[00:00:56] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Deprecation warnings in JS console - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65643#c3 (10Jon) 5NEW>3UNC I think you are right here Florian... [00:09:29] (03PS1) 10Kaldari: Fix position of pop-up indicator for cite button in mobile VE [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135726 [00:17:37] YuviPanda: yay! it compiles now. Is there a list of possible values protection status of a page? [00:20:51] (03CR) 10BearND: [C: 04-1] "Thanks. It compiles now. A few more comments about strings." (032 comments) [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135506 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [00:23:16] (03PS5) 10Kaldari: Promoting mobile typography changes from beta to stable: Part 2 [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134978 [00:32:45] bearND: differs across wikis. these two are the built in ones, I think [00:33:22] bearND: autoconfirmed is a user right you get. You get it when someone grants it to you, and then they leave you a message saying 'you have autoconfirmed status!' [00:33:32] bearND: that message is also shown only to users who are autoconfirmed, so I guess it's ok [00:33:42] bearND: see the appropriate card for more details [00:34:52] bearND: I'm going to tweak them to use the messaging dan provided in the card [00:35:25] bearND: updated [00:35:26] (03PS7) 10Yuvipanda: Display message about protection status when editing [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135506 [00:36:39] (03PS6) 10Kaldari: Promoting mobile typography changes from beta to stable: Part 2 [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134978 [00:44:25] (03CR) 10Kaldari: "You might also want this variable if you have MobileFrontend and GeoData installed, but don't yet have any articles with geocoordinates." [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135308 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64029) (owner: 10Florianschmidtwelzow) [00:45:03] YuviPanda bearND dbrant: I made you a crash report. [00:45:32] Search for just # and press go. [00:46:01] ragesoss: noted! [00:46:53] (03CR) 10Kaldari: [C: 031] "Looks good, but might want to fix the whitespace issue." (031 comment) [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134814 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [00:46:55] :) [00:49:09] ragesoss: good find. was that a whitebox test? same for ':' [00:50:14] I was just searching for any articles about specific hashtags. [00:50:20] :) [00:50:56] Also, I have a few bugs to file when I get a chance. [00:51:51] ragesoss: dbrant YuviPanda: i'll take a look at this bug shortly [00:52:10] First is that history search only matches the beginning of titles. Since it's an offline search, titles should at least match search strings anywhere in titles. [00:53:42] ragesoss: we should also add search to bookmarks [00:53:53] Second is that redirects are ranked too low in search results. If I type "*", first result should be [[Asterisk]] [00:54:28] ragesoss: that should be against search :D [00:55:11] Okay. I filed it once against search and it was fixed. I think someone unfixed it. [00:55:19] heh [00:57:41] YuviPanda: hey yuvi! [00:57:56] hey mhurd [00:58:20] I haven't written up the protection status email yet since I'm not done with all the patchsets yet :) [00:58:32] YuviPanda: hey so i had some last-sprint loose ends to tie up today, but i’ll probably barrage you with styling questions tomorrow :) [00:58:43] mhurd: ah, cool! yes, definitely do! [00:58:50] YuviPanda: woohoo! [00:58:55] mhurd: feel free to email me if I'm not on IRC as well. [00:59:03] YuviPanda: sounds good! [00:59:11] mhurd: :) [00:59:23] YuviPanda: for today however i’m frazzled. gonna head out [00:59:31] mhurd: also have a meeting with moizsyed tomorrow about typography and stuff, so should be more complete [00:59:40] YuviPanda: oh nice! [01:00:01] mhurd: YuviPanda: yep [01:00:16] YuviPanda: ok chat or email tomorrow :) see ya! [01:01:33] mhurd: seeya [01:04:22] (03CR) 10Kaldari: [C: 04-1] Add clicktracking to table of contents (032 comments) [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134628 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [01:13:35] bbl [02:10:09] (03PS1) 10Yuvipanda: Make sure Arabic wikipedia is classified as RTL [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135730 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64420) [02:24:55] (03PS8) 10Yuvipanda: Display message about protection status when editing [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135506 [02:24:57] (03PS1) 10Yuvipanda: Update to latest styles [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135731 [02:24:59] (03PS1) 10Yuvipanda: Show protected pencil icon if user can't edit page [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135732 [02:25:01] (03PS1) 10Yuvipanda: Display a dialog box telling people they can't edit [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135733 [02:34:00] (03PS1) 10Yuvipanda: Add analytics for the 'you can not edit' dialog [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135734 [04:20:24] (03PS3) 10Mhurd: Article image appears when sharing items via mail, Facebook etc. [apps/ios/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135719 [05:25:11] (03CR) 10Florianschmidtwelzow: [C: 031] Use same options for VisualEditor and Editor overlays [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135722 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65587) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [06:04:52] (03CR) 10BearND: [C: 032] Display message about protection status when editing [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135506 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [06:08:47] (03CR) 10BearND: [C: 032] Show protected pencil icon if user can't edit page (032 comments) [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135732 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [06:09:26] (03CR) 10BearND: [C: 032] Display a dialog box telling people they can't edit [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135733 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [06:11:16] (03CR) 10BearND: [C: 032] Update to latest styles [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135731 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [06:19:12] (03CR) 10BearND: [V: 032] Update to latest styles [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135731 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [08:47:27] 3MobileFrontend / 3Feature requests: Link is missing from the 'Create the page ...' text on the search result page - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65640#c26 (10Istvan Bujdoso) I've found it. The doFlattenRedLinks() function in the MobileFormatter.php. Thank you for your help. [11:41:26] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: References drawer doesn't work after editing - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65816#c2 (10Florian) In bet mode the references are handeled by mf-toggle-dynamic (https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-MobileFrontend/blob/b94649e6ae9d0a3d02c002873ac29046cb1f1dc2/javascri... [12:20:58] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: allow removing impossible page-actions - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63458#c7 (10Florian) 5NEW>3ASS a:3Florian I will try my luck and implement the solution as Jon has proposed :) Have we a look what i can :D [12:48:27] 3Wikipedia App / 3iOS App: iOS App: Bottom of article says "1 other languages" - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65825 (10Andre Klapper) [15:52:13] 3Wikipedia App / 3Android App: Logging in using a temporary password is reported as "incorrect password" - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65857 (10Liangent) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None "Temporary password" as in Special:PasswordReset. I guess it's some upstream bug. [15:56:11] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Chess picture in mobile view not displayed properly - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65856 (10Liangent) [15:58:47] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page?useskin=minerva 500s? [16:00:42] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Chess picture in mobile view not displayed properly - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65856#c2 (10Bingle) Prioritization and scheduling of this bug is tracked on Trello card https://trello.com/c/Rro6Z9ll [16:03:26] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Chess picture in mobile view not displayed properly - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65856#c3 (10Jon) 5UNC>3RES/DUP There's not much we can do here. The template will have to be adjusted in such a way it renders nicely on mobile. Various long term issues here: * Inline style... [16:03:26] 3MobileFrontend / 3Hygiene: Tables on mobile are a big fat mess - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64577#c11 (10Jon) *** Bug 65856 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** [16:05:13] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page?useskin=minerv a 500s - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65858 (10Liangent) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None Specifically it 500s after a part of page output has been sent. See http://pastebin.com/0kWpYDPp [16:05:26] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page?useskin=minerva 500s - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65858#c1 (10Bingle) Prioritization and scheduling of this bug is tracked on Trello card https://trello.com/c/ey2k8hWd [16:07:56] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page?useskin=minerva 500s - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65858#c2 (10Jon) 5NEW>3UNC Works fine on http://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Forty-seven_Ronin?useskin=minerva I think this is bug 65749 which has already been fixed...? [16:09:11] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page?useskin=minerva 500s - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65858#c3 (10Max Semenik) 5UNC>3RES/DUP *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 65749 *** [16:09:12] 3MobileFrontend / 3General/Unknown: Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets at SkinTemplate.php on line 1878 - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65749#c4 (10Max Semenik) *** Bug 65858 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** [16:14:50] (03CR) 10BearND: [V: 032] Display message about protection status when editing [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135506 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [16:22:22] (03PS1) 10Jdlrobson: Make this page has issues inline block [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135780 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64679) [16:23:27] (03CR) 10BearND: [V: 032] Show protected pencil icon if user can't edit page [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135732 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [16:24:04] (03CR) 10BearND: [V: 032] Display a dialog box telling people they can't edit [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135733 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [16:24:11] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: 1px of death in search overlay - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63982#c3 (10Jon) 5NEW>3RES/INV The removal of the borders around buttons and some unrelated tweaks have rendered this bug obsolete on current master. [16:26:10] (03CR) 10BearND: [C: 032 V: 032] Add analytics for the 'you can not edit' dialog [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135734 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [16:27:11] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: References drawer doesn't work after editing - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65816#c3 (10Jon) References appear to be enabled only when the events section-rendered or references-loaded events are run. I suspect these are not being run. @Juliusz what are your thoughts on the to... [16:33:14] 3Wikipedia App / 3Android App: in pages doesn't work - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65859 (10Liangent) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None A browser is opened, but it always pointing to English Wikipedia (actually just wikipedia.org). Special and non-Latin characters are strange... [16:39:26] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Deprecation warnings in JS console - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65643#c4 (10Juliusz Gonera) 5UNC>3NEW I can't see any deprecation warnings in desktop mode. [16:40:03] (03CR) 10BearND: [C: 032 V: 032] Make sure Arabic wikipedia is classified as RTL [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135730 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64420) (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [16:43:00] android app: pages became uglier today. now it looks like some missing css [16:45:12] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Deprecation warnings in JS console - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65643#c5 (10Florian) I'm not sure, when mediawiki.user.js is loaded, but if i missed nothing i have searched all files of MobileFrontend and there is nowhere used the deprecated functions. I have deleted the lin... [16:45:29] (03PS1) 10BearND: Remove unnecessary import [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135785 [16:46:53] liangent: have you tried the latest bits I merged about 45 minutes ago? [16:50:11] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Deprecation warnings in JS console - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65643#c6 (10Jon) I had a closer look and Juliusz is right. Running this: $.extend( {}, mw.user ); seems to be what causes the deprecation notices so I'm pretty sure there is nothing we can do here and this bug... [16:52:11] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Deprecation warnings in JS console - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65643#c7 (10Florian) Yeah, is right :) I think we missunderstand us. I meaned, that we can't do anything without change something in core :) [16:55:32] bearND: which one? I normally try google play releases [16:56:03] (03CR) 10Yurik: [C: 032] Update MCC/MNC EL schema name to be consistent with mobile apps. [extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135599 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [16:56:18] liangent: i could send you the latest via email again if you are interested [16:57:59] bearND: ok [16:58:10] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Update MCC/MNC EL schema name to be consistent with mobile apps. [extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135599 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [17:00:55] jgonera: standup! [17:01:24] awjr, it seems that Firefox and Hangouts are still not compatible [17:02:45] @notify bearND [17:06:13] Hi, is there a high-resolution version of the "W" logo on https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/wikipedia-mobile/id324715238?mt=8 