[09:42:28] YuviPanda: was just composing a reply re: user-agents [09:42:43] oh, that was a while ago [09:42:47] I think [09:43:22] eeep. you're right. I had just noticed it. [09:43:25] ori-l: and we're logging those separately now anyway. (in the app) [09:43:35] separate platform, device, etc fields [09:43:37] easier to analyse :) [09:43:47] ori-l: also https://gist.github.com/yuvipanda/5078476 [09:43:49] ok, good. that's a relief. [09:44:04] ori-l: yeah. Mobile web logs their UAs [09:44:38] (note about how my SQL is pretty horrible should preface that script) [09:44:42] window.navigator has more granular properties [09:45:00] we reallllllly have to start getting numbers from navigationTiming [09:45:43] :D [09:46:04] and the app doesn't actually do persistent logging yet (network errors just fail silently) [09:46:07] should to at some point of time [09:48:01] yeah, that'd be neat [09:48:10] yeah. [09:48:15] and would need to add client times [09:48:25] too many things to do, only me to do it :( [09:50:45] you no longer need to import Template or to define render [09:51:01] also, 'unicodecsv'? [09:51:27] ori-l: yeah, default python csv module chokes on csv [09:51:42] ori-l: I'm passing my SQL through Jinja [09:51:48] (to avoid repetition) [09:51:55] so will need to import template / render [09:52:04] you crazy bastard [09:52:13] :D [09:52:14] that's kinda neat, actually [09:52:20] indeed [09:52:29] I don't want to do a find and replace if we push a new version of the schema [09:52:33] or decide 'oh, 30 days, not 7' [09:52:48] or any such thing [09:53:13] ori-l: once this gets big enough, I should refeactor that further and write up template based generators or something [09:53:20] but only if it is going to be simpler than th eSQL itself [09:53:58] ori-l: i'm just too lazy to put in the effort to learn SQLAlchemy [09:54:00] this does look like it would be nicer to do with mongo [09:54:04] true [09:54:21] ori-l: I was looking at their aggregation framework yesterday [09:54:24] but i think i would do something even more drastic and just load the entire 7 day event set into memory and analyze it in python [09:54:41] Ironholds suggested the same thing [09:54:48] but for some reason even thinking of it makes my skin crawl [09:54:57] :P [09:55:05] ori-l: what happens when it is 30 day than 7? [09:55:17] (30 is probably what it will end up as, it is 7 now because we don't have that much data yet) [09:56:03] well, my hunch is this -- [09:57:28] (sorry, having trouble formulating the thought; just a moment.) [09:57:41] haha :) [09:59:35] i don't have a ton of experience working with analytic data, but my experience in E3 has been that the hard scaleability problems are mostly wetwear-related [10:00:10] heh [10:00:16] there's an initial period of "weee, data!" but that is gradually replaced with "wtf does it all mean, anyway" [10:00:41] I am pretty sure I'm in the 'weee data' period now. [10:00:46] and that takes a lot of hard thinking, asking yourself what you care about and how you can measure it in a way that helps guide further action [10:01:00] me too :P [10:01:00] right. [10:01:03] but thinking ahead [10:01:04] heh. [10:01:21] I think it is easier to be myopic now (isn't it always?) because there is absolutely nothing at all to look at now. [10:01:23] so i would prefer to express computation in the most human readable way [10:01:32] hmm [10:01:32] true [10:01:48] perhaps we should do actual computaiton in python, and keep the SQL solely for selection? [10:02:01] I'm guessing that most of the present SQL counts as selection [10:02:02] hmm [10:02:04] where to draw the line [10:02:12] does moving average count? [10:02:21] ori-l: I suppose mongodb might be more readable, since aggregate frmaework is pipelined [10:02:39] i don't think there's a hard and fast rule. and yes, re: mongo [10:02:55] but it is code in JSON [10:03:05] there is another fancy new datastore that i like and have been wanting to set up [10:03:05] I am preetty sure we could easily write it in YAML too [10:03:09] redis? [10:03:11] couchdb? [10:03:26] so mainstream [10:03:40] http://www.rethinkdb.com/api/#py [10:04:13] see aggregation / transformations / reductions in the sidebar [10:04:57] hmmm [10:04:58] nice [10:05:04] but not too different from mongo? [10:05:58] hrm, you're right [10:06:06] i took another look at the aggregation framework [10:06:35] plus you can always drop into mapreduce [10:07:55] let me try adapting one of your queries to mongo so we can compare [10:08:26] yup! [10:08:27] I'll also note that my queries are probably not the most efficient [10:08:34] I'm sure someone with better SQL skills could write a self join [10:08:39] but this is far more readable [10:08:41] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EventLogging/MongoDB [10:08:44] and something that my tiny brain can understand :) [10:08:58] not sure if i shared that before [10:09:20] yes you have [10:09:36] ori-l: I've a doctor's appointment in an hour, so I should leave. [10:09:41] ori-l: email me? [10:09:42] sorry :( [10:09:59] i should have gone to bed hours ago, probably good to cut this short :P [10:10:06] ttyl, avoid malaria [10:11:11] ori-l: yes. SLEEP! [10:11:11] :) [10:11:15] ori-l: will try :) [10:11:15] cya [17:41:11] MaxSem, YuviPanda: do you know if this stats page is specifically for WLM uploads from the mobile app? https://toolserver.org/~legoktm/wlm/stats.php [17:41:19] otherwise, the stats make no sense! [17:42:11] awjr: oh yes, i tis [17:42:16] sweet thanks YuviPanda [17:42:16] awjr: I forked the original code and modified it to be mobile only [17:42:23] my toolserver account expired, so it is running on leg's [17:42:25] ahha awesome :) [17:42:25] *lego's [17:42:29] that is great, thanks! [17:42:36] :) [17:43:02] awjr: back to 100%? [17:43:48] almost YuviPanda, still feeling a little foggy and i was really run down by the end of yesterday, but the fact i was able to stay focussed and work a long day was awesome :) [17:49:22] awjr: :) get better [17:49:57] thanks YuviPanda :) [17:50:22] i have a weird habit of getting sick/injured prior to international trips... [17:50:43] but this is nothing compared to the time i herniated ad disc in my lower back the day before a 3-day trip to Austria [17:50:46] that… sucked. [17:50:50] awjr: you told me [17:50:53] yeah [17:51:00] you went through with it. braver man than I am :) [17:51:02] heh yeah, don't do that :p [17:51:08] lol i probably should not have [17:51:15] im not sure it was