[10:17:03] Hi, anyone around? [10:17:52] Hola a todos , hay alguien Ahí? [10:18:09] En inglés es más fácil, Bikendi1991 :) [10:18:42] Ok , voy a por el traductor [10:18:46] Xd [10:18:52] El asunto es que si la mayoría están en EE. UU., es muy pronto todavía [10:19:06] Ok [10:19:47] Por lo que veo el canal no está muy activo, y cuando lo está es más tarde, en efecto [10:20:20] Y un canal de propuestas para wikipedia tablet no hay? [10:20:59] Canal IRC sería este [10:21:09] Luego imagino que tendrán Phabricator [10:21:26] Aunque en sus páginas sugieren directamente un email [10:22:06] Puedo hacer en phabricator propuestas en español? [10:22:18] Hum, seguramente, pero tendrán poco eco [10:22:57] joakino: if you are around, looks like there are some spanish discussion going on :} [10:23:17] Jem , que dice? [10:23:23] En español [10:23:27] Xd [10:23:28] jem: joakino is part of the desktop & mobile team and is in Spain so maybe he will be able to help [10:23:39] Ah [10:23:42] Thanks, hashar [10:23:42] or translate back to english whatever bug report happens to be filled in PHabricator [10:23:44] buenas jem, que tal [10:23:48] Buenas, joakino [10:23:58] Bien, gracias :) [10:24:09] Joakino puede atenderme? [10:24:11] Pues Bikendi1991 ha descubierto un pequeño error en la app de Android [10:24:15] Creo que sí :) [10:24:25] merci Joaquin :} [10:24:53] Joakino [10:24:55] Es en https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copa_del_Rey_de_Baloncesto_2017 [10:25:19] aha, y de que se trata [10:25:19] Al editar la sección N, lo que se edita es la N-2 [10:25:36] Pero solo a partir de dos secciones de tercer nivel que están dentro de columnas [10:25:58] Entiendo que el problema son las columnas, porque he probado otros artículos con secciones de tercer nivel y se editan bien [10:26:12] Pero en ese caso, en efecto, el error lo puedo reproducir yo [10:26:20] jem: me puedes concretar si es en el navegador web o en la aplicacion de android? [10:26:25] La aplicación [10:26:49] y en que seccion le das a editar? Me puedes comentar el titulo? [10:26:54] En web va todo bien, aunque no he probado la versión móvil web [10:27:03] voy a ver si lo puedo reproducir yo y abro un bug en phabricator en ingles [10:27:11] De acuerdo [10:27:21] jem: puedes probar aqui? https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copa_del_Rey_de_Baloncesto_2017 a ver si pasa en la web movil [10:27:30] Sí, en ello estaba [10:28:03] Pues todo parece correcto [10:28:09] gracias! [10:28:23] Estoy probando desde navegador de PC de escritorio, pero entiendo que no debería haber diferencias [10:28:45] Así que solo sucede en Android (no sé ya en iOS, claro) [10:29:09] jem, me puedes comentar que titulo le das a editar para que pruebe yo? asi confirmo que me pasa tambien y si pasa en ios [10:29:16] Sí [10:29:29] Todos a partir de "Sorteo" [10:30:13] Al pulsar "Sorteo" ya sale el wikitexto de "Cabezas de serie" [10:30:23] ok, voy a comprobar [10:30:30] Ya digo, seguro que tiene que ver con el uso de la plantilla {{columnas}} [10:30:42] O al menos es una fuerte sospecha :) [10:33:30] ya veo [10:33:49] jem: web escritorio y movil ok, en la app the android se confunde con las cabeceras de las columnas [10:34:04] voy a abrirles un bug en ingles y ahora te pongo el enlace por si te quieres suscribir [10:34:15] Perfecto [10:34:31] Sí, así puedo informar a Bikendi1991 sobre cómo va el asunto [10:35:00] Habríamos llegado seguramente al bug igual, pero así ya sabes tú la mejor forma de explicarlo y las etiquetas a poner :) [10:36:18] Bueno jem y joakino ya lo siento pero debo irme , otro día jem me pones si se ha solucionado o algo sobre ello [10:36:24] Ok jem? [10:37:15] Adios [10:38:15] (Ok) [10:41:05] gracias por la info jem, el bug esta aqui: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T158635 [10:41:11] a ver que comentan [10:41:42] los que mas cerca estan de android estan en la zona horaria EST asi que hasta dentro de unas horas no se conectaran [10:41:47] Me lo imagino [10:42:08] Gracias, joakino, ya me suscribo [10:42:32] Me voy a quedar por aquí ya que Bikendi entra de vez en cuando con algún otro problema en la app [10:43:20] (Soy ayudante en los canales