available somewhere? [17:07:13] A customer is asking for a "file with the highest resolution possible" via OTRS. [17:08:50] (03PS1) 10Florianschmidtwelzow: Allow customization of page action buttons [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135793 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63458) [17:08:56] yurik, i'm here. hoping you are able to deploy that EventLogging schema change [17:09:03] ...if you haven't started on that already [17:09:11] dr0ptp4kt, was waiting for you :) [17:09:19] dr0ptp4kt, https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/133029/ [17:09:29] pajz: https://git.wikimedia.org/tree/apps%2Fios%2Fwikipedia.git/afc7d7fee754c5829edfbc11b62dea8efe454b78/wikipedia%2FImages.xcassets%2FAppIcon.appiconset ? [17:09:37] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Allow customization of page action buttons [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135793 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63458) (owner: 10Florianschmidtwelzow) [17:09:54] bearND: is what you send a build of current master? [17:10:05] yurik, are you asking for a code review? [17:10:18] dr0ptp4kt, it will be a noop until the core deployes [17:10:27] which won't happen right away [17:10:28] yurik, are you asking for a code review? [17:10:37] dr0ptp4kt, yep [17:10:44] yurik, had to rib a bit [17:10:47] yurik, hang on [17:10:57] dr0ptp4kt, we could do it later [17:11:00] no rush i guess [17:11:11] as long as you can +2 before core goes live [17:11:21] so any time today i think [17:11:41] liangent: yes, that's the latest on master [17:12:43] bearND: hm I was thinking that https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/135506/ resolved user blocks too [17:12:51] but it seems it's not the case [17:13:37] bearND: the styling problem is fixed [17:13:49] liangent, hmm, these looks a bit different from the one in itunes (the shadow is different). [17:14:14] yurik, i'm syncing repos and going to see that it doesn't break anything [17:14:16] Are these the ones actually used in the app? [17:15:14] liangent: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/135506/ was just the first commit to get a warning when someone wants to edit a protected page [17:17:23] dr0ptp4kt, come to think of it, lets deploy that patch later [17:17:48] yurik, alright. will do review, just with less rushing [17:17:54] bearND: does "protected" include "user being blocked" here? [17:18:02] yurik: gotta type up notes for the SOS [17:18:02] or just plain "page protection"? [17:18:12] dr0ptp4kt, oki [17:18:13] yurik: so i'll rush on that instead [17:18:32] pajz: maybe. I know little in the ios world :/ [17:19:14] hm the itunes release must be the old app, so https://github.com/wikimedia/WikipediaMobile/tree/master/Wikipedia-iOS/Resources/icons ? [17:19:27] still somewhat different [17:20:26] (03PS2) 10Florianschmidtwelzow: Allow customization of page action buttons [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135793 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63458) [17:24:06] liangent, hmm, any idea who could know that? [17:24:32] yurik, in other news, is that eventlogging schema change going in? [17:24:43] dr0ptp4kt, yep, almost there [17:24:48] yurik thx [17:24:51] brion? [17:31:51] liangent: yo [17:36:06] pajz: ^ [17:36:29] Ah. Hi brion, [17:36:30] Hi, is there a high-resolution version of the "W" logo on https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/wikipedia-mobile/id324715238?mt=8 available somewhere? [17:36:31] A customer is asking for a "file with the highest resolution possible" via OTRS. [17:36:36] Can you help? [17:36:47] pajz: yeah, moment [17:37:04] liangent: yes, that's page protection [17:37:35] pajz: https://github.com/wikimedia/WikipediaMobile/blob/master/scratch/logo-itunes.png [17:38:07] pajz: there should also be a svg in that dir somewhere [17:38:56] jdlrobson, do we cache the results for limn graphs now or do we still query the db a few months back? [17:38:58] dr0ptp4kt, please test [17:39:23] brion, does the shadow get added by itunes? [17:39:28] 3MobileFrontend / 3alpha: No validation on VE add reference form - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65864 (10Maryana Pinchuk) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None In beta labs, visit a page in alpha and edit using VE. Tap the "add reference" toolbar item -- after selecting any of the options (cite web, c... [17:39:35] kaldari ^^ [17:39:46] this wasn't part of the A.C. in the story, so it's still technically done :) [17:39:59] but it's weird that we're letting people save without filling in all of (or any of) the fields [17:40:26] 3MobileFrontend / 3alpha: No validation on VE add reference form - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65864#c1 (10Bingle) Prioritization and scheduling of this bug is tracked on Trello card https://trello.com/c/QENktIHg [17:40:26] Since it looks somewhat different from https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/wikipedia-mobile/id324715238?mt=8 in this respect, despite the fact that the underlying logos look identical. [17:40:45] pajz: yeah, looks like [17:40:51] in itunes connect it shows it without the shading effect [17:41:10] I see. Thanks! [17:41:28] 3MobileFrontend / 3Hygiene: Use jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 in mobile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65865 (10Jon) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3Jon jQuery 2.x has the same API as jQuery 1.x, but does not support Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8. Mobile doesn't support IE 6,7,8. Let's join the f... [17:42:15] jgonera: depends on the graph. New daily graphs should be cached. [17:42:30] jdlrobson, but there are graphs that are not? [17:42:46] yup [17:42:53] any graph which doesn't use timestamp > %s pattern [17:42:58] milimetric, seems we're one of those people then ^ [17:43:01] any graph/any sql query [17:43:30] jdlrobson, are graphs that are not cached easy to amend? [17:43:52] i guess - it's just a case of setting aside some time. [17:44:08] we should probably audit the graphs too and kill the ones we don't need [17:44:41] 3MobileFrontend / 3Hygiene: Use jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 in mobile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65865#c1 (10Juliusz Gonera) Well, if we want to use something different, why not Zepto then? [17:45:41] moizsyed: https://trello.com/c/Qk63leBC/30-android-typography-changes [17:46:46] jdlrobson jgonera -- i've signed off on all the user-facing stuff [17:46:53] all that's left is bugs and failed selenium tests [17:47:18] hm? can I help jgonera/jdlrobson? [17:47:24] (03CR) 10Brion VIBBER: [C: 032 V: 032] Article image appears when sharing items via mail, Facebook etc. [apps/ios/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135719 (owner: 10Mhurd) [17:47:41] milimetric, no, you just said during SoS that you want to know who uses data older than 90 days from EL [17:48:41] 3MobileFrontend / 3Hygiene: Use jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 in mobile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65865#c2 (10Juliusz Gonera) I think using a different version of jQuery and risking breakage is not worth it: * jQuery 1.11.1: 37.91 KB gzipped (http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js) * jQuery... [17:48:59] oh yes, definitely we'll check with you jgonera before doing anything, I'll reply to the thread to have a record. thx [17:50:31] (03PS1) 10BearND: Update README: converting svgs to pngs [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135805 [17:50:50] bearND: woot! yay docs :) [17:51:07] bearND: I'll add more later [17:51:56] liangent: the whole series of patches should account for blocks, since it uses quickUserCan [17:53:10] * YuviPanda|zzz goes afk [17:55:09] YuviPanda|zzz: yeah, brion and dbrant helped me get through this. what's quickUserCan? [17:59:33] yurik, it doesn't seem to be causing events to be logged, so i'll email with ori and yuvi [18:00:02] dr0ptp4kt, let me know [18:02:43] (03CR) 10Brion VIBBER: [C: 032 V: 032] Update README: converting svgs to pngs [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135805 (owner: 10BearND) [18:04:31] bearND: Title::quickUserCan() in php [18:08:41] 3MobileFrontend / 3alpha: No validation on VE add reference form - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65864#c2 (10Arthur Richards) Was this defined as acceptance criteria on any of the stories around references? [18:13:19] hey jdlrobson & jgonera, thought you guys might have input on this [18:13:35] ? [18:13:36] liangent: thanks. not sure yet how YuviPanda|zzz uses the quick version of it, can't see anything about quick version of userCan in the code. [18:17:04] bearND: so let me expand that if I understood yuvi's words correctly: ... since it uses an api which calls quickUserCan internally to determine whether a particular page is editable [18:17:35] jdlrobson, jgonera: This is the last change I need merged for the cite drop-down (it's just a few lines of CSS): https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/135726/ [18:18:42] kaldari, why isn't this a patch to Agora in OOUI? [18:18:55] jgonera: jdlrobson https://trello.com/c/CDsFaFjF/90-grid-system [18:19:30] that was too revealing, that's how easily distracted i get [18:19:30] jgonera: the main reason is because agora is based on a different size toolbar [18:20:23] yurik: have you run into the error "Did not find alias for special page 'ZeroRatedMobileAccess'. Perhaps no aliases are defined for it? [Called from SpecialPageFactory::getLocalNameFor" ? if so, any quick actions you took to resolve it? [18:20:26] jgonera: our buttons are a lot larger and have more whitespace between them than the default agora toolbar [18:20:38] so we would still require a tweak in MF regardless [18:20:50] liangent: i see. thank you. that explains why don't see it directly in the Android code [18:20:54] kaldari, since we're shaping the Agora theme in OOUI we could change it, couldn't we? [18:21:02] yurik, on a hunch tried the following, but no luck. $specialPageAliases[ 'en' ] = array( 'ZeroRatedMobileAccess', 'ZeroRatedMobileAccess' ); [18:21:17] jgonera: I have no idea. Is Agora for us to style how we want? [18:21:17] i can debug and try to get to the bottom of it if necessary, but was wondering if you had any ideas [18:21:47] kaldari, as of now yes, I'd say so. I mean, as long as designers agree. I started the Agora theme for our purposes [18:22:00] jgonera: Oh, I didn't know that :) [18:22:34] also, Trevor said that he's fine with us reviewing changes to OOUI that don't touch common styles or Apex theme [18:22:51] jgonera: in that case, I would suggest to go ahead and merge this patch, but them later we should move all the ooui CSS out of our VisualEditor.less and into the Agora styles in ooui. [18:23:21] jgonera: since we have a bunch more ooui overrides in there right now [18:23:36] ok, can you add a FIXME for now? [18:23:39] sure... [18:24:06] kaldari: Yeah, go nuts on Agora stuff. :-) [18:24:13] awesome [18:24:33] (Why yes, I stalk 'OOUI' and 'VisualEditor' everywhere. ;-)) [18:24:35] jgonera: shouldn't it be called Minerva though? [18:24:40] ;) [18:24:41] instead of Agora? [18:24:47] hm [18:25:06] we can rename it later, but my original idea was that it could be a theme both for mobile and desktop [18:25:13] ah [18:25:15] I don't know how designers call this theme these days [18:27:20] (03PS2) 10Kaldari: Fix position of pop-up indicator for cite button in mobile VE [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135726 [18:28:00] jgonera: Fixme added ^ [18:33:25] (03CR) 10JGonera: [C: 032] Fix position of pop-up indicator for cite button in mobile VE [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135726 (owner: 10Kaldari) [18:33:38] (03PS1) 10Jdlrobson: Avoid bugs in Chrome with clicking links in search overlay [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135820 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65676) [18:34:00] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Fix position of pop-up indicator for cite button in mobile VE [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135726 (owner: 10Kaldari) [18:34:19] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Avoid bugs in Chrome with clicking links in search overlay [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135820 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65676) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [18:34:56] (03PS2) 10Jdlrobson: Avoid bugs in Chrome with clicking links in search overlay [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135820 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65676) [18:35:21] fyi jgonera awjr kaldari_lunch i just noticed my pre commit hooks were no longer working since scripts were moved into dev-scripts [18:35:30] you'll probably want to check yours :) [18:36:03] (03CR) 10JGonera: [C: 04-1] Avoid bugs in Chrome with clicking links in search overlay (031 comment) [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135820 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65676) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [18:36:27] Maryana: there are 4 bugs that sneaked into sprint 31. i've moved them over to sprint 32 todo. can you triage them ? [18:36:51] (03CR) 10JGonera: [C: 032] Make this page has issues inline block [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135780 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64679) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [18:37:24] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Make this page has issues inline block [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135780 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64679) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [18:38:20] jgonera: i'm not sure why you are anti return false? Can you explain? [18:38:42] i'm not sure why it's not recommended - in this case it does exactly what i want - does both stop Propagation and prevent default [18:38:47] jdlrobson, it's not as explicit, you have to look up what it does exactly in the docs [18:38:59] i thought this was common knowledge though? [18:39:18] I thought that a couple of months ago you had to check it in docs, but maybe I'm mistaken ;) [18:39:33] nope.. [18:40:08] usually confusion is around people not realizing it does both and abusing it when they only want to use stopPropagation [18:40:23] either way this should be documented on coding conventions [18:40:41] i prefer return false as it is shorter [18:41:19] but i think it should only be used when you want to do both things [18:41:26] ^ jgonera [18:42:12] (03CR) 10JGonera: [C: 032] Avoid bugs in Chrome with clicking links in search overlay [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135820 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65676) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [18:42:50] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Avoid bugs in Chrome with clicking links in search overlay [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135820 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65676) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [18:43:07] (03CR) 