the smartest thing to do [17:51:26] you did come out of it alive [17:51:32] hahaha that is true [17:51:50] about 4 years ago, i broke my collar bone and then two days later went to Las Vegas for a weekend [17:51:52] that was also really dumb. [17:52:05] wow, apparently a pair of mutual friends got engaged. he proposed on top of the eiffel tower in a surprise trip. [17:52:10] ! [17:52:11] classy [17:52:47] indeed. I initially thought it was sortof a joke [17:52:51] but turns out to be actually true [17:52:53] cliched [17:53:09] but classy [17:53:09] when actually done [17:53:09] than just talked of [17:53:22] awjr: did you come out of the Vegas trip without more broken bones? [17:54:40] hehe i did YuviPanda. what i didn't know at the time though was that when i broke my collar bone, i did so in a patch of poison oak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxicodendron_diversilobum) and while i was in vegas, the rash staretd to appear all over my body. at first i thought i was allergic to the pain medication i was on, so i stopped taking it [17:54:47] ow [17:54:54] then i was in a helluva lot of pain, and the rash kept spreading/getting worse [17:55:03] that was no bueno [17:55:43] awjr: you should make a movie out of these [17:55:47] lol [17:55:54] too embarassing :p [17:55:56] 'sick'n travelling' [18:01:42] aude, around? [18:02:19] hi MaxSem [18:08:50] hey Maryana [18:08:57] what did you use to produce the stats you mailed out to us? [18:09:02] can you send me the SQL? [18:09:12] (Just looking to see what kinda stuff we use. I'm working on the apps dashboard) [18:09:47] sure :) which stats in particular? i use SQL sometimes and R sometimes [18:10:28] Maryana: all code! [18:10:32] I'm using Python / SQL [18:10:37] just looking for examples to pick up from [18:12:05] sure thing. i've been meaning to compile a list of useful queries, anyway. i'll try to get something to you by end of day [18:13:15] Maryana: :) [18:13:43] maybe one day i will use my long-neglected and empty github account! [18:13:44] heh [18:13:54] Maryana: I'm using something like https://gist.github.com/yuvipanda/5078476 to generate them (to be plugged into limn). Me and ori-l were thinking of using MongoDB too [18:14:13] (should make generating these kinds of things from EL trivial, rather than need every team to write their own thing) [18:14:45] \o/ [18:15:19] Maryana: It is going to be up on mobile-reportcard.wmflabs.org [18:15:30] I suppose Mobile web would want to put some stuff up there too at some point? [18:15:43] yeah, i should check in with juliusz [18:15:57] i think he was interested in working on that [18:16:08] yay data! [18:16:31] Maryana: yeah, he was asking me for source. [18:16:49] Maryana: would be simple enough to integrate EL data from mobile web into this. [18:16:55] do ask him to poke me if he starts on this :) [18:17:01] will do [18:17:04] There's a bug in the CentralNotice hack juliusz did yesterday :( [18:17:51] jdlrobson: awjr: I don't know any context behind bug 44070, but I just want to make a quick point [18:18:05] jdlrobson: awjr: Remember that load.php needs it, since they are loaded not from within the page [18:18:35] it can't rely on page context to define a module. startup module needs it (which is by design for caching) [18:18:42] oh hey, yuvipanda - have you thought at all about how to deal with deleted images in the apps? [18:19:01] Maryana: we've determined that it is impossible to efficiently do so with the currently available APIs [18:19:08] (me + brion) [18:19:09] urgh [18:19:17] Krinkle: thanks - would you mind noting that all in the bug? [18:19:17] i figured [18:19:20] and will probably sit and figure a way out at some point. [18:19:26] !b 44070 [18:19:32] one of the easier things to do is to show the user when they open the image for detail [18:19:36] but other than that it is not easy. [18:19:45] we've a couple of things in mind but they all require core changes. [18:19:52] oh, i see, so you're still showing them the image [18:19:56] in their contributions view? [18:19:59] well [18:20:05] that is inconsistent [18:20:09] if it has already 'synced' beforehand [18:20:11] it will still be tehre [18:20:16] but if not [18:20:17] it won't be [18:20:23] gotcha [18:20:26] the image's *name* would show up [18:20:35] the image itself will not [18:20:35] jarring experience, IMO [18:20:37] awjr: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44070#c5 [18:20:48] yeah, it's super weird on web - if your first upload is deleted, then your contributions view says "0 uploads" and the first-time user message reloads :-/ [18:21:00] thanks Krinkle [18:21:06] yuvipanda: i'm trying to think of a way to make this better, but i just don't know how [18:21:27] Maryana: are you guys using the images table to populate this? If so that has another problem we ran into [18:21:35] if someone else overwrites your image it won't show up as well [18:21:40] hmm [18:21:50] i'm not sure. would have to check w/maxsem [18:21:51] so if some guy edits your image a little bit, crops, whetver - boom, gone. [18:22:05] i imagine that would be pretty rare [18:22:15] oh, except maybe for rotation [18:22:30] rotation shouldn't happen as much anymore since there's auto-rotation [18:22:34] and some other bot work (jpeg deinterlation, etc) [18:22:36] but cropping and enhancement? can happen [18:22:45] bigger problem is when *you* edit someone else's work [18:22:50] and that shows up as your contribution [18:22:52] and not as theirs [18:22:56] geotagging happens :) [18:22:59] which IMO is bad. [18:23:01] maybe more likely for diagrams than photos but i've seen it [18:23:04] aude: geotagging doesn't modify the image [18:23:10] oh, ok [18:23:16] brion: I spend a fair amount of time commons-gnoming [18:23:19] usualyl cropping photos :) [18:23:22] another day, another thing about the wikis that makes my head hurt [18:23:25] :) [18:23:25] so... my feed is polluted [18:23:56] Maryana: do you have stats on deletions of mobile uploads? [18:23:58] New patchset: Jdlrobson; "Bug 44070: Define special page modules manually" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52254 [18:24:17] YuviPanda: if we just had an 'original uploader' field in 'image' which we could search on in list=allimages would that be good enough? [18:24:30] brion: yeah, I'm thinking it would be. [18:24:31] yuvipanda, no, but i could [18:24:40] brion: but how would we handle deletions? [18:24:41] and moves? [18:24:43] that's a pretty easy query [18:24:45] hmmmmm [18:24:58] well moves would get re-synced at some point i guess [18:25:10] deletes…. might just disappear *puff* [18:25:22] I'm syncing, so I have offline data to be updated :P [18:25:41] brion: if eventlog had a deleted field that I could filter by original uploader... [18:26:06] hmmm [18:26:31] not sure how best to handle that. there's extra props on log items but not sure you can filter on them easily [18:26:54] meanwhile, http://osm.wmflabs.org/osm/slippymap.html ! [18:27:40] \o/ [18:27:41] wooohoo MaxSem [18:27:57] it's in ur labs drawin ur maps [18:27:58] yay [18:28:07] uh uh :D [18:28:11] New patchset: Jdlrobson; "Bug 44070: Define special page modules manually" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52254 [18:28:15] brion: what're we going to do for maps on apps? [18:28:24] I don't want to go back to the 'easy solution' which would be Google Maps [18:28:40] i'm leaning towards using OSM [18:28:42] so far, there's only Ireland for performance and storage reasons [18:28:56] but we'll decide for sure when we get to that bridge. agiiiillllleeeeee :D [18:29:26] as long as it's easy to open something up in native maps to get directions, that's all the integration we probably need [18:32:21] oh yay http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/03/verizons-galaxy-nexus-to-get-android-4-2-months-after-everyone-else/ [18:32:38] brion: :P [18:32:47] stupid verizon [18:32:48] brion: yeah [18:33:05] brion: i looked at some of the OSM Native android renderrrs. On first look none seem too stable. [18:33:08] (or mature) [18:33:39] and you pay like a hundred or more bucks per month to be treated like that? [18:33:42] webview & leaflet? ;) [18:34:04] MaxSem: seriously. i don't think i'm renewing with them, i'm thinking of moving to t-mobile when this contract's up [18:34:08] brion: fallback, but ideally I wouldn't want to [18:34:11] i can get no-contract SIMs from them [18:34:13] (go to webview) [18:34:33] yup [18:34:54] showing image tiles and moving them around isn't rocket science in theory, if we have to roll our own we can probably manage it [18:35:07] but if we can reuse existing, that's a big plus [18:35:07] brion: well, native renderers are not supposed to be showing image tiles :P [18:35:09] vector maps! [18:35:17] ooooh :) [18:35:18] I think there are some decent ones for iOS [18:35:32] nice i'll have to look that up [18:36:07] yeah :) [18:36:13] also Luis just turned up on -staff channel [18:36:18] and I'm pinginh him about h264 :D [18:37:02] whee [18:37:13] hah my invite broke on staff again [18:37:49] poor luis :) [18:37:58] "welcome aboard! here's a controversial decision to be in the middle of" [18:38:24] hahaha :D [18:38:50] brion: you don't have access to staff? [18:39:21] yeah there's some breakage with my invite bits or something. having someone look at it now [18:39:27] it's been intermittent for ages [18:40:06] brion: ok [18:41:23] New patchset: Krinkle; "Define special page modules manually" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52254 [18:43:18] brion: we have not even opened the can of worms that is GPL'd code on iOS App store :P [18:43:25] hehe [18:43:42] GPLv2 *I think* is ok. GPLv3 would be a def no-no. [18:43:45] brion: you should put a BSD / Apache license file on the repo. [18:43:54] brion: no, GPL of any sort is a no-no on apple app store [18:43:59] it has 'additional restrictions' [18:44:05] (3 devices per user) [18:44:08] that violate GPL [18:44:17] apps have been taken down before due to this, hence precedent [18:44:24] brion: we can avoid drama by dual licensing [18:44:26] I just had an AWESOME idea for the mobile team. [18:44:26] ACT NOW! [18:44:26] :P [18:44:27] well we snuck GPLv2 in there already, we'll have to make up our minds :) [18:44:34] ragesoss: DO TELL! [18:45:10] so, we have a nice Wiktionary app, and now we have photo uploads... [18:45:30] (we *had* a nice wiktionary app, IIRC it hasn't worked for a while) [18:45:47] iOS isn't restricted to 3 devices per user… i've got more than that [18:45:53] Windows 8/RT does restrict to 5 though [18:45:59] put them together, and have people take a portrait of someone for any definition. [18:46:10] brion: IIRC Windows app store explicitly disallows GPL [18:46:29] they let me put it in dude. [18:46:36] "in the dictionary under too, there's a picture of you" [18:46:39] it says GPLv2 all over it :) [18:46:55] under foo [18:47:05] http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/wikipedia/6b80bf54-1a31-4651-acce-59a5b5c2b7c8 [18:47:21] brion: same with iOS [18:47:30] ragesoss: :P that sounds very urban-dictionaryish [18:47:44] ragesoss: I was thinking you were going to say 'let them upload pronunciations!' [18:48:17] brion: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/more-about-the-app-store-gpl-enforcement [18:49:29] we'll see :) [18:49:50] if we want to change the license off GPLv2 we'll have to convince tfinc [18:49:55] those articles are good things to collect tho :D [18:50:13] dual license. [18:50:15] i'm gonna go check if the water heater's fixed.... [18:50:20] heh [18:51:03] nope still no water [18:51:23] pronunciations would be more practical, I guess. :p [18:51:27] has anybody ever thought about fixing the fact that wikimediafoundation.org has no mobile-friendly version? [18:51:40] given that both our terms of use and privacy policy live there...? [18:51:42] :) [18:52:02] oh yeah [18:52:09] lemme pull up the bug on that, there might have been some reason for it [18:52:14] Maryana, there are some pages on it (like donation) that need some love to work on mobile [18:52:48] ragesoss: true [18:52:52] can't find the bug [18:52:55] maybe there is no bug [18:52:57] i thought there was :( [18:53:00] i shall make a bug! [18:53:01] "there is no bug" [18:53:03] \o/ [18:53:13] there is no bug but what we make for ourselves [18:53:17] hehehe [18:53:21] I'm sad nobody's made a reference to bug 1 in the last few months [18:53:31] well, i just filed this one: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45742 [18:53:51] dunno what you apps guys are linking to, but the wikipedia CC-by-SA description is really.. uh.. [18:53:55] wikipedia-ish [18:54:08] e.g., dense and hard for a newbie to understand [18:54:20] the creative commons human-readable version is way better [18:54:40] yuvipanda: what's bug 1? [18:57:23] docs suck [18:57:27] Maryana: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1 [18:57:49] hahaha [18:58:01] day 349583948753948573475398. our