[19:52:25] morning humans! [19:52:32] lzia, why are you on IRC? ;P [19:52:54] because I don't know how to turn it off. :D [19:54:09] hah ;p [19:54:17] I'm preparing a Special Surprise for Monday. [19:54:55] hooookay [19:55:01] looking forward to Monday then [19:55:02] :D [19:57:28] it'll be fun! [20:07:14] ...oh holy crap I got it to work I GOT IT TO WORK. [20:30:54] so, Ironholds, if I want to share a public ssh key with ops, and I don't have office wiki access, what should I do? [20:31:20] * Ironholds headscratches [20:31:26] the /public/ key? [20:31:29] yeah [20:31:37] Just email it to em. It's a public key :D [20:31:58] I did, but they didn't like it. they said that anyone can send this email, how should we know it's you, which is fair [20:32:15] put it on a USB drive and physically give it to them? [20:32:22] also, that's silly. [20:32:34] anyone who could break your email account password could also break your officewiki password [20:32:59] yeah, okay. the usb thing may work [20:33:18] they also mentioned something about gerrit patch [20:36:58] like, submit it in one? [20:37:08] ...your gerrit account is secured through LDAP. [20:37:21] Which is literally the same system as we use with email password [20:37:22] s [20:37:30] I think Ops are being silly. But, whatever. They can be as silly as they want. [20:37:43] I'd settle for flinging a USB pen at Rob Halsell's head. Bonus points if it's in a sugar-free cake.