en español) :) [10:44:27] jem: genial! si necesitas cualquier cosa escribeme, que aunque no este lo leo luego [10:56:27] Vale, joakino, gracias :) Es bueno saber que hay un contacto hispanohablante para estas cosas [10:56:49] 👍 [10:56:50] Lo mismo digo si necesitas algún contacto con la comunidad de eswiki [10:56:59] gracias! [10:57:02] :) [15:55:44] hello all. I just wanted to know something about the edit icon shown for articles in the wikipedia app [15:56:39] it seems that the edit icon is not shown for every section /sub-section of the article [15:58:38] i guess it is shown only for even levelled sections. Is there any reason for this ? [15:59:03] the edit pencil is only shown for top-level sections. [15:59:13] it's a design choice that we made. [16:04:47] dbrant: i don't think it's shown only for top-level sections. For example in the "Scrum (software development)" article the edit pencil is shown for the "Backlog refinement" and "Scrum of Scrums" sections which is a sub-section the " Extensions" section which in turn is a sub-section of the "Workflow" section [16:05:56] Moreover, i find it a little difficult to edit big articles as the edit option is not provided for all sections/sub-sections [16:07:04] kaartic: sorry, i misspoke there; we are, in fact, supposed to be showing the edit pencil for all sections. [16:09:20] dbrant: so does that mean that it's an issue ? In which case i would be happy to report it. [16:10:15] you know what to do! [16:10:42] you got me [16:12:13] One more thing I wanted to know is. In what cases does the app show the "Add title description" for an article that lacks an wikidata entry? [16:12:33] Is it shown only for articles in main name space for which no wiki data description exists ? [16:17:35] it's regardless of namespace. it must simply have a corresponding entry in Wikidata, and the current account must have sufficient rights to edit the page. [16:23:06] so, a user could add/edit descriptions for articles only if a wikidata entry exists for that article. the app doesn't allow users to add descriptions for articles by creating new wikidata entries, if one doesn't exist. [17:46:37] joakino: Hey, it'd be great if you can join the FE dev group meeting tomorrow [17:47:41] joakino: I think, you could add quite some to the WMDE discussion topic on “Managing Complex State and GUI on MediaWiki” [17:48:38] sure thing Volker_E, I'll be ther [17:48:40] e [17:48:52] joakino: thanks [18:16:03] niedzielski: is Android-app-Bugs the right tag for an android bug report? [18:16:08] asking for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T158635 [18:16:43] joakino: yes, thank you! [18:16:52] ok, just checking :) [18:16:56] you never know with phab [18:17:31] 👍 [20:00:55] bmansurov: phuedx|zzZ joakino is it possible to set paper size when printing a document? without server side. css, html? [20:08:20] nzr: yes it is [20:08:21] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@page/size [20:08:44] @page { size: A4 } [20:08:44] raynor: that's great! [20:09:13] cool cool [20:09:28] but the compability is not that great [20:09:44] https://drafts.csswg.org/css-page-3/#size [20:14:21] nzr: also, the browser (at least Chrome on android) allows you to pick the size [20:16:06] yeah but i want to set the default one since few people will change the paper size for printing a pdf [20:16:33] the pdf spec I'm working on is based on Legal size since the aspect ratio is closest to most used screen sizes [20:52:44] i'm getting "unknown error"s again when editing descriptions :( [22:54:37] bmansurov: raynor Hey, is it possible to show an alert() if a user requests a "print" (cmd + p) and then print? [22:55:10] nzr: i think so [22:55:24] oh bmansurov you made my day :p [22:55:45] nzr: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowEventHandlers/onbeforeprint [22:56:17] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/teaXOgkJ/%3A( [22:56:52] :( [22:56:55] yeah, `size` is nowhere supported yet [22:56:58] it doesn't mean that doesn't work [22:57:07] nzr: ^ [22:57:33] does it work then? [22:57:40] wait.. size isn't supported either [22:57:42] ? [23:00:54] nzr: not sure, here is some info: https://www.tjvantoll.com/2012/06/15/detecting-print-requests-with-javascript/ [23:01:00] yup, onbeforeprint [23:01:02] nzr: haven't had a chance to read myself yet [23:01:36] probably a lot has changed since [23:03:03] with size, CSS2 supported that (@page {size}) [23:03:11] in CSS2.1 they dropped [23:03:12] will that work on android and ios? [23:03:27] and in CSS3 there is a draft to make it happen again [23:03:40] nzr: I have no idea, I can test that tomorrow [23:03:50] on few different android versions [23:04:01] hmm thanks let me know, we might need that [23:04:02] but I don't have iOS [23:04:07] simulator? [23:04:40] I'm on linux ;p [23:04:51] I would need a special VM with OSX, then simulator would work [23:05:25] there is no ios simulator for linux sadly [23:06:32] nzr but I can make a publicly available url so you'll be able to test on your iOS/simulator [23:06:43] oh cool [23:06:45] thanks! [23:24:40] nzr: are you around ? [23:24:49] raynor: yeah [23:24:59] http://polishdeveloper.pl/wmf/print/ [23:25:18] A3 - prints as A3 [23:25:24] A4 - prints as A4 [23:25:30] 10cm -> prints as 10cm x 20cm [23:25:48] and then you have magic nzr.php where you can specify the size by yourself \o/ [23:26:16] http://polishdeveloper.pl/wmf/print/nzr.php?size=5cm%2010cm [23:27:21] you have to pass the `size={SIZE}` and it will put in the size in css [23:27:56] works on my desktop (Chrome 56) [23:28:27] works on desktop but not on iphone. does it work on android? [23:28:47] I'm checking that on Android, sec [23:33:00] ok, partially works on android ;D [23:34:33] nzr check your email [23:35:02] ahhh works on android. okay that's good enough. our primary user story is around android anyways [23:35:12] Thanks raynor that was super quick [23:35:18] :D [23:35:21] it works but partially, check your email, you should get a screenshot [23:35:30] any way we can check onbeforeprint? [23:35:53] raynor: in the screen i see it work, partially? [23:36:08] like it uses the print size but anyway puts that on your "paper size" [23:36:55] so as you on attached screenshot it uses letter as papersize and then centers the requested print size [23:37:05] maybe because it's not a standard size, we want "Legal" to be the standard size instead of A4 and Letter [23:37:18] it can by my printer settings that cannot print "any size" [23:37:21] let me check with A3 [23:37:22] yeah [23:37:25] Try Legal [23:37:32] finally we would be doing Legal size printing [23:38:10] for mobile-web small screen [23:39:50] ok, so it's strange [23:40:25] if I go with smaller than letter it prints the content on letter size paper with 1:1 scaling (centered) [23:41:11] if I got with size bigger than letter it - or uses bigger size (but my select still shows letter) or shrinks the print area so it fits inside letter [23:41:27] like it doesn't cut print area, everything is visible, font is smaller [23:41:43] so or it uses bigger size or shrinks [23:41:50] yeah I think that is because CSS is not optimized for that size [23:41:58] we can fix that [23:42:09] it's kinda funky but actually has some complicated logic [23:42:20] but looks like browser is respecting the @page {size: ...} [23:42:24] cool [23:42:29] at least in some way :D [23:42:41] anyway we can check if onbeforeprint works? [23:42:50] sure, sec [23:43:13] let me know if it works on android. i think these add-on good to haves are okay to be working only on android [23:45:18] for onbeforeprinting we just need to show a native alert with a text string in it, user would say "okay" to conitnue and cancel to cancel [23:55:38] nzr: nope [23:56:21] I'm able to detect printing with `window.matchMedia` [23:56:34] but it happens after possible print [23:56:53] like it opens the print dialog but doesn't update styles nor show alert window [23:57:14] then on closing the print dialog it shows alert() and changes text color to green [23:57:20] on desktop it works better [23:57:31] print preview has updated color (green) [23:57:46] but the alert is presented at the same time with print preview [23:57:56] nzr: you can test it by yourself: http://polishdeveloper.pl/wmf/print/A4.html [23:59:28] in Firefox it shows the alert before presenting print preview