docs still suck. [18:58:04] nothing further to report [18:58:05] :D [18:58:46] "The bug is not meant to be closed. The goal is unattainable, which is why, by [18:58:46] simple logical progression, it must stay open. Like the Christian concept of [18:58:47] freedom from sin, we can only strive to fix bug 1, we can never actually fix [18:58:48] it." [18:58:52] ^ best. thing. ever. [18:59:00] lol [18:59:10] #shittimstarlingsays [18:59:16] :) [19:00:07] brion: you read through bugzilla quips anytime? [19:00:07] lotta fun [19:00:57] err [19:00:58] i meant [19:01:00] Maryana: ^ [19:01:02] good stuff [19:03:49] hehe [19:03:51] (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/quips.cgi?action=show) [19:05:14] "These aren't the bugs you're looking for." [19:05:56] my skin knowledge isn't very deep * Ryan_Lane puts on sunglasses one might say it was… skin deep. has to be my new favorite [19:12:22] Maryana: do we have upload stats for q2? [19:12:26] mobile photo upload, that is [19:12:36] for q2? [19:12:44] yah, oct - dec [19:13:26] no, but i can get it. it will be very unimpressive once we filter out jdlrobson :) [19:13:38] hehe [19:13:39] lol [19:13:49] * Maryana checks [19:14:39] awjr: am i correct in that we're not doing a deployment today? [19:14:44] or is it next week's that got pushed? [19:15:10] brion: we are deploying today - next week's is moved to weds [19:15:20] brion: did your i18n change for zero make it out? [19:15:28] ah ok good [19:15:28] lemme poke it [19:17:42] awjr: ok my i18n updates did _not_ go out, probably the i18n updates aren't quite recognizing them because the keys were funky [19:18:07] brion ah ok - MaxSem can you make sure brion's i18n updates get pushed with today's MF deployment? [19:18:22] thanks awjr MaxSem :D [19:18:31] awjr, query running. i'll let you know when i get #s [19:18:33] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/52068/ <- is merged to master, just needs to go out with the wmf branches [19:18:40] no wai!:P [19:19:07] thanks Maryana :) [19:25:55] ok, so we have 0 users in oct & nov, and 10 unique non-staff uploaders in december [19:26:01] awjr ^ [19:26:16] woohoo [19:26:27] thanks Maryana [19:26:28] did you want the # of files uploaded in dec, too? [19:26:33] that would be great [19:26:36] no sweat [19:26:46] Maryana: is it likely we actually had more uploads that we weren't able to log? [19:27:04] not very likely - i'm pulling this directly from the image table on commons [19:27:29] 18 files uploaded [19:27:44] ok cool thanks [19:27:50] np [19:28:11] New patchset: Reedy; "Bug 45742 - Link to CC-by-SA on uploads should go to Creative Commons" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52265 [19:28:44] Maryana: and those are not including jon's? [19:29:09] Maryana_: ^ [19:29:13] awjr: were ready when you are [19:29:18] yeah, jon filtered out [19:29:23] and the rest of us wmfers [19:29:23] hehe ok, [19:29:29] with us, it's 40 files [19:29:31] joining now tfinc [19:36:05] brion: ping [19:36:09] are you logging upload cancellations? [19:36:14] and do they come with source set? [19:42:41] YuviPanda: right now i don't believe they get logged, it's on my list to fix [19:42:55] please do :) [19:42:58] brion: are you logging 'source'? [19:43:06] for successful and failed uploads yes [19:43:11] nice [19:43:44] brion: I'm adding a graph to track cancellations. Do add the code :) [19:43:53] ok [19:47:31] brion: are you sure errors are being logged? [19:47:36] iOS has zero non-success messages [19:49:13] brion: yup, all things have result of success [19:49:51] brion: did you also manage to catch notnarayan today? I didn't [19:50:35] not a lot of failures lately [19:50:46] and if i kill the network, well, then it'll fail to log :) [19:50:50] i don't have it queuing yet [19:50:57] no didn't catch him [19:51:14] brion: none at all! no single failure, ever :P [19:51:28] brion: can you test by ending a title with just a .? or having a single letter upload? [19:51:37] brion: sigh, I didn't catch him either. [19:51:42] multiple upload is blocked! :( [19:51:46] yeah lemme double-check [19:53:33] hah… buncha junk chars? no problem https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:%3F%3F--;-%3F-------.jpg [19:53:36] let's try short :) [19:54:03] brion: and 'just a .'? [19:54:12] brion: and are you adding the '.jpg. yourself? [19:54:38] the system adds the .jpg [19:54:48] the system -> mediawiki? [19:54:52] it adds jpeg for me [19:54:56] :| :| :| [19:55:05] system = the app [19:55:09] oh [19:55:11] right [19:55:16] mediawiki is adding 'jpeg' for me [19:55:22] ok naming just "?" let's see what i get [19:55:37] uhhh success. [19:55:43] {"schema":"MobileAppUploadAttempts","revision":5257716,"event":{"device":"x86_64","appversion":"iOS\/0.14","result":"success","filename":"?.jpg","source":"gallery","platform":"iOS\/6.1","username":"Brion VIBBER"},"webHost":"test.wikipedia.org","wiki":"testwiki"} [19:55:46] try an expletive? [19:55:55] https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:%3F.jpg :) [19:55:55] brion: but did it succeed on testwiki? [19:56:00] haha :) [19:56:02] right [19:56:08] I CANNOT FAIL [19:56:17] I think because I'm letting mediawiki handle my file naming I run into naming issues :) [19:56:18] haha yes [19:56:25] all i'm doing is appending ".jpg" [19:56:32] mediawiki does the character crunching [19:56:47] hmmm [19:56:57] (I am not appending .jpg, since it could be svg / png / oga / whatever) [19:57:09] well i'm appending .jpg, .png, .svg, .pdf, whatever [19:57:28] mediawiki will just spit back something like "extension does not match file type", it won't append an extension for you [19:57:34] unless something's changed that i don't know about [19:57:46] brion: it appends fo rme [19:57:48] *for me [20:01:23] Author: Bryan Tong Minh [20:01:24] Date: Thu Jan 27 21:15:50 2011 +0000 [20:01:25] (bug 26285) Extensions will be automatically generated on upload if the user specified a filename without extension. [20:01:26] Note that this still will throw a warning. [20:01:35] huh, well what do you know [20:02:47] brion: yeah ;) [20:02:51] brion: it still throws a warning [20:02:57] brion: also mw warnings are the most stupid things ever [20:02:59] like, REALLY [20:03:02] heh [20:03:03] well [20:03:14] the purpose of the warnings was for the interactive Special:Upload [20:03:17] they make less sense now [20:03:33] yup [20:04:38] bbiab [20:12:05] New patchset: Jdlrobson; "Bug 44133: Deprecate mwMobileFrontendConfig and