[10:38:57] @relay-on [10:38:57] Relay was enabled [10:38:57] @token-on [10:38:58] New token was generated for this channel, and it was sent to you in a private message [18:32:30] Hello all. [18:33:29] I have a small doubt about the syncing feature of the android app. [18:33:47] Does the Wikipedia android app also sync the preferences? [19:23:39] Let's see if pinging works. cooltey cgauthier reets [19:24:57] kaartic: the app does not sync preferences [19:28:10] cooltey: Ok. Then why do I see "Sync Preferences" in the Sync settings for the app [19:28:12] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/F24219188 [19:30:42] kaartic: I think it is the Google Play or Android itself, not sure about that [19:31:12] https://support.google.com/nexus/answer/2840875?hl=en [19:37:19] cooltey: I'm not sure it is related to Android. I've seen the Commons app has some meaningful Sync settings [19:37:22] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/F24219201 [19:37:43] Further the Google support link you shared seems to be related to syncing to a *Google* account [19:38:35] The settings I speak of seems to be related to Syncing to my Wikipedia account (there's no sign of I a Google account in the screenshots, is there?) [19:54:01] I think its linked to your Google account, because we don't sync preferences to the server. [19:58:29] I actually don't think it is linked to my Google account as I don't remember automatice restoration my preferences (as far as I remember). [19:59:00] I thought this would be realted to the app as the Commons app has code for syncing (as far as I could understnad) [19:59:13] understand* [19:59:15] https://github.com/commons-app/apps-android-commons/blob/master/app/src/main/java/fr/free/nrw/commons/modifications/ModificationsSyncAdapter.java [19:59:54] Anyways, why does the app create an account in the device? How is it useful for it? [20:16:49] cooltey: I'm asking about why the app requires an account as I think that would help find the reason for the switch. [20:17:44] Also I infer from this that the turning off the "Sync Preferences" in the Accounts of the device Settings doesn't affect the reading list syncing feature. [20:17:49] Am I correct? [20:21:12] No, it won't affect the reading list syncing [20:35:05] cooltey: Thanks, for the info. Hope to get more info about why the app requires an account in the device.