10JGonera: [C: 032] Use same options for VisualEditor and Editor overlays [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135722 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65587) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [18:43:48] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Use same options for VisualEditor and Editor overlays [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135722 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65587) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [18:51:48] Dunno if you've seen this: http://lifehacker.com/wikipanion-instead-of-wikipedia-the-official-wikipedia-1582244122 [18:57:13] 3MobileFrontend / 3Feature requests: Use jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 in mobile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65865#c3 (10Jon) a:5Jon>3None Zepto is documented as having performance issues [1,2] and is not compatible (I've added Krinkle who worked on jQuery 2 so I'm sure he can elaborate on the... [19:00:41] 3MobileFrontend / 3Feature requests: Use jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 in mobile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65865#c4 (10Bingle) Prioritization and scheduling of this bug is tracked on Trello card https://trello.com/c/bZScKFsq [19:04:11] 3MobileFrontend / 3stable: Need to click twice in search overlay - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65676 (10Jon) 5PAT>3RES/FIX [19:04:12] 3MobileFrontend / 3General/Unknown: "This page has issues" link looks like a link, but is actually a giant invisible button - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64679 (10Jon) 5PAT>3RES/FIX [19:22:56] 3MobileFrontend / 3Feature requests: Link is missing from the 'Create the page ...' text on the search result page - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65640#c27 (10Jon) 5PAT>3RES/INV This applies to an older version of MobileFrontend so marking as invalid. I suggest opening a new bug for a configuration... [19:23:41] 3MobileFrontend / 3alpha: Error thrown when try to create new pages in wikitext when VisualEditor is default - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65587 (10Florian) 5PAT>3RES/FIX [19:24:54] (03CR) 10Jdlrobson: "Feel free to continue working on this! thanks :)" [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135308 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64029) (owner: 10Florianschmidtwelzow) [19:24:58] 3MobileFrontend / 3Hygiene: $wgMFNearby shouldn't exist - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64029#c3 (10Jon) Not sure why it was assigned to me :) [19:26:56] 3MobileFrontend / 3Hygiene: $wgMFNearby shouldn't exist - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64029#c4 (10Florian) Maybe because of it's in Hygiene :) [19:28:08] (03CR) 10Florianschmidtwelzow: "So :) We want to continue the work on a configurable solution or not (so, it's controlled by user's status like logged in an beta group me" [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135120 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65640) (owner: 10Florianschmidtwelzow) [19:29:14] kaldari: jdlrobson jgonera http://hatjitsu.wmflabs.org/62218 [19:33:56] 3MobileFrontend / 3Feature requests: Use jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 in mobile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65865#c5 (10Krinkle) I wouldn't be too worried about compatibility issues between jQuery 1 and 2. They are designed to have perfect API, feature (and bug) parity. And this is additionally en... [19:35:19] hey, https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/132393/ enables better HTTPS ciphers and will result in Android and iOS devices using AES instead of RC4 for HTTPS on Wikimedia sites. my expectation is that it (performance wise) will not have a user noticable impact. can someone here give me a second opinion? [19:39:26] 3MobileFrontend / 3Feature requests: Use jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 in mobile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65865#c6 (10Krinkle) Lastly, assuming the base motivation for this is performance; I'm pretty sure that there are much more notable and worthwhile areas to focus on when it comes to percepti... [20:06:21] yurik: any ideas on the 'did not find alias for special page' warning? [20:06:48] lol, dr0ptp4kt, just PMed you re something else [20:07:00] yurik, saw that, just responded [20:07:18] i think this is due to the fact that we do not allow i18n of the special page's name [20:08:07] (03CR) 10MaxSem: "I'd say wait a bit for redlinks promotion to stable, because the solution it this commit would be way too temporary:)" [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135120 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65640) (owner: 10Florianschmidtwelzow) [20:15:49] kaldari, what should we do about https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/134978/ ? Obviously, we can't wait a month until cache expires if we want to redirect tablets on June 17 [20:16:04] hmm [20:16:26] jgonera: we might have to buy a bottle of whiskey for ops then [20:17:03] kaldari, a hacky way of dealing with this is putting mw.loader.using( 'skins.minerva.tablet.styles', $.noop ) in one of the top-loaded JS files [20:17:07] (I think) [20:17:18] jgonera: Yeah, I was thinking about that [20:17:38] jgonera: I guess we could just double load it for a little while [20:17:50] I'm not sure if it will double load [20:18:02] maybe it will just fire the $.noop if it's loaded already [20:18:18] I know that multiple using() calls load a module only once [20:19:17] jgonera: true, I'm not sure at what point the state of the module gets set for ResourceLoader, but you may be right [20:19:42] loading it twice for a month shouldn't do any harm either [20:19:53] jgonera: let me try that... [20:23:35] kaldari, it loads them twice [20:23:51] jgonera: :( [20:24:09] that's probably because they're added using addModuleStyles which is more stupid than addModules [20:24:26] (it has to because it works without JS) [20:24:44] but anyway, that's an acceptable hack for me for a month I think [20:24:50] ask Jon when he's back [20:25:14] it's a 1.5KB request when gzipped [20:25:22] jgonera: we could bottom load it as well. it would cause a flash of unstyled content for cached pages, but it wouldn't hurt the page loading speed. [20:25:48] I'm OK with that too if Maryana is [20:25:56] sup? [20:26:07] so we don't want to flush cache [20:26:19] but moving tablet styling would require that, potentially [20:26:22] unless we use a hack [20:26:44] depending on how we write that hack, for the first month there might be a flash of un-tablet-styled content on tablets [20:27:09] or, alternatively, a tiny decrease in page load times for all users (tablets + mobile) [20:27:23] increase* [20:29:05] Maryana, ^ [20:30:24] just chatted w/kaldari [20:30:30] it seems like both are bad in different ways :) [20:30:42] (03PS3) 10Florianschmidtwelzow: [WIP] Deprecate $wgMFNearby [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135308 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64029) [20:30:47] (03CR) 10Florianschmidtwelzow: "Maybe it's better to await the solution/status of this:" [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135308 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64029) (owner: 10Florianschmidtwelzow) [20:30:52] i worry about performance drag being tied to the tablet redirect.. people might think we've made wikipedia slower for them and complain [20:31:04] FOUC is at least a little more clearly a bug and not a permanent state [20:31:19] jgonera: ^ [20:31:44] well, I don't think the performance drop will be noticeable [20:31:49] hmm [20:31:55] like less than a second? [20:32:01] yeah [20:32:03] in fact, kaldari, I'm not sure if that mw.loader.using call will be blocking page rendering at all [20:32:08] oh, definitely less [20:32:30] (03PS1) 10Brion VIBBER: Work in progress (do not merge): EventLogging refactor [apps/ios/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135885 [20:34:21] the one good thing is that if there is FOUC, it will only happen on obscure pages (that don't get edited often) [20:35:05] kaldari, I would still check if using() is blocking, Ori might know the answer straight away [20:35:11] or Krinkle [20:35:38] jgonera: are you getting back in the office on Monday? [20:35:46] yes kaldari [20:36:03] Emily was wondering [20:36:33] I might be a bit slow on Monday though, I'm arriving in SF on Sunday at 7pm [20:36:46] why is she asking? [20:37:35] for some invite, not sure [20:38:28] jgonera: Roan says that using mw.loader.using in the head "shouldn't" block, but he isn't completely sure if that's how it's currently functioning. [20:38:52] yeah, that's what I'd say too ;) [20:38:57] sounds like it's worth trying at least [20:47:00] tfinc: https://rt.wikimedia.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=7568 [20:58:14] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/132393/ enables better HTTPS ciphers and will result in Android and iOS devices using AES instead of RC4 for HTTPS on Wikimedia sites. my expectation is that it (performance wise) will not have a user noticable impact. can someone here give me a second opinion? [20:58:21] brion: any idea?^ [20:59:38] jzerebecki: offhand i suspect little visible impact, but i’m not an expert in https cipher variants :D [21:03:33] brion: is there any regular testing done of the sort that would reveal a regression in that place? [21:03:51] jzerebecki: there should be basic cpu load monitoring on the servers…… [21:04:11] err i mean on the clients [21:04:19] especially mobile [21:06:39] (03PS1) 10Dr0ptp4kt: Add special page alias for ZeroRatedMobileAccess. [extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135921 [21:08:04] (03PS2) 10Dr0ptp4kt: Add special page alias for ZeroRatedMobileAccess. [extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135921 [21:08:09] jgonera: kaldari have either of you got issues with the idea of Mantle and code sharing between MobileFrontend and Flow? http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Mantle - Flow are hoping to use it soon and when they do we would need to update MobileFrontend to use it. I'm asking now to check you have no reservations as I will need to request that it gets deployed. [21:08:23] (03PS3) 10Dr0ptp4kt: Add special page alias for ZeroRatedMobileAccess. [extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135921 [21:09:26] jdlrobson: Sigh, I feel like it's great in the short term and terrible in the long term... [21:09:37] jdlrobson, let me go through it once again [21:09:42] yeah, same feelings as kaldari [21:10:01] brion: i suspect some people are concerned that on some really slow devices downloading might be cpu bottlenecked on the client or something and thus increase page load times [21:10:20] Ideally, we shouldn't be creating inter-extension dependencies, but I have no idea how long it would take to get the equivalent code into core... [21:10:49] jzerebecki: i wouldn’t expect client-side performance issues to be significant even on slowish mobiles, but i haven’t benchmarked it :) [21:10:59] thx [21:11:05] usually network latency will drawf cpu on something like that [21:11:07] (03CR) 10Yurik: [C: 032] Add special page alias for ZeroRatedMobileAccess. [extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135921 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [21:11:11] expensive cpu usage is in the html layout etc [21:11:28] yup matches with what i would expect [21:11:31] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Add special page alias for ZeroRatedMobileAccess. [extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135921 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [21:11:54] I talked to Maryana about Mantle recently and encouraged her to prioritize the work we were originally intending to do to push templating into core (which got sidetracked by higher priority VE stuff). [21:12:16] but in the meantime, I'm not sure what the best course of action is [21:18:20] kaldari: jgonera long term the plan would be to stick it in core asap (when the template library has been standardized on) [21:18:31] why would you be worried about the long term impacts? [21:18:42] would there be any advantage to Flow just copying the same code into their repository? [21:18:53] I guess there wouldn't [21:19:20] the idea would be to try and get other extensions to use it [21:19:44] e.g. Geodata (so we can move Nearby related code into there) - this would mean sticking our View code in Mantle and trying to get to a point where Flow and MobileFrontend use them [21:19:44] hm, we could have a rule that if 3 or more extensions use something, it should land in core [21:19:51] that's actually pretty measurable [21:19:55] jgonera: yeh so think of this as core beta ;-) [21:20:32] jdlrobson, the download section is some kind of generic text? [21:20:46] jgonera: on the mediawiki page? I'm not sure spagewmf wrote it [21:21:14] I see [21:21:24] ok, I think I'm fine with it, let's see what happens [21:22:39] also jgonera i still need you to look at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/134527/ before you sleep [21:23:08] jdlrobson, thanks for a reminder, will do [21:30:18] (03PS7) 10Kaldari: Promoting mobile typography changes from beta to stable: Part 2 [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134978 [21:31:05] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Promoting mobile typography changes from beta to stable: Part 2 [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134978 (owner: 10Kaldari) [21:31:28] jgonera: Two questions about https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/134978/7/javascripts/common/modules.js: I wasn't able to find a great place for this code to live in the top scripts. Is this a decent spot? Also, is it worth having a closure around it even though no variables are set? [21:33:13] kaldari, actually when I was testing it I chose the same file, so it's fine for me. it's only temporary. a closure should not be necessary [21:33:59] (03PS8) 10Kaldari: Promoting mobile typography changes from beta to stable: Part 2 [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134978 [21:35:16] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Promoting mobile typography changes from beta to stable: Part 2 [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134978 (owner: 10Kaldari) [21:36:45] (03PS9) 10Kaldari: Promoting mobile typography changes from beta to stable: Part 2 [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134978 [21:39:43] moizsyed: hey! Vibha pinged me when I was away, am back now. can you ask her to get back on IRC when/if you see her [21:47:00] (03CR) 10Kaldari: [C: 032] Add clicktracking to table of contents [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134628 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [21:47:11] (03CR) 10Jdlrobson: [C: 04-1] "Be sure to remove WIP from commit message when you are ready for review :)" [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135308 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64029) (owner: 10Florianschmidtwelzow) [21:47:47] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Add