setConfig, getConfig" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52270 [20:12:39] YuviPanda: my signpost app just says couldn't do it ... an error [20:12:42] do you know why? [20:12:52] brand new install [20:13:12] tfinc: couldn't do what, exactly? [20:13:15] tfinc: installation fails? [20:13:19] opening something fails? [20:14:47] YuviPanda: installs just fine on this new phone. but all it does is show that error message on app load [20:14:55] the chrome loads and just says that [20:15:13] tfinc: hmm, maybe my server's down [20:15:15] let me check [20:18:03] tfinc: yeah, my server's down [20:18:14] that'd do it [20:18:34] looking into it [20:27:35] New patchset: Jdlrobson; "Bug 44133: Deprecate mwMobileFrontendConfig and setConfig, getConfig" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52270 [20:29:24] awjr: question… what does mf-stop-mobile-redirect.js do ? [20:30:19] jdlrobson: irc it exposes some JS on the desktop site to unset the stopMobileRedirect cookie if it's present when the 'mobile view' link is clicked [20:30:27] it doesn't seem to ever run.. [20:30:39] jdlrobson: it should only run on the desktop site and never be loaded in mobile [20:30:46] no you're confusing this with mf-stop-mobile-redirect.js [20:30:53] (not unset_stopmobileredirect.js) [20:31:04] ok one sec i'll take a look [20:32:06] specifically we set wgStopMobileRedirectCookie to true if hookOptions is set - which never seems to be the case [20:32:58] New patchset: Jdlrobson; "Bug 44133: Deprecate mwMobileFrontendConfig and setConfig, getConfig" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52270 [20:33:25] jdlrobson: it looks like it's used for setting the stopMobileRedirect cookie [20:33:28] or that's the intention [20:33:33] jdlrobson: git blame shows you as the author [20:33:39] i moved it [20:33:47] it dates back to svn days [20:33:49] oof [20:33:54] i have a vague memory of this [20:33:57] but it's very vague [20:34:18] awjr: context https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/52270 [20:34:20] but yeah, it looks like it's for setting stopMobileRedirect cookie from the mobile site [20:34:39] speficially i'm wondering if $vars[ 'wgMobileToDesktopToggle' ] is either defined [20:34:46] *ever defined [20:35:48] im confused jdlrobson, where does wgMobileToDesktopToggle come from? [20:36:04] awjr: i was refactoring the code- and i'm pretty sure that's what it's trying to detect [20:36:18] jdlrobson: wgMobileToDesktopToggle is nowhere to be found in master [20:36:23] so... [20:36:33] awjr: i'm refactoring this is why [20:36:42] previously it was hookOptions [20:36:51] I was trying to give it more meaning as hookOptions is a terrible name [20:37:02] hmm what was hookOptions? [20:37:05] exactly [20:37:11] heh [20:37:24] if the following if statements were true: if ( wfRunHooks( 'BeforePageDisplayMobile', array( &$out, &$options ) ) ) { if ( isset( $options['toggle_view_desktop'] ) ) { [20:37:33] hookOptions was 'toggle_desktop_view' [20:37:46] so hence the rename [20:37:51] I think it's trying to detect a toggle from mobile to desktop [20:37:52] b [20:37:52] u [20:38:04] but with canonical en.m. urls i'm pretty sure this never happens now.. [20:38:37] personally i'd be keen to throw it away and see what breaks [20:38:39] yes, that's trying to detect someone clicking the 'view on desktop' link [20:38:44] but why 'wgMobileToDesktopToggle'? the wg prefix is generally exclusively for global variables [20:39:05] you will note that the 'desktop' view link in MF looks like: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop [20:39:26] but it's never set.. [20:39:38] what is the 'it' to which you are referring/ [20:40:24] hookOptions [20:40:34] so awjr here's what i'm going to do.. kill it and see what happens [20:40:37] i suspect nothing will happen [20:40:53] for our purposes it will probably not cause a problem [20:40:53] as i haven't found a case on production where mwMobileFrontendConfig.settings.hookOptions is anything other than '' [20:41:06] if it does break we can work out why it was there and do a better documented job :) [20:42:34] jdlrobson: actually, it's not supposed to get set [20:42:40] if ( hookOptions !== 'toggle_view_desktop' ) { [20:43:54] i think if we take this functionality out, sticky cookies will break [20:44:20] the stopMobileRedirect cookie will not always get set when a user clicks the 'desktop' link in the MF footer [20:45:03] but the hookOptions thing is a mystery [20:45:14] i need to get some lunch before deployment - bbiab [20:45:24] but awjr hookOptions in javascript is never surfacing as anything other than an empty string! [20:46:38] New patchset: Jdlrobson; "Bug 44133: Deprecate mwMobileFrontendConfig and setConfig, getConfig" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52270 [20:46:48] also MaxSem it was never clear to me… am I still allowed to merge code on deployment day. I'd like to clear the backlog if possible [20:47:41] jdlrobson, I'd prefer that you didn't merge, to prevent more hassle if we need to fix something during the deployment [20:54:26] do we need to deploy any config changes today? [20:59:28] MaxSem: yes [21:00:07] jdlrobson: i think im understanding better what you're saying - i wasn't totally grokking what you were getting at. [21:00:12] MaxSem: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/50387/1 [21:01:47] jdlrobson: if memory serves me correctly, the hookOptions should get set with toggle_view_desktop in the event that the MF backend gets hit during the toggle - which doesn't often happen in prod because lots of articles just get served from the cache [21:02:23] wait no that's not quite right, im cnofusing a few things [21:06:08] jdlrobson: i *think* hookOptions['toggle_view_desktop'] would get set in the absence of a mobile specific domain [21:06:34] but i'd need to go back into old code and dig it up [21:08:11] jdlrobson: but since MaxSem added the ability for third party users of MF to have device detection and to display the mobile version of the site automatically, we might want to remove the conditional setting of the stopMobileRedirect cookie [21:08:45] and always set the stopMobileRedirect cookie when a user selects 'Desktop' from the MF footer [21:08:55] which i think is kinda what you were suggesting [21:13:03] all right awjr, jdlrobson, jgonera, Maryana - we're live on https://test.m.wikipedia.org/ [21:13:08] please test [21:13:53] w00t [21:18:55] man i cant believe they still havent fixed that parser bug