[00:04:01] haha, running 100 threads in parallel on a xlarge instance is nothing that affects it very much – compared to toolserver where that was barely enough to oom a server :) [01:49:28] Yeay generators. [09:26:39] anyone here awake yet/still? [09:31:22] me :) [09:40:17] nice :) [09:41:00] would you be able to give me some advice on how to set up a test script to test memory requirements for java jobs? [09:41:45] I'm currently thinking about setting up just a whole bunch of jobs with different parameters, and writing the success cases to Redis to later see if it worked [11:54:17] legoktm: I've added you to the gerrit-patch-uploader group on TL [11:55:21] legoktm: there will be a breaking OAuth change on monday, but I'm not sure if I will be available to deploy as I'm at a conference [11:56:16] legoktm: could you maybe run git pull && ./deploy after the wmf2 deployment? Thanks. [14:00:59] Regarding the database replication: The "archive" table is missing from the databases. I know this is data normally only available for admins, but it was available on toolserver and some things (like: how many deleted edits user XY did) are not possible anymore. Could you please add the archive table? [14:05:01] apper: It's in the works. See https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49088 and https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49189 [14:07:07] how should I copy a file from my user working directory to my tool working directory? make it readable for everyone and just copy it over? [14:09:10] MrZ-man: thanks, that sounds good. [14:14:41] MartijnH: you should be able to copy it directly [14:14:52] if you're logged in as your normal user (not as tool user) [14:15:22] another simple option is to make a directory that you then chown martijnh:toolname [14:15:39] or indeed making stuff world-readable will also work ;-) [14:16:05] ok thanks :) [14:16:33] where do the tools directory structures live? that is, as the user, where do I copy it to? [14:21:48] iirc /data/project/toolname [14:27:44] ok, thanks. Final question, should it be ok to jsub 100 (almost trivial) tasks in one go? [14:28:24] I think so. [19:22:27] is mail to user/tool accounts supported now? [23:16:52] valhallasw: saw your email, sure :) [23:22:48] legoktm: great, thanks :-)