clicktracking to table of contents [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134628 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [21:48:37] (03CR) 10Dr0ptp4kt: [C: 04-2] "This was a proof of concept. Do not merge." [apps/ios/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/121562 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [21:48:47] jdlrobson, still getting the same error in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/134527/ [21:49:04] (03Abandoned) 10Dr0ptp4kt: Use CirrusSearch. [apps/ios/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/121562 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [21:52:46] kaldari: around? Can I factor out the link styles from MobileFrontend into their own less file? better than copy pasting... [21:53:00] (03CR) 10Jdlrobson: [C: 04-1] Allow customization of page action buttons (039 comments) [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135793 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63458) (owner: 10Florianschmidtwelzow) [21:54:38] (03PS4) 10Jdlrobson: Enable expanding of section headings via space and enter keys in stable [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134814 [21:54:43] (03PS9) 10Yuvipanda: Add MCC-MNC once per app session on cellular. [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/131246 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [21:54:55] (03CR) 10Jdlrobson: [C: 032] "Kaldari said I could merge if I fixed the whitespace issue." [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134814 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [21:55:35] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Enable expanding of section headings via space and enter keys in stable [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134814 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [21:56:16] YuviPanda: eh… I guess that's fine. See what jdlrobson thinks though. [21:56:34] (03CR) 10JGonera: [C: 031] Promoting mobile typography changes from beta to stable: Part 2 [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134978 (owner: 10Kaldari) [21:56:48] jdlrobson, when you have a chance, have a second look at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/134978/ [21:56:50] jdlrobson: re: componentization of the less files, I want to move at least the link styles into their own less file so MF can include them (they aren't part of the content styles) [21:56:59] it's good to have the CSS be reusable by apps, but it kind of sucks having an entirely separate CSS file just for the anchor styles. [21:57:31] jgonera: yeh give me a chance he only updated it 20 mins ago ;-) [21:57:41] 3MobileFrontend / 3Feature requests: Use jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1 in mobile - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65865#c7 (10Max Semenik) I think that mobile must stick with whatever core uses because we want to share code, e.g. enabling more desktop modules on mobile (preferrably not by default, of co... [21:57:42] YuviPanda: mmm? [21:57:45] sure, no rush ;) [21:57:46] YuviPanda: link? [21:58:03] also, I don't know why I'm still getting this EL funnel error with your patch jdlrobson [21:58:36] jdlrobson: remember when jgonera split out the content css out of mobilefrontend into separate less files? [21:59:09] jdlrobson: styles for tags are not included there. I want to split them out into their own file, so MobileApp can use them. They are currently in common.less I think, with a bunch of other MF related styles [22:03:31] * YuviPanda waves at dbrant and bearND [22:03:45] dbrant: bearND I was supposed to invite you guys to the typography meeting as well, but apparently never hit 'save'. ugh. [22:04:05] dbrant: bearND it lasted all of 10 mins tho :) We are just going to stop using custom fonts. Anything you guys want to add? [22:15:00] (03PS1) 10Yuvipanda: Stop using OpenSans, switch back to default font [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135948 [22:15:01] YuviPanda: re typography: did you specify any specific serif font for headings [22:15:17] Or just say a "serif"? [22:15:17] liangent1: it's using the exact same styles as MobileFrontend [22:15:21] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Stop using OpenSans, switch back to default font [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135948 (owner: 10Yuvipanda) [22:15:38] liangent1: it is specifying specific fonts, I think. [22:17:29] (03PS2) 10Yuvipanda: Stop using OpenSans, switch back to default font [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135948 [22:19:07] YuviPanda: I feel android doesn't have a serif font for Chinese [22:19:31] And actually serif Chinese font is not quite usable on small screens [22:19:46] liangent0: what happens with MobileFrontend on zhwiki? [22:20:47] Both MF and the app: in headings Latin chars are serif while Han chars are serif [22:21:04] liangent0: hmm, I suppose that's bad for zh? [22:21:20] liangent0: either way, the solution is probably in modifying Mobile.css. Also, the app doesn't support Mobile.css at all [22:22:17] Hm? I remember there was a patch to read Mobile.css in the extension [22:22:38] liangent0: no, there was a patch that enabled such a resource loader module. it is not currently loaded [22:24:27] liangent0: since then we'd have to vary which css files are loaded for which sites, and that's a chunk of work not done yet [22:27:26] (03CR) 10JGonera: "This patch does not work for me. I am not sure how it works for you unless we're somehow testing different code. EditorOverlayBase#log use" [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134527 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [22:30:43] YuviPanda: I thought Mobile.css was loaded [22:30:50] liangent0: isn't yet [22:30:54] So can you have a look at https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65565 [22:31:06] To check whether it's valid? [22:31:40] I reported because I found #mainpage styles in mobile.css missing [22:31:59] YuviPanda: ^ [22:32:40] liangent0: it's valid, I should add that as well. but it won't have any effect since mobile.css isn't loaded [22:34:50] hi YuviPanda [22:34:55] hey vbamba! [22:36:30] vbamba and bearND? [22:36:40] Same IP? [22:36:51] vbamba: so, current state: we use Open Sans in the app for everything (content and UI). MobileFrontend on Android will always render with Roboto. moizsyed suggested we move to Roboto even in the app for consistency sake, so we decided to move to it. [22:36:57] liangent0: they are in the wmf office in SF :) [22:37:29] YuviPanda: :) [22:38:32] vbamba: where are you? [22:39:34] YuviPanda, I was thinking of a sane way to return page props... [22:39:56] any suggestions? [22:40:04] MaxSem: keep adding things to props? :P [22:40:06] probably not [22:40:09] lol [22:40:29] onlyrequestedprops [22:40:30] :P [22:40:43] add it to props but enable by default? [22:40:44] MaxSem: pageprops=? returns all page properties... [22:40:45] Where should I report issues of those CSS shared by MF and the app? [22:40:51] Which product [22:41:10] liangent0: report to MobileFrontend, and for now cc me as well? [22:41:36] moizsyed: same place where I told you in the morning [22:41:58] set up desk next to Maryana :) [22:42:16] YuviPanda: Android content styling makes sense [22:42:30] but what about things like line height, styling of the footer [22:42:57] vbamba: line-height is exact same as mobile web. in fact we are reusing *all* the mobile web styles [22:43:17] vbamba: but yes, styling of the footer is undecided atm. that is perhaps the only thing that needs some work. [22:44:11] YuviPanda: makes sense, also