that results in text getting struckout [21:19:47] ruh roh. not seeing any new upload events in the upload table [21:19:49] jgonera ^ [21:20:26] last one looks to be from the 3rd [21:21:48] * YuviPanda heads to bed [21:22:33] jgonera - MobileWebUploads_5281063 [21:22:41] all good [21:24:45] hey awjr or maxsem - is testwiki uploading locally now? [21:25:36] Maryana: config suggests it should be going to commons [21:25:54] alrighty back [21:25:57] sorry folx [21:26:39] only problem I can see is the known https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44042 [21:27:21] MaxSem, where's the config that testwiki uses? [21:27:30] that's super weird. i uploaded an image and can see it on testwiki, but it's not in my commons contribs [21:27:38] or my testwiki contribs [21:27:42] jgonera, same place as every other wiki [21:27:55] http://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_for_Whynam [21:28:06] where did my lunch go?? [21:28:39] i have hot water at home again! i am back in the 20th century [21:29:45] brion, I suppose that since you're not in 21st, you have no Internet? [21:29:52] ok, i figured it out and this is super weird [21:30:04] it uploaded it under my test account, which i had previously been logged in under [21:30:12] but i was technically logged in under my real account [21:30:13] sigh [21:30:56] MaxSem: hold on, let me turn on my modem [21:31:30] haha [21:31:51] i just blindly grabbed a soda from the fridge, opened it, took a sip, and discovered it's actually beer. [21:32:04] win [21:32:25] \o/ [21:34:52] i am unable to upload a photo on testwiki using 'add an image to this article' [21:35:22] the response from the api request looks like: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=tokens&type=edit&origin=https%3A%2F%2Ftest.m.wikipedia.org [21:35:25] oh whoops [21:35:30] {"tokens":{"edittoken":"+\\"}} [21:35:41] awjr: looks like you're not logged in [21:35:47] but i am! [21:35:55] jgonera figured it out [21:36:03] uploads are just broken on testwiki [21:36:04] awjr ^ [21:36:08] ah ok [21:36:52] to repeat myself from last week: we're doing it live! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_HyZ5aW76c [21:37:01] hopefully they wont be in the brave new world of betalabs [21:37:08] :) [21:37:14] oohhhhh "This year's Interactive Awards Pre-Party and Ceremony is Tuesday evening, March 12 at the Hilton Austin Downtown (just across the street from the conference at the Austin Convention Center). Emceed this year by comedian, actress and podcaster Aisha Tyler. It's a highly-entertaining awards show with all kinds of tricks up its sleeve." < awjr that's Lana in Archer ;-) [21:37:36] ha! [21:37:39] MaxSem: can you double check the config for photoload has been set on test? [21:37:44] awjr: that's the sucky token bug [21:37:52] sucky token bug (tm) [21:38:07] well, CentralAuth is broken no testwiki, completely, the images don't load [21:38:07] 'test2wiki' => '', [21:38:07] a registered trademark of the wikimedia foundation [21:38:07] local [21:38:23] jgonera: yeah, that makes sense [21:38:32] $wgMFPhotoUploadAppendToDesc [21:38:40] ;( [21:38:52] lol Maryana that bill o'reilly clip is great [21:39:22] it truly is. i'm reminded of it everytime we have to test something in production :) [21:40:07] http://blogs.msdn.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/communityserver-blogs-components-weblogfiles/00-00-01-32-02-metablogapi/8054.image_5F00_thumb_5F00_35C6E986.png [21:40:34] :) [21:40:37] we need our own tumblr [21:40:55] that should be one of our quarterly review asks [21:41:21] lol [21:41:23] http://www.troll.me/images/chuck-norris/testing-code-is-for-wimps-real-men-test-in-production-thumb.jpg [21:41:51] hehehe [21:42:46] jdlrobson: this commit message made me laugh beer out of my nose as i read it with 0 context: Add margins to not logged in users [21:44:45] hahahhaha [21:46:32] things are looking pretty good to me otehr than the untestable upload stuff [21:47:12] yep, looks like we do have categories and events firing in eventlogging [21:47:37] MaxSem, so I assume the testwiki config is the same as production? but the DB is different, so where is this set? [21:47:54] InitializeSettings [21:48:30] thanks [21:48:40] jgonera: testwiki configs are not necessarily the same as production [21:48:52] yeah, I can see that now [21:56:36] jcmish, how are we looking? [21:56:55] New patchset: Jdlrobson; "alpha: show preferred languages at top of language selector" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/48984 [22:02:39] jgonera: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/52158/ [22:05:17] awjr, MaxSem, just to be sure: there is a separate branch for deployments and we can still merge something to master when deployment is in progress? [22:05:38] jgonera: we can but it's easier if you hold off [22:05:53] in case something goes wrong [22:06:01] awjr: this is silly.. i thought we have a deployment branch now [22:06:06] jdlrobson: we do [22:06:10] we can't waste a day every week not being able to merge [22:06:12] what happened to michelle? [22:06:14] so how does this work? [22:06:18] awjr: no change in quarter review date [22:06:19] it makes the code review backlog even bigger.. [22:06:23] awjr: michelle sent a mail [22:06:23] ok thanks tfinc [22:06:53] damnit didn't realize my computer was offline [22:06:56] we're good MaxSem [22:07:12] any objections from anyone? [22:07:16] Maryana, ^^ [22:07:45] no objections [22:08:18] jdlrobson, jgonera while it theoretically is no big deal to merge code to master since we have a separate deployment branch, if we need to make a last minute merge for deployment, not being able to sync directly from master can add some complication. max earlier asked that we hold off merging to master during the deployment for this reason [22:09:01] we can discuss changing the procedure though if it's proving to be a burden, but let's do that after the deployment is done and perhaps on the mailing list [22:09:34] sure [22:09:54] New review: JGonera; "Merge after deployment." [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master); V: 2 C: 2; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52158 [22:10:21] Change merged: jenkins-bot; [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52158 [22:10:35] * MaxSem applauds jgonera [22:11:04] wtf [22:11:07] +2 means "merge it, dear jenkins" this day;) [22:11:28] sigh there have been so many changes to that process over the last couple of months, it's hard