42] 10Blocked-on-schema-change, 10DBA, 10Community-Tech, 10Expiring-Watchlist-Items, and 5 others: Add wl_id to watchlist tables on production dbs - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T130067 (10ifried)