moizsyed just showed me a screenshot [22:44:30] once you push it , then we can run a quick check. [22:44:40] vbamba: sure [22:46:25] hey brion! https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/135954/ and https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/135941/1 [22:46:26] ? [22:48:04] YuviPanda: looking [22:51:05] YuviPanda: When does the build with your styling come out? [22:51:35] vbamba: brion is merging some of it now, and I'd need to get the other android patches merged. I can send you a one off build in about 5 minutes if you want. [22:51:56] brion: the second one? :) [22:52:03] looking at it now [22:52:29] 3Wikipedia App / 3Android App: Redircts to main page are not handled correctly - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65880 (10Liangent) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None WP:MAIN appears empty on zhwiki in the app... [22:52:55] (03PS1) 10Mhurd: Refactor modal views. [apps/ios/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135956 [22:52:56] 3Wikipedia App / 3Android App: Redirects to main page are not handled correctly - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65880 (10Liangent) [22:53:02] brion: ^ [22:54:04] \o/ [22:55:01] YuviPanda: hmm, how do i confirm that the styles come out correct? [22:55:18] brion: request* [22:55:25] brion: verify that the styles in links.less exist [22:55:27] donnne [22:55:57] exception 'MWException' with message 'ResourceLoaderFileModule::readStyleFile: style file not found: "/Library/WebServer/Documents/core/extensions-all/MobileApp/../MobileFrontend/less/content/main.less"' in /Library/WebServer/Documents/core/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderFileModule.php:730 [22:56:05] hmmm [22:56:09] probably my MF is out of date [22:56:10] moment [22:56:16] brion: yup. MF and MW [22:56:34] ok looks good [22:57:32] brion: cool [22:57:47] brion: ty [22:57:54] np :D [22:58:24] brion: :) how's state of things in iOS? does it have its own styles now? [22:58:37] monte will be doign the style refactor next i believe :D [22:58:42] brion: cool [22:58:51] brion: pretty much all done for android atm :) [22:58:58] awesome dude :D [22:59:07] we’re redoing menus and logging and such, it’s a lot of fun refactoring [22:59:13] brion: only thing iOS might want to change is that there's a 48px top padding added on android, to take into account the search bar [22:59:14] cleaning it all up and getting it ready [22:59:29] *nod* might have to tweak that differently [22:59:34] brion: yeah, but easily doable. [22:59:38] do we want to use separate modules for each OS or something? [22:59:39] brion: do poke me when that comes up [22:59:44] brion: i'd like that, yeah. [22:59:53] cool, that should be easy enough to do [23:00:03] just add one per-platform overrides file and share the rest as a common module [23:00:25] brion: yup [23:08:04] I have to run pick up my car from the shop [23:11:31] (03PS3) 10Yuvipanda: Stop using OpenSans, switch back to default font [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135948 [23:12:43] vbamba: ping? [23:12:57] vbamba: emailed you a build. you might need to uninstall the app from the device before installing this one [23:23:49] YuviPanda: what's the lowest supported android version? [23:24:16] liangent0: 2.3 [23:24:54] YuviPanda, so.... [23:27:34] Hm was trying to run it on my older 2.2 phone [23:31:47] liangent0: yeah, no worky [23:31:55] MaxSem: pageprops=all? or a list? [23:32:20] YuviPanda: but the error message is unclear [23:32:30] liangent0: android shouldn't let you install [23:32:31] at all [23:32:35] It's android's fault anyway [23:32:55] true [23:32:57] YuviPanda: yeah but it says something like "parsing failure" [23:33:12] Making me think of a broken package [23:34:06] YuviPanda, a list is not elegant:P also, when more props will be needed it will be a pain [23:34:22] MaxSem: it shouldn't be listed, just dynamically pick up props if they exist [23:34:40] all is tough [23:34:56] especially since some stuff will be duplicated e.g. page images [23:37:36] MaxSem: hmm, right. but if I specifically ask for a pageprop, it should return it... [23:37:45] MaxSem: wouldn't that be the simplest? [23:39:07] (03PS3) 10Dr0ptp4kt: Handle BeforeHttpsRedirect hook to prohibit HTTP->HTTPS redirect [extensions/ZeroRatedMobileAccess] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/133029 (owner: 10Yurik) [23:39:33] {pageprops:[{'page_image':'Somelongcrappyname.jpg'}], pageimage: {thumb: 'uploads.wikimedia.org/...'}} [23:41:14] 3MobileFrontend / 3General/Unknown: Validation issue with current mobile edit schema - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65884 (10Jon) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None Validation error against schema MobileWebEditing: Value "" for property: funnel not in enum ["article","ctaSignup","leftNavSignup"] [23:42:00] (03CR) 10Jdlrobson: "It seems this is an issue on current master that has since been introduced. I have raised a bug and submitted another patch. There is noth" [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134527 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [23:43:02] (03PS6) 10Jdlrobson: Distinguish between VisualEditor and SourceEditor in event logging [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134527 [23:43:04] (03PS1) 10Jdlrobson: Regression: Fix MobileWebEditing schema - add funnel [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135966 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65884) [23:49:54] (03PS7) 10Jdlrobson: Distinguish between VisualEditor and SourceEditor in event logging [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134527 [23:49:56] (03PS1) 10Jdlrobson: Set funnel on VE [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135971 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65378) [23:50:53] thank you, YuviPanda! Looking now [23:52:36] vbamba: ok! [23:54:05] (03PS8) 10Jdlrobson: Distinguish between VisualEditor and SourceEditor in event logging [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134527 [23:54:47] (03Abandoned) 10Jdlrobson: Set funnel on VE [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135971 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65378) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [23:55:26] 3MobileFrontend / 3alpha: EventLogging errors when switching from VisualEditor - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65378#c6 (10Jon) 5PAT>3RES/FIX Ignore above activity. [23:57:01] (03PS4) 10Yuvipanda: Stop using OpenSans, switch back to default font [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135948 [23:57:03] (03PS1) 10Yuvipanda: Remove external link styling from CC BY-SA link [apps/android/wikipedia] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135972 [23:57:07] liangent0: ^ fixes the external link icon issue [23:57:37] (03CR) 10Jdlrobson: "Okay so it seems for some reason VisualEditorOverlay::initialize stopped running super - not sure when that got removed but this meant fun" [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/134527 (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [23:58:32] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135966 [23:59:24] (03CR) 10Ori.livneh: [C: 032] Regression: Fix MobileWebEditing schema - add funnel [extensions/MobileFrontend] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/135966 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65884) (owner: 10Jdlrobson) [23:59:57] 3MobileFrontend / 3General/Unknown: Validation issue with current mobile edit schema - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/65884 (10Jon) 5PAT>3RES/FIX