to keep track [22:11:38] :) [22:11:51] so what's the difference between Publish Comments and Publish Comments and Submit? [22:12:08] I assumed that if there's two buttons, they don't do the same thing... [22:12:35] * jdlrobson can't stop laughing [22:13:16] jebus [22:13:33] jgonera: i'd have to dig through the wikitech-l emails on the current status of those things… that stuff has been changing a lot [22:13:43] anyway, it's a small changeset... [22:13:58] no biggie [22:14:27] well, maybe, but I still can't imagine why there would be two buttons in gerrit there... even if one is "merge with jenkins" and other "merge myself" it's still a merge [22:15:02] yeah [22:15:22] why would I even tell jenkins to merge instead of merging it myself? ok, I guess I'll have to dig through wikitech [22:16:07] jgonera: you can also find hashar online and harass him :) [22:19:05] brion: the nexus4 wireless charging stand is really nice [22:19:19] awjr: if i'm going to look at CentralAuth I'm gonna need help configuring it first... [22:19:24] nice [22:19:27] oboy [22:19:51] jdlrobson: ok you're going to need to set up a second instance of mediawiki [22:20:30] o_O [22:20:40] can i run away instead? [22:20:43] hehehe [22:20:53] or can someone give me a vagrant instance to do this? ori-l ? [22:20:54] jdlrobson: also take a look at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CentralAuth [22:21:00] actually read that through first [22:21:07] all right, scaptime [22:21:25] scrappy scap :D [22:21:42] jdlrobson: and then there's some LocalSettings voodoo i think you'll need [22:23:10] brion: can you pass on the candidates code to yuvi ? [22:24:20] awjr: this is what i have to say: http://blog.phoenixhaven.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/3cd8a33a.png [22:24:31] heehhee [22:24:41] seriously though.. there must be an easier way? [22:25:19] not that i am aware of [22:25:32] tfinc: sent [22:25:44] CentralAuth/SingleUserLogin is not intended for your average MW setup - it's pretty single-purpose for the WMF [22:28:24] i'm not sure i'm ready for installing this [22:29:02] it's not so bad [22:30:40] what i don't understand is why we have CentralNotice in the first place - why can't we just access other projects via the local api [22:30:49] why do we need to resort to cors [22:30:56] jdlrobson: you mean centralauth? [22:31:04] yeh centralauth sorry [22:31:06] confusing names [22:31:15] totes [22:31:16] especially when you've been working with both of them :-S [22:31:37] i bet brion can give you some history [22:38:19] jdlrobson: well those are unrelated questions i think [22:38:38] we have CentralAuth in order to unify the logins, so you use the same password on every wiki [22:38:44] instead of separate passwords for all wikis [22:39:01] API and CentralAuth don't know anything about each other [22:39:16] sure, I guess I'm just curious to why I'd be logged on to commons.wikimedia.org if I never actually visit commons [22:39:38] that's because of a second layer of code that TIm added to CentralAuth, which logs you in to (most) sites at once [22:39:59] thus alleviating the pain of having to type your password in and authenticate again when you switch between our sites [22:40:08] it just feels wrong… i don't think that is a pain [22:40:30] well ideally the whole site should only require a single login [22:40:33] and everything should be on one domain [22:40:38] and only need a single session cookie [22:40:48] and not have to worry about any CORS crap unless you're on a third-party site [22:41:02] but that ain't how it's set up [22:41:06] and it would be a pain to change that [22:41:49] as for 'why can't we just access other projects via the local api', the reason we can't is that it hasn't been implemented ;) [22:41:58] it could be done, but would require tying into something to do authentication [22:41:58] yeh i guess i'm just trying to understand the pain required to change that [22:42:05] which would be….. probably centralauth? [22:43:00] yeh.. but i mean if the purpose of the login to other projects is simply to allow cross domain scripting then it seems implementing a local api and throwing it away would be useful. [22:43:12] scripting? no. human access. [22:43:23] that it happens to work with scripting is a late addition (allowing CORS) [22:43:24] i guess google get round this by putting everything on the same domain? e.g. mail.google.com, plus.google.com [22:43:57] in a sane system, we probably wouldn't have hundreds of separate wiki instances. we'd have a big system that encompasses everything. [22:44:29] or at the least, we'd have instances sharing session data on a single domain :P [22:44:50] yup mm [22:49:00] so MaxSem awjr which guidelines are we using for commit messages these days? I see the commit message for https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/52254/ has been edited [22:50:27] (specifically I am really really anti putting bugs in the footer of the commit - as gerrit makes it very hard to prioritize code review) [22:51:30] +100500 [22:52:24] my opinion is that we should generally conform to the MW standards, particularly considering we occasionally touch code outside of MF [22:53:05] in my opinion we should confirm to MW standards where they make sense for us - in terms of commit messages we should pick what helps the team be productive [22:53:57] i agree jdlrobson but i don't personally find having the bug/story #/etc in the summary to be particularly useful, at least for the way that i approach code review [22:54:17] so awjr when I compile my code review mails I look at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/ [22:54:23] and I pick out the ones which mention story or bugs [22:54:35] I just completely missed an important one because of this rename [22:54:46] wrong link - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/q/status:open+project:mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend,n,z [22:54:47] either i review code linked to from a story card, a patchset that someone sent me a link to (either from a prodding email or link sent in irc), or i go in reverse chronological order [22:55:20] well I always start from the dashboard.. (or the code review mails) which only show the subject [22:55:22] jdlrobson: yeah but folks on the team still don't always reference an associated story in the first line of a commit [22:55:43] awjr: I usually correct that if I catch it :) [22:56:40] anyway I feel really strongly about bugs in the subject… we should at least have a team vote on this. I'm pretty sure jcmish finds this helpful when making deployment notes (hence why we started adding beta/alpha to headings) [22:56:55] jdlrobson: feel free to start a discussion amongst the team about it to try and find some consensus. [22:57:12] \o/ [22:57:27] jdlrobson: ^ [22:57:50] if we deviate from MW norms then we're going to run into the problem of other people editing our commit messages as well as run into issues when we're making changes in projects other than MobileFrontend [22:58:31] those are my concerns; but i am all for doing what folks feel like make the most sense for the team [23:00:15] jcmish: found another 30pin in my desk drawer. maybe i stashed it thinking it was mine. [23:00:24] awjr: are there "ways" to work with other groups to see if this was the norm? [23:00:37] * shakes fist to tfinc here I am running all over thinking crap [23:00:41] wonder where I put it ! [23:00:42] haha [23:00:52] jcmish: what do you mean? [23:00:53] scap done [23:01:04] for the MW norms of committing [23:01:19] is there a way to say hey guys wouldn't this work better? and see if they agree? [23:01:57] jcmish: the general MW commit message guidelines are documented here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/Commit_message_guidelines [23:02:09] jcmish: the way to do that would be to start a convo on wikitech-l [23:02:25] awjr: gotcha [23:02:32] reading through it so I understand :D [23:04:17] so, i think part of the logic of putting that stuff at the end (like bug: 1234) is that 'bug' is a keyword that will get indexed by gerrit so it's easy to use gerrit's search feature to find commits that correspond to a particular bug (or bugs) [23:05:49] how do we look in prod? [23:06:28] putting the bug in the commit summary *used* to be the guideline; i dont know exactly when that changed, i don't really recall there being discussion around it, but i may have missed it [23:06:31] awjr: as the guy on the mailing list pointed out - tools should be coded around people [23:06:40] jdlrobson: i do not disagree [23:06:48] who uses gerrit search anyway?! [23:06:51] id o [23:06:53] i just use email or git log :) [23:07:28] i use gerrit search a lot, actually - it's *very* powerful [23:07:32] imho it's the best part about gerrit [23:07:57] ok but if you are searching for bugs you are probably doing it wrong.. those should be listed on the bug itself in bugzilla [23:08:27] i can think of use cases where you'd want to do it all in gerrit [23:08:33] but i dont normally do that [23:10:38] anyway for me this argument doesn't hold weight and I'd rather we didn't do this [23:10:55] anyway jdlrobson you don't need to convince me; my reservations are just in regards to doing things differently than the rest of the MW developers. so, either the team needs to agree that we should go against standard convention or you need to convince folks to change standard convention [23:11:06] New patchset: Jdlrobson; "Bug 44070: Define special page modules manually" [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52254 [23:11:41] New review: Jdlrobson; "Currently we follow these guidelines (pending result of wikitech discussion and internal team discus..." [mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/52254 [23:12:09] production looks ok; i just uploaded a photo and it had the template added (although we may want to update the template due to some weirdness) [23:12:42] oof except that the raw wikitext of the template is included in the description showed on the upload dashboard >_< [23:13:50] we should definitely fix that before moving upload to stable [23:13:51] awjr: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45579 [23:14:17] it would mean parsing wikitext in javascript/api - both difficult things [23:14:36] yeah - plus dealing with the template... [23:15:45] awjr: you could also add the template elsewhere [23:15:53] e.g. ==Source== {{template}} [23:15:59] jdlrobson: totally [23:16:05] Emerald square ==Source== {{template}} [23:16:13] up to Maryana ^ [23:16:17] at least that would play well with mobile web uploads [23:16:23] yup [23:22:27] awjr: this makes me smile a lot http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Swimming_pool_sanitation&diff=542235673&oldid=542224310 [23:22:37] (photo = https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lead_Photo_For_Swimming_pool_sanitation0-46353521407581866.jpg) [23:22:52] lol [23:30:13] tfinc: ^ [23:30:30] jdlrobson: lolz [23:31:09] jdlrobson: why doesn't the file page link to the article this was uploaded t o? [23:36:41] are we still scapping…? [23:37:09] Maryana: no scap finished a little over 30 minutes ago [23:37:47] ah, sorry, missed that [23:38:01] the only issue i've seen so far in production from my quick poking is that photo uploads now include the mobile upload template, however the raw wikitext for the template inclusion gets displayed on the uploads dashboard :-/ [23:40:01] awjr: Maryana ha I missed that too [23:40:04] testing now [23:40:07] I found out we have few pictures of nosebleeds, and none of small children with nosebleeds. I did my part to improve the situation. go mobile! [23:40:19] ragesoss: hahahah [23:43:17] none beta looks good on to beta [23:45:18] opps non beta :) [23:47:13] yurik: welcome [23:47:17] Hi everyone :) [23:47:21] were always in here [23:47:35] yuri .. everyone ... everyone ... yurik [23:47:36] haha [23:48:03] yurik == yuri who will be joining the mobile department on the partner team later this month [23:48:21] yurik: were going to have extra fun having a yuri and a yuvi in the department [23:49:16] * yurik is considering renaming himself as pudding... this way you can say -- alice, this is pudding, pudding, this is alice [23:54:23] yurik, privet! [23:54:26] everything else looks good awjr what do we need to do to fix the upload dashboard issue? [23:54:45] Maryana: privet! [23:55:24] jcmish: there are a few things we can do, but i htink Maryana will need to make a call [23:55:38] awjr: gotcha [23:55:44] we can leave it as-is for now (since it's in beta) - file a bug and fix it soon [23:55:56] we can disable the template for now until we have a better solution in place [23:55:57] yeah, i think that works [23:56:14] or, we can try to come up with a hotfix [23:56:16] right now [23:56:22] like, move where the template gets appended [23:57:25] jon was suggesting earlier that we could put it in the 'source' section [23:57:34